Thursday, January 16, 2014

2014  to be the best year ever?

“Your success and happiness lies in you. 
Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” 
Helen Keller

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”  
 Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dear students!

Welcome back to our class blog!

Let us all gather here again, exchange our thoughts and learn something new.
It's the beginning of the New Year 2014 and it's the perfect time to start fresh and pursue our New Year's resolutions in order to fulfill them. Will it be better than 2013? Will it be the best year ever? Maybe the answer lies in us, we just have to stop for a while and peek a little bit under the surface ...

I would like you to use these links below in order to read a text and complete the exercises related to it. There are also some questions for discussion, so you can use them and/or some of your own to prepare yourself for our class discussion we are going to have here.

Good luck!
I am looking forward to seeing you 'online' again!


  1. I'm glad we can work together again.
    In 2014. I'm going to improve my knowledge of english language. I want to be healthy as in previous years. New job in 2014. will help me to make and save more money. In this year I want to meet new people and make more friends, and I'll also get rid of bad habits. I belive that 2014. will be the best year ver, and that people can make big progress in this year.
    Mersiha Halilović

    1. Hi Mersiha!
      It's nice to 'see' you online again! You have a lot of plans for 2014 and I wish all your dreams come true. Just stay positive and optimistic as you are.

    2. My dear Mersiha,
      I think that you did not mention one very important thing for the year 2014: P

    3. Dear Mersiha,
      I aree with Nataša,something is missing . :)

    4. Hi my dear friends Fatima and Nataša :)
      I was not ignoring you, but you are very evil girls :D
      Yes I miss one important thing, I will get married in august 2014., and this is the one of most important goals for me in this year!! :)

    5. Ohohoh .. Finally ! It's a very impotant step in your life and you should tell immediately. Good luck, honey ! <3

  2. Hello everyone!
    I am a little bit confused about this blog. It is more complicated than the one from the last year.
    Mrs. Izela I could use some help, please...
    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards,
    Ivana Kahrimanovic

    1. Hello Ivana!
      I'm sorry that you have problems with the blog. It's the same we used last year. I have already sent you an e-mail with detailed instructions and I hope it will help you. Please, let me know if you still have any problems with it.
      Best regards,

  3. Dear Mrs.Izela,
    this is my first online "formal" english discussion and I will do my best to make it great! But I have some doubts about it and I hope you will help me out.
    Ok, I understand that we need to read this article, and you gave us to fulfill exercises related to it. I'm not sure should we send our fulfilled exercises or just write a comment about our goals in 2014 ( after we read the text).
    I hope I will get an explanation soon, so I can get down to business.
    With respect.
    Aida Čomor

    1. Dear Aida!
      Welcome to our class blog! I have no doubts that you will be a good participant in our discussions.
      The exercises are there for you, to practice your English and have some fun. I am interested in your comments and participation in our class discussion.
      Look forward to see you online again!

    2. Hi Aida :)

      We are still waiting for your comment about your wishes and hopes :P
      Just kidding. :) But I'd like to know your goals in 2014.

      No one wants to start any discussion, so I have to comment on your posts in hope that you will respond.

      Safeta I.

    3. Dear Safy :)
      I'm glad you wrote me a comment.
      So far I was so busy with exams and playing the piano ( unfortunately I did not get a positive mark :( )
      For now my first goal is to pass this Musical exam :)
      I have a lot of goals in 2014 and I will write them later.
      Safeta, I hope you started with realizing your goals already :)
      All the best,
      Aida C.

    4. Hello Aidaaaaa :)
      I will wait for your "later" :D

      You know that you are not the only one who get an negative mark and that we have the same goal now.
      Profesors don't allow me to realize my plans. But I will, soon :D I am sure I will.

      With love,

    5. Dear Safy,
      In my personal opinion you should start listening to Beethoven more often. Maybe if you listen to it many times you would see your goals clearer.

      'Till the next time... <3

      Aida Comor

    6. I know what my goals are... I don't need Beethowen for that :P

  4. Hello from me too :)
    I'm a new cookie here. This is the first time for me to participate in such of a project of learning English. I have to admit, I'm still not so sure about our obligations, eventhough Ivana explained to me the main idea.
    However, it seems interesting and I look forward to seeing you more often.
    By the way, I forgot to introduce myself:
    I'm Amina Salkanović-Delismajlović, fourth year student, and I chose English for an elective course.

