Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Story of Chocolate

      No one can deny that chocolate is for sure one of the most popular food types and flavours in the world.  Apart from its tastiness and a vast number of forms and ways of its consumation, chocolate is also assumed to be good for your health. Its main ingredients – cocoa solids – are one of the richest sources of flavanol antioxidants, theobromine, caffeine and some other chemicals that are claimed to have psychological effects on your body and to increase your serotonin level in the brain, which in the end makes you feel better and puts you in a good mood.

     Concerning its etymology, 'the word "chocolate" entered the English language from Spanish. How the word came into Spanish is less certain, and there are competing explanations. Perhaps the most cited explanation is that "chocolate" comes from Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, from the word chocolātl, which many sources say derived from xocolātl /ʃokolaːtɬ/, combining xococ, sour or bitter, and ātl, water or drink.' (Wikipedia)

       People have used it for ritual, medicine and sheer pleasure for the past 4, 000 years. Europeans had never heard of it until the 16th century, when Christopher Columbus  first encountered the cacao bean on his mission to Americas and brought it to Spain on his way back.
'Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, the dried and partially fermented seeds of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), a small (4– to 8-m-tall (15– to 26-ft-tall) evergreen tree native to the deep tropical region of the Americas.' (Wikipedia) It is grown on small family farms, as a traditional family business and using environmentally friendly methods of farming. 

      So, once you unwrap this adorable and tasty treat again, imagine that it embodies an interesting story of ancient origins, long journeys, exotic places and small family businesses in the remote tropical areas. If you are interested in finding out more about its origin and how it's made, along with a number of interesting facts, here is the link:

Recommended to do with a bar of your favourite chocolate J


  1. Hello everyone :)
    What is your first thought when you hear the world “chocolate”? I bet some of you will think : “ yum chocolates~ but it’s fattening, I’m on a diet NO! “ Surprisingly chocolate has been proved by scientist that it is healthy. Chocolate is made of plants, which contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. Not all chocolates are healthy but you just have to be smart in picking them. Dark chocolate is one of the chocolates that has been identified and confirmed that gives us health benefits.
    Dark chocolate is my favorite.
    Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can protect the body from aging caused by free radicals which will leads to heart disease. Dark chocolate can help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide and balance certain hormones of the body. It is also good for your heart. A small bar of it can help keep your heart and cardiovascular system running well. Studies have shown that consuming a small bar of dark chocolate everyday can reduce blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure. Dark chocolate also acts as an anti-depressant. So if you have broken up with your boyfriend remember to have some chocolate to cheer yourself up. :)

    1. Hi Samra!
      Thanks for your post! Indeed, you have captured the most common comment, mainly coming from women :-) when it comes to indulging oneself in a piece of chocolate fantasy. Luckily, the scientists have proved that it can be beneficial to our health so that we can enjoy in our habit without feeling guilty for it.
      I also prefer dark chocolate! Thanks for mentioning its numerous positive effects on our body both physically and psychologically.

    2. Samra,

      I have to agree with you regarding the dark chocolate. It is great tasting and good for our bodies. Thanks for mentioning all the positive things abou dark chocolate. Now, I won't feel no shame while biting into a choclate bar.

      Best regards,
      Irma Čomor

  2. Hello everyone :)

    Chocolate has been described as being more than a food, less than a drug. This description points to the position this popular confection plays in our lives.

    I think we all love chocolate. But is chocolate good for us?

    Eating chocolate make us feel good. Chocolate contains some ingredients that can lift our mood and increase euphoria. It contains also small amounts of caffeine. And that is 10 times less than that in the coffee, tea or cola drinks.

    But is there any bad thing? Yes, of course.
    Eating chocolate every day will increase our shopping bill. But, unfortunately chocolate has a lot of calories. That is not good especially for women because they are often worried about their body figure. There are also tooth decay and acne. However, we all knew this facts but we can not stop to eat chocolate. We are addicted.

