Monday, October 20, 2014

Education For All

Dear students,

Welcome (back) to our class blog!

I hope you are all doing fine and that you have successfully passed all the exams needed to enter the next year of your studies.  And I hope you enjoy in all the privileges of being a student and having the opportunity to learn and upgrade not only your knowledge and skills, but also your personality.

Education is the basic human right and it should be available to everyone. Unfortunately, we witness from media every day that this fundamental right is violated somewhere in the world, especially in poor and undeveloped countries.  There are still millions of adults and children who are denied their right to education.

For these reasons, UNESCO has been mandated to lead a global movement 'Education for All', aiming to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015.

'The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults. At the World Education Forum (Dakar, 2000), 164 governments pledged to achieve EFA and identified six goals to be met by 2015. Governments, development agencies, civil society and the private sector are working together to reach the EFA goals.' (

These are the six Education for All goals that run to 2015:

Goal 1: Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children.

Goal 2: All children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities have access to free, quality and compulsory primary education by 2015.

Goal 3: Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes

Goal 4: Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults

Goal 5: Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality

Goal 6: Improving every aspect of the quality of education, and ensuring their excellence so that recognised and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills

'180 countries signed up to make these goals happen, committing to putting legal frameworks, policies and finance in place so that everyone, no matter what their circumstances, could have an education - one that is available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable. The richest countries pledged to help make Education for All a reality by committing to principles of international cooperation towards those countries with fewer financial resources.'

As we are moving closer to the 2015 deadline, it is evident that the progress is rather slow and it will certainly take more time and commitment to achieve these goals in the future. We should all do something about it and try to help those who still struggle against suppression and prejudices.

Recently, the world has seen an outstanding example of a 17-year-old Pakistani girl who has toured the world speaking up for the rights for girls to receive an education. The little activist Malala Yousafzai has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2014. Only two years and a day after she was shot by a terrorist on a school bus. Luckily, she survived to become the youngest ever recipient of the prize.

What do you hope for Malala's and her compatriot's future? Do you believe that everyone will get an education in the future? How does it change someone's life? How much do you value your education?

I look forward to seeing you online again with your comments!

P.S. Here are the links for exercises:

Best regards,


  1. Dear Mrs. Izela,
    I am very glad that we are together again on our class blog!

    A traditional Indian woman wears traditional clothes and she is a housewife, she works at house and serves her husbend. But there comes Malala. The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban. Despite the Taliban's threats Malala remains a strong fighter for the power of education. She hopes that one day she become Pakistan prime minister, but she had previously considered becoming a doctor. Now, she thinks she could help more people by going into politics. Malala is a strong girl and I think she will never give up. They shot her body but they couldn't shoot her dreams.

    „Education is an essential right, which permits each person to receive instruction and to blossom socially.“ The right to education is vital for the economic, social and cultural development of all societies.
    31 million girls are currently out of school. Girls are entering into early marriages. They are often married early to help their family’s financial situation, far before they are ready for marriage physically and mentally. Because girls generally have a lower social status than their brothers, their education is valued less.

    „I always think of the day I will graduate and enter university. I want to have a job so that I can earn a good life for me and the people I love.“ Offering girls basic education is one sure way of giving them much greater power. Those girls might have the chance of a healthier and happier life and that should be reason enough for promoting education. However, there are also important benefits for society as a whole. An educated girl has the skills, information and self-confidence that she needs to be a better parent, worker and citizen. Poor families often choose to educate their sons first, and it is usually girls who care for sick parents. Sometimes families are wary of letting their daughters walk long distances to be taught by strangers. Such fears can be relieved by opening lots of smaller schools, sometimes only a single classroom, closer to where people live, as Egypt has.With people like Malala and with good teachers I think everyone will get the right and better education in the future.

    Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world and our lives. Education is a key for transformation from poverty to prosperity.

