Monday, December 15, 2014

Jingle bells, jingle bells ...

Hello everyone!

It's almost the end of the year, the time when we are all preparing to draw a line and recapitulate what we have already done and what we have not in 2014. For all those plans, ambitions and promises we made a year ago... It is also the time of holidays, shopping frenzy, preparing gifts for your loved ones, Santa Claus and presents for kids ... 
Yes, Santa Claus, the funny character we all believed in as kids and hardly waited for his gifts under the Christmas tree. But is he real or is he not? Is he paid for all the work he does? Here are some links for you:

Have fun and share your memories of childhood and Santa Claus with us.

Enjoy your holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Best regards,


  1. Hello everyone :)
    Every year I wrote the letter with my wishes and mom send it to North Pole. When New Year comes I get presents from Santa Claus. :D
    Now unfortunately I know that the real Santa Claus doesn't exist.
    I think that every child needs to believe in Santa Claus, men who follow his behavior through the year and bring him presents if he was good.
    Best regards,
    Minela Barlov

    1. Hi Minela,
      I also believed in Santa but not that blindly hehe..
      I whispered my wishes to my mother and they were fulfilled; probably not by Santa but by my mom.
      I also think that kids should believe in Santa Claus and his magic .
      Best regards,
      Ena Okić

  2. Hi Minela,
    Thanks for sharing your childhood memories of Santa Claus with us. I agree with you that all children should believe in the story and figure of Santa Claus because it brings so much joy and happiness that all of us will always have sweet memories of even when we grow up.
    Have you read the texts using the links above? What do you think about them?

  3. Hello teacher.
    Yes. I've read the texts, and I've solved the quizzes, they are very interesting.
    I enjoyed reading the texts, partly because I like advertisements with Santa Claus and Coke, and partly I found out some things about Santa Claus I didn't know.
    Almost forgot: I wish You Happy New Year, all the best.

    Best regards

    1. Hello Minela,
      I am glad that you liked the texts and a few exercises for your English practice.
      Thanks a lot for your nice words!
      Happy New Year to you too and may all your wishes come true!

  4. Recently I have discovered very great course online and have gradually improved my pronunciation by practicing at home and I am no longer embarrassed to speak in public! Below I give You guys a webpage

  5. Hello everyone
    My favorite time of the year and certainly my favorite holiday, which I eagerly anticipate every year, because of New Year's idyll and joy of New Years eve , decorating Christmas trees, preparing presents for my little cousin, and I must admit my New Year's present, Santa still remembers to bring me a beautiful gift.
    :-) Happy New Year
    Bjelić Elvida

  6. Hello everyone,

    At what age do children stop believing in Santa?

    I remember when I discovered Santa was NOT real, I was around 11 years old. I felt very sad. In the case of my daughters, they are 9 and 6 years old, It is NOW!

    My older daughter started it all. One minute she did believe in the Santa; the next she didn't.

    Last year, she was so excited about Santa, she even wrote her long letter to the North Pole. This year, she sarcastically raises her eyebrows whenever Santa is mentioned. I tried to convince her he really does exist but no luck. But they still want the presents; they just know parents are the ones that buy them. And, we still decorated the tree; we even left the cookies and milk for Santa. I personally love this holiday season. First of all I get to spend it with family and friends.
    I just love the Holidays! I love the feeling I get when winter is near. I watch all of the Christmas movies on television…even though they’re for children. My favorite one is frosty the Snowman. I love going to the shopping centers and stores and watching people enjoy the holiday rush (choosing that perfect present). I love my family and the laughs we share during the holiday break. Happy Holidays 

    Mersiha Memić-Grado

    1. Dear Mersiha,
      Many children leave out milk and cookies or other treats for Santa because he gets hungry on his long journey of delivering presents but, did you know his reindeer get hungry too?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Dear Arnela,
      Yes, of course. Santa shares his cookies with the reindeer on their Christmas journey. They love cookies as much as Santa. Santa is a very generous little old man. Sometimes we leave tangerines and carrots as well. Carrots are always a great option. The reindeer need good eyesight in order to see the small rooftops from the sky, so carrots are good for their eyes.
      Best regards,
      Mersiha Memć-Grado

  7. Hello everyone!
    As a very small I quickly revealed that there is no Santa Claus because I would skillfully found many gifts that my parents were hiding somewhere in the house, while I slept. I was not sad because I always had a great time hanging out with my parents for the holidays. Now, when I grew up,I am trying to wisely spend my free time.
    Best regards,
    Edna K.