    I also prefer dark chocolate! It has some benefits for our health. Studies show that dark chocolate can improve health and lower the risk of heart disease.

    There are some interesting names for this special candy. It is called Food of Gods and Black Gold. In future I would like to visit a museum of chocolate in Cologne in Germany. There we can see how they produce chocolate and we can try it alone. Why not?
    But this days they talk about the cacao. They said that there is not a lot of cacao tree and the price of chocolate will increase. An interesting fact is that up to 2020 chocolate will became a luxury and expensive thing.
    However, chocolate is something mysterious and I we should remember that the food of the Gods might, just might, be good for us!

    Best regards,

    1. Dear Amela,

      Thanks for your lovely comment and some new facts about chocolate. And thanks for reminding us of some possible negative impacts of chocolate on our helath. Although they are not to be neglected, I still believe that we can continue to enjoy in this 'Food of Gods' or 'Black Gold', as you call it, as long as we do not exagerate in the amount of this sheer pleasure we love so much. This museum of chocolate in Cologne you mentioned would definitely be a place worth visiting for all chocolate worshippers from all over the world. The question is how to resist the temptation and keep away one's fingers from the sweet exibits :-)

    2. Dear Amela,
      I have to say that I also would be happy to visit that museum of chocolate, it would be great. I didn´t know that museum even exist, it is a great idea whoever invention it.

    3. Dear Almina,

      this museum really exist. You have to see photos, it is awesome there. It would be great when we could go together to visit this chocolate museum.


    4. Dear Amela,
      I would also like to visit the museum of chocolate. I still think that picture says more than a thousand words and that it must be experienced. It's a humble cabbage, but when we talked about the big dreamy wishes I would love to have chocolate factory.
      Amina K.

    5. Dear Amela

      I agree with your comment about this story,it is sure that chocolate has good and bad side,but if we stick to certain measures it won't harm us.

      Amila Podžić,RN III

    6. Dear Amina,
      your wish is awesome. I like it very much. Only, I would like to say, do not forget us when you became famous. Just remember how much we like chocolate. Maybe you will need some chocolate researcher. You can count on us, there is no problem :)


    7. Dear Amela,
      Nice comment, chocolate indeed make us happy- my own experience In fact, chocolate induce releasing endorphins- neurotransmitters in brain which is responsible for decreasing stress and pain. Also amino acid tryptophan found in, among other things, in chocolate induce releasing serotonin, also known as hormone of happiness, which is known in medicine as anti-depressant, so it is not surprise why eating chocolate make us happier.
      But with one information I don’t agree, chocolate don’t directly causes tooth decay. In fact there are many studies that proof opposite, cacao in chocolate acts preventing on tooth decay. Your information isn’t incorrect in total because sugar, ingredient of chocolate, and its metabolite sugar acid is creditable for tooth decay. So chocolate is, in fact healthy for our teeth as long as it have high cocoa proportion, and low sugar content, as it is dark chocolate. At least two cocoa ingredients acts as reducing sugar acid production. Chocolate- lowers we can eat chocolate, as long as it low in sugar content.

  3. Hello to everyone,
    As I read your comments I wish one chocolate :) there is no diet that would prevent me to eat it, I simply love chocolate. As the biggest fan of chocolate I found some interesting facts about chocolate:

    - The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.

    - White chocolate isn't technically chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.

    - It takes approximately 400 cacao beans to make one pound (450 gr.) of chocolate.

    - The inventor of the Chocolate Chip Cookie sold the idea to Nestle Toll House in return for a lifetime supply of chocolate.

    - M&Ms were created in 1941 as a means for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting.

    - The World's Largest Chocolate Bar Weighed 5,792 kg.

    - Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart disease by one third. (Chocolate is healthy you see :D )

    - Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protect against tooth decay.

    As conclusion I have to say that chocolate is mildly addictive, but a bar now and again is not going to hurt. With all those great antioxidants it contains, it may even help you live longer. After all, as the saying goes, "A little of what you fancy does you good".

