Monday, April 6, 2015

Creating a Child-Friendly World

Children are the living messages
we send to a time we will not see.

                                                            -John W. Whitehead 


                                            Children are the world's most valuable resource
                                                         and its best hope for the future.
                                                          -John Fitzgerald Kennedy 

The child must know that he is a miracle,

                                      that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been,

                                            and until the end of the world there will not be,

                                                                   another child like him.

                                                                        -Pablo Casals 

          These wonderful quotes remind us of the most precious gifts we could ever get in our lives – our children. Each child is unique and he/she deserves to be treated with full respect and an enormous amount of love and understanding. Starting with the family, which should provide his/her safe base, continuing with the local community and all the way up to the global level, where the whole mankind should unite in one of the most important goals – to create a world which would fit the child and suit his/her needs.

         We should all act in the best interest of children, while promoting children's rights and protecting them from violence and any other kind of abuse. We should always make sure that each child is listened to and fully respected. As full-fledged right holders, children should have the effective access to justice and adequate treatment equally as any adult. And the justice system should be adapted to the child so that the child does not feel threatened by it, but protected. 

          All children should grow up in a child-friendly environment which guarantees their normal physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Children should have the access to a quality education which will provide them opportunities to achieve real learning outcomes and reach their potential. Education should be child-centered and based on the principles of democratic participation, inclusiveness and protection.

         These are just some of the basic issues related to the topic – how to create a child-friendly world. You will be given some useful links for your own in-depth research.

          Although we live in 21st century and the new millenium, the sad fact is that not all children enjoy the same rights and not all of them are treated in a proper way. There are still some parts of the world where you can encounter child slavery and child labour. Here is the story of Kailash Satyarthi from India and his brave attempt to make his country a better place for all children:

        Find out more about the concept of child-friendly schools and listen to Dr. Cream Wright talking about the basic principles of the CFS model:

What Makes a Child-Friendly Learning Environment:

Here is the link to investigate the topic of child-friendly justice, along with a short introductory video:

Child friendly version of A World Fit for Children:

Child-friendly cities or communities:

Principles of child-friendly housing:

 These are just the basic hints to motivate your own research of the topic and our class discussion on the blog. Think about your own experience and your local community. What can we all do to make this world better suited for all children? Remember Kailash Satyarthi's words: 'If not now, then when? If not you, then who?'

"Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. 
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. 
Walk beside me and be my friend" 

Attributed to Albert Camus


  1. Hello everyone,

    I will start with this sentences ' We should all act in the best interest of children, while promoting children's rights and protecting them from violence and any other kind of abuse. We should always make sure that each child is listened to and fully respected.' This sounds perfect but is this a case in our country? Is our country enough safe for children? Is our country enough safe for all of us?
    Unfortunately, the answer is no! Our country is not safe for children.
    We have read about child slavery in India. But what do we know about child slavery in our country?
    I have searched about this topic and I would like to share some information with all of you.
    Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina work on family farms. A significant number of children, especially ethnic Roma, live or work on the streets and are often forced to do exploitive work such as participating in begging rings. Roma children, especially, have been known to beg on the streets of the larger cities. The majority of street children are under 14 years and most of them do not attend school. The minimum age for work in BiH is 15 years. The law also prohibits minors from working jobs that could have harmful effects on their health, life, or psychophysical development. The law prohibits forced or compulsory labor. Like Kailash said that the entire community must agree that no child will be put to work and every child will be sent to school, we must give the best of us to make this sentences become true.
    The war badly affected children's rights. The responsibility to protect children's rights is currently shared between different levels of government. Access to primary education is high but some groups have limited access. Roma children are often excluded because they are not registered with the authorities. Disabled children have limited access because schools do not have adequate disabled facilities. For those Problems we have organisation like SOS Children's Villages. They care about children and their families.
    Also, I want to share a positive example about child-friendly justice. Prijedor Police Station has equipped a “child-friendly” room to ensure that children in contact with the justice system will be interrogated in a manner as less traumatizing as possible with international standards. The purpose of these child-friendly rooms is to create a friendly environment in which children can be interviewed. If a child gets necessary support, and if the interview is done with trained person the recorded statement is more credible and reliable. The most important fact is that statements are recorded, so the children do not have to be interviewed several times to repeat the given statement. In the future, this approach should be replicated throug the whole country, in all police stations.
    Now, I have one question for us 'If not now, then when? If not we, then who?' I am sure that we can do a lot of things and that we can help many children in our country. I believe in that. I believe in us.

    Best regards,

    1. Hello Amela,
      I agree with you that children are not enough respected in our country; especially Roma children. We all know that they spend most of their time on the street because their families force them to work. I think that the right place for kids is in school not in the street, you are right we are those who need to make changes right now so our children could have a better future. Children have rights and they are humans also, we need to respect them. They need justice.

    2. I agree with my colleague that Roma children do not have sufficient rights in our country. Because of the way of life of the Roma in our country they are discriminated against. I'm sorry for the children that suffer and face many disagreements. I hope that we as teachers can influence to change or at least reduced. Every child has the right to liberty and the right to education and it should be provided.

    3. Hello Amela,
      At first, I would like you for your interested comment, It includes a lot of important facts about child world here in Bosnia, answering the questions you have put at the end of your comment is the key factor to resolve this problems with our childs. I think that we have a big responsibility here to make a remarkable improvement in the future with childs in our lovely country.

      Best Regards

      Ermelinda D.T.