    I wish you all the best in 2014,

    Amina S. Delismajlović

    1. Dear Amina, welcome to our class blog!
      I am happy that you have joined us in this project. I have already sent e-mails to you and Ivana, with detailed instructions. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if you have any questions and doubts. I am glad that you find some interest in this project and I am looking forward to your participation in our class discussion on this blog.
      Best regards,

  5. Hii everyone :)
    I'm glad that we have an online classes again.

    I still don't have any specific plans for this year, but I know it will be much better than the last one. I'll finish the college (finally), and I'll find a job as a teacher (I hope. :D)

    When I get a job, I will have a lot more money than now, and I'll be totaly independent. I will not change anything in 2014., especially not my friends, and my habits (even the bad ones). They are an integral part of me.

    That's all I can say about my plans and hopes for the 2014th year.
    Regards to all...

    Safeta Ibrahimović

    1. Hi Safeta!
      I am happy to see you online again!
      You are optimistic about 2014. I wish you good luck with your plans and may your dreams come true.
      Of course you should keep your friends, and regarding the habits, it's good when you are perfectly aware of all your strenghts and weaknesses. Just stay as you are, nice and positive with a big smile!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Deae teacher,

      thanks for your kind wishes.
      I've always been optimistic, and even today when I didn't pass the exam :)


    4. Dear Safeta,
      I will just say dont ever stop being optimistic and your goals will come true.

      All the best,

      Aida Comor

  6. Hi everyone! Here we are again! :)
    My wishes for 2014 are to be healty, as my family and friends too. My plans are to graduate and start masters degree. My plan is also to travel more, and visit my cousins in Sweeden. Also I am going to improve knowlege of English language (I'm currently taking English lessons). 2013 was good, but I hope that 2014. is going to be better :) I wish you all best too dear teacher :) Kisses for your little girl :)

    Elma Bulut

    1. Hello Elma! Welcome back!
      Your plans and wishes for 2014 are great! May all of them come true!
      I am happy to hear that you have taken an English course. You will have more opportunities for practice. What a good start for 2014.
      Thanks for your kind regards.
      Best, Izela

  7. Hello everyone!

    I hope you are all doing fine and that you have made a good start in 2014.
    I see that some of you have already posted comments on our blog and that we are all warming up to continue with our work.

    I am still looking forward to seeing comments from more of you. I would like us to have a lively class discussion, after you have read the text and completed the tasks. Feel free to use the questions from the link 'Discussion', and/or some of your own, in order to get the idea for writing your comment and starting the discussion with others.

    Good luck!

    1. Tonight I was a little more active on our blog, I told you I was glad we're back together in this online class! :)

      I read this article about 2014. and I think he's a very interesting! I'm happy because people look optimistically at this year.I totally agree that we need more happy news, I hope that's enoguh about news of wars, disease, poverty..I support the idea about voluntary work, it's a great way for new knowledge and good way to help other people.
      In the end, I wish everyone all the best, and I hope that 2014. will be year of prosperity and happiness.


      I hope I don't have a lot of grammatical errors in my comments. Please ignore them! :D

      Amela Hasanović

    2. Dear Amela,

      I completely agree with you that we need more happy and positive news nowadays. There are too many negative things all around. Turning back to yourself and your own strenghts, along with helping other people who are in need, can really make a difference!

      P.S. Don't worry about your grammar for now, we just want to have some good time with our class discussion.


  8. Hi everyone!
    I'm so happy because we are again on our blog!

    I have a lot of wishes for this year, but I want to go step by step. :)
    One of my wishes is finish the college and find a job. I hope, when I get a job, I'll have more money for my other wishes, like travels, fun and my master's degree.
    I'll not change a lot things in 2014. I'd like to change some bad habits.

    I belive that 2014. will be very succesfully year for me and for my other friends. :)

    Best regards,
    Amela Hasanović

    1. Hi Amela!
      Welcome back! I share your enthusiasm about 'reviving' our class blog!
      You have come up with a good way to fulfill your wishes in 2014, and let all your steps be equally successful.
      Good luck!
      I am looking forward to your comments about our topic and your further participation in our class discussion.

