Sunday, February 24, 2013

Discussion Topic: Speaking English Can Make You Richer / Poorer?

Dear students,

Here is your task for our next class this Tuesday. You are going to use the links below in order to read a text and complete a few exercises related to it. In that way you will prepare yourself for our class discussion on Tuesday.

Good luck!


Pre-Reading Exercises


Comprehension Exercises

Listening + Fill in the gaps

Exercises - Language


  1. Hello again!
    Today's class was pretty interesting despite the fact that we were all tired and sleepy and we were all angry at professor Chen for his controversial idea. I always enjoy the type of class where students get a chance to talk most of the time. It motivates us to think more and helps us improve our confidence.

    May the Force be with you. Nela

  2. Hi Nela!

    Good to see that you are the first to put a comment on this post. I am glad that you liked our class today, although you did not find Professor Chen's point of view as a valid one. I also enjoyed in our class discussion today and I was so happy that most students actively participated in it. Thanks a lot for your great contribution too!

    See you next class!


    1. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to learn in a new unusual way. It's my pleasure to be a part of this.


  3. Hi to all !
    Our previous class was really interesting and inspiring.I really enjoyed our discussion and exercises that you have prepared.I'm glad that I had the opportunity to express my opinion and to discuss it with you.Even though I do not agree with the Professor Chen's point of view I would like to hear his arguments.I assume that they are very interesting.

    I also want to point out that I like this type of learning and communication.It is always a good thing to try something new and refreshing.

  4. Dear Fatima,

    I am so happy to find that you enjoyed our class discussion. It seems that not many students liked the idea of Professor Chen, but at least he provoked an interesting debate among you and your colleagues in class.

    Thank you for your positive comments!
    Happy to see you next class!


  5. Hello,
    Our last class was very interesting, but I didn't in the mood to discuss because the text which I read wasn't really interesting to me and I don't agree with professor Chen and because of that I didn't add anything on that what colleagues said.
    I apologize because of that and I hope that I will be more activ on our next class and our next task.

  6. Hi! :)
    First, I'm sorry for being so late in replying. :)
    Second, the Tuesday's class was really interesting. Most of us agreed that Professor Chen's idea was weird, maybe even ridiculous.
    The best part was at the end of the disscusion when we had opportunity to express our opinion about what is important to know when we want to adopt the English language.

    Also, I agree with Fatima and Nela. It's great that we have oportunity to learn English using new methods and materials.

    Greetings! :) :)

  7. Hello,
    I'm sorry I'm late with the replying, but I didn't have enough time for this :) I had some obligations to do.. However, I'm here now :)

    As most of us, I don't think that learning/speaking English can make us poorer. It is ridiculous. Especially now, and in this country! It can only be our opportunity for finding a better job.
    I don't know why professor Chen said that... He must have a good explanation.
    As someone said in class, the professor didn't have better things to do :)

    Regards to all!

  8. Dear Mersiha, Lamija and Safeta,

    Thanks for your comments and contribution to the discussion. It is so funny how you all responded to professor Chen's akward idea about using English. I am glad that you expressed your own opinion and we really had a nice class discussion afterwards.It feels so good to know that you like the innovations in our classes that we have introduced recently.

    Thanks for your cooperation and positive approach!


  9. When I read the text title, my first comment was: "Impossible." I've read the text later, and I don't agree with the writer. The class discussion was interesting: everyone said their opnion about it, we asked each other questions, discussed if the writer ir right or wrong. We all agreed he's not right. We also discussed about the differences between our native language and English, then about advantages and disadvantages of the languages. As far as the excercise goes, they weren't hard at all, and anyone could improve on the field they had problems with, wheather it's the grammar or speaking. Learning the English language can't make us poor. English is not a poor language, just the exact opposite, it's a rich language and it can open many doors for us.

    Our English language knowledge can make us rich (materially and intelectually), but it can't make us poor.

