Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WebQuest: What Makes A Successful English Learner?

Dear students,

We have tried out something new in our class today. And that is a WebQuest!
You can open it here: What Makes A Successful English Learner?

I hope you enjoyed learning English aided by a new technology tool!

I am very pleased with what you have all done today and you have made very nice PowerPoint presentations at the end.

Now I would like you to think about our class today and post your comments about it on our Class Blog. It should be a short reflection on these questions:

What do you think of WebQuests and their application in teaching / learning?
Did you like our WebQuest today? Why?/Why not?
What did you learn today and how can it help you become a more successful English learner?

Many thanks to all of you!
I look forward to seeing you next class!



  1. Hi! :)
    I think that the WebQuests is a very useful application that provides us a lot of information. Also it can help us to find information that we need a lot faster.
    Today I tried WebQuests for the first time, and I like it very much. We didn't have to spend much time for searching information. We only had to decide which particular article is more suitable for our task.
    I've learned that if you want to be a good English learner you have to practice, learn grammar, new words, to find new ways to learn, communicate a lot, not to be shy, and etc.

  2. Hello.
    This WebQuest is some kind of methods;How to percieve yourself,and how to reach how deep are you prepare to dive into that Ocean of knowledge?This is a great help for all English Learner and teachers.As first,there is a lot of information in one place.This also implies a great savings on time and help us to identify own goals as one of English Learner.Also a WebQuest is value becouse it contains multitude tips and ideas in terms of;How to become sucessful English Learner?I like the WebQuest becouse there is all kind of questions which maybe teacher would not have enough time to explain each student separetly.Today I learned that there is a way for all,and you will sucess only if you never stop to trying on it.I start to understand it that English learning is journey and no destination.

    Greetings :)

  3. Webquest is very a successful approach to learning English,all that we want to know about some topic is in one place and we don't need to spend hours looking for links and information on the internet. Today we learned a very important things,how to learn English quickly and easier.I like webquest! :)

  4. Hi
    On our class today, for first time I used a WebQuest. In my point of wiev, that is very useful stuff with which we can expand our knowledge. In one place we can see a lot of information, and we can find information which we need more easier than usual. Also it makes job easier for students and for teachers.
    In my opinion our class today was very intresting, we spend our time in exploring and making PowerPoint presentation about learning English language. After that each group presented their presentation and that was very interesting and on that way I learned a lot of new things.
    How ever, a WebQues is very positive thing for me, and interesting way of learning.
    Gretings :)

  5. Hello! I think the WebQuest is great way to study English, new and interesting way for me...it˙s more faster and more easier, in one place we can find anything we need..Today in our class it was great too, it was unusual way to study, we never use this method before...Only it was a little time for our presentation but we tried and did our best, I am glad that you liked the presentations and that we will continue with our work and make a progress. :))

  6. Hello,

    I used the WebQuest for first time, like everyone else here :) And I think it is very interesting and useful. We have everything we need in one place, so we don't need to look for some extra information on the Internet.

    Today was very interesting and I enjoyed. It would be nice if we had WebQuest for each our presentation. It can be used by everyone. :)
    I heard a lot of useful things from our presentation, and some kind of suggestions how to learn English easier.

    Greetings to everyone ;)

  7. Hi ! :D
    On our class , for first time, I used WeQuest. I was surprised. I think that is vey interesting and useful, because we can found most or all the information ,from Web, that we need. All information we have on one place and we shouldn't have anywhere else to searche.
    Our class was very unusual. We spent time making a presentation ,after we presented them. All the presentation had useful tips to easier learn English.
    However,WebQuest is very interesting and useful , and on our class I learned helpful tips how to improve English.

    Greetings ! :D

  8. This was my first time to use WebQuest, actually I've never heard of it before. It's easy, fast and useful. Working on the presentation was very interesting and I enjoyed it. I just wish we had more time to prepare for it, but in the end it all worked just fine :)

    Greetings :)

  9. Yesterday, on our English class, I used WebQuest for first time, and I like that very much. I think this approach to teaching allows teachers to increase student's attention and interest. Students participate in the selection of information that they want to learn.

    Like I already said, I like WebQuest very much, and I'm very glad that I discovered this way of learning because I don't like to learn at tradicional way.

    Greetings :)

  10. With WebQest I meet for the first time and I can say that I'm positively surprised. New, interesantav way to turn activate students in a different way to explore a topic. Personally, I'll try to use it and explore it more, because we have everything in one place what we need to work and presentation. :-D

  11. Hello!

    WebQuests is useful tool that allows us to use easier and more efficient way to learn English. Today I tried WebQuests for the first time, and I like it. I'm positively surprised. We had an interesting lesson in which we dealt with the default theme presentations.
    WebQuests allows us to more easily learn English language and to overcome fast what we have difficulties in learning English.
    Best regards !!!

  12. Hello,
    for the first time I used WebQuest and I think that is a very useful application. With Web Quest we can expand our knowledge and find everything we need in one place. It is very easy, fast and it can be used by everyone.
    I'm glad because I discovered this way of learning.

    Best regards

  13. Hi everyone
    I liked WebQuest a lot! While doing presentations we were learning some of the methods of learning and how to learn English language much easier. We all had enough of time to make our own presentations and to learn something new while doing them.


  14. Hello,
    For first time I used a WebQuest
    I think that the WebQuests is a very useful application, it˙s more faster and more easier.
    Our class was very intresting, we spend our time in exploring and making PowerPoint presentation about learning English language.

  15. Hi everyone,
    this is the first time i use a WebQuest and i think is really good, and useful. it is easy way to find out some facts and interesting things and get more useful informatinos about some topics which we need.
    Class was interesting and i'm happy that i found out this way of studying.

  16. Hello! The WebQuest is so good and interesting. Last class was amazing. For presentation of me and my friends I learn something new.From my presentation is important to know that books are your best friends when studying a language.

  17. Hi! WebQuest is something new, and all of us can learn something new. In last class I enjoyed. My topic was The Best Strategies for English Learners to Learn English.

  18. Hi :)

    The WebQuest is very interesting for all of us.
    With WebQest I meet for the first time and I can say that I'm positively surprised. I'm glad that at any moment we learn something new!

  19. Hello!
    I think that the WebQuests is a very useful application that provides us a lot of information. WebQuests allows us to more easily learn English language and to overcome fast what we have difficulties in learning English. Working on the presentation was very interesting and I enjoyed it.

  20. My dear students,

    Many thanks to all of you for your positive comments and so much enthusiasm you have brought into our project! I am very happy and proud of all of you!

    I am glad that you liked the webquest we used on our previous class and that you recognized its numerous advantages for interactive and independent English language learning. I know it was the first time you encountered something like that and that we were limited by time, but I hope we will have many opportunities in our future work to explore and practice using webquests more. You made wonderful PowerPoint presentations and I am glad that you learned so many new things.

    Thank you all for your efforts, support and active participation in this whole project! I hope we will all stay on the same track and continue our successful collaboration in the future!

    Best regards,

  21. Hello!

    I use The WebQuest for the first time. I think it's a good way to learn something new. It's very good and useful.

    Best regards,


  22. Hello,

    This is great way,as I said, great way to learn new things about the English language, to communicate and exchange ideas with everyone :),i just love it


    Emina S

  23. Hello Enida and Emina,

    I am glad that you liked the webquest. We will try to use it more often in our future classes.


  24. Hi, This is very good tool i have ever seen, Thanks . Post if you have any like webquest. Through this communication skills also improve. Keep posting. Learn English In USA | GMAT Test Prep Atlanta
