Monday, March 10, 2014

Internet Addiction - A Growing Problem

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing fine and that you are still willing to participate in our English online class discussions. Luckily, our class is growing again as I expect some new students to join us here. I wish them all a warm welcome to our class blog!

As you can see from the title, we have some serious issues to talk about this time. Have you ever asked yourself a question: What would happen with our lives today if the Internet somehow disappeared? Would we still be able to have a normal life? Or not?

Although the Internet has brought us numerous benefits, it is not something that could be used without any caution. According to the statistics, more and more people become problematic or compulsive internet users nowadays and the Internet Addiction has become a serious 'disease' of our modern age. People tend to spend more time with their computers than with their families and friends. They start to live a 'cyber life' on its own which completely consumes all their energy and time. For many, checking e-mails, updating profiles on social networks, 'googling' something out, etc. is the first thing to do in the morning and the last thing to do before sleep, or some even stay awake and online all night long. It seems that it has become so easy to get hooked and develop a real addiction to the virtual world.

What about you? How much time do you really spend in front of your computer and surfing the Internet? Hopefully, you have managed to find the perfect balance of everything in order to have a normal and meaningful life.

Here are two tests to find out whether you have already become addicted to the Internet or not:


Use these links to read the text 'Internet Addiction – A Growing Problem' and practice your English:

For those who find themselves inclined to become addicted, here is the remedy that might help:

I look forward to your comments and online class discussion about the Internet addiction, or more generally, advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet.
Good luck with your tasks and 'see' you online soon!

Best regards,


  1. Hi everyone,
    Nowadays, the Internet is very popular with young people. Most of them spend a lot of time in surfing the Net. They think that the Internet has brought a lot of advantages. In my opinion, the Internet affects young people not only in positive side but also in negative side.
    There is no doubt that the Internet has good influences in increasing young people’s knowledge. It keeps everyone informed. With few minutes each day, we can update necessary news, talk with other people and do our tasks. More and more young people use the Internet to search information for their work or their study. They also can learn much about cultures, history, geography through abundance source on the Internet.But, I can say that there are also a negative influences of the Internet on young people. First, the over use of computer brings the bad physical effects. Some people harm their eyes by sitting front of the screen for a long time without rest. Other diseases such as stomachache, headache and back pain are easy to suffer. The Internet seems separate young people from the real world. Their face-to-face communications are very poor. They communicate with others through out websites like Yahoo, Myspace, Facebook, Skype instead of going out with family or meeting friends. So, young people can loss their emotion in relationships or have difficulty in real communicating. In additions, a lot of website is not good for people to see, especially teenagers. For example, many websites which cannot censor contain wrong information, violent videos. In conclusion, besides improving our knowledge I think that the Internet affect in bad ways both physical and emotion.
    It is a fact of modern life that we are increasing the quantity of communication in our lives while decreasing the quality, pushing the people around away from our real personality. E-mails and text messages, or online chats are not the real way of conversation. Parents are even texting their children to come to the dinner table, where the meal might be one of the last remaining base of hopefully quality conversation. What this will do with the next generations ability to hold conferences, speak in front of the audiences or develop meaningful social contacts remains to be seen.
    But it is not all bad. The Internet not only expands our reach and keeps us connected with people who would fall out of our lives, but it also helps us to solve our problems and even meet new people.
    These people are falling into the trap of Internet addiction and they do not realize or think of themselves as addicts of the Internet until they are faced with a challenge of being disconnected from the net. Internet addiction like many others addiction is defined as psychical or mental habit in which a user is depended on. (

    Best regards,

    Amela Bogilović

  2. Dear Amela,

    Many thanks for opening our class discussion by posting your meaningful and detailed comment. You have mentioned several good advantages and disadvantages of using the internet nowadays. I totally agree with you that it has made our lives easier in so many ways, but it has also brought some serious problems at the same time. People indeed become more and more addicted to the internet and the virtual world that they start to lose contact with the real life and their friends and families. What about you? Are you a Facebook addict maybe? How often do you use the internet in your everyday life? What would you suggest to the young people regarding the use of the internet?

    Best regards,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello,
      Also I would like to say that about ten years ago, the only people who spent a lot of time on the computer were members of the technology industry. Today with the growing importance of the internet in everyday life, more and more people are accesing online resources every day. The World Wide Web is informative, fun but also potentially dangerous for Internet addiction.As more people are exposed to the Internet, the more of them become victims of Internet addictions and obsession. Today Internet has become a part of our essential needs and is used in our eveyday tasks. What can i say for me? I think I am not an Internet addict, I use Internet when I have to, for example for my tasks and for communication with my colleagues.
      Finally I would like to say some advices how to „heal“ this type of addiction. First you have to admit yourself that you have an addiction. There is no use in avoiding the truth. You sholud know that there are more and more people with this kind of problem. You do not be embarassed, you can help each other to beat this problem.
      Also, you can get a hobby that does not include the Internet, video games, TV. Go for a run with a friend, go to bed on time and get a good night rest.
      Students could do their homework and study on time. Read books at the library instead searching Wikipedia. Study lessons that you learned, no matter when the test is.
      I think you should avoid places that have free Internet access. And the most important is to limit your computer time.
      I think this Internet addiction test is very good and everyone can do this test without any problem. Like any other addiction, also this type of addiction can make a lot of problems in our lives but we must stay strong and positive because every disease has a cure.