    2. Hi Amela :)

      I wish you all of your plans and wishes come true. I'm so glad that you want to change some habits. They are bad for you. :P
      When you change them you will be much better person. (prava dušica :))

      With love,
      Your friend Saffy :)

    3. Hi Safy :)

      Thank you for your support! I wish you all the best and I believe that you're going to be successful teacher. I hope that you'll have enoguh money for an easy life. You are a good person and you deserve all the best!

      Love you,
      Amelica :)

    4. And dear teacher, thanks for your kind wishes. You are always very optimistic and cool person! :D

    5. Ooh, thanks for your wonderful compliment and support, too :)
      Can I teach your child? If you let it, I'll know you think I'm good teacher. :P
      Let's talk a bit about this topic. What you think, what we can change to help the environment? How Internet can help us? (I'm a real little engineer now :D)

    6. Yes, you can teach my child! :P

      On the Internet,we can find plenty of ways to improve our community.In our country, a lot of children doesn't go to school. That is a big problem and I think that we can help them! And also we can recycling more! :D

    7. Oooo, thank you a lot! :D I'm very glad to hear it. It will be my pleasure to teach them.

      You know what? You can teach my children, too. (Someday. :D)
      Let sleep now. Your answer was very sufficient, and diplomatic, too.


    8. Dear Amela and Safeta, I really like your ideas about helping children who don't have the opportunity to go to school and recycling. I wish you to endure with your plans and improve our community.
      Good luck!

  9. Hello everyone.

    I'm not happy that we learn in this way, because I prefer live communication. At least I'm glad that we can even communicate, 'cause this is the one of my favorite subjects.

    My main plans for this year is to finish my college and enter to a master degree.
    I will take a little break on summer to refill my energy, I'm going to take a travel in other country.

    I hope that 2014. will be good and successful year for me and my friends and family.
    I also wish a true friendships, more happiness, love, a better life for all of us!

    Best regards!
    Lejla Karalić

    1. Hello Lejla! I am happy to 'see' you online again!

      Yes indeed, you are perfectly right, live communication is much better than this. But we can also make this blog class discussion very lively if we try and do our best. I am still waiting for many others to join us and post their comments on the assigned topic. Also, as I have already mentioned, I would like all of you to comment each other's posts as well.

      Good luck with your plans and wishes for 2014!


    2. Hi,
      I totally agree with Lejla and I also think that live communication is better and easier. But I think that we all need a little more of these writing classes :)
      I see we all have similar goals in 2014.
      All the best,
      Aida Comor.

    3. Hello there,
      I have to admit I prefer live communication, as well. But, what can we do?! Don't get me wrong, I don't want to complain... Online conversation is much better than "no communication", at all. I am sure you would all agree with me?!

      Best regards,

    4. Dear Lejla, Aida and Ivana,
      Many thanks for your suggestions and I will definitely keep that on my mind for our future classes.

  10. Hello everyone!
    For me it was not bad either 2013 years, I made one step of life, I married and this is something which i remember last year. This year I want to finish college and begin to master studies. I hope I find a job and save money to travel somewhere with my husband. This year I want to be healthier, in February I'm starting with Zumba, I'll introduce new people and make new friends! Also, I hope to start volunteering at school until I get a job! I have many plans and I hope to be able to accomplish them!


    1. Hi Natasa!
      Congratulations for your marriage! I wish you good luck and happiness!
      You have a lot of ggod plans for 2014. I am happy to hear that you are going to start volunteering in a school. You will have some practice as a teacher and do something good for our community as well.
      Best regards,

  11. Hello my dear colleagues !
    I'm glad to see you again!
    I have a lot of wishes,but the most important is our health,because that is the only way for good life. I want to finish college and get a job. Of course, I will finish it only if I study hard.
    I wish all my friends all the best, and i want them a lot of improvement and success. I hope that 2014 will be a good year for all.

    Best regards,
    Alma M.