    1. I share the opinion of my colleague Edna. I also like a little girl I stopped believing in Santa Claus. Yet because of this I was sad because I always had family and friends with whom I can share all the joys of the holidays. I love the holidays because of free time that they can spend with loved ones. The holidays bring with them many gifts and socializing and it is still one of the reasons why I love the holidays.
      Amina K.

    2. Although I have my own special comment on this topic , however, I agree with my colleague Edna and I want to say that the gifts of the family and their attention is the greatest happiness in the life of a child . Each year is special in their own way and we need to try to brighten it as much as possible . Melisa Music

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi everyone,

    Every December millions of people are visited by a short, fat guy in a red suit. Where did he come from, why does he do it, and how does he accomplish this impossible task?

    Hm, is this true, are we really visited by this good guy? How knows... Everything is possible. But, how Santa can completely do his job? He has a lot of letters and a lot of wishes. Millions are waiting for him. Little children are waiting for their dear Santa Claus. He is his hope and his magic.
    In fact some people have even suggested that Santa has the technology to manipulate time. By creating an artificial time bubble around his person. Again, this is far away from human technology, but, there is magic, or...

    Now this is a New Year, year with a lot of new wishes. We all have decided what are we going to do and what are we going to change. This past year for me was good, I am satisfied, I had a lot of successes and what is most important I was good like a person.

    In this new year I wish us a lot of health, love, success and I wish that our dreams and wishes came true.

    Best regards,


  10. Hello everyone ,
    As for Santa Claus when I was small I have never thought about it , I did not consider whether there is or not . I was never of those children who believe that they will bring Santa Claus gift under the tree . My only wish for the New Year were that my mom and sister Io healthy and alive , but also that my father alive . I did not require large gifts . Sundries were my charm which makes me happier . As then and today my wishes have remained the same and will never change , but I added another , which might sound funny , and that is to get fat , at least a little . I hope it will come true .
    Melisa Musić

  11. Hello to everyone :)
    When I was a child I knew that Santa does not exist but deep inside I wanted to believe that somewhere outside there is Santa. I can say that the cartoons had a large impact on that opinion and I don´t think that is wrong to believe in Santa. It makes children happy and they are looking forward to the holidays, gifts. Now, when I am grownup I miss these days, I miss gifts, I miss the childhood.
    Best regards :)

  12. Hello everyone ,
    Santa is everywhere you look during the holiday season, and that can be confusing for children. Seeing so many Santas inevitably brings up the question, "Is Santa real? And if Santa is real, which Santa is real?"
    We don’t even know if aliens are real yet it seems as if we believe in ghosts and paranormal things more than Santa. Maybe it’s because Santa seems too good to be true. I would definitely love to live in a world where everyone believes Santa because I agree that it would make our lives better. It’s nice to know that if everything in your life seems dull and dreary that there is a person who spreads kindness and joy and should remain as a role model for every age. I think all people should believe in Santa because it’s nice just to have a little bit magic. People shouldn’t be so afraid of the unknown, the unknown is what makes life so interesting.

    Best regards,

  13. Hello !!
    Now its 2015 and i wish you all the best in life. Lots of health,happiness,success,love and all that you desire. When i was a child i really don t believe in Santa Clause but every new year i get a gift from my parents. For the new year our friends or family always came to us and we all ate candy, listened to music, watched movies and have fun. Now im older but i do the same.
    My friends buy me gifts and I do the same work. This year we were at my house and we cooked for all of us and it was really good time.
    :) :)

  14. Although I do not like winter, I was always looking forward to December, his charms that he has. Holidays and a wonderful festive atmosphere brings joy and satisfaction to everyone. I rejoice to know that another month of winter is less because I'm not a fan of winter. My Santa Claus is my mother I always knew she fills my "wishes" and gives me presents. Although I grew this way of giving, I've always happy when I get a gift from "my" Santa Claus. I think that every person should keep the child in yourself to know to look forward, appreciate and spread the love, joy and happiness.

    New year, new hopes, new dreams and new goals. Somehow the new year begins a new chapter of our lives, where we plan what we need-we can do for our benefit. I honestly do not like to make long-term plans, to plan what I need to do for the whole year. Various traveling, meeting new people, new cultures, history, improving the health and habits, strengthen relationships with close people, I believe this should be a plan for everyone in the new year.