      Best regards,

    3. Hello Amela!
      Thanks a lot for your excellent contribution to our discussion!
      I completely agree with you that more and more people become victims of the Internet overuse nowadays as it becomes easily accessible to everyone. I am happy to hear that you are not one of them and that you use the Internet only as much as you really need to. You mentioned several good tips for all those who find themselves addicted to being online all the time. And indeed 'every disease has its cure', especially if you start to 'attack' it on time.
      I hope that more of your colleagues will join us soon in our class discussion.
      Best regards,

  3. Hi! This subject-Internet addiction is werry popular theese days, and also appropriate for everyone. I read Your previous comments, and I agree with You. I also read the text "Internet Addiction-Growing Problem" and I just did the Internet Addiction test. According to results, I am average internet user(25% of 100%)-I can control myself when I use internet,so I am verry hapy that this test confirmed my belief. :) Best regards,Marina

    1. Hi Marina!
      Thanks for your participation!
      It's great that you have found out that you are an average internet user. It would be nice if you could share with us how do you manage 'to control yourself' when you use the internet? How often do you use it everyday and for which purposes?

    2. Hello! As we said before,sometimes is very hard "to controle" ourselves when we are online, but I manage to control myself. And I will reveal my secret formula to You: I love real life more than imaginary online-life. It is very simple :) I love everything about the nature, I love book, animals, my family, so I prefer to spend my free time reading the book,playing with my brothers,or my dogs more than sitting in the house and staring in computer. I think that is the best reason I can give you, and also the best advice to those who are addicted to internet. Enjoy your real life as much as you can! :)

    3. I use internet when I need to do some research for faculty,when I must find some informations and sometimes to comunicate with friends. Every time I use internet I determine how much time I will spend like that-one hour/two hours/half an hour..and when the time runs out-that's it. I don't use internet every day.

  4. Hello,
    The Internet is now indispensable tool for work, entertainment or socializing with friends. However, this unlimited source of information and entertainment, unfortunately, can lead to excesses in the use, even to the extent that we can talk about addiction.
    How much time is it normally to spend on the internet? This question is difficult to answer because it is a different use of the Internet - whether it be a person doing a job that is related to the Internet and the information needed to communicate with a large number of distant people, etc.
    Basically everyone agrees that this is a problem if the time spent online is starting to affect your "offline" life - regardless of whether you spend 2 hours, 8 hours, 16, or even sleeping in front of a computer. Also, not only the time spent in front of computer is time on the internet - via smart phones communicate with many social networks, exchanging e-mails or deal with other online activities as well as on the computer.
    Unlike other addictions, complete abstinence is not possible - the Internet has become too tied to our lives to be able to say unconditionally stop its use. Also, neither the ban does not help in this case - the internet is accessible to us at every turn, whether through smart phones, internet cafes or at retail outlets operator.
    Quitting excessive use of the Internet itself may not be a difficult process. Moreover, according to some sources, unlike other addictions, addiction to the Internet a passing thing - ie, cease use of the Internet goes down to normal levels after a few months.

    1. Hello Samra!

      Thanks a lot for your excellent contribution to our class discussion.
      I completely agree with you when you say that it is difficult to determine what is the normal amount of time to be spent on the internet, especially if we also count the time spent online because of our jobs and via smart phones in our free time. But, as you have formulated it in a nice way, 'this is a problem if the time spent online is starting to affect your 'offline' life'. This kind of addiction can definitely be healed, only if you are determined and ready to say 'no' to your old habits.
      I hope you are still a moderate internet user, aren't you?
      Best regards,

    2. Dear Izela,
      I am definitely a moderate internet user, but even the very rare use of his services, and when I use them it is usually for educational purposes. I am a supporter of the traditional approach to life :)

    3. My score is 20 – 49 points: You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.

  5. Hello!
    Internet is today one of the most important part of our daily life. There are large numbers of things that can be done using the internet and so it is very important. You can say that with the progress in the internet we are progressing in every sphere of life as it not only makes our tasks easier but also saves a lot of time. Today internet is used for different purposes depending upon the requirement.
    I use of internet for comunication with my friends and my cousins.
    Communication is very important that the internet has given to the people. Email, social networking sites are some of the example of it. Internet is important for my education. Education is one of the good things that the internet can provide. There are a number of books, reference books, online help centres, expert’s views and other study oriented material on the internet that can make the learning process very easier as well as a fun learning experience. There are lots and lots of websites which are related to different topic. You can visit them and can gain endless amount of knowledge that you wish to have.
    The use of the Internet offers a variety of benefits to everyone who is willing to use it. Also, use of the Internet has made jobs easier and oversimplified tasks that would take an enormous amount of time before.
    Best regards, Elma