    1. Hello Alma!
      I wish you a lot of good health and the accomplishment of your plans in 2014!

  12. Aloha to everyone :)

    First I must say I'm really happy that we have English online classes even though this is my first but not last :) . This way of communicating in world is popular in schools and colleges. So, our teacher Izela made a really good job by expanding this way of communicating.
    I also liked the topic and I read the text.
    My 2013. was a good year. In this year I got a nephew so I am an aunt now :) I was a volunteer in kindergarden and I learned to work with kids who have autism. I traveled this year to Turkey, Croatia and Germany and unfortunately I spent all the money :) But it was worth it.
    In 2014. I plan to graduate and pass the driving test. ( I know it is big minus that I can not drive a car). I will try to volunteer in school as a assitent teacher and hopefully one day get a job! :) I want to learn better german language and reorganize my room. I will try to spare more money so that I can travel.
    I want to start exercise and I wish I take riding lessons as well.

    Economic experts say that 2014. in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be a "bad" year. Economic crisis will hit B&H like in Greece. And I think this prediction will come true. I hope people stop all the wars that are going on in world at the moment.

    In the end, I will take the maximum of 2014. I want to be healthier, happier and richer if possible. :)

    "I traced the path I walk today and my goals are many. I think that I'm achieving my goals."
    Elie Saab

    All the best,
    Aida Comor.

    1. Hello Aida!
      I am so glad to hear that you are very enthusiastic and positive about our blog classes! Many thanks for your active participation. I hope you will enjoy in the discussion with your colleagues and me.

      Wow! It seems that 2013 was very successful for you and I am very happy about that. You have a lot of good plans for 2014 and may all your dreams come true very soon.

      I share your worries about our economic situation nowadays, but I do hope we will survive and try to do our best to make our future brighter for us all.

      I like your quote by Elie Saab.


  13. Hello to everyone !
    I'm more than glad to chat and discuss with all of you again.I'm also very pleased to hear from you again our dear assistant Izela.
    When it comes to my wishes for this year they are very simple. All I want is health and a bit of luck :) Everything else is in my power.
    My only plan for this year is to finish collage. Simple as that. I don't like to make plans of any kind. I live by the moment.
    I love to travel,so I'll probably do that for the summer.And I'll try to be a better person to myself and to other people.I have one more wish , I want to come in peace with myself. But one year is to short for that. It will probably take a lifetime.

    Best wishes,
    Fatima Ademović

    1. Dear Fatima,
      I'm happy to 'see' you again participating in our blog discussions!
      You seem to have some simple, but very important wishes for 2014. I wish all of them come true for you as soon as possible.
      The most important thing, as you recognized as well, is to be helathy and in peace with yourself. I wish you even more than that in 2014 and all throughout your life.

  14. Hello everyone,
    how are you all? I am happy to have opportunity to find some interests in this project and discuss with my colleagues.
    My plans for this year is to finish my college. We have a lot of obligations because of that I want to wish good luck to all my colleagues. I hope that this year will be successful for us :).
    I also wish to all my colleagues and teachers a lots of happiness and love.
    Best regards,
    Mirela Jakupović :)

    1. Hi Mirela,
      Many thanks for your participation in our class discussion!
      I wish you a lot of luck and success with your studies in this final year.
      Thanks for your kind words.

  15. Hello everyone.I'm glad that I had a chance to collaborate again in our on-line classroom discussion.As a person I'm always an optimist, dreamer but that does not mean that I'm not aware the reality of everyday life and so as the future.Thesee above prediction of internet I consider as ordinary facts which almost of people observed only when they are clearly highlighted and its obviously impossible not to see it.The future obligating us as individuals, we must, and we can work for the benefit of mankind.During the proces of world scale changes such; the climate, globalisation etc.It's necesary to recycle more, expand less energy.I agree that we had much progress on different fields of scientific but I have the impression that as we make progress, simultaneously we ofthen forget some basic life principals and human right.The insufficient quantity of food, medical suplies, a wars, natural disaster are some of problem with which we have to deal with it.There is a lot of good things that we can do in own country, local community etc.We are so different but we have so much common.The voluntering is one of positive ways of making the progress.People need a help, the inspiration,a big ideas and I supose that this is the real time to help more each other.Tooday we have all preconditions for exchange the informations, an experiance, for some future scientific research projects.In my case 2013 was one of the hardest and the luckiest year at the same time.I have achieved a success in the area of science such as math.The key thing was motivation and exercising.I know that before, but I want to say, also the adults people need sometimes some word, a moment which helped them to move on.There is a lot of other things but that is some new stories for other time.My goals in 2014 are the new, but in essentially they are the same.I will work on improving my knowledge and seriously understanding of my hobbies.I will lend a hand to everyone who asked me for a help and like a future teacher I will give the best of me for all the children, which are the ''The good spirit of mankind'' .And the end they will mark the years with us together and write some new pages of world future.