  4. Hello everyone :)

    I also read your comments and I think chocolate is like magic where you can not resist. We always want more and more. Chocolate protects the heart and lifts the mood.
    Do you feel guilty when you eat chocolate? Well, you shouldn't!

    The ancient Mayans believed it to be the food of the Gods and they were not mistaken: chocolate is actually excellent for your health.
    Of course, this applies to dark chocolate.
    In fact, the darker the chocolate is, the better it is for your health.
    I found 5 good reasons why it is good to eat dark chocolate:

    1. Heart health - dark chocolate protects the heart and cardiovascular system. Clinical research suggests that a few squares of chocolate a day reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

    2. Antidepressant - chocolate contains serotonin, which acts against depression, and endorphins, known for giving a sense of well-being. Chocolate has long been known as an aphrodisiac, which makes it a popular gift on Valentine's Day.

    3. Treasure trove of antioxidants - dark chocolate and cocoa are rich in antioxidants - natural compounds that can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. Antioxidants protect our body from premature aging and many diseases, including cancer.

    4. Regulation of sugar - regardless of its sweet taste, dark chocolate has a low glycemic index. This means that eating dark chocolate does not raise blood sugar levels, which is good news for diabetics. And that is not all – flavonoids found in dark chocolate actually treat diabetes as they improve cell sensitivity to insulin and glucose.

    5. Important minerals - like other representatives of the plant world, chocolate contains a number of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron.
    Dark chocolate has fewer calories, it causes satiety and contains a lot of fibers - which is desirable for the people who want to lose weight.

    I also prefer dark chocolate! I think that the best gift for everyone is chocolate. As any food, chocolate requires moderation. Eating chocolate is good, but not if you eat too much of it, for that we sholud be careful and eat normal. ^.^

    1. Hi Mihreta,
      I must agree with you. I can confirm it from my own experience that chocolate is the best antidepressant, and especially Milka with Oreo. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself.
      Naida talić. 3. god -vanredan

  5. Hello everyone,
    I feel the need to say that this is my favorite story. Much love chocolate and I think it is something without which I could not live. Chocolate has many good and healthy ingredients but many stories suggest that chocolate makes you fat. I honestly do not want to believe in these stories. It is proved that chocolate improves mood, which in itself several times noticed. All my friends know that I love chocolate and it's a gift that can surprise me the most. I believe and live with it the happiness in the little things. If you know someone who is crazy about chocolate, I offer you some idea of the types of chocolate that you can give to someone:
    1. Vitlov - milk chocolate with almonds and cinnamon. Evident immediately comes almond and cocoa, and later the more intense and more comfortable develops flavor of cinnamon, which complements the chocolate. Although the taste of cinnamon is developing intensively, not by force, but completely fits with cocoa and almond. Also, it is quite evident during the tasting, that in this chocolate invested a lot of effort and creativity.

    2. Cukrček - chocolate with saffron. Refreshing saffron hidden in cocoa, it enhances kakaasti taste and prolongs its duration. Strong, sturdy, exquisite taste of exotic plants that their presence brushed cocoa while it is still growing at a distant farm, polite to the product adapted to our western senses with the northern hemisphere. And such long stays in the mouth and on the tongue.
    Second Cukrček - chocolate with saffron. Refreshing saffron hidden in cocoa, it enhances kakaasti taste and prolongs its duration. Strong, sturdy, exquisite taste of exotic plants that their presence brushed cocoa while it is still growing at a distant farm, polite to the product adapted to our western senses with the northern hemisphere. And such long stays in the mouth and on the tongue.

    3. La Chocolate - čokoladarnica in the city center has excellent pralines made of Belgian chocolate. Whichever type of pralines to choose you can not go wrong.