  6. Internet is a global network that has its advantages and disadvantages.
    Many young people, as well as some older, have become addicted to the internet, so disregard the normal habits of life. Some of them even sleep or eat at a computer in order not to miss some news that appear on the Internet. I think that people should not be more than three or four hours on the Internet because it affects their health.
    People who are addicted to the Internet cease to engage in physical activities and neglect their friends. Many young people, so as not to separate from the internet, bought phones so that they can be constantly online. I think the internet helps in the socialization of young. We meet a lot of friends but you should not talk with them about all over the internet, because the chat should serve only to response from your friends where to meet each other.
    Talking face to face is much better than talking on chat.
    On the Internet, we can find a lot of information and facts that we did not know.
    In fact, the Internet helps in education. Young people who are addicted to the Internet lose control and can not control the time they spend on the Internet, life and many may not even go to school because education will be able to acquire over the internet. Sometimes I think life would be better without the Internet, because the internet is so dominated in the world and people will completely forget what it means to real.
    Best regards, Matea

  7. Hello

    My score was 39 points so: "You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.". This means that I use the Internet only for certain purposes for school but also to stay in contact with some people. I think that people should use the Internet for educational purposes, entertainment and to communicate with others. It also has a negative side, much of the information is unverified, children spending too much time on the internet, playing games for hours. People are sometimes obsessed with the Internet, because of that they lose track of time. The youth use social networks, and become obsessed with other people's lives. This obsession becomes a part of life and a person becomes addicted to facebook so much that is transmitted to other friends. The main story is about "like" and comment as well as images. We need to understand that the internet "silently" came into our lives and it is now impossible to have a "normal" life without it.

    Best regards.

    Elma Spahic

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello everyone!

    I find this topic very interesting, and very up to date. Nowdays we could hardly imagine our lives without Internet. Because of that most of us do not even realize that at certain moment we become addicts. My result on Internet Addiction Test was: 20% , that exactly shows how often do I use Internet. That means that I usually use Internet for educational purposes and entertainment, but I rarely overdo it. For most people Internet is the main source of information, and from my point of view that is its major adventage. Also, my opinion is that if you know how to organize your spare time and be aware of the time you spend on the Internet you could hardly become an addict and you will enjoy only the benefits of the Internet.

    Best regards,

    Ines Knezevic

  10. Hi everyone,

    how I can see many of you made this test, an the result was "not addicted". My result was the same, but I would ask you something. How can we help someone we know, when we see that he/she is addicted, but he/she doesn't want to admit? We are witnesses that somehing isn't good for jung people,vfor our friends, but we can't help them until they insights that they are addicted. When we go to them and say: "You spend lot of time on internet, that is not good for you", the most common answer will be: "What are you speaking about, that is not truth". I was surprised how often people say this sentence. My opinion is to let each person to decide how long they will spend on the internet. Maybe some day they realize that the internet isn't so cool they think, and that and that the real life is more interesting.

    Best regards,

    Irma Šanjta

  11. Hello,
    Internet is public network wich conect's computers. It's consists of milions home, academic, buisness and goverment network's wich interchange informations and serveses like electronic post, chat, data transfer and other similar things. In our city we have a different types of internet. Almost every familiy have acces to internet. Internet help us a lot in our college obligationes, at job, because there we can find almost every information that we need. From day to day internet thrive. Internet is a good thing for people who have family and friends in aboard, because they can see, and talk to eachother, and expenses are minimum. Many pepople started to earned money via the internet, and that became they way to earn a money just like everyday job. But for many people internet become an opsession, and there we also find a bad side of internet. I think in the past everything was much more interesting, it was less virtuality, children was playing with they friends in the park's, garden and other places wich are made for them,and today they spend a lot of time on the internet, playing games and that is really bad for they health, brain, physical and mental posibilities. For me, internet is a really good thing, but at first you need to learn how to use it on the raight way.

    Best regards,

    Spahović Enisa :)

  12. Hello,
    When you see how world is tehnicly developed and how much our life depends on internet,constantly being online.peorsonly i love internet,I think it is one of the things,who give's us lot of informations and like who gives us ...of cours there is a problem with using internet.
    When we talk about internet bad side,the biggest problem is using it in a bad purpose.You can spend time on the internet,you may enyoj,met new people,searching for important informations,but the main thing is that you need to control yourself,and your children if you have one.
    When we sublimate all this things, all I can say is that,the Internet is a really good thing for business people,young people, old people even for a kid’s under parental control,actually for every man who want’s to learn something new,someone new,who need information to thrive. Internet could take people to dependence where user coulden't separate real world from vritual world.children this day have that kind of problem,because they are always in front of computer and just playing video games,and they of cours start to be agresive.So on the end you need to be good,you need to search for a good things,not bad one’s on the internet or any other place on the world.So remember:control,little enyojment,development and kid’s under parental control.
    Best regards,
    Anesa Alić

  13. Hello everyone,

    I think Internet is very useful. We can research, find answers easily and quickly. The most important is communication via email. It's also a quick, easy and efective way to stay in touch with friends and family without taking a lot of time or expense. We use Internet for educational purposes like for finding study material and many other puposes like checking exam results, exam schedule. We use Internet in everyday activities. I spend a lot of time surfing, and I can't imagine life without Internet. The Internet changed our life enormously. There are many adventages of Internet and I think that Internet changed our life in a positive way.