    Best regards,

  15. Whether Santa is real or not, I don't really care, as long as he represents something good and as long children have something to be happy about. Sooner or later, they will grow up and just know that Santa can't be real, but the memories they have from the times they still believed in him will be forever with them and probably one of the happiest. I'm speaking from experience.
    I will use this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true! I hope you have everything you need.
    With warmest regards,
    Ljiljana Marinčić

    1. I couldn't agree more on that. Just like Saudina said 'it is about moments and memories', not about whether Santa is real or not. Children deserve happines and Santa is like an ideal of it. Memories, moments and happines are priceless values.
      Wish all the best in 2015 :)

  16. The belief in a good Santa dressed in a red suit, who knows whether you have behaved well or not, helps the child to see more clearly the difference between right and wrong. The child is through the story about the existence of someone who looks at the universal level and follows the good deeds and rewards them, encouraged by that and just start creating a clear picture of good and evil.
    I still believe in Santa Claus. I do not want to stop believing in it because I think that when you stop believing in it, we lose child in yourself and no more those beauty of life.

    1. Hi Samra,
      I completely agree with you. I also think that Santa is a very important figure in child’s life. Many of us learnt from him that sharing is caring. And if you look with not with your eyes, but with your heart, you’ll see that Santa really exists.
      Naida Talić, 3.god-vanredan

    2. Hi Samra :)

      I agree with your statement. I also believe in magic of Santa. Also, recently I have read about Santa Claus village at the artic circle in Rovsniemi, Lapland. That is in Finland. I am not sure about you but I would like to go there. Believe me it is magical!
      Did you know that Santa has so far received about 10 million letters from 187 different countries. Top 4 countries are: England, Poland, Italy and Japan.

      This is really a place where the fairytale becomes true.

    3. Hi girls, thanks for your comments and opinions. Amela, I did not know that Santa Claus got so many letters. In these countries, it is safe and our country because we somehow miss the most faith in fairy tales, for a better tomorrow. I suggest when we pass the exam to treat ourselves a trip to Santa's Village. What do you think? :)

  17. Hello everyone :D

    When I was little, I never thought about Santa Claus. But when time for holidays come I always feel happy. I love the magic at those days. Winter it self is magical. People are close to each other more than usual. I love to spend that days at home with my familiy, we enjoy in laughter, hanging out and watching Christmas and New Years Eve movies. When it comes to presents for the New Years Eve one honest smile and warm hugh are enough. Those are the best present we can get from people who we love.

    Still, I wish to all of us health, love, succes in this New Year and I wish that our dreams and whishes come true and that we become better persons, better people. :))

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Mihreta
      You're right, little things make us happy. New Year is a time of joy, rest, enjoyment, love, giving.The best moments spent with family and friends are worth everything.

    2. Mihreta, I agree with your thoughts and wishes to become better people. It's really the only way to keep the world a better place and that every day be filled with holiday warmth.

  18. Hi everyone,

    I realy love a winter time, especialy because of those moments: Santa, gifts, holiday and love with special people. When I was a child I was believing in Santa Claus, and I loved him. I always wrote him the letter and waited...wait for his present, and he always brought them.

    Later, when I grown up I realized that Santa was my uncle...but I still like it.
    Children should believe in Santa, because it bring such a great memories and a lot of happy time.

    Best regards

    1. I agree on your statement that children should believe in Santa. Memories and hapiness are priceless when it comes to New Year and presents. Yours Santa was your uncle, mine was my dad :)

  19. Hi everyone,
    As a child I always loved December and the holidays. I loved when my mother took me to Santa Claus to receive my present. But what made me more excited than the present, was the whole atmosphere and seeing good old Santa, who was always happy and who spread good vibe. Those were good days. I hope that one day I’ll be able to do the same with my children.
    Naida Talić, 3 god-vanredan

  20. Hi everyone,

    When i was a child i usually spend holidays with my family.Most of the time i spent with my twin brother Suad and that was a magical time.I wasn't thinking about Santa Claus because i knew that he doesn't exist but there was something special about the New Year.Unfortunately it was impossible for me to be awake when it begins but i was happy.Now I love to spend time with people i really love and for the New Year we usually stay at home, dance,listen to music and talk about new resolutions.However i decide to spend and share special moments only with people who honestly love me.

    Best regards,
    Suada Tabaković, III godina , RN.