    4. Zotter Labooko - Raw chocolate Labooko has a surprisingly intense and harsh taste of earth and smoke. Dry dark- sweetened coconut sugar and the overall long-term taste gives a fuller and more familiar note.

    5. JD Gross - 81% cocoa in this chocolate occurs every second divine melting and conquest taste buds. He feels the denial of sugar to make it even more bitter and stronger than other known raw chocolate, and nuanced errors in tempering why me this was a special chocolate, dry, at times slightly grainy, but undeniably strong and confident.
    Amina K.

  6. Hi chocolate lovers.
    I think there is a person who does not like chocolate. Everyone loves chocolate, I am one of them. I buy chocolate, eat chocolate and I give as a gift. What I still enjoy is make cakes with chocolate. So I decided to share with you a recipe cookie with chocolate. It's very easy.

    150g salted butter, softened
    80g light brown muscovado sugar
    80g granulated sugar
    2 tsp vanilla extract
    1 egg
    225g plain flour
    ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
    ¼ tsp salt
    200g plain chocolate.


    1.Preheat the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Line two baking trays with non-stick baking paper.
    2.Put the butter and sugars into a bowl and beat until creamy. Beat in the vanilla extract and egg. Sieve the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt over the mixture and mix in with a wooden spoon. Add the chocolate chips and stir well.
    4.Using a teaspoon, place small mounds of the mixture well apart on the baking trays. Bake in the oven for 8–10 mins until light brown on the edges and still slightly soft in the centre.
    5.Leave on the tray for a couple of minutes to firm up and then transfer to a cooling rack.
    I said it is easy. I hope you'll love it.

    Best regards!

    1. Dear Edina,
      I will try to make this cake with chocolate :)
      There's no better way to indulge your sweet tooth than with chocolate cake. You can feel good about eating dessert with chocolate,that are sure to impress you.

    2. Dear Edina,

      That which I enjoy and what I really like is making a cake. The most beautiful way to make happy a person you love is to make her cake. I am sure that this cake excellent and I can't wait to make it. ;)


    3. Hi Edina
      Recipes for chocolate brownies are many but this recipe looks perfect, I have to try it, thank you shared it with us.
      Best regards

    4. Finally someone constructive, that’s a true chocolate lover Your dessert sounds tasty and most important high in chocolate content. I bet that every chocolate lover would like it. I have to try this recipe.

  7. Hello everyone :)
    “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”
    ― Charles M. Schulz

    When do we want to eat chocolate? Let’s count the ways: When we’re happy, when we’re sad, when we’re lonely, when we’re celebrating, when we’re feeling romantic, when we’re on holiday, when we need an afternoon energy boost, when we need to calm down, when we’re feeling depressed. Basically, we enjoy eating chocolate in most any place at most any time of the day, month, or year. So why do we love chocolate so much? Turns out, there are many reasons why we crave chocolate. It tastes delicious, looks good, smells good, and feels amazing when it melts in our mouths. Most of these good feelings are due to the effect the naturally occurring chemicals in dark chocolate have on the brain .
    Another reason why we love chocolate so much is because we associate it with happy times. We tend to use chocolate as a form of celebration: or even as a reward when we were children. When we are feeling sad or lonely, it is natural for us to gravitate toward something that not only physically makes us happier, but also subconsciously reminds us of feelings of love and protection. And when we’re stressed out, a chocolate bar seems like the best solution- chocolate never let’s us down!

    I like chocolate because it is really sweet and tasty and I like creamy chocolate with caramel in it.It is so delicious.
    Best regards,