    Best regrads,
    Anela Gabeljic

  14. Hello Everyone!

    The internet plays a major role in our every day lives and almost every human being has access to it.
    It enables us to communicate globally, and to reach people in a very fast period.
    We gain helpful information, learn quickly, share moments using social networks; It's basically part of us and our everyday use. Even though the internet is popular and has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages especially among young children.Children spend to much time on facebook for instance.
    This leads to lack of time for other important tasks/things.
    They inform other users about their privacy/private lives in general. They place too much about what is happening, they don't leave out anything. Many pictures are very vulgar and in my opinion it's gotten to far.

    The internet should be used as a tool for learning, being aware of everyday events, checking the news,downloading books, music, finding a hobby, searching for jobs, watching eduational videos, watching gags, sharing moments.

    However as a tool for entartainment it should be somehow balanced, because people especially children don't know how to control themselves.
    Children shouldn't be blamed if they recieve bad marks in school due to the use of too much internet. Parents are the ones that should help their children understand that there should be a balance and control of the use of internet.

    Online games shouldn't be a priority, it should be used only once other important things are done.
    Media, youtube channels are destroying the youth, because children watch and learn from others.
    Miley Cyrus is a great example; her video „wrecking ball“ is only one example of how media influences how children wear clothes, use vocabulary, etc. They think everything is cool and they will do it also.

    All in all the internet is good to have, but people shouldn't be addicted to it.

    I have already done the quiz, and my score was 30%. As to say I am not addicted and I like using the internet to help me in everyday life; just as a way to help me find solutions to problems etc.



  15. Hello!
    "Internet addiction" is very educative subject and can be very useful days when everyone are "online". Every day more and more peoples are using internet, not only for educational purpose but also for playing different games. Internet have a good side and bad side.
    Good side is that we can find useful information that we need. Bad side is that people can misuse our personal information. Before I use to be online more time than now. I had more free time than and I didnt know how to use that time correctly. Now I spend my free time as much as I can whith my frends and family.
    Regards, Meliha

  16. Hello,

    I use internet just to communicate with my friends and family, or to find some information. I have profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. but i'm not obsessed with daily updating posts or following people. I believe just in real life and real people. Virtual life and virtual people can feed our brain but not soul. My suggestion to young people is that they should limit their internet time. Real life hasn't „back“ option, it just passes.

    Best regards,

  17. Hello!
    If you fell more comfortable with your online friends than your real ones or you can not stop playing games or checking your smartphones or tablet even if it has negative consequences in your life you may be using the Internet too much. And there is a problem. If you find that you have lost interest in other aspects of your life because you prefer to be on the internet, you may developed an Internet addiction. There are some simply tips to avoid Internet addiction. You should get some hobby that does not involve the Internet, video games, TV, smartphones. Go for a walk and try to avoid places that have free Internet access. Internet addiction can cause the same brain changes that are seen in alcoholics and drug addicts.

    I think I am not an addicted because I have not the symptoms like others Internet addicts. I hope that in future I will not became addicted because it can be a negative issue.
    Best regards,

  18. Hi everyone,
    My opinion is that internet is global networks that connects people around the world. Internet users are predominantly young. In a fast-paced lifestyle, what it is today, internet allows us faster advent to information, and he can be great benefit for us. But there is bed side of the internet. Children spent lot of time on the computer instead of playing outside with their friends. There are also some people who are addicted to the Internet and they live in their virtual world. Becouse of that, they don't communicate and they don't know how to socialize. Their communication is happening via the Internet. I think thet internet is very useful if we use it in real purpose and in normal limits. Internet hleps us to study and learn faster, but he can make us stupid if all our time we spend on it. Sometimes it can be negative for the development of our socialization and communication skills. I use internet just then when i relly need it...
    Best regards!
    Armela Trnka

  19. Hello again!
    Well... Internet became very important part of our lives, but also we use it more often than we should. For example, it is fine if we use it to explore something, some kind of study... but if we use it every day for bunch of unimportant issues, if we spend most of our time checking Facebook, Tweeter or similar sights... then it's wrong! We should definitely spend that time with our friends, family, to read a book...
    I was also addicted to those social networks, such as Facebook... and than, one day, I just decided to "quit". I realized that I spent so much time looking and watching "things" that I really do not like at all. So, now I am among those 0-25% "How Addicted to the Internet Are You?" and I am proud of myself!
    Best regards,