    I am a big fan of education. I think without education my opportunity for better life would be limited. Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. In our country everything is difficult. It's no wonder that young people have no faith in the future. If there is one thing that country can do for us, it is to enable and empower young people by giving us the most and best free education that they can - education that develops our capacity for real-world thinking and problem solving. I will always learn and make my education better. I enjoy my privileges of being a student and having the opportunity to learn and upgrade not only my knowledge and skills, but also my personality. I will always try to be a good and succesfull person and that I can make only if I learn hard.

    Malala was prepared to put her life on the line so that others had opportunity to educate. So, I have a question for us to? What are we prepared to do? I will always fight for education, because the pen is mightier than sword!

    Best regards,

  2. Dear Amela,

    I am so happy to 'see' you in our online class again! Thanks a lot for your excellent post on our latest topic for class discussion.

    You have presented so many interesting and inspiring thoughts about education generally and its status in our modern society. I am glad to confirm that you are a great 'education fan', to use your own words, and you have always been a responsible and hard-working student. Just stay as you are and persist on your way to make your dreams come true.

    Indeed, it is a great misfortune that not all the girls around the world enjoy that privilege and happiness of being able to go to school/university and educate themselves. Malala, the little Pakistani girl, is an extraordinary representative of her compatriots and a brave fighter for basic human rights. She has shown the world that, even in the most inconvenient circumstances, you can still stand up for your rights and try to make this world a better place for everyone.

    You have made a good question for all of us at the end of your comment: 'What are we prepared to do?' First, we should all do our best to take our chance and educate ourselves in order to be able to keep pace with the progress of our modern society and to fight against all obstacles that may come up our way. As you have quoted: 'Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.' Only in that way we would be empowered enough to reach the hands and voices of those in need and offer them our expertise and help.

    Best wishes,

  3. Dear Mrs. Izela,
    im really happy because im again in our online class.
    Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan. Malala was a girl of about seven years who wanted to become a doctor in the future and for this she was studying very hard.Malala’s family lived in a village located in Swat.For some months the Taliban had come in Swat and they were demolishing the girls’ schools.As a child, she became an advocate for girls' education, which resulted in the Taliban issuing a death threat against her.She was shot in the head when she was traveling home from school.
    She survived, and has continued to speak out on the importance of education. She was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2013. In 2014, she was nominated again and won, becoming the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.Malala - the youngest human activist in the world who has been struggling for her own and other girls' education since the age of 9 years.She wants to help every single girl in the world striving to get education.She has been in the hearts of millions of people around the world, and the #love and #respect people has shown for #Malala in the previous month has made her the most great person of this decade.Deutsche Welle wrote in January 2013 that Yousafzai may have become "the most famous teenager in the world. I hope Malala will rise children voice as well,she is powerfull woman,simbol for peace,person who fights for rights as a child. I really admire her like everyone in the world. The world and developed countries have to help Pakistan and other developing countries to resolve problems about edukacion for all.

    Best regards,

    1. Dear Mirela,

      I'm happy too to 'see' you online again!
      Thanks for your contribution to our class discussion and gathering so many new facts about Malala and her life to share with us. What she has done for her people is an everlasting inspiration for all those who fight for the basic human rights for everyone and who try to make this world a better place. We can all learn a lot from her.


  4. Hello to everyone :-D

    I'm sorry because I didn't write earlier I couldn't find my password for gmail.

    Malala is very brave girl and she deserve every respect. She lives in country where women almost not have any rights. She struggled for education for everyone especially for the girls.

    On the google I have found some quotes of Malala's and I thought it would be great to share them with you.

    "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”

    "My mother always told me,"hide your face-people are looking at you".I would reply,"it does not matter;I am also looking at them”

    “I don't want to be thought of as the "girl who was shot by the Taliban" but the "girl who fought for education." This is the cause to which I want to devote my life.”

    “Don’t kill doves in the garden. / You kill one and the others won’t come.”