  8. Hi to everyone :)
    Im also one of the poeple who like chocolate so much. I think so much about people who don t like chocolate and i can t find reason why they think like that. Actually i find something interesting what i will share with you all.
    It turns out that chocolate—especially dark chocolate—reduces body mass, prevents blood clots, improves numeracy, may prevent cancer, and doesn t ruin your complexion.
    A new study suggests that eating chocolate can help you stay thin. Researchers at the University of California-San Diego found that people who frequently eat chocolate have lower body-mass indexes than people who don’t. Other evidence indicates that chocolate can also ward off strokes, heart attacks and diabetes.
    Chocolate helps with math... :D
    British psychologists found that flavanols (a class of flavonoids, which are found in chocolate) helped people with their mental math. Study subjects had an easier time counting backwards from a randomly-generated number between 800 and 999 after drinking a cup of hot chocolate than they did without the cocoa. “The findings suggest students who binge on chocolate when revising for exams may gain a real benefit from doing so,” the British Telegraph reported.
    The most important and usefulness is that chocolate helps with math, and we know that math is the hardest subject for most students. :D :D

    1. Dear Birsena, your report to me was very interesting. I did not know that chocolate helps in math. I'm not an avid fan of chocolate but I will now eat a lot more especially before the exam in mathematics. :)

  9. Hello everyone

    I love chocolate in every shape and eat it with great pleasure. I think only when I eat chocolate or a product thereof I do not think I gain weight, just in those moments it does not matter. I see that my colleague cited many positive sides chocolate with which I agree it is still CHOCOLATE: D

    As I like to eat chocolate, so I love to cook cookies, cakes, muffins, biscuits whose main ingredient is chocolate. If the cake does not contain chocolate, honestly I do not think for a cake that is good.

    From all this story about a beautiful chocolate opened my appetite, so I'll end my comments and eat one "piece" juicy chocolate cake.

    Best regards

    1. Dear Samra, I would love to try some of your chocolate specialty, since you indicated that you love to make cakes. I want to compliment your looks and think that eating chocolate only become more beautiful, and you do not get any more weight. :)

  10. All this talk about chocolate makes me crave one right now.
    When I was a kid, chocolate was a MUST in our home. If mom and dad went grocery shopping and they forgot to buy some chocolate , all hell would break loose.
    Now, though, not so much. I still enjoy chocolate from time to time, but it's not like I used to. I don't know if that has anything to do with me growing up or simply having too much chocolate as a kid, but I'm not crazy about it as I used to be.
    Still, it is one of the most delicious things I ever had in my life.
    With warmest regards,
    Ljiljana Marinčić

  11. I chose this story primarly because it speaks not only about how chocolate is harmful,but also mentioned her good side.Most of human population in the world is telling only the negative side of chocolate : " It makes us fatter,because of her we can get sugar,we eat it large quantities,and we got adicted." It is really rare to see a person who is telling a good side of chocolate,and this story is all about that.It tell us that chocolate is good for our health,that it also contains a lot of good properties such as theobromine,caffein and other chemicals that helps our body and brain.This story also tells about the origin of chocolate,about hers taste,and the way she helps us.This is my opinion about "Chocolate story" I hope you agree with me.

    Amila Podžić,RN III

    1. Hi, Amila

      I agree with you. Realy, I do all the time, I read a lot of text about chocolate and how it is harmfull and I don't like it. For me it so good. I love to eat it, and really enjoy it. It is good, like you did say, for our health, for our good mood, and I really feel better when I eat it.

      I agree with you and let us eat some chocolate. Enjoy.

      Best regards

  12. Hi everyone,

    Oh, chocolate. I love all kinds of chocolate. Whenever I feel blue, I take a piece of chocolate and I immediately feel better. Just joking, I can never take just a piece of chocolate. I always eat whole chocolate. I can say that I’m addicted to chocolate. I love those moments when it’s cold outside, and I’m drinking cup of hot chocolate in my warm house.
    Naida Talić, 3.god vanredan

    1. Dear Naida,
      Studies show that if you eat enough chocolate it can make you feel like you are in love so I believe that is the reason why we all love to eat chocolate when we are feeling blue.
      Also some studies show that chocolate is good for our heart and brain. It can improve our memory and helps us to control our blood sugar.
      Ena :)