    Best wishes! Muamer:)

    1. Hello Muamer!
      Welcome back to our class blog! I am so happy to see you actively participating in our class discussions again!
      I like to hear that you are an optimist but who stands firmly on the ground, completely aware of the reality of everyday life. I share your worries about so many negative issues around us nowadays, but I also completely agree with you that we have to do something as individuals to make this world a better place for living. Volunteering and helping other people are definitely good examples of how to make a positive change. Sometimes it doesn't take much, you just have to recognize other people's needs and offer them some friendly help. Not only they will appreciate you more, but you will become more satisfied with yourself too. I am happy to hear that you also found some good motivation to pass your exam in maths last year. Congratulations! I wish you a lot of success and luck with your plans in 2014 too! I am completely sure that you will become an excellent teacher one day soon!
      Best regards,

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi everyone!
    This is the first time I participate in online English class. First, I have to say that I prefer live communication but also I think that this is a good idea. Worldwide colleges have been using this method for a really long time. Also I want to apologize for late answer, I was hesitant and I didn’t know which optional subject to choose. At the end I chose English because I love languages and I enjoy learning new stuff every day. As I can see lots of my friends are optimists for upcoming year so am I. My New Year’s resolutions are quite simple and similar to theirs. In 2014. I want to be healthier than the year before because I think that health is the most important thing in our lives. Without health I can’t be happy, satisfied and I can’t do things I like to do. In 2014. I plan to finish my college and maybe begin a master degree. If not, I’ll try to find a job. I would love to buy a new car for myself and finally get rid of my fear of driving. Main plan for this year is to find more free time for activities with my husband and my daughter. Family is the most important thing for me and they deserve only the best but despite all my attempts to spend more time with them I just can’t coordinate my time because I have obligations on college, at home etc. Being a housewife and student at the same time is not an easy job. This summer I want to travel more and just relax. I’m so tired of being home, staying up all night and studying. Last year we started works on our new home and I hope that it’ll be finished within two years… I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldn't be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year's resolution is not to bark back. At the end I’ll try to lose weight and I hope that it won’t be hard job because I love sweets…
    To have the kind of year you want to have, something has to happen that you can't explain why it happened. Something has to happen that you can't coach.
    Best wishes,
    Hava Salkić.

    1. Hava Salkić, what weight?! :)))

      I hope that you will achieve all your hopes. Some of them are so simillar to my own :)

    2. Hello Hava and Amina!
      Hava, welcome to our class blog! I am so happy that you have decided to choose English this semester and also that you find this way of communication very useful.
      You seem to have a lot of plans and worries for 2014. I wish you good luck with everything that you want to achieve this year.
      Just be positive and don't let other people make you sad.
      Best wishes,

  18. It's nice to see such a large number of optimistic colleagues in here. Unfortunatelly, my vision of the world is not so bright.
    Although, I have to agree with you that our individual actions will make some progress and make someone's life better, and will put a smile on someone's face..but I think that it's not enough. As a student population we are missing our chance to change the world. Or, at least, to improve our own country.
    Not to forget, during the history, students are often mentioned as those who have caused the changes in some country because of their solidarity and desire to change the way the world works. (perhaps, one of the reasons for their courage was that they did not have much to lose since they have no famillies of their own, jobs, careers, etc).
    Today, I have a feeling that students (as population) are invisible. We are weak, silent and we are passively accepting everything that is being served to us. Our voices are not being heard.
    And, I think, we can do so much more. We have to. Especially in an unorganized country as ours.
    This may sound too idealistic, but this issue is often on my mind. I feel like I'm not doing enough. For me, and more important, for future generations yet to come.

    Just my humble opinion :)


    1. Hi Amina,
      I completely agree with you that students in our country should become more 'visible' and take an active role in our community. Yes, you are right, students have always been those who cause changes throughout history. Maybe our students are too passive and not organized enough to do anything about their problems.
      Do you have any ideas how to make things better?

    2. Mrs. Izela, thank you for your quick reply :)

      Well, there are lot of simple and small steps to begin with. Perhaps, to be more involved in everyday problems we face at college or included in the organization of work there.