    In the world there are many children who don't have a right to education, Malala everyone needs to serve as an example and a role model. One little girl who changed the lives of many girls not only in Pakistan but also in the whole world deserves all the glory. She fought for the strongest weapon which is called knowledge. I hope it will raise awareness to the people and that it will be less uneducated in the world.

    For me it is very important to education. When I graduate, I hope to find a job quickly as possible and my job is to educate young people which is a great pleasure. One on my dreams, desire is the education of hospitalized children. In our country, it still has not happened, but with my education I got the chance to fight for it. Man for everything in life has to fight. Knowledge, faith and hope are the keys for success.

    Best regards,

    1. Dear Samra,

      I am happy that you recovered your password and joined our online class again!

      Thanks for choosing these lovely quotes by Malala to share them with us. She is an everlasting inspiration for all those who fight for equal rights for everyone and education for all. Hopefully, there will be less and less people in the world who are deprived of their basic human rights.

      It's good for you that you have recognized the value of education and that you are doing your best to complete your studies as soon as possible in order to find a job of your dreams. How noble of you to have a great desire to help and educate hospitalized children. Although it is not appropriately settled down in our country, perhaps you and your colleagues would be able to do something about it and make a big change. Good luck!


    2. Dear Samra,

      I totally agree with you. In the world there are many children who do not have a right to education and also there are children who are risking their lives to get to school.
      For most parents and kids, crossing the street to catch the school bus is perhaps the riskiest part of the school run.
      In some parts of the world, children would give all that they care about the pedestrian crossing only obstacle to school and education. They make everything, Even the seemingly impossible, it literate, learn and socialize with their peers.
      School has just started and most of the concern of parents that their children carefully crossing the crosswalk. If you live a little further away from the school, they are generally a wait and parents are doing everything to protect their children as much as possible. Some of them do not have electricity, transportation, comfortable school desks, and yet they go laughing at the time, even when without risking their own lives.
      The love that children feel for the school and education, love for us teachers is stronger than any obstacle.
      Here you have some pictures where children who every day face obstacles on the way from home to school, so take a look. :)


  5. Hello everyone :)

    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela.
    For me, education may be the most important factor of a country´s development. The kids of a country are the future, and depending on what they are taught they will build a good future, or destroy what is left. Everyone, no matter the gender, race, social class or religion has the right to free primary education. This human right is often violated all over the world, it is a problem that involves the entire world, and it had now become a global issue. In my opinion education is connected to almost any aspect of a country. Health, politics, justice, advancement, development, economy, industry, and even culture are all affected by the education kids are given.
    Education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace. Education is important, and it plays a major key role in every aspects of human life. It provides knowledge for people, and openings to great opportunities that are set in their future. Without education, many will struggle throughout their lives trying to adapt to the world today.

    Education is the seed of life, and it identifies the person's ability to adapt to the life that society provides today. The people who have opportunity to learn should never take it for granted, for only education will lead them to successful future.

    1. Hello Samra!

      So nice to 'see' you online again!

      Many thanks for your great contribution to our class discussion and so many inspiring thoughts you have shared with us.

      Indeed, 'education is the seed of life', as you wrote, and all nations and governments in the world should do their best to provide equal opportunities for proper education to everyone. It's the investment in our future and always worthwhile all the efforts.

      Therefore, you and your colleagues have chosen the noblest of all professions, that of being an educator, which will provide you a chance to teach our youngsters and help them become positive, honest and dignified citizens of the world.

      So, arm yourself with a good will, knowledge and skills and help our world become a better place for all of us!


    2. Hey Samra
      I want to make a comment about your opinion.I really agree with you.I think that education have a big power.No one have right to say who can not and who can be educated.Every child have right to go to school, to be accepted it doesn't matter is it poor or something else.The big question is education of women in some of conservative country .I think that women are able to do a big thing in life.So we as a future teacher have to do something and make some change in our country.

      Best regards,
      Suada Tabaković,III godina, RN.

    3. Dear Suada, I'm glad to share my opinion. We are and we can do a lot, change views of the world and affect the society that every child receive education, because it is the only permanent good of all of us.