  2. Hello everyone,
    I will share with us some information about child-friendy school.
    Creating child friendly schools is an international movement that encourages schools to operate in the best interests of children. Child friendly schools not only help children realize their right to a basic education but also provide quality educational experiences. A child friendly school is child-focused and child-centered. These schools promote inclusion and help children learn what they need to learn, while teaching them how to learn. They ensure a healthy and safe learning environment, eliminate gender stereotypes, and encourage child participation. Schools like this is something that we need. Because the essence of the beautiful is unity in variety. What can we do? We can do a lot of things. First, we should start from our local community. We can work with children and help them with their problems. We can show them that we care about them, that we apreciate their feelings. We have to protect their health and to protect them from violence. It is also important that children have a propriate place for living and playing. All what we do, has to be in a best interests of children. I would like that we have one child-friendly city in our country. It would be the best. A Child Friendly City is a place where children and young people are valued citizens, have their rights and interests respected, and their voices heard. I am sure we can do a lot to make our country much better, but we have to work together for our children. They are our future.
    Best regards,

    1. I agree Enisa. Children are our future, we must do everything what is in our power to help them... These schools aim to develop a learning environment in which children are motivated and able to learn, they want to learn and they cant wait. Some children would give anything if they had the right to quality primary education. Unfortunately, all children have not that privilege. How wonderful it would be only if the children are able to learn what they need to be confronted with all the new challenges that wait them, to beat them, get to know, to have their own safe space, free of abuse and violence, which are motivated teachers who help them in pursuing their interests. Children must have that rights.
      Best regards,

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  4. Hello to everyone :)

    Speaking of children, I'd like to mention something that is very topical today. It is about children and technology which is very advanced. Therefore our children are more exposed to dangers and bad quallity of living. We are all witnesses to violence that are happening and I personally wonder how it will be in a couple of years when I`ll be mother and have my own child. How to find the way to protect my child? I think we must give more attention to that , primarily for the safety of children, and also because of their health. Many hours spent on a computer will affect on the health of the child and his social life. I think kids today do not know how to enjoy the game and socializing .. I think this is a very serious matter that we need to think, as parents one day but as teachers too..

    Regards :)

    1. Hi

      I think that it is not possible and that we should not go against the technology because it is a part of their life as it is part of our lives. There is violence and bad things all around us (TV, newspaper, music, playgrounds...etz) and there is not much that we can do about that. But what I think that we can do is to teach them how to use it in a good way and how to be responsible in every ocasion. I think that as much as do kids these days need to be thought about danger online so do the parents.

      Ena Okić

    2. HI! I agree that we should not go against the technology and it's part of everyday life, children can learn important information, however it is terrible how much time children spend on computers playing games. Today, it is hard to see children on the street to play, hopping, dancing, everything just came down to games for PC. Children become obsessed and live a virtual world, all this is reflected in the health and passion we have to think about how it will be in a few years, as he says Almina, when we become parents and teachers.

    3. Hello to everyone,
      I’m sorry but I have to disagree with all those claims that technology, virtual life, computers and gadgets are hazardous to our children. Lack of connectivity and modern technology is the main issue why children are having bad education at their schools. Imagine the future where e-learning will be normal and where all the kids around the world, no matter nationality, race etc., can access same materials for education just by using simple computer and internet connection. Kids which don’t have enough money to go to distant schools will be able to attend class from their humble homes, and will receive same level of education as those rich kids that can afford to physically attend that class. Now try to imagine virtual reality that can and will forever change way we study, just imagine history class where teacher makes virtual environment where students will become virtual explorers digging out virtual Mexican pyramids, and so on. So only thing that we need to do is just to make sure to teach our kids how to use technology and not to teach them that technology is bad for them. Remember one thing, every kitchen knife is potentially very dangerous and deadly weapon, and yet all of us use it every day with little or no consequences.

    4. I agree whit Almina in the view of children and tehnology. Nowadays children spend more time in front of the computer, playing agressive games and watching contents which are not appropriate. Our task is to spend as much as possible quality time with our children and those which we educate in order to learn them different kinds of games which exist in real world, to spend time in nature with fresh air, to provide them much attention and to be persistent in that role.
      This is the only way how to push out the tehnology from the first place of children's interest.


    5. I disagree with you about the "aggressive" games, video games actually help in development of child˙s reflexes,logic,puzzle solving etc. What you see on the news about gaming being a bad habit for kids has not scientific evidence, and also there are multiplayer games were you can socialize and make friends.

  5. The world would be much better if we included children with disabilities in regular education.
    Inclusion is a process of learning and raising children with special needs with children who do not have such needs. Then these children have equal opportunities to develop their physical, emotional, social and other skills. Inclusion allows children with special needs an opportunity for observation, imitation and contacts with children who are normally developed.

    The inclusion of children with special needs into regular groups, their terms are expanded. Social integration of children with special needs and their peers who do not have special needs the opportunity for all children to learn, play and live together, and to develop in people who understand and respect each other.

    Many researchers believe that social interaction with peers for the development and socialization of the child. At best, these relationships can contribute to the highest achievements of the child and his social and mental development.

    1. Hi Samra,
      You have mentioned a very important issue here.
      I agree with you that inclusion is a very important process. All children are precious, and they must be treated as such. The existence of special schools might lead the children who attend those schools to believe that they are worthless.

      Inclusion is a very good way for both the “normative” and the children with the special needs to learn how to respect differences and live with them.

      Best regards.

      Naida Talić

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi!
      I agree with you to some extent. Children with disabilities should interact with children without disabilities and should be more included in everyday life. After all, how can we expect that child to be accepted in society later in life if we do not teach our children that it is okay to have special needs and that that does not make you less human or less valuable.
      Ljiljana Marinčić

  6. Hello everyone,
    I would like to reply on Amela's comment about Rome children. They should sit at school chairs and learn but they are afforced to live and work on streets. i think that is not childrens mistake. That is their parents mistake.
    They had never been at school, they do not know that feeling. I think that parents are big part of children success in school. If they gave a lot of chance for children success they develop an other view on school.
    Every child should go to school. In school they work on their communication skills. School must think about children. Every teacher must think on child and they should work in the best interes of children. Atmosphere in class should be friendly, children must respect each others, there is no place for fear, they are all friends.
    There are no place for stereotype and prejudice. On this way we can have child friendly school.
    Best regards.