  20. Hello!
    Internet can be a valuable resource for education and fun. But i think it is taking over our free time. I spend a lot of time on social networks, and i'm not happy because that's the only way i can communicate with my friends and family.
    When I can,I try to spend as much time as possible with my family and friends. I prefer talking and laughing in real life than on chat...but sometimes that is the only way for comunication.
    I love socializing and being around people and having a good conversation. Facebook helps me to have it in every time.
    Best regards, Almin

  21. Hello!
    My result on Internet Addiction Test was 30% - „You're a little bit addicted to the Internet, but overall, you use it in moderation. Good for you! You've probably had at least two conversations with actual human beings today without glancing at your phone, but you've probably spent a decent chunk of time surfing Pinterest too. And that's okay! „
    I like the result and it is true. For most people Internet is the main source of information. Also, the Internet has great significance when someone needs help. Recently, in our country and the region was state of natural disaster. Whit Internet and other media everyone knew what was going on and in many ways helped vulnerable people.
    I believe that everything we need to have the measure, including the use of Internet. However, I think that Internet changed our life in a positive way.
    Best regards, Amina Bešo

  22. Greetings everyone,
    when it comes to the internet, most of the factors lead us to think of its negative sides like postponing our work tasks, having less time for our family and friends, playing games etc. Usually most of us forget about its advantages. Nowadays it is possible to read e-books online which will be growing even more.
    Internet is used by many people as a normal part of their career or education. Knowing how to separate excessive from normal use becomes difficult. Spending too much time on the internet can affect us very much. It can interfere with our social life, the addiction can lead to the inability to communicate in the real world, and our family bonding. It can also distract us from our work tasks or school related work. And because of the lack of exercise and movement, obesity is a huge problem. To some people, when they are not on the computer, they think about it frequently and anticipate when they will use it again.
    I suppose that if anyone is too addicted to the internet, they should maybe set an alarm clock for only 1-2 hours, to lessen their addiction. Or they could talk to their mothers fathers, or friends about it, or maybe get a therapist for some help, and try their best to think of all of the effects that could happen to them, and try to stop.
    Best regards, Imamović Kenana

  23. Hello Everyone,
    This is a very important and interesting topic, because we live in an era that is powered by technology. Kids at a very young age are getting allowed access to the internet. In my opinion, the internet is important and in a way it does ease our life by helping with research papers, power point presentations, etc. but we do need to know when we are using the internet too much. I took this test and they scored me with only 20%, and to tell you the truth, I'm glad because I don't need the internet controlling my life.
    Internet is improving as each day goes by, and new websites and apps are always being offered to us. I think that people need to realize when they are on the internet for an excessive amount of time, because the internet can make you forget what your priorities in life are. Some people are so obsessed with Facebook, that their life depends on how many likes they will get on their profile picture or on the link they have just posted.

    The internet is there for us to connect with people, especially Facebook, it should just be a tool. We should use social communites like Facebook just for keeping in touch with our friends and family. Even Instagram is being used the 'wrong' way, we have become so obsessed with showing off and flaunting our things in other peoples' faces. Nowadays, everything new you buy and every thing that you eat for lunch, dinner etc. needs to be documented and of course added on Instagram, so that people can see.
    Although there are some apps that are indeed very helpful, for example Viber and Whatsapp, they allow us to talk to our families for free, no matter where they are. Everyday I can talk to my sister, in Germany, and for free. I use the internet to easily and quickly get the information I need for College, or if I am curious about something I can just Google it, and in a few seconds I get my answer.
    I believe that children need to be monitored when it comes to the internet. Parents should play a big role, because they shouldn't allow their kids to be online for long periods of time. They need to make a schedule and the children shouldn't get more than an hour online everyday. Children, especially teenagers need to watch out when online because there are a lot of child molestors that will pretend to be someone that they're not and they'll try to trick the girls into giving them personal information.
    People that are addicted to the internet should seek professional help before it goes way out of hand.
    The internet has many positive things to offer, but it always has lots of negative things as well. The internet is dangerous and it can make us lose track of time, because there is always something to do on it, but I believe that with enough caution we can stay clear of becoming 'freaks' that get addicted and lost in this cyber world.

    Best regards, Elzana Salihovic

  24. Hello everyone,
    First, I must say that I'm really (positive) surprised with the number of colleagues in this discussion :)
    It's good to see students so active in such a project..English is still our foreign language but this eloquence shows how good our student are.
    OK. Let's get back to the subject :)
    I'm a realistic..and pragmatic person..and most of the time I am grateful to have the opportunity to live in such a technologically advanced time. I mean, I'm very happy being surrounded by all of these buttons that do the work for me (for example: dish/loundry washing machine, dryer machine, etc. – and when I say „buttons“ it refears to a common male opinion that the woman's job these days is just pressing buttons –Yes, I've heard that „joke“ couple of times)
    However, looking at it that way, I found myself a very lucky person, specially when I get to talk to my family and friends via Skype for free :). It all looks very positive.
    But, of course, every medal have two sides.
    Internet is one of the positive side effects of our technological progress. It's enabling people to do things quickly, to be in several places at once and in the short term receive any information they want. And you can't without it because it is closely related to everyday life.
    It's tempting, isn't it?
    But, unfortunately, it has its negative addiction.
    I think that internet addiction is like any other are feeling good and you are safe untill you cross the border. If you do..then you have a problem. So, I think, using the internet is a daily balancing between useful and addiction.
    We just have to find ourself a limit.
    Best wishes,
    Amina Salkanović - Delismajlović

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. And I must add this.. adults are not those I worry about..children are.