  6. Dear Mrs. Izela,
    I am really glad to be back with you and my colleagues on our online classes. Just like Samra I also had some difficulties with my mail. But now I am back :)
    What to say about Malala except she is one really brave girl and she deserves all the words of praise. I feel deep respect for her and I think she gave us a lesson and one day when I feel that I can go on further I will remember Malalas life story. She showed us what the courage is. I found some quotes about Malala which I like the most:
    "A symbol of hope, a daughter of the United Nations" (Barack Obama)
    "After a brutal attempt to silence her voice, it grew louder, and she more resolute."
    "She is powerful, but she is also a sweet, creative, loving little girl who wants to help others. Her goal is progress, not notoriety," (Angelina Jolie)
    "Because of Malala there is a public understanding that something is wrong and has got to be done," said former UK prime minister Gordon Brown.
    I think that education is something that every man and women needs, every human being needs. From the very beginning human learns and that is in his nature. Education should not be denied to anyone. Also children with special education needs should be included in normal schools. We are all the same and every human have some special need. This is the topic which is close to me and my colleagues nowadays, we talk a lot about that and as for me one day when I became a teacher I would struggle for all children equally, there would not be difference. In the end I hope that one day this world will be the warm home for everyone the same, without the differences and that education will win.
    Best regards,

    1. Dear Almina,

      I am so happy to have you back in our online class. Technology might sometimes fail, but still there is a great desire to learn to overcome it all :-)

      Thanks for your excellent contribution to our class discussion and the inspiring quotes you shared with us. Malala has gained the attention and praise not only from ordinary people all over the world but also from the famous and influential persons in public life whose voices are powerful enough to help promote her figure and support her ideas in public.

      I am glad that you discuss the idea of equal and appropriate education for all with your colleagues and that you would like to include children with special needs in your class one day. What do you think of their present status in our school system?


    2. I think that current status in the school system isn´t great but it´s much better than before and I think that it will be better and better but it takes much more than good will. It´s necessary that people who have more power in their hands, by that I mean people from the government, do something to improve our school system for that kids too. I really hope some day we will reach that goal...


    3. Dear Almina,
      Thanks for your reply. I completely agree with you that our school system is better than before but it still needs to be improved and adapted to better suit the needs of all children. Authorities have the responsibility to provide some legal framework and set the ground for the necessary changes to come. It's also up to you and your colleagues, as future teachers, to get involved in the process and help to make our school a better place for everyone.

  7. Hello everyone,
    Education is a pillar of society. The only weapon we have is knowledge. That is why I believe that this knowledge must constantly building and improving. For us as future teachers is necessary. I hope that we, the future teachers with knowledge and ability will change the situation in our country, in our society.

  8. Hello everyone :)
    Finaly, I am here...
    I'm sorry because I didn't write earlier :(
    I like this quote:
    "Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world." (Malal Yousufzai)

    What Education means to me??

    As we all know, education is important in our life. Education is the only thing that helps us to differentiate what is wrong and what is right. Without education we can’t do what we want or we can’t reach our destination. Education helps us in each and every field of our life.
    To me education is the gateway to success. Success can be achieved when people have knowledge, skills and attitude. All these things can be gained only with the help of education. I believe that education is the only way which shows us many ways to lead and utilize our life properly.
    Education helps us to explore our own thoughts and ideas and makes it able to express it in different forms. So for me education is like a medium through which I can interact with different people and share our ideas. It is also the door to our destiny.
    When I graduate, I hope to find a job quickly as possible and my job is to educate young people which is a great pleasure.
    Best regards,

  9. Hello everyone :)
    I like this quote:
    “I don't want to be thought of as the "girl who was shot by the Taliban" but the "girl who fought for education." This is the cause to which I want to devote my life.”