    1. Hello Matea :)

      I agree it's parents mistake about relationships between Rome children and other children. Because when a six year old child get in school he dont know what is Rome and who it is. He just know that now he have a lot of new friends :)
      I finished elementary school, where go and Roms, and in my class was one girl Rome. She was very shy, but our teacher told us to play and learn with her every day in school, and outside school. In that time we didn't know what the word Rome means, but we had a good friend, and good student.
      So it's problem in adults, they see differences, not the kids.

      Best regards!

    2. Hello Matea :)

      I agree with you. Every child has a right to education. When we talk about education, the Roma have a big problem. Very small percentage of Roma are attending and the vast majority of them do not finish primary school. The reasons for this are many, some of whom are poor economic situation of their parents, discrimination against the Roma in society, inability to adapt to the language, the Roma tradition of short-term training, lack of support for education by parents, early marriage, and many others. Because of all the discrimination experienced by the school, it is even harder to convince parents to support their children's education.
      The Roma people have always been exposed to the calling, discrimination and rejection in society. There are many programs of adjustment and inclusion of the Roma in order to create a climate of mutual respect, but none of them specifically implemented, it is only written on paper. Roma revolve in a vicious circle of misery. The poor because they have no jobs, are unemployed because they have no school and no school because they are poor. Their situation is very difficult because only a small number of working-age Roma people are employed, and a very small number of them have completed primary and secondary school. It is sad that today, in the 21st century, five year-olds playing computers, while a large number of Roma children are not in the age of 15 do not know how to sign. Given this, it is not difficult to conclude that the illiteracy and ignorance spread even further in the future, from generation to generation. Such things should be changed because it is a reflection of society and education with regard to this we have to start the education of Roma considered a first step to shift their integration into society. I agree with you Matea, there are no place for stereotype and prejudice. On this way we can have child friendly school.

      Best regards! :)

  7. Hello everyone,
    To make education available and equal for all children we need responsible teachers who are only thinking about how to include all children into education system no matter of child race, economic status or their physical disabilities. It's very important that teacher is working with children responsibly and without any prejudices. Teachers job is to make such atmosphere in class where every child will be free to express it's opinion, will be safe, actively involved in class, supported, loved, etc.. (
    Teacher needs to find a way to improve quality of home education of every child because children spend most of their time at home with their family and most of teacher have no influence on what's happening inside child’s home. Lack of home education and family support is the main reason for lack of confidence, development of negative attitude towards the school and education, etc..
    To make child accepted in school it's very important to involve parents directly into education system, make them aware that they are the key element of raising and educating their children. Teacher should be the one who'll respect childs individual differences (race, disability, etc..) and by respecting it himself should make other children respect those differences.
    School management needs to be the one who'll support teachers in these actions. Management and local authorities needs to do everything in their power to support children with special needs (make escalators and special ramps in schools for disabled children, etc..), they need to provide books and teaching materials ( books for blind children or hearing impaired kids), make sure that there are enough educated staff who will be able to work with all the kids in school.
    Flexible curriculum is also very important to make kids love schools and education itself. Curriculum needs to be adopted so that every child needs are fulfilled, regarding their abilities, needs and will to learn. Of course, good teacher is the one who should encourage children to start enjoying school and learning itself.
    Only with this kind of approach education and care can, and will be provided to all children equally.
    Best regards

  8. Hello everyone :)
    I agree it's a sad fact that all kids don't have same conditions to live. But they all deserve. All they want to play, have friends and learn. They don't make any defferences between kids. But adults talks about that. Teachers and parents need to learn kids that they are all the same.
    About child-friendly school, we have to ask children what they want. I think that is school with a lot of space, time and toys for play. They all want to learn, but esspecially they want to play. In child-friendly school, kids play with every child, no mather if they are black, Rom, if have special need and no mather of economic status. They just looking for friend.
    School need to provide equal conditions for all children, and teachers need to do his best to make good relationships between all kids.
    Best regards.

    1. Hello Minela,

      I totally agree with you. Teacher sholud always do in the best interes of children. They exist because of them, they are very important for them.

      When I think about child-friendly shool I think that is not only a dream. That dream can make true. Step by step we can do it, we can have our own litlle child-friendly school.

      Malala said: "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world." I think we have enough teachers and books. We can start changing the world. We have power and powerfull weapon. Our children.

      Now, I ask all of us? Are we ready to start doing in the best interes of the children, are we ready to have our little child-friendly school? Are we ready to do something different? Are we ready to give our best to make this world to be a safe place for living?

      I think, that we are. I believe we are ready and we are enough strong to fight for those ideas.

      But we have to start now, because children need our help them right now.

      Best regards,


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hello everyone

    We can know our children are beginning to understand the doctrine when we see it revealed in their attitudes and actions without external threats or rewards. As our children learn to understand gospel doctrines, thez become more self-reliant and more responsible. Teaching our children to understand is more than just imparting information. Itis helping our children get the doctrine into their verz being and is reflected on their attitudes and behavior throughtout their lives.
    ''You are called to represent the Saviour.
    Zour voice to testify become to same as His voice,
    Your hands to lift same as His hands''
    President Henrz B.Eyring
    Teaching in the Saviour's Way
    As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are taught to love and accept all of our Father' s children. That includes those around us who have physical or mental disabilities. Our goal is to fullz extend the blessings of the gospel everyone.

  11. Hello everyone,

    I quote : “All children should grow up in a child-friendly environment which guarantees their normal physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Children should have the access to a quality education which will provide them opportunities to achieve real learning outcomes and reach their potential. Education should be child-centered and based on the principles of democratic participation, inclusiveness and protection.”