      We are still a generation that has grown up outside, playing mobile games. Today's children are growing up in the house, with TV and internet while their social communication is based on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

      Their friends becoming more imaginary ones instead of actual.

      So, my biggest concern is that in the 10, 20, 30 years from now, child's play will look like this:

      Or, perhaps, family gathering will be something like this (It’s already like that for some families, unfortunately, I can’t even imagine how it will be in distant future):

      That’s what worries me the most, our future generations.


      PS. I don't know why my links are not active..sorry for that :)

  26. Hello everyone,
    I think that we really are addicted to the internet, but who is there to blame? I mean, through years there have been different lifestyles and forms of communications, this is the 21st century and this is our lifestyle and we should keep living it. Nobody could live a normal life nowadays without the internet, let us not fool ourselves. In a way it is cheaper then calling constantly your family and friends to see what's happening in their lives and so on. The only down side is that kids don't go out as much as they used to, because of their computers. There are also kids who go outside, but with their smartphones in their hands trying to catch wifi wherever they go. If you can't change it, accept it, it'll change by its self through the years if it has to.

  27. Aloha to everyone here :))
    First of all I like this topic.
    Internet these days is something that you just can not ignore. It is new way of communicating with world and finding necessary information. Also a lot of work can be done through the internet.
    I would say God bless internet on one hand, but on the other it can be misused. I think we are all aware that internet now can be used by anyone even kids.Ok, there is nothing wrong using internet in a way of learning or in school. But kids are using internet too much in their free time and whats worse without the knowladge of their parents. I think every parent need to give away time for interenet but so that they know what their kids are doing there. It is necessary to set boundaries !
    We all need set boundaries for ourselves too. It is allright using internet while studying, relaxing or communicating but we need to have time without the internet. Unfortunately, young people today have lost their sense of communication and social interaction "live". They live in their imaginary world where they have more friends on facebook then in real life. Where they play Counter instead of playing football outside, where girls live for comment or like on facebook. Thats why I said we need to have boundaries.
    Thats why we as future teacher need to work with kids and play with them and try to learn them that using interent is OK as long as we dont depend on it.

    As far as using the Internet as a tool for learning as this form of learning, I give it a BIG plus, beacuse their is time for studying by ourselves and developing our skills.
    All the best,
    Aida Čomor :)

  28. Hello everyone.I'm so glad that apparently, I'll have the final word in our classroom online discussion.I read some previous comments and I must admit that was some very good attitudes. I finished the quiz which is offered in this topic.The results show that I'm not addicted to the internet at all.The internet addiction qiuz was so surprised and confused in terms of wondering , do I even have a wifi connection ? Obviously, I have, becouse I can't see the other way to find out this qiuz ? I'm one of those people which are not extreme supporters of internet ideas.Anyway, I'm not an old-fashioned person, on the contrary, I accept new technology but in the meaning of retaining the previous social and work value.Let's be realistic, if we are looking for the bad side of internet, sure we will find it, such as: the addiction, loss of social skills, a deterioration of handwriting, child abuse, loss of reading habits , availability of private information etc.On the other hand, internet is very useful in communication.The people are allowed to send and recieve information in seconds.The internet is a bigg adventages in educations projects such as our online class.Definitly, that's our everyday and future at the same time.It changing our society and future as well.With knowledge comes responsibility ! As a future teachers we must be one of the true signs of correct direction during the path we call the upbringing of future generations.

    Best wishes !
    Muamer :)

  29. Hi everyone...

    I don't have enough time for discussions, but I found a few minutes to leave my comment on this topic.

    I completed this quiz: "How Addicted to the Internet Are You?", and my score was 20%. ("Wow, do you even have a wifi connection? You're not addicted to the Internet at all. You probably do exotic things like read books and go outside and speak to people face-to-face. We're surprised you even found this quiz!")
    I was completely honest, I swear! :D
    I do not have time to read the books right now, but I'm really not obsessed with the Internet and social networks.

    However, the internet has many benefits. One of these benefits of Internet is it is the medium of communication. There are many facilities on the internet helps us to communicate each other such as E-mail, Facebook, Twitter and others. All these facilities enable people to communicate with other people from different countries around the world so that it can explore other cultures of different ethnicity.
    I have a lot of relatives in the United States and the only way to hear or see each other is via social networks.

    Also, Internet is a medium of information. Today, a lot of people need the information from the internet.
    I agree that the Internet has brought many wonders to our lives. Research is easier, for sure. It has brought great things to education, such as an online education, but we all know that Internet has disadvantages, too.

