Sunday, February 24, 2013

The 8 Types of English Language Learners

Dear students!

I am sorry that you experienced some technical problems with the link I provided in my previous post and I apologize for not having detected it earlier by myself.

Therefore, I supply you with another link, where you can possibly find the answer to the question: What kind of English learner are you? You can read about the 8 types of English language learners, based on the analysis of the mindsets language learners have and their ability to speak English. Try to decide which type is yours. I hope it will be interesting and fun!

So here is the link: The 8 Types of English Learners

I look forward to your feedback on our class blog!

Best regards,



  1. As a huge Star Wars fan I am really sorry that I am just an English Speaker 2.0. But the Force is strong with this one, so I hope some day I'll become a Jedi master.

  2. I just read this article and I've concluded that my English language is on the level of Rising star. I hope that in the future with my practise my English language will be much better.

  3. My English language is on the level of Rising star, however I'm a Star! haha It will be better, I promise!

  4. I think that I am Rising Star. I studied English before and I only used English in class, but I would taking English in other situation. I understand films on English without subtitles and I think that I can progress. :)

  5. I am a True Beginner. I never studied English before.In Elementary and High school I studied German language. I want study English language, because that is very important for me.

  6. Hy, I am Rising Star. ;) I enjoy watching American TV shows and could understand them without subtitles. :) :)

  7. I am Rising Star. My English isn’t at a very high level but I understand films and programs on English without subtitles.

  8. Hi everyone,
    I think I'm somewhere between Warrior and English Speaker 2.0, but if I have to choose than I'm more like Warrior. I love to travel abroad and to communicate with people in English, but I don’t always speak correctly and I need to improve my pronunciation, grammar and make my sentence flow more native-like. That is why I'm Warrior.

  9. In my opinion I am a Rising Star. I like to watch shows and movies in English and I understand them without translation. I also use to listen the music and read an articles in English. I'm trying to speak English when I'm on my vacation. This my knowledge of the English language is not enough, so I hope I'll reach a higher level of knowledge.

  10. In my opinion, I am a Rising Star. I don't watch much shows, but I like movies and I still can't understand them completely, even though I'm trying really hard. I like to read some articles in english if they are somehow connected to my interests.

  11. I am a TRUE BEGINNER .Actually, i was not interested in English earlier,but now i want to learn it so i can speak with my friends

  12. I think that I am Rising star.
    I have been studying English for a long time, but I haven't been so much interesting for learning it. Also I haven't been practicing English for long time, but I hope that I will progress soon.
    I need to communicate more with people on this language and practice my pronunciation and grammar.
    I love to watch American TV shows, movies, listening the music and mostly I can understand without subtitles.

  13. I decided to choose a Rising star level.That is not the best description of my knowledge but the other categories had a criteria which contained a conditions I have not improved to the extent.I want to tell the Jedi;I'm coming soon for you.Guess what?I watched that movie without subtitles. :)))

  14. Like most of my colleagues, I think that I'm Rising Star.I learn English for many years but I'm not so good in conversation, I'm a little insecure. But I understand English very vell.

  15. Good evening! :)
    I have just read this article and I think that I am Rising star.
    "My English isn’t at a very high level, but that’s just because I haven’t been practicing long enough." I promise that will be much better. :)
    Adisa M.

  16. Greetings to all!

    I would say that I am a Rising Star !! (WOW,that sounds very fabulous).But also I'm finding myself in many characteristics that are listed in English Speaker 2.0. I use English almost every day,and I have a solid knowledge.My language skills are based on my own actions and frequent use.

    When we are bragging already, I also watch my favourite TV shows without subtitle. :) And Star Wars are not on my list. :)

  17. I think I belong in the Rising Star level. Rising Star has characteristics that can call approximately characteristics that I know the English language.
    I can watch movies without translation and listen to songs in English with an understanding.
    I try every opportunity to improve the knowledge of English language.
    I learn English long enough to know some basic things complicated, but to have the opportunity to devote more time it would have been much better.

  18. Hello !

    I would say that I'm a True Beginner with ambitions to became a Rising Star. I'm not so good in English,but I'm trying. I can understad everything,I have a problem with speaking.But I believe that I will be able to overcome all the problems.

  19. Hello my dear Shiny Rising Stars!

    Yes, there are a few True Beginners, a Warrior and an English Speaker 2.0 among you, just to break the monotony, but you are all true *STARS* for me! Just keep on shining and rising on your English voyage to the highest skies!

    I am happy that you liked this task and learned something about the English learning styles in an interesting and fun way. I hope you were also able to define your strengths and weaknesses as an English learner which is so important for determining the best possible ways to improve yourself. It is good to know that you are all so positive and enthusiastic about learning English and I feel so happy about it! You all expressed the ambition to progress with your English and pass to another higher level on the scale.

    I wish you a lot of success in becoming a real 'Jedi Master' of English one day! I am so proud of you all!!!



  20. I found out that I am Risin Star! But it is not so bad right? :) I am pleased :)

  21. I feel like I'm somewhere in between - I'm a Warrior but also an English Speaker 2.0. I need to practice and work really hard to become a Jedi Master one day. :)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I think I am one more Rising Star :)) but I also found myself in some of characteristics English Speaker 2.0. I think my English is very well, only what I need is exercise. This is one of good ways to improve our skills and use English more often. Then, hope so one day all of us would be Jedi Masters :)

  24. Dear Elma. Lamija and Almina,

    Thanks for joining us on our class blog. I am happy that you have found the appropriate type description for yourself and I wish you luck with your progress towards a Jedi Master level :-)



  25. Hello everyone :-D I think I'm "Rising Star". I learn English for many years, but like most of my colleagues I have problems. I'm a little uncertain of the grammar, but I understand English very well. I'm trying to learn as much as possible because it is very important to me.

  26. Hi Samra!

    Keep up the positive attitude and progress with your learning as much as you can.


  27. hi everyone,
    firstly i need to apologize that i join blog so late, i had some problems with my computer,and also i couldn't be present in all classes because i had health i'd like to say something about this topic. as most of my friends, i'm 'rasing star' learning english for years..but classes in school werent enough to learn it good so i had to find out other ways of learning. now im trying to improve it and trying to learn it as much is possible because english language is important nowadays :)

    1. Hello Mirnesa,

      I am sorry to hear that you had some health problems but I do hope you have recovered by now. It seems that almost the entire group is a sky full of rising stars :-)

      It is good that you are positive and enthusiastic about your learning. It is very important as well as the self-confidence and readiness to learn at least a little bit every day.

      Good luck!

  28. Hello again,
    Would it be too much if I say I am a Jedi Master?! Perhaps... Anyway, I know I am not perfect but I would love to become perfect, some day. I also know I can still improve my English language and I am doing my best to accomplish that...
    Best regards,

    1. Hello Ivana,

      Why not choosing a Jedi Master? :-) It is very important to be confident and believe in yourself. Of course, we should all strive to become even better and make at least one small step towards it every single day...

      Best regards,

  29. Hello!

    I am Rising Star, but I hope that I will become a Jedi Master one day.

    Best regards,

  30. Helllo,

    I am like my friend Enida,a Rising Star.....:)

    Best regards

    Emina Skenderović

  31. Hi Enida and Emina,

    Welcome to the club of Rising Stars! :-)

    I wish you all to become Jedi Masters of English one day!