    Unfortunatelly the real situation is very different. Millions of children have no access to education, work long hours under hazardous conditions and are forced to serve as soldiers in armed conflict. Young and immature, they are often easily exploited. In many cases, they are abused by the very individuals responsible for their care.

    So how then we can expect that these little people grow into adults responsible person who will do it dawns better tomorrow. Unfortunately they do not know of anything else but torture in force. The fact is that lately has been working on the respect of children's rights. But apparently still not enough.

    So, I think that the role of us teachers is big. We raise up our children who will tomorrow make this world better. That is why teachers have a great responsibility to think these little creatures do better. It is sufficient that one person does good quality and we have done a big thing.

    For that Neil Armstrong said: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

    Best regards,


    1. I agree Aldina, we as teachers are very important. We must ensure that children will get appropriate education, teach them universal values so they can decide what is right or wrong. Make them capable to face life difficulties and overcome them. In other words, make them a good man and woman.,

    2. Dear Aldina, I agree with your words that teachers can make small steps to be for our children to be great. We are the ones that can play a major role in their future lives. A quality teacher can raise and educate at least 30 small people, do not you? Let's do it because the kids deserve it. They deserve a better world than the one in which many grew up.

  12. Hi everyone
    As student of Pedagogical Faculty I will say something about child frendly schools. The school is place where children spent significant time and place that must ensure children are physically safe and emotionally secure. But reality is different, discriminations and stereotipes are everywhere.To create a children fiendly school we must make sure it promotes good quality teachings, gender equality,encourages respect for each others' rights, dignity, and equality, ensures a hygienic and safe learning environment, with adequate water and sanitation facilities and healthy classrooms, healthy policies and practices. Child friendly schools aim to develop environment in which children are motivated and able to learn.

    I would like to add this:How many of us have been witnesses of child abuse?Seen a mother slaping her child?Seen child cry beacuse of it?Heared a father yelling at his 5 year old son? And how many of us did something about it?I guess nothing and that is major problem in our society.As citizens we do almost nothing about this problem.A single phone call to police can do much about it.Police will come, start asking questions, mother or father will get affraid of taking children from them and stop doing bad thing.If we keep quiet, this slap or yelling maybe will turn to more severe physical abuse,it will become more often leaving unerasble psychically consequences. So we are oblige to report any kind of children abuse, instead of keeping quite.

    Bests regards,


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I agree with you Esmira, people often ignore child abuse.
      This problem is something that takes place in the world, because of a couple of "jerks" (i´m sorry, but i have to call them like that) who decided they wanted a kid.
      But they didn´t want to give the kid the kind of love that they kids needs, which is caring and understanding. Instead, they decided to beat on their child, abuse them in many different forms...
      As I said in my comment before, child abuse is a crime and police officers should take charge and do something about it. But still, many of them won´t for some reasons.
      Things would be so much different if somebody actually spoke out and did something about it! Child abuse punishments for the abuser should be harsher than what they are, and then, maybe, people would think before they do.
      In the end... "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men!" (Frederick Douglass)

  13. Hello everyone!!

    I will talk about one example from my expirience from school where I went practice. In that school all students have equal rights. I was amazed by one of Roma children. He showed his notebook and it was the cleanest notebook I 've seen. And I realized that it was his way of fight for equal rights. He wanted to show everyone that can be as good as others or better.

    1. Hello Merima,
      Of course that children have equal rights no matter how old are they or where they come from. I'm amazed by that little kid who showed everyone that he is also just a child who has rights and needs to be educated. All children needs to be in school they are our future and if we don't fight for their right then who will, where will this country be ?

    2. Hello Merima,
      It's really nice to hear that, this is a positive example and I am sure, I want to be sure, that this isn't only example of equal rights in classroom. It's really fascinating how you can „read“ each and every one of personalities in children just in a few minutes, that few minutes is enough to learn a lot about children. You can notice things like clean notebook, student who is interested, wants to learn, other one who wants to play, one who is willing to cooperate, and will response positively, but also one who won't cooperate, and isn't interested in learning present theme. You can see who had a good, and who a bad day, who have a problem, who is happy, who is sad, and You can adjust present theme to te situation in class, You can try harder to interest them, and try to solve their problem. Our job is hard because all of this, but is also very satisfying when You know that You just did a good thing, gave good advice, learned useful thing, and that you are a rolemodel for many kids who some day want to be just like You .

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hello everyone!

    I think child-friendly school is the best way to insure future for every child in our country and all over the world.All children have rights that we need to respect and we need to show them and to everyone in our country that children are the same no matter how old are they and what nationality they have. Also, they need to have better lives, to be educated and have healthy insurance.

    Best regards,

  16. Hello everyone,

    Although children have rights too , hardly anyone could leave to their rights can and they have . Millions of children worldwide, particularly girls still do not attend school While it has rights and needs to be educated . Children are subjected to daily violence, abuse , exploitation . Also , children with developmental disabilities are discriminated against . We know it's a long way to achieving any goal that we have , and that the full exercise of children's rights , and therefore it is important that we all , with all this I think all parents, caregivers , doctors , teachers , aunts from shops , passers-by etc. etc. should to work to ensure children the best we can and each of these their role can contribute to this world is changing for the better and adapt to children , because children are the most valuable thing that mankind has .