    1. Hi everyone
      Dear Suada I agree with you it was same situation about Santa Claus with me..When I was young my grandfather was making me a snowman. .Usually it was really big.Snowman had a bag with some candys and every day i usaually took some of them from the bag.I really like winter and winter holidays.

      Best regards,
      Nejla Bašić, RN, 3 godina

  21. Hello everyone,
    I remember that when I was a child ,I sent letters to Santa Claus wishing things that I "needed at most".I would always be suprised at the morning when I see all the presents.I never wondered on which language he speaks.
    Those were my best memories from childhood.
    Every child deserve to have those kind of days.
    Maybe I am a little bit a child ,but I ,in deep of my heart ,belive that Santa Claus exist. Maybe he takes care of all childs,and that is the best present for all of us.

    Best regards,
    Irma Basaric , lll godina , PO

  22. Hi everyone,
    I like winter a lot of because of gifts,holidays and Santa Claus.When I was a little I believed and loved Santa Claus and I always looked forward to what I will get for a gift.Later when I grew up I realized that he doesnt exist.However,I believe that children need to believe in Santa Claus because for them that is a special moment and they will always have nice memories.

    Lejla Muslic

  23. Hi everyone!
    When I was a child, winter holidays were special for me. I remember that excitement of decorating New year's tree and my room with mum and sister.
    I believe that every child should believe in Santa Claus because that feeling when you're writing a letter for him is priceless.
    One more good thing about belief in Santa Claus is a fact that you have to be good if you want get a present.
    But after some time, every child figure out that someone else is buying those presents for them.
    In my case, it was my aunt. Even if I'm adult now, every year she gets some presents for me and my sisters.
    Wish you all the best in this year!
    Best regards,
    Adnana Softić, III godina, PO

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Adnana,
      It is so beautiful spening and enyojing in holidays with family.
      I agree with you, kids should belive in Santa Claus also because they will appreciate more gifts because of waiting and they will learn how to be patient.
      Presents make every person happy, not only children.

      Erna Lulić

  24. Dear Melisa,
    I am very saddened by your comment. One day you will be with your father. You'll be very happy.
    You are beautiful and handsome, just stay healthy and eat healthy food.
    with love,
    Edna K.

    1. Thanks Edna to such a beautiful words , I was very touched by your comment and I have no words in this moment , thank you once again . Melisa Music

  25. Hello everyone,
    One of my favourite holidays in December is New year. I like that atmosphere, every person is happy and we all forget our problems, at least for one day.

    When I was a child I did not belive in Santa Claus or write him a letter. My parents were my Santa Claus. They allways knew what I wanted and I was so pleased with their presents, they make my wishes come true.

    I think the most important thing about holidays is to spend more time with family and friends, because we all have so many obligations and so little time for intimacy.

    Best regards

    Erna Lulić

    1. Dear Erna!

      I like your post and i agree with you! Holiday atmosphere is so special! Everyone's in the mood, kind and ready to help poor people or someone else! I sometimes wish that holiday atmosphere never ends! World would be better place for living, for sure!

      Best regards

      Adnana Softić

  26. Hi everyone,
    We have reached the end of yet another year, and usher the beginning of 2015.Wish you all a very happy new year 2015!Santa Claus is all about peace, joy, giving, and caring for other people. For chidlren and most of adult Santa Claus is something magical. How that presents came to our room? Later we realized,our parents. Its not about opening our presents. It’s about opening our hearts.These are special moments when we re happy,we enjoy in every moment.Certainly
    every child should believe in Santa Claus,because there is Santa Claus.
    Best regards
    Mirela Kukuljac

  27. First at all I loveeee gifts for holidays... The holiday atmosphere is lovely. i love snow, and the free times that I have for holidays. I enjoj going to the mountain with my boyfriend :) ... Anela Hejub

  28. Hello everyone

    In my opinion, best time of the year are winter holidays and New Year. It has something beautiful in it, romantic and warm. In those days I am in some kind of special mood, happy without worries. Besides, I enjoy making cakes.
    As of Santa, every single child in the world should believe in it. There in no such thing like waiting for Santa's presents. Me and my sisters used to go bed early, so Santa colud bring us presents. Years after I realised it was dad actually :))) Parents need to encourage kids to believe in Santa.It makes kids happy, satisfied, they imagine and imagine. Never tell kid that there is no Santa. It is like tearing down their dreams. After all, at some point it will realise itself that there is no Santa, like I did and most of the people without any damage. So never do that.