    First disadvantage is theft of personal details. If we use the Internet, our personal information such as your name, address, credit card, bank details and other information can be accessed by culprits. Also It is possible for Internet users to become habitually addicted.
    But, every good implies something bad... Unfortunately!

    Safeta Ibrahimović

  30. Hi everyone...
    I finished the quiz which is offered in this topic.The results show that I'm not addicted to the internet :( I accept new technology because internet is very useful in communication. There are many facilities on the internet helps us to communicate each other such as E-mail, Facebook, Twitter and others.

    I agree that the Internet has brought many new things in our lives.
    Internet help us today, because of internet we have our blog. Internet is one of the positive side effects of our technological progress.But, unfortunately, it has its negative effects..The internet is dangerous and it can make us lose track of time.
    However, I think that Internet changed our life in a positive way.
    BEST REGARDS Nihad Softic :)

  31. hi everyone
    Having applied quizzes, the results showed that I'm not dependent on the internet, it is really so. I usually use the Internet to exchange information and to obtain information. I think that the internet and modern technology has brought great changes in our lives. It is indeed necessary for business people and students to easily distrubiranje information. That there is no internet, I think our life was slower and that ended less daily duties, but consequently be more družilii with people we love and who are close to us. It also has its negative side, because we ourselves have witnessed frequent cases of Internet addiction, which in any case a bad influence on people. I believe that every person has a limit to Terb in all, and especially to prioritize.
    Zuhdina Begić

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hi, everyone,
    I am glade that I have opportunity to discuss again with my kolegs. The Internet is very popular in this society. I think it's also very important to young people. My opinion is that many young people are addicted to the internet. I think that Internet help us to met and talk with friends. But we must talking face to face beacuse it's much better than talking on chat.
    Also on the internet we can find a lot of informations that we don't know, we can research what interests us. Internet is useful for because can help us at school, because we can text with us teachers, and send them our seminary. But, I think that the Internet should serve wisely and be careful. Internet is very importante to me, especially for school, then my family, friends, to watch movies.
    I have already done the quiz, and my score was 10%. Quiz said that I am not addicted and I like using the internet to text with my friends, watch videos, movies, listen music.
    Best regards,
    Mirela Jakupović

  34. Hi everyone! I finished the quiz too.The results showed that I'm not addicted on the internet
    I use inrternet for many purposes, but the most important object is to learn online. Nearly every day I am on line, because it is convenient to find the information I need at once. I don’t use net to play games because of lack of interest. Before I tried to find some frineds from Internet, but the feeling is not very good, I prefer to talk to the friends face to face. I shop on the net too. There are also two sides of the things, one is advantage, the other is disadvantage. About the use of the net, in my opinion, you can find and get the information you need, also you can provide some information for other people around the world through the net, but one point, you must believe you need to live in the real world, don’t lose yourself in it.

    Best regards,

    Nejra Smajić

  35. Hello everyone. Internet addiction is widely spread disease these days. I did the test, and I can proudly say that I'm an average user. My score is 21%.
    Internet has many advantages, but also many disadvantages. For me, the worst disadvantage is that people who suffer Internet addiction are not very social people in real "offline" life. They grow apart from their friends and family, and they become lonely. And when someone is lonely, there comes the depression, among others, and lots of other problems physically and mentally.
    Truth to be told, I like online life, but more than that I love my family, I love my friends, I love the sun and the moon, and walking outside, summer rain and autumn colors. I love spending time with my friends, going to the gym, and taking care of myself. You cannot do that online.
    So, I do what i like more. As simple as that.

    Best regards,

    Aida Bujak

  36. Hello

    I have recognised that almost everybody has similar opinions about internet addiction. I would like to consider in different way, prompt you to think in different ways also.
    All of us use the words which are “cyber world” or “virtual world”. Nowadays, IT specialists prefer using “parallel world” instead of those words, why do we still prefer “cyber” or “virtual”?
    When we transfer money into an account on internet, isn’t that money enough real? Or when we chat with someone on internet, isn’t it a real person even there can be lies about its sex, identity etc.? We have been living in last days of that books and songs are written on a media (paper, plastic, cd, dvd etc.). In time when all kinds of intellectual richness is converted to digital signals, is it logical to complain like that “Oh, you do not read a book even for half an hour in day!”? Mothers complain about their kids, and label them as “asocial”. Just because they do not go out to play. Do you think they are right? Maybe at that time those children play, or chat with a Brasilian child on internet. When it is recognised, the next sentence is always the same: “But, is it the same with playing outside?”. Of course, it is not! That is the problem. Socialty should be re-defined.
    Our fathers and mothers had no idea about internet when they were kids, and teenagers. How can we ignore that important information, and we can still think about internet based on old psychosocial value? Isn’t it problematic fiction? We will be mothers and fathers soon. Maybe we are already. The generation -accepted computer, and internet completely; and as if internet is their part- will be completely adults soon. Then do you think “internet addiction” will be realistic diagnosis? Will it retain its functionality? Or will that discussion be closed as other artificial social trends?
    Psychiatry defines everything to be positive science. But according to me it is so easy to define internet usage as addiction which involves psychological, social, political, technological denifitions, isn’t it?