    Best regards,

    1. I agree with you Amra because it really is unbelievable that in the 21st century there is this division between the sexes, although we know that women are very successful on countless jobs and do them as good as men.I can hope that they will be in such states appear certain programs that will encourage parents to give daugters they right and possibility to study or specific legal obligations that the girls have a right to education. Regardless of gender, skin color and economic status of every child should have the same right?
      Best regards,
      Arnela Avdic

  17. Hello everyone

    I shall start with couple of quotes : "One child, one teacher, one pen can change the world",
    "You can learn a lot from children, for example how patient you are",
    "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you."
    we are all witnesses of some sort of abuse when it comes to children. In everyday life we see gipsy chidren begging for some spare change, washing car windows, starving. Also we were reading in newspapers story about a father that threw his child in anger and killed it or how a mother and a stepfather tortured and molested a little boy until he died. That is why we need to work on a friendly based community for kids, organise educational programes and workshopes for parents and kids and find the ways to help them as much as we can.

    Best regards,
    Ena Okić

    1. I agree with you today there is lot of bad things which can happend to children and unfortunately some of them happening. Between of them is using ofchildren in many ways.
      We need to work on it to prevent any way abuse of children.
      Children need our help,start now chanage world make better a Child-Friendly World together.
      Best regards,
      Mirela Kukuljac

  18. Hello everyone :)

    All children should grow up in a child-friendly environment which guarantees their normal physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Children should have the access to a quality education which will provide them opportunities to achieve real learning outcomes and reach their potential. Education should be child-centered and based on the principles of democratic participation, inclusiveness and protection.
    Child friendly schools not only help children realize their right to a basic education but also provide quality educational experiences. A child friendly school is child-focused and child-centered. These schools promote inclusion and help children learn what they need to learn, while teaching them how to learn. They ensure a healthy and safe learning environment, eliminate gender stereotypes, and encourage child participation. Schools like this is something that we need. We can work with children and help them with their problems. We can show them that we care about them, that we appreciate their feelings. We have to protect their health and to protect them from violence.
    Social integration of children with special needs and their peers who do not have special needs the opportunity for all children to learn, play and live together, and to develop in people who understand and respect each other.
    About child-friendly school, we have to ask children what they want. I think that is school with a lot of space, time and toys for play. They all want to learn, but esspecially they want to play. In child-friendly school, kids play with every child, no mather if they are black, Rom, if have special need and no mather of economic status. They just looking for friend.

    Best regards,
    Mihreta Mujić

    1. Mihreta I agree with you that school should be the one who will discover and fulfill kids needs, interests and wishes, and based on those discoveries organize their curriculum. When schools do that, kids will realize that they are accepted, loved and safe in that school. Crating this kind of atmosphere will help to raise and educate future complete adult.
      Best regards,

    2. Amira I agree with you and I think that all kids have a right to be loved and cared for by adults. Love is more important than anything else in the world, and kids need lots of it.
      Best regards.

  19. Hello everyone
    All childrenall over the world are ornament of the world and it is very sad that such a terrible thing happen, and that children are used as a means to achieve a certain their interest.
    Children need to have our love and support. The sad when very little experience great injustice and thus they violated the right to a healthy growing conditions and a normal life. Adults have a lot of responsibility to protect each dijete.But
    the situation is such that when the street passing a beggar, is a police officer or any other authorized person can do nothing and save the child, take him and bring social services. perhaps a child is not a lot, but everyday actions can help and contribute to saving children from slavery .Wnent persons who are authorized to deal with these issues can not do anything to help that children then kindergartens and schools should organize and start a small workshop and helps a children. Workshops should relate to prevention, intervention, protection and safety of children. Through workshops we can send a message to all citizens and sensitization that may help and save at least one child and allow him to have a healthy environment to grow up and have a better life.

    Best regards,

    Arnela Avdić

  20. Hello everyone,

    I will start with this sentences: “Each child is unique and he/she deserves to be treated with full respect and an enormous amount of love and understanding. Starting with the family, which should provide his/her safe base, continuing with the local community and all the way up to the global level, where the whole mankind should unite in one of the most important goals – to create a world which would fit the child and suit his/her needs.”

    I agree with that and every child has the right to be in a safe home. What children need is caring and understanding, instead of having to fear for their lives daily.

    Unfortunately, some adults decided to beat on their children, abuse them mentall, and in some cases even, sexually. Scarring the child for life, because they decided that it was fun to abuse on an innocent child that all they wanted was love not to be hated or abused.
    It is tough for many people to understand why anyone would abuse a child, but it happens more than people think and it is a very sad truth that many abused children do not ask for help, despite being ill treated by their own parents or other family members.
    Children whose parents abuse them often, turn to a life of crime, or suffer physical or mental scars, they grow up thinking that everything their parents do is right. The problem is when these children are abused they don’t often learn that it is the wrong thing to do, and will be more likely to abuse their children.

    In severe cases of abuse, the child may even die.

    Nowadays, we always hear about child abuse and there are many children being abuse every year. There are many different forms of abuse and many people do not realize them! They included physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
    This is a global problem that victims are too frightened to identify their abusers while others, aware of the abuse, choose to ignore it.
    Child abuse is the key reason why children are becoming more emotionally and mentally unstable.

    Child abuse is a crime and police officers should take charge and do something about it. Yet, they won´t for some reasons. Although, that child life lays in his or hers hand and they don´t want to do anything about it. No wonder the world is so messed up. Things would be so much different if somebody actually spoke out and did something about it instead of just talking about it on the down low. Because, talking about it doesn´t make you the hero, it isn´t much better, because you don´t have the courage to do something else. Child abuse punishments for the abuser should be harsher than what they are, and then, maybe, people would think before they do. Like that would happen but still, children are dying because of that and children are our future leaders.

    Some kind of child abuse is happening all around us, it is a socio-economic problem and it needs to stop! We shouldn´t take this as a joke because nobody in there “right mind” will joke about child abuse.

    Children are the future of the nation. They are flowers of our national garden. It is our duty to protect these flowers.
    The Children of today will be adults of tomorrow.