  13. Hi people,

    I want to say a couple things abou choclate, which is my favorite. It doesn't matter which shape or form it comes in, it always tastes great.
    Chocolate is also the main ingredient in cakes, cookies and other sweets. It just makes everything taste much better. I make a awsome chocolate-cherry cake. Everyone in the house love it.
    I have to admit thad I don't know a person that doesn't enjoy eating chocolate. I always forget the 'fattening' part when I eat my favorite chocolate bar 'Snickers'.
    If chocolate makes us happy, we should just eat it :)

    1. Dear Irma, I decided to make a comment about your opinion.I have to say that i I agree with you.Chocolate is something that everyone loves and i love it also a lot. As you said the shape and the flavor doesn't matter because we'll eat it anyway. Many people buy Milka and they say that it's one of the best chocolates.One of my favourite chocolate is white Schogetten. Maybe we could treat ourselves with chocolate after the lecture.I am sure everyone will enjoy in our professor Izela's lectures and in the end we can enhance that with chocolate..

      Best regards
      Suada Tabaković,III godina, RN.

  14. Hi everyone,

    Hmm Chocolate is absolutely something that i like the most.Before the lesson in which you told us about Chocolate i didn't know a lot about it's origins. And the lesson was so interesting. Chocolate made me think about my New Year's resolutions one of them was to get fit which means i'll have to eat less chocolate and that is a hard task.

    Best regards,
    Suada Tabaković,III godina ,RN.

    1. Dear Suada,
      I agree with you totally that the lesson was so interesting, I got know some important facts which I did not care about that before.
      Enjoy eating chocolate Suki, It will not harm your waight. Believe meee ;)

      Kind Regards
      Ermelinda D.T.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Suada if u want to be fit maybe u can try to eat less chocolate. i know that is imposible but if try hard u will made it. Anela Hejub

    4. Dear Suada,
      you're not the only one who has a problem with eating chocolate. My accident with chocolate is that after I'd eaten one cube on my face pimple appears. Great, subcutaneous ..... However, I would not give up eating colokade. Milka and Snickers or any other chocolate, nothing can replace. :) Eat while you can .....: *

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hello everyone
    Chocolate is my weak point, and I believe that there is no person in the world who does not like chocolate. I found some of the reasons why we need to eat chocolate. 
    Chocolate Won’t: Cause acne, make you nervous or irritable. Cacao contains the stimulants caffeine and bromine, but not in significant amounts in chocolate bars and nibs.Turn you into an addict: chocolate is not addictive.Raise your cholesterol: chocolate contains stearic acid, a neutral fat which doesn’t raise bad cholesterol. And for me nothing better than a few slabs of chocolate with coffee.
    Enjoy :)
    Midheta Smailbegović, III godina, RN

  18. Chocolate . This is one of my favorite topics . I like chocolate , and I do not know how I'd do without her. When one day do not eat chocolate , I have a feeling I'm going crazy . I know it might sound funny , but that's it. I agree that chocolate is retained , especially for brain and memory , reduces the risk of cancer I'd like to once hold a competition to see who will eat more chocolate , certainly would register as many of my colleagues .
    I found some misconceptions about chocolate and I'll share them with you :
    " It causes tooth decay " - The lack of hygiene causes tooth decay and any foods containing fermented carbohydrates , and actually some substance in chocolate slow down tooth decay .
    " Thicker " - Like any food in excessive amounts and chocolate makes you fat , but dice - two prevents overeating in crises and satisfies the desire , moderation is important .
    " Addictive " - This is not true , although some people have a more pronounced appetite for chocolate than others . Frequent consumption of chocolate can become a habit that provides pleasure and a lot of energy , but only eating chocolate can become an addiction .
    " It causes acne " - A series of studies has demonstrated that eating chocolate does not increase the number of acne .
    So everyone who stopped to eat chocolate because of these things , I recommend you to continue , because I want all that and not delusions ... Best regards..Melisa Musić..III god RN

  19. Hello everyone,
    Lately I stopped to eat a lot of chocolate, and without lots of chocolate I feel excellent. I found this sentence very interesting and I want to share it with you
    "Dark chocolate, with 70% cocoa solids, is the healthiest, since it has little sugar, its fat comes from cocoa butter and it contains iron and magnesium. However, since commercial chocolate contains about 500 calories for every 100g, it’s worth rationing it."