      Just,, for example – I'm irregular student (oposite term of full-time student(?), I couldn't find the exact word) and as such I have constant problems about attending exams, because they are held during working hours. This is a regular problem for most of irregular (?) students because they have family or they are at work. Many of them are therefore given up and that's a sad fact.
      As far as I know, irregular students never tried to change this fact. If they were, perhaps the problem could be solved a long time ago.

      This is just a small issue and it applies only to our faculty. Beside that our country has many social, economic and other problems affecting the student population, too, but despite that students are rarely seen, for example, on peaceful demonstrations. It is one of the ways to express our opinion and to send a message to our state.

      And, as Muamer mentioned, volunteering is another way of changing things. It should be a part of our education, not rare project for some students. Although, this issue is already becoming common in our country since the government passed a decision on the recognition of voluntary work.

      These are not some magical solutions, because I don't have any :) and it's something that can't be changed over night but I strongly believe that students together could make some significant changes.

      Best wishes,

    3. Dear Amina and Izela!
      I agree with you when it comes to extramural students (I think that's the right term). I also had lots of problems. As you know I have a daughter and she’s third grade now. She is too young to go to school on her own but sometimes I just didn’t have enough time to go with her because I had to attend on lectures, exams and so on. We should try to change things and it really can't be changed overnight but they say “There is no bread without shovel”. We just have to work together and work hard. Students are little bit lazy nowadays…
      Hava Salkić

    4. Hello Amina and Hava!
      I am so happy to see you actively participate in the discussion! Your contribution is excellent and I appreciate it a lot.
      You are both part-time students and it is evident that you face a lot of difficulties while studying. Dear Hava, it is true indeed that 'There is no bread without a shovel' and sometimes it really takes a lot of hard work to achieve something. But you and Amina are perfectly right when you say that students are powerful enough to change things in their favour.
      Dear Amina, you mentioned peaceful demonstrations and volunteering as two good ways of trying to make things better than they are.
      Are you two members of any students' association? As you both noticed it is essential to be organized and connected with others in order to be able to achieve any goals.
      Your future is in your hands! Good luck!

    5. Thank you Mrs. Izela :)

      Regarding your question for me:

      Since I'm studying more than I should have to, at the same beginning of my studies I was an active member of one student organization. That was few years ago but I remember it as a very productive time. These last few years, since studying at this university I was just registered as a passive memeber of SPUS's.

      But, I have to admit, that memebership didn't make me active when it comes to some current students problems. Probably, it's up to me, because now I have two small children (6y and 4y) and I justify my passivity with them :).
      But despite that, I'm aware that sudents need motivation and organization and in order to achieve that they need to work together and to be very active at the college and outside it.
      One bright example of my modest activity: I participated in peaceful demonstration for identification numbers of children and I was carrying books there and study for my exam in mathematics. I passed the exam and participated in changing our reality, too.
      So, maybe, even some small steps could have done the difference.


    6. Hello again!
      I absolutely agree with you Mrs. Izela. Future indeed is in our hands but sometimes you just have to give up because you can’t achieve something. I am member of one student association but sadly I’m just a passive member. Also, I think that it is never too late to become an active member. We’ll see what future will bring to us.
      Hava Salkić

  19. Hi everyone!
    I'm glad that we socialize online again. :) I hope that this year will be successful for all of us. My plans this year are to finish college.
    A healthy lifestyle is of course in the center of my attention as always. I hope that we will revive our quality blog and you will in 2014 year to learn something new and carried into all our plans.
    I look forward to our new socializing.
    Best regards by Nihad Softic

    1. Hi Nihad!
      I am happy to 'see' you online again!
      You have some good plans for 2014. May they all be realized in the best possible way for you!
      We definitely have the same wish and that is to revive our blog and learn a lot of new things this year.
      Best regards,

  20. Hello everyone!

    I am glad that we have chance to work together again.
    2013 year was finished well, so I hope that this year will go well as previous. I have a lot of wishes for this year, but the most important is to be healthy. I want to graduate and enter a master degree. I also want to look for volunteer work, which will help me to get practice, until I get a job. I hope that I will be successful in achieving my plans by working hard, and that I will never give up of them. As the text says, it is a great time to finaly get around to do things that we kept putting off.
    In the end I want to wish everyone good luck and all the best.

