Monday, March 10, 2014

Internet Addiction - A Growing Problem

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing fine and that you are still willing to participate in our English online class discussions. Luckily, our class is growing again as I expect some new students to join us here. I wish them all a warm welcome to our class blog!

As you can see from the title, we have some serious issues to talk about this time. Have you ever asked yourself a question: What would happen with our lives today if the Internet somehow disappeared? Would we still be able to have a normal life? Or not?

Although the Internet has brought us numerous benefits, it is not something that could be used without any caution. According to the statistics, more and more people become problematic or compulsive internet users nowadays and the Internet Addiction has become a serious 'disease' of our modern age. People tend to spend more time with their computers than with their families and friends. They start to live a 'cyber life' on its own which completely consumes all their energy and time. For many, checking e-mails, updating profiles on social networks, 'googling' something out, etc. is the first thing to do in the morning and the last thing to do before sleep, or some even stay awake and online all night long. It seems that it has become so easy to get hooked and develop a real addiction to the virtual world.

What about you? How much time do you really spend in front of your computer and surfing the Internet? Hopefully, you have managed to find the perfect balance of everything in order to have a normal and meaningful life.

Here are two tests to find out whether you have already become addicted to the Internet or not:


Use these links to read the text 'Internet Addiction – A Growing Problem' and practice your English:

For those who find themselves inclined to become addicted, here is the remedy that might help:

I look forward to your comments and online class discussion about the Internet addiction, or more generally, advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet.
Good luck with your tasks and 'see' you online soon!

Best regards,