    Best regards,

    Nejra Jusufbegović

  21. Hello everyone,

    First three belongs to all individuals since they are human beings.
    Childrens right are based on the needs of an children to survive on the needs to faulfel its potentials and to engage in the life of its communter. This refers to every child. Parents are also those on which we have to have an influence, in to make tham aware that their view of the world is very important for their child.
    Furthermore, it is important to ensure that children can actively engage in solving all isseles which affect their life and ensures tham a freedom of speech and opinion.
    They have a right to express their views which to be taken into consideration.

    Best regards,

    Dalida Luinović

  22. Hello everyone,

    If we desire a world where children would be on the firs place, ande where all their rights would be achieved, then we have first of all to start from us.
    We have to get rid of our prejudices, which all of us posses. First of all we have to influence our parents to make them awere that their view of the world is reflected on their children.
    For child all other children are equal. they do not see skin color, economic or social status.
    In accordanc to that, adult can learn a lot of things from children and learn how to see the world in a different way, how to see the world with the children's eyes.

    Best regards,

    Nikolina Erlbek

    1. Hello Nikolina,
      I agree with you, we all can learn a lot off things from children. Children are ornament of the world, and still are not incorrupt like adults. The world should be a safe place for children, and we all need to ensure they achieve it. Every parent is a role model, that’s why we have to get rid of our prejudices. Best regards

  23. Hello everyone!

    First of all, I was truly touched while I was watching all that UNICEF videos, especially with Kailash. I admit that I was surprised when I saw what's video about! Slavery, child labor?? What kind of person you have to be to make that happened? To make all families and CHILDREN your slaves?!
    On the other side, there are incredible people like Kailash, who are ready to risk their lives to help others. God bless him!

    Colleagues mentioned situation in BiH with Roma children. Hungry children with no education and conditions for normal life and childhood are working for their parents, begging for money on streets, often mentally and physically tortured. Well, that's obvious example that BiH is not child-friendly country. (One more thing which is proving that is nationalism and prejudice in our cities and schools.)

    Considering that our government and politicians care only for their pockets, common people care about their daily problems, financial situations, etc. we can hope for new Kailash to show up in Bosnia and Herzegovina and help those poor children to get education and proper conditions for childhood and life or try make a difference and unite for children, 'cause one person can't do as much as more organized people together can!

    Best regards,

    Adnana Softić

    1. Hello Adnana !
      Your comment on this blog I loved, it is is excellent. First of all, what you mentioned a video that we watched in class and Mr. Kailasha. I agree with you, that Kailash is such an amazing man. Sadly , as you already mentioned in this commentary to our politicians are doing , and how the people in our country are suffering and care for themselves.
      and that we only can hope that one day someone like Kailash show up in this small but rich country. It's just so sad that we always have help from the outside, Europe and the whole World trying to help, but from the inside, there is Corruption, and poverty ... increasing day by day!

      Best regards, Amila Ducic

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi everyone!

    Considering situation in world and our country, I wish that things are different! I wish that all children in the world have the same right to have protection, health care, opportunity for education, right to play and enjoy their childhood, that someone take care for them!
    I wish that situations where children work and take care about their existence, where people treat them as adults doesn't exist!
    In our country there are too many poor people and those who don't take care about their children, so they leave them alone to take care about themselves and their siblings. That shoudn't happen!
    Video we have watched reminded me on what happened to our country during war. So many crimes and injustice which people did to innocent children is unforgivable and we can't let anything like that happen again!

    I hope, in future, I'll have more opportunities to help children who don't have adequate care and that I'll succeed with making them smile!

    Best regards,

    Saudina Keškić

    1. Hello,

      I also have the same wishes for the future, and I hope that they wiil come true.
      It is true, nobodey take care obout poor families and they children. But that children are abbused the most, because nobodey protect them.
      I hope also that I would be able to do something in creating a child friendly world.

      Best regards,

      Erna Lulić, III - PO

  27. I think we forgot to mention one very important theme- bullying in the classroom! Let's face it, there is no child friendly classroom enviorment with classmate bullying present. No child will feel safe in classroom with present bullying. Bullying, and abuseing by classmates will reflect in every aspect of child behavior, learning abilities, social development, psychical development, selfconfendence, comunication, ability to make new friends, to make a contact, and dialogue with other children and everything else we can think of.

    Medical studies show that in bullyed children consequences are:

    - depression and anxiety
    - increased feelings of sadness and loneliness
    - changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.

    These issues may persist into adulthood. Bullying also affects kids who bully others, and bystanders. In bullys it reflects as:

    - abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and as adults
    - get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school
    - engage in early sexual activity
    - have criminal convictions and traffic citations as adults
    - be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults.
    - Kids who witness bullying are more likely to:
    - have increased use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs
    - have increased mental health problems, including depression and anxiety
    - miss or skip school.

    Our role, as teachers, is to create and ensure child safe enviorment starting fom our classroom. How we can prevent and fight against bullying? Here is few things we can do to detect bullying, and protect bullyed children and improve „classroom climate“:

    - Understanding what bullying behavior is and is not
    - Understanding what bullying behavior may look like in the classroom
    - Understanding and intervening in bullying behavior
    - Exploring ideas for responding to bullying behavior and
    - Becoming equipped with specific strategies for addressing and reporting bullying behavior
    - Consider what a supportive classroom climate looks like and how it can prevent bullying
    - Creating a supportive classroom climate
    - Examine the role of teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships in building a supportive classroom climate
    - Explore strategies for preventing bullying in the classroom, including establishing a culture of respect for differences among students
    - Consider how a web of positive support among students and other adults across the school community can help prevent bullying.

    Teachers play a critical role in identifying, addressing, reporting and intervening in bullying behavior in their classrooms, and its our role, as future teachers, to fight against bullying and to try, by any aspects, to make our classroom child- safe, and child- friendly.