  20. Hello everybody, Chocolate, Chocolate. Hmmm this word means alot for many people, it even can be an inspiration sometimes. Let us be a positive when we talk about this valued thing. although all of people know that Chocolate has some contents which harm our health, but alot of them will ignore that once they saw a piece of chocolate. Maybe it looks funny but I believe in that like a fact.
    when you meet a group of girls talking about diets, optimal weight, or healthy meals. you can test them by offering a piece Snickers maybe, I have no doubt that all of them will took it. So, let us be frank, Chocolate diet is the best one, and according its not found yet, Im seriously thinking to make a research about it. Im sure that it will be a great thing if I success.
    at the end, I need to tell you a small secret. In The recent period, I began act as angry from my husband, believing that he will buy a chocolate to please me, hahaha

    Ermelinda D.T.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ermelinda I completely agree with you. I m addicted to chocolate. And that idea about your huband and chocolade is great. I will try it hahaha. Anela Hejub

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi everybody,

    I think like everyone that the chocolate is one of the most favorite sweet all around the world. I like so much chocolate, and also, I like interesting packing of chocolates which are one of the most reasons why i eat it. On one occasion , I have got unique handmade chocolate, which has special story about origin. I can't remember the whole story, but I perfectly remember unique and delicious taste of chocolate, and i have never tried nothing similar.This is my experience with these lovely sweet...

    Best regards
    Nejla Bašić, RN, 3 godina.

  22. Hello girls. I lovee chocolate a lot, I can't imagine a day without chocolade. Most of people know how much I love chocolade, and they know what they need to buy me like a gift... ofc that is chocolade... Anela Hejub

  23. As it comes to chocolate, all I can say mmmmmmmm. Is there a man on Earth who can say I don't like chocolate, I don't enjoy it, etc??? I've read scientific studies that showed chocolate as a healthu thing, not in large amounts of course. Chocolates containg large percentage of cocoa ( 70 %) are very good for memory and stomach, plus you enjoy it. No one can't deny the satsifaction and enjoyment eating a bar of sweet, cream filled chocolate. On the other side, we should be carefull about it. Large amonuts on everyday basis can never be good for our health in many ways. So golden mean is perfect measure. Stick to it and you can enjoy choclates without regrets :)

  24. We forgot something, our relatives coming, with tons of chocolate from all over the World. It always awake special emotions to me when there are holidays and customs of giving and taking presents. For me the greatest present ever is chocolate, and a lot of it . In your opinion which chocolate is the best? Is it the famous Swiss chocolate, Belgium chocolate, USA’s chocolate, some homemade recipe or from some domestic manufacturer? Chocolate lovers share a bar of your favorites with me.

  25. Omg, I like chocolate too! And I also share your love and obsession with chocolate, I love chocolate cookies, bars, milk and everything that was made by chocolate :) Choclate is my favorite, favorite, favorite candy.My favorite kind of choclate is dark chocolate. If i could i would eat it all day everyday till i get tired of it but i dont think i will would.
    You can't buy happiness, but you can buy chocolate. And that's kind of the same thing. :)

    Best regards,

    Nađa Zubčević

  26. Hi ;)

    Mmm ... I love chocolate. My parents say that I am addicted to chocolate :). I prefer white chocolate. Friends when I want to rejoice usually do it by buying white chocolate :). When I go to the exam required to eat a bar of chocolate, because chocolate increases the hormone of happiness. What is certain, is certain :))

    Best regards,
    Suzana Sabljić.

  27. I must say, I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to this topic. Liked the material. . .