    Best wishes,
    Melika Mulagić

    1. Dear Melika,

      Thanks for your wonderful and elaborative comment to our class discussion. I am glad that you recognize the value of learning English nowadays.

      Hopefully, we'll have a lot more successful English lessons like this in the future. Both in-class and online!

      Keep up the good work!


  10. Hello.
    As first,I want to apologize because I missed our time discussion,but I'm glad to have the opportunity to say my opinion about this topic.Primarily due to globalization the English language has become a some kind of universal language.Today,in all areas of everyday life we meet with English,whether it was;television,internet,shopping on the job...etc.All this facts tell us about that knowledge of English may be a mitigating circumstance to become only richer and not poorer.

    We worth more only if we know more.


    1. Hi Muamer,

      I am sorry that you missed our class discussion and I really appreciate your posting a comment about the topic on our class blog. You recognized the value of learning English and I wish you a lot of success with it.


  11. Hi there!
    I apologize for the late comment, but I could not before.

    Last school lesson was interesting, because in other classes not having discussions. I disagree with Professor Chen and why I participated in the discussion. I apologize for this and next time I'll try to be more active.

    1. Hello Nataša,

      Thanks for your comment and you are definitely encouraged to actively participate in our further class discussions.


  12. Hi! The class discussion was very interesting, but I have problem because I did not say anything on last class. That is my problem because I do not say many words. The exercises are interesting, and I do all exercises. When I read the text I say that Professor Chan is not right. In next class I'll be communicative, I hope so.

  13. Hello!
    The communication on our class are very interesting. I enjoyed. The text is amazing and I am surprised. I did all exercises and I learned a new words.

  14. Hi!
    Our class was very interesting.I enjoyed the tasks that you gave us, it was motivating.I'm looking forward our next class, and the new tasks.


  15. Hello Arnela, Velida and Nadija!

    thanks for your positive feedback for our class discussion. I am glad that you have learned something new. You are all encouraged to speak English more in our classes.



  16. Hello, I apologize that I was not present in last hour and I missed the discussion. Exercises I liked and I did them all, they are very interesting. I read the text I say that Professor Chan is not right. The next hour I will be present and will offer to be maximally active. Best regards !!!

    1. Hi Nihad,

      I am glad that you liked the exercises and that you did them all.
      I look forward to your active participation in our next classes!


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. As first I tought that the text was a joke, and when I relized that wasn't a joke it still did't make sense to me. But the text was a good basis for discussion in class, most of us didn't agree with the writer and presented their opinions why. It was very interesting.

  19. This article I did not like, for my attitude is too negative. I believe that knowledge of the English Language or any other language is good for us because we are rich, not in terms of money but us as people and our values.

    Lessn was very interesting. At the beginning I could not include in the discussion because I did not read the article. Later when we started the groups questions and answers I participated together with my colleagues. For me it was very interesting lessn, relaxed and comfortable. I hope that in the future we will have more of this and similar classes.


  20. hello,
    Actually, i didn't like this article. learning english language can't make us poorer. i think learning english or any other language can make us richer person,and when i say 'richer' i don't think about material richness, but our emotional makes us better persons and can help us in many situations..if we know other languages we can communicate with peple from other countries and find out about many interesting things..about their costumes, tradition,and the most important-make new friendships.
    i liked this class because there was a really nice discussion about this topic.

  21. Dear Nejra, Samra and Mirnesa,

    Thanks for your valuable comments. It seems that no one agrees with the author of the text. I also share your opinion that learning English or any other language can only make you richer in any sense of the word.

    At least, this text was a good starting point for our productive and lively class discussion we had afterwards. I am happy to know that you enjoyed in it and learned something new.

    Thank you all!


  22. Hello!

    I don't agree with Professor Chen. How many languages do you know it's better for you.

    Best regards,

  23. Hello,

    Speaking English or any other foreign language,can make u richer in all ways


    Emina S