    1. Amina I agree with you about bullying in the classroom! Let's face it, there is no child friendly classroom enviorment with classmate bullying present. No child will feel safe in classroom with present bullying. But one important thing is for child all other children are equal, they do not see skin color, economic or social status.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hello all,

    Virtually, every child comes to school eager to learn. The mission of schools should be to keep this urge to learn alive in every child in school. Schools should be established to provide a quality education for all students. All students can succeed, that their successes encourage them to continue in a pattern of success, and that that it is the school’s responsibility to provide the conditions for success. These conditions should include: developing clear statements in measurable terms of what the student will do to demonstrate mastery of learning, providing the time and resources needed for each student to attain mastery, and ensuring that students engage in learning at the level which is challenging and yet a level for which each student has the prerequisite skills necessary for success long after formal schooling has ended. These should include: trustworthiness, kindness and politeness, responsibility, independent endeavor, concern for others, group interaction, and aesthetic appreciation.
    Unfortunately, schools in BIH are increasingly becoming the unsafe area for children with the increasing violence amongst children (bullying, money extortion, etc.) in the school and around the school areas.
    There is a need for educational reform in BIH that can be summarized in two words: quality and modernization. Despite the progress made, creation of an inclusive, non-discriminatory education system is still a challenge for the ongoing education reform. In BIH, separate education systems are based on political and religious/cultural division promoting ethnic separation and distrust. As a result of the complicated administration structure established by the Dayton Peace Agreement, the education system, likewise other social sectors, is governed by many ministries, each having its separate legislative and executive roles as well as unbalanced budgets.
    The Roma community suffers from elegancy of discrimination that has contributed to widespread poverty, unemployment, homelessness and a lack of access to education. Access of children with physical disability has not been resolved by removing physical barriers to their access to school buildings.
    Children with disabilities also continue to suffer from lack of quality mainstream education due to low capacities of schools and teachers to meet the specific requirements for their education. The systems emerging mainstream inclusive education and the system supporting institutions with children with disabilities continue to exist in parallel.
    Mersiha Memic-Grado

  30. Hi everyone!
    Every child in this world has to have all that is required for their healthy growth and development, and that's responsibillity of adults- parents, teachers, administrators etc.
    Child's rights are based on their need for living, growing, accomplishing all their potentials and need to be part of community. Basic children's rights are: right for living, health care, right for protection from violence and abusing, right for family, education etc.
    Unfortunately, in this world and in our close environment we can see discrimination against children. Many children don't go to school at all, girls in some places doesn't have opportunity for education. And besides that, they are also mentally and physically abused by some unknown people, or even their own parents.
    Our profession will make us see many situations, meet different parents and children, so our obligation and duty is to help and support children in any kind of situation.
    Best regards,

    1. I agree with my colleague Emina . Yet the 21 century , and in some places and countries
      to the children treated as some slaves ; without the right to life and their needs . Children less than age harass , abuse , sent to earn money for them , at the same time that these children are not fashion to assure any conditions for life . Where there are children's rights ? Where are the children's needs ? What can we expect in the future , when the children become " a means of exploitation "... all of us as individuals should children.
      And provides primarily love , and to meet the children's needs , not just the needs of adults . Allow children to be children , to live out their childhood as much as possible .

      Best regards

  31. Hello everyone.
    We all know the whole situation about children's rights and life in the whole world. And we all would also help, like, right now. So why not? – would someone just say now. But no one knows really what is happening in some countries, city or village.
    When people say „I have no wireless conection, I have nothing to wear (but the closet is full of clothes), I don't want to eat this piece of salad an meat (but want pizza or chicken) ... We couldn't imagine that there are people who dont' even know what a computer or wi-fi is, how it is to have one or two T-shirts, how meat or salad even taste – and then we say „Ou, this is our first and only problem but there aren't any problems at all. so there are worse problems that people encounter in the world.
    The sad fact for me is that all kids don't have same conditions to live especially, and then to learn, to eat, to play. But they all deserve a normal life, with normal rights. Children did nothing wrong, and children have the desire , ambition and persistent but they are adults that do not allow . Don't allow them first of all to live .
    When we start from the basic children's rights , that every child has their own bed ,room, food and water .. in the world for a variety of research , on the radio and on television we see and hear that it's not there . Until unite the world and the authorities in power and people from various organizations we can't move on. That organization are rightly there and are in their place. Each of us would like to help as much as it can. but it is impossible if there is no concrete help from the side .
    no matter that there are people who help , both worldwide and in our country . There are rich and influential people who are happy to respond to the device itself or the organization for help . Because of the situation in the country and the world , unfortunately we need as many good people who will help us . Adults can help create and what better terms and conditions for children , offer them a variety of possibilities , give them hope for a new and better future , and provide above all the basic stuff , children rights.
    Best regards,

  32. Hello everyone,

    I agree with most of the comments stated above me. I think one of the biggest problems in our country is providing all children with the same rights. For starters not all children have a right to an education, which is depressing. All children no matter their race or skin color should be treated the same. Another reason why children do not have the same rights is because, unfortunately there's a lot of children that live in horrible conditions and their families can't afford to send them to school. I think this an issue we can work together to improve, we should be able to give children that live in poor conditions and are financially impaired to buy books and school supplies, everything they need to learn. The government should worry more about education. We cant afford to have illiterate children especially not in the 21st century.
    Another problem that should be issued is child abuse, especially children who work as street beggars. Children should never be on the streets. These children have never been in a school, let alone opened a book. There are issues that seek immediate attention.
    Also to avoid discrimination in school, the curriculum should be adjusted to meet the needs of all children. The curriculum should not hold back nor push a child too far. Also we need to train teachers to work with the mentally disabled, unfortunately our country doesn't have special classes for the disabled. I believe it would be best if each teacher was trained to deal with children that are disabled. Every child should be treated with the same respect and care.
    A school should be child friendly and every child should feel safe in a school. Unfortunately that's not the case for all schools. A school should not just meat educational standards but moral standards as well. Children deserve to be a priority, because they are our future.

