Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WebQuest: What Makes A Successful English Learner?

Dear students,

We have tried out something new in our class today. And that is a WebQuest!
You can open it here: What Makes A Successful English Learner?

I hope you enjoyed learning English aided by a new technology tool!

I am very pleased with what you have all done today and you have made very nice PowerPoint presentations at the end.

Now I would like you to think about our class today and post your comments about it on our Class Blog. It should be a short reflection on these questions:

What do you think of WebQuests and their application in teaching / learning?
Did you like our WebQuest today? Why?/Why not?
What did you learn today and how can it help you become a more successful English learner?

Many thanks to all of you!
I look forward to seeing you next class!