    Yours sincerely,

  37. Hello everyone!
    First of all, I think this is a great topic for discussion. When we were kids, or at very young age, having an internet connection was a luxury, and now-days it is the need.
    I was very surprised after taking the "How addicted to internet are you" test, my score was only 10%. Luckily, I've realized I'm not addicted, although I thought I was. It's been more like a habit for me, if we exclude goggling for school, or some other information.
    Few months ago I was drinking coffee with my friends, and one of them asked a waiter what was the WI-fi password. Leisurely, he pointed at a sign that said; "We don't have internet connection. This is coffee shop, not internet cafe. Talk to your friends, and stop staring at your phone. If you don't like it, goggle it. Thank you."
    That's been my favorite coffee shop ever since.
    Internet has great value in our lives, there is no doubt that communication has never been easier and cheaper! On the other hand, through internet, many people are getting abused. It is enough if I tell you there is number of "Internet rehab centers", not to mention large number of young people committing suicide after being abuse on internet.
    My opinion is that internet is necessary, and we gotta keep up with technological advances. Of course, the most important is to abide the balance between real and virtual life.

    Thank you and regards,

  38. Internet addiction is like every other addiction and only few people are aware of the fact that they are internet junkies. People usually deny their addiction and that denial makes the psychological treatment impossible at the very beginning. I was surprised by the results of the test called “how much you are addicted to internet” because my score was 20 percent even though I am online 24 hours per day in order to communicate with my parents. Unfortunately, internet addiction is getting stronger day by day, no matter if you are younger or older person. Socialization is neglected and many psychological disorders (such as depression, aggressiveness, lack of self-confidence) emerge. Internet is no longer helpful; internet has become a plague which is rapidly spreading, making problems for many countries on global level. Apart from addiction, internet is the source of many threats to people, especially to the youngest ones who are inadequately protected and prone to different ways of manipulation so they are often victims of manipulators. This is largely due to the parents and their lack of time because they have to work long and hard in order to provide their children everything they need. Kids forget to be kids, they grow up too soon which leads to some serious psychological problems. I try to avoid internet whenever it is possible, however it is not possible to live completely without internet in these days. Unfortunately, almost everything good is about to extinct: long walks with our friends, letters, holiday cards and many other valuable things.

    Greetings from Merima Sadiković

  39. Hi everyone,

    I just did tests :”Internet Addiction Test” and “How Addicted to the Internet Are You?” And results are :on the first one 28 of 100 and second 10%, so I’m not addicted, according this tests.
    The fact is that Internet is turned upside down our world, habits, and make less important some things that 20 or 50 years ago were crucial. Although, Internet did not bring only bad things, there are so many great things that comes with Internet. There is so many informations that can be helpful and make life easier. Nowadays , nothing is impossible. If you don’t know how to cook, for example,you just open Google, wright how to cook, and you will have plenty of websites that are dedicated to that topic. You just have to watch few tutorials, or read some advices on forums and there is very big possibility you will make good meal. That is one of good things that Internet brought. There is so many examples like this one. If you are creative, and have self-control you can make so many things using Internet. One of problems that Internet brought with, is addiction. People are so addicted to the internet, that sometimes they forget to live real life. And the biggest problem is the fact that so many young people are addicted. Every day, I’m sure, we all have opportunity to see how people are living on social networks. If they go somewhere, tag themselves, they literally put every part of they lives on social network. They almost make me belive that is pretty normal that they put pictures of they unborn children or almost naked photos of them on social network. They actually build lives on social network. I think I could wright few days about this topic, and still I don’t think I could ever know is Internet good, or bad. I’m not sure i could have normal life without Internet, and I really think that Internet has lost original purpose. I use Internet, and also have profiles on social networks wich i use to communicate with my friends and family. I’m pretty much sure that my virtual friends think that I don’t ever go out, or on vacation, or that I have friends or life because I did not tag myself on any social network.

    Best regards,
    Amina Hadrović

  40. There are so many pros and cons about Internet. Considering the social life Internet unfortunately has lots of negative impacts. Some of them are Internet addiction, Illegal or inappropriate materials available to everyone, cyber crime etc. The biggest Internet problem is its impact on youth specially on underage persons who are using Internet without parents control. Social networks on the beginning used to be interesting, but now most of the users are addicted. The addiction to online social networks can disturb a person's way of living and professional activity. Unfortunately these negative impacts hide positive impacts like availability of numerous useful information, interchange of ideas and materials among different types of people, business benefits etc.
    Most important is to use the Internet properly and be rational while using it. Do our best to avoid the addiction and still enjoy all positive things that Internet has.
    Question for everyone: When was the last time you wrote a letter to your friend?