    Esmira Catovic

  29. Hello everyone,

    When I was a child I didn't think too much about Santa's existence, if he was real or not?! I had my own vision of it!!! Winter holidays and New Year was the best time of year for me. Santa Claus reminded me of the children's happiness, pleasant family atmosphere, a real pleasure. But in the same time I was a little bit afraid of Santa because he had big white beard, funny but true. I have a lot of pictures when I was a child, crying in his lap. So funny right now. I admired Santa from distance, waiting for his present. When it was snowing I was looking at the window and waiting for Santa to bring mi present. Me and my sister loved gifts for holidays and every child should feel that joy and happiness.

    Best regards,

  30. Hello everyone,

    I enjoyed reading the texts, and I've solved the quizzes, they are very interesting and fun. I realy love a winter time, especialy because of the New Year's atmosphere, decorating trees, and preparing presents for my family. When I was a child I was believing in Santa Claus, and I always wrote him a letter. That was the most wonderful time of my childhood, but now children are busy doing other things. I must say that all children should believe in Santa Claus, because it brings so much happiness, and we will always have wonderfull memories of it, even when we grow up.

    Best regards!

    Nađa Zubčević

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hello everyone,

    When I was little, I always eagerly awaited New Year holidays, and a few days before the holidays "come" I was not long into the night could not sleep because I was thinking that if this year I listened so well that she could not get a present. Because mom always said that Santa Claus comes only to good children. I believed in the story of Santa Claus, even I knew it and pick a fight with their peers when they say: "I just heard that Santa Claus does not exist." Usually the story is known to finish my cry, because I could not bear that it might be true. After these discussions for hours I knew to think about it as my friends say. I started to question myself to, how do I know that Santa Claus really exists? I know about him only from movies, cartoons, from the story. So you my friends me with insults that I forget that my mom always used to take the kindergarten when it comes Santa Claus, and then make sure that it is real, it exists. However, as time went on, years went by and I was older, my parents decided to tell me the truth about Santa Claus. I admit, it was not easy. Since then, during the New Year holidays other things began to be merry, and so to this day. This is the time when all the family together, for me these things represent great wealth. Now for the New Year holidays I take my sister's kids in kindergarten when there is a Santa Claus, and to me all the time back in my childhood.

    Best regards,
    Suzana Sabljić.

  33. Hello everyone,

    When I was little, I always eagerly awaited New Year holidays, and a few days before the holidays "come" I was not long into the night could not sleep because I was thinking that if this year I listened so well that she could not get a present. Because mom always said that Santa Claus comes only to good children. I believed in the story of Santa Claus, even I knew it and pick a fight with their peers when they say: "I just heard that Santa Claus does not exist." Usually the story is known to finish my cry, because I could not bear that it might be true. After these discussions for hours I knew to think about it as my friends say. I started to question myself to, how do I know that Santa Claus really exists? I know about him only from movies, cartoons, from the story. So you my friends me with insults that I forget that my mom always used to take the kindergarten when it comes Santa Claus, and then make sure that it is real, it exists. However, as time went on, years went by and I was older, my parents decided to tell me the truth about Santa Claus. I admit, it was not easy. Since then, during the New Year holidays other things began to be merry, and so to this day. This is the time when all the family together, for me these things represent great wealth. Now for the New Year holidays I take my sister's kids in kindergarten when there is a Santa Claus, and to me all the time back in my childhood.

    Best regards,
    Suzana Sabljić.

  34. Hello :D
    I was born in Zagreb, which is mostly in chaos during Christmas holiday season. When I was a kid, my mother was trying to keep up with convincing me and my older brother that Santa exists. When my big bro figured the truth, I was the only one still believing.... and it was great :D but not for long...
    I still remember the moment I found out the terrible truth. I was in 1st class, and just learned how to write. My aunt sat next to me when I was writing my letter for Santa. I asked for mermaid Barbie doll, with pink hair... My aunt even helped me to write "Santa's address". Few days later my mom was cleaning the apartment, and I've saw my letter between some bills and other papers in some letter box.
    I was in shock. I didn't help when I actually got that Barbie I've wanted.
    From that moment, perception of Christmas was changed.
    As I was getting older, I've learned the real story about Santa, where it started, and how things become more and more commercial. Few years ago I've visited Turkey, and the house of St. Nicholas. It toured out that Santa and St. Nicholas are same person.
    Since than, St. Nicholas is my favorite saint. Maybe I'm still a kid after all.

    Best regards,
    Maja Agatić