    Malala is an everlasting inspiration for all those who fight for equal rights for everyone and education for all.
    In the world there are many children who don't have a right to education, Malala everyone needs to serve as an example and a role model. One little girl who changed the lives of many girls not only in Pakistan but also in the whole world deserves all the glory. She fought for the strongest weapon which is called knowledge. I hope it will raise awareness to the people and that it will be less uneducated in the world.
    The key to success is in education. The only weapon we have is knowledge. That is why I believe that this knowledge must constantly building and improving. Education is important, and it plays a major key role in every aspects of human life. It provides knowledge for people, and openings to great opportunities that are set in their future. Without education, many will struggle throughout their lives trying to adapt to the world today.
    I hope that one day all children have the same education and will be accompanied by people whom they will be in the first place. That will love them more than anything else and fight for them. Provide them with adequate education and love is the goal of our teachers and I hope that we will succeed. *.* :)

    Best regards,

  10. Hello everyone!

    I'm sorry because I didn't write earlier.

    I like this story about Malala Yousafzai, Pakistan activist for female education and youngest-ever Nobel Prize. I think she is the bravest girl and wish there is more people like her because education is very important to all of us!!!
    I strongly believe that everyone should get education that they need to improve their lives. That is important for every nation, for every human. I support her goal and I believe that one day in the future the world will be better place for live. It will change a lot of lives in a positive way. Less wars, less poverty and more love and understanding.

    I value my education and I hope that one day I will be able to share it with those who need it as much as I do.
    Knowledge is the only thing no one can take away from us.

    Best regards,

    1. Dear Bojana,
      I like your comment very much. I also, like you, value my education and I hope that I'll be able to participate in life of others with sharing my knowledge and experience. I hope one day all people will have same rights and same condition in education.

      All the best
      Amina Hadrovic

    2. Dear Amina,
      Thank you for your comment and for sharing your opinion with me. That is very inspirational. Hope to see you soon :)

      All the best,

  11. Hi everybody,
    I’m really sorry because I didn't write earlier.
    I think education is very important in life of everyone. It is not only about getting knowledge in certain subjects, it is about growing throw the school. It is about increase moral, aesthetic and psychological characteristics of each student. In our country education is not good, but also is not that bad as we can see in some other countries. I think it always can be better, and we all should try to improve our education system.
    Malala Yousafzai is the best example of human effort and struggle for education, that should be equally for all, both for men and women, rich and poor, young and old. Education is not something that belongs only to the rich or only to young people.It belongs to all of us. Education is and should be the right of all those who want to be educated, who want to build up their knowledge. Malala showed us how someone can make dream come true with struggle and without giving up. I hope, in future, there will be more people like Malala that will make this world better place for those who will come after us.
    Education is really priceless and should be available for all and always.

    Best regards,
    Amina Hadrovic

  12. Hi everybody
    Education changes our lives, it broadens our horizons, but unfortunately in some countries many children don't have that opportunity. Learning gives us opportunity to see how beautiful and different the world is. There are many talented and intelligent children who can change the world, but they need proper education and opportunity to spread their knowledge. For the future, I hope that every child in the world will have the possibility to experience all the good sides of education.
    I hope that Malala and her compatriots will have right for education in the future because they deserve to have the chance to learn. Education is a window into the world and every person should have access to education. That is not an easy process, but if we try and give our contribution for that, if we raise our voice for education maybe something will change. We can change things if we try and maybe there is a child who is very intelligent, but don't have the possibility to learn more. Maybe that child can do something good for the whole world but doesn't have access to education so we must do something to make education available for everyone. Giving our voice for education, we can make someone's dreams come true. Every child in the world should have the chance to be taught about new things and to see what are his or her interests.
    I value my education very much because I have learned many things about the world and myself. I have the possibility to learn new things and after I finish my faculty education I will have possibility to teach others about the same things and help them to develop themselves as students and as persons. I am very grateful that I have that possibility and I will do my best to teach others about all amazing things in the world.

    Best regards,

  13. student-centered classroom built on Vygotsky’s theory that “What a child can do in cooperation today, he can do alone tomorrow.”