    Best regards! Selma :D

    1. Hi Selma!
      I am so glad that you are here with us again!
      I am happy to hear that 2013 was a successful year for you. As all of us, you have a lot of plans and wishes for 2014 so I wish you good luck with all of them.
      Hard work, persistance and good will can only lead you to success!
      Best wishes,

  21. Hello again!

    I think I am the only one who hasn’t said anything about my plans in 2014.
    Well, first of all my plan is to finish this final year. I would also like to start with postgraduate studies, but in a completely different field of education (finances). This is something that I have been working with for almost 9 years and I am pretty sure I am very good in it. I also got a new job… So, this year will be a challenge for me.
    Regarding our college and students, I couldn’t agree more with Amina and Hava. We are very lazy to do/change anything and, unfortunately, there are so many things that need to be changed. Hopefully, some day, the University in Sarajevo will become a better place for studying.

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Ivana!
      Thanks for sharing your plans and hopes for 2014 here with us. It seems that this year will definitely be challenging for you since you have decided to change your studies and you got a new job. Good luck with everything!
      I also hope that students will make things better for them soon.
      Best regards,

    2. Dear Mrs. Izela!

      Thank you very much!
      And yes, students need to make things better for them. I am a bit late to change anything, but those younger generations...they still have time.

      Best regards,

  22. Hello everyone :D

    I'm sorry I'm answering so late but I hope someone will read this comment. I hope next time we will gather up in our classroom. I'm not saying this way of communication is not good. I just prefer live communication.

    Year 2013. wasn't so bad but I hope 2014. will be even better. I've got a lot of wishes but number one is health for me and everyone else. Next thing I wish for is to graduate and enter to master degree. Everything else I wish for will come on its own. Who knows...Maybe I'll get married this year. But if it comes to that I'll let you know :D

    This year I'll work on improvement of my English knowledge. Especially if you, teacher, come back. That will be more interesting than writing on-line. I'll also try my best to get rid of some of my bad habbits (pray to God) :D

    I wish all the best to my coleagues in next semester and I hope this year we will all throw a party to celebrate our graduation :D

    Best regards,
    Naida T.

    1. Hello Naida!
      It's so nice to 'see' you online again! I completely agree with you that live communication is much better and hopefully we will have a lot of it soon.
      Thanks for sharing your plans and wishes for 2014 with us and I do hope you will manage to make them true soon. I am happy to hear that you have also decided to improve your English this year. Good luck with everything!
      Best regards,

  23. Dear Naida,

    I read your comment. :)
    Thank you very much for those kind wishes. Same goes to you... And let's have party, somewhere in October (latest). :)
    Best regards,

  24. Naida, thank you for your wishes :) I hope that we will all successfully complete this year.
    Ivana, let's be positive: we'll make that party in July ;)

    1. I'm always for party so count me in for both...July and October :D
      But first let's graduate :D

    2. Well, I said October (latest). But July sounds great for me, too. :)

  25. Colleague Esma Sejdić asked me to post this, 'cause she doesn't have mail account.

    Hi everyone,
    I hope 2014. will be very succesfull. I wouldn't change anything, except of some bad habbits. I will try to improve my knowledge of English language. I know that isn't easy but I'll do my best. This year I want to graduate like my colleagues and start looking for job as teacher. I know that's not easy too.
    That's all for now. I wish everyone of you all the best.
    Best regards,
    Esma Sejdić

    1. Dear Naida and Esma,
      Thanks for your participation in our 'online class'. Thank you Naida for helping your colleague Esma. I hope she will have her own mail account soon and take part in our class discussions by herself.
      Best regards to both of you,

  26. Hello! Even though I am only seven months late I hope that my New Year’s wishes will be accepted because every good wish cannot be late. Only five more months to a New Year, it seems to me that time is running fast. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t accomplished all of my plans yet; however, that doesn’t mean that I won’t succeed in it until the end of this year. As far as I know, my colleagues graduatedsuccessfully, I congratulate them on their huge success and hope that we will meetin the fifth year and continue our fellowship. It is already summer and everyone is preparing for the sea holidays so I wish you a great vacation after seven months of hard work.

    Kind regards from Merima Sadiković