    Best regards,
    Elzana Salihovic

  33. Hello everyone,
    to make education successful team of people who work with children must be the best possible knowledgeable teachers, educators, psychologists .. Also the team must have enough teaching aids in order to best expressed and conveyed knowledge to the children. It is important that people who work with children do not have prejudices, as in regular classes include children who have developmental disabilities. The teacher must creates the positive atmosphere in the classroom and to cooperate to the child's parents. The school and the school system must be flexible and adapt. The curriculum and program should fulfill the needs of students according to their abilities and skills. The teacher should be their leader, a friend and someone I can always count on.
    Each child is an individual for himself and each child has their valuables that we as of teachers to recognize, and together with the child the values ​​we need to deepen and expand.
    Children are ornament of the world and this must be recognized. Every child has the right to freedom, education, love and that we must provide.
    Best regards :-D

    1. Hello everyone,

      I agree with everything that you said Samra, but I want to add one very important point.
      Teachers follow students through each important stage of development. At six hours a day, five days a week, we as teachers are poised to become one of the most influential people in our students’ life. After their parents, children will first learn from us, their teachers.We will guide our students through important stages of their lives, one of them being adolescence. As children become young adults, learning throughout the school years, we will answer their questions, listen to their problems and teach them about the new phases of their lives. We not only watch our students grow --- we help them grow. School is as much a place of social learning as academic learning, and this is true, not only in our early years of education, but all the way through. We as teachers have already been where our students are going, undergone what they will go through and are in a position to pass along lessons, not only regarding subject matter, but lessons on life.

  34. Hello everybody!

    Recently I attended a primary school event organized at my niece’s school in order to mark the end of the school year. They presented children's rights and what struck me the most was the following statement: “if you are in touch with your inner child, you will be a better person.” I think that somewhere along the way people lose their inner child and in that moment everything that really matters loses its importance. In my opinion, a world where children write their own rights would be perfect. Of course, fights would break out over who gets more toys or a bigger piece of cake but everything else would be perfect. Why do adults think that they should decide what is best for children? How do they know what it is when they have grown up and stopped being children long ago? Joking aside, I really believe that children should always come first. Children’s rights are not implemented nor protected as they should be. It hurts me every time I see a child begging in the street, whether they are alone, or with their mother. What are these politicians of ours doing? How can a small, innocent being be barefoot and hungry? Why? Why are these children left alone? Why don’t we protect them? I thing that our country only spends money on building shopping centers and blocks of buildings while leaving no money or time for our children. I don’t want to talk about other countries, but I know that in ours a lot needs to be changed in order to create a safe environment for children. You can do anything if you imagine it. I imagine happy, healthy and smiling children all around the world. But, It seems that today, with the advancement of technology, children are no longer safe. By posting their photos on various social networks, parents put their children in danger. I think that every parent or a caretaker should protect their child in the best way possible.

    I hope that, in the future, words will turn into action. We constantly hear that children are our bright future but it seems to me that nothing is being done to assure that.
    I will conclude my comment with a quote: “Children are the strongest army ever!”

    I wish you all the best.

    Šejla Stovrag

    1. Dear Sejla,
      I agree with you regarding many things. The issue which also concerns me are the Roma children. I would like to believe that there is a way to solve this issue, but the whole situation in our country, where the basic rights of any other children, except for the children of well-to-do parents, are not secured, gives me no hope. The politicians, who should have been the ones to address this issue, just turn a blind eye. As long as their children are safe and warm, they don’t want to know about anything else. Our society has to make sure that every child’s rights are secured, because, as you have already said: “Children are the strongest army ever.”
      Best regards

  35. Hello everybody,
    First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for taking the time to discuss such an important topic.
    I will start with a quote: “Our children are our greatest treasure.” We should respect children’s rights and provide them with the optimal conditions for growth and development. Children should not be discriminated. They have rights regardless of race, skin color, language, religion, and opinions. Sadly, the situation of Roma children, which my colleagues have listed and commented upon in previous posts, comes to question here. Children have a right to live and develop in the physical, emotional, psychosocial, cognitive, social and cultural aspects of life. I would like to state that the right to education is one of the most important issues needing our attention. Since I am a student at the department of preschool education, I would like to emphasize the importance of education in preschool facilities because everything starts from the early age. Children aged two to five dramatically change in five major areas: emotional and social skills, physical growth, cognitive skills, development of language skills, and sensory and motor development. A child deserves the best conditions in order to become a formed and versatile individual. I hope that the situation in our country will change for the better; that we will be able to put our children first and provide them with a happy childhood filled with love.
    Every child deserves happiness, love and a smile on their face.
    We have to do everything for our children’s sake. After all, the young shall inherit the earth.

    Best regards,
    Alma Terzić

    1. Dear Alma,

      I'm so glad you're start your presentation with this sentence. Children are indeed our greatest treasure! All children have the right to education, and we should do a lot of things on this field. Every child needs an equal education! I absolutely agree with you that the children should not feel any discrimination on any grounds. All children of the world should have equal rights.

      Best regards,

      Šejla Stovrag

  36. Hi everyone!
    Creating a child-friendly society is a very important issue which, in a money-driven world we live in, is very much neglected. Since the world of the future belongs to children, we have to create a world that will be suitable for them. We have to provide them with good education in order to make better human beings that will know how to make world a better place. Unfortunately, there are many poor parents who are not able to provide their children with any education. Also there are also many children who don’t have any access to education because of the wars that are waged in the countries they live in. For example, the conflict in Syria has put about 2, 8 million children out of schools! And how could any child create a better world if they are lacking not good, but basic education?! In such a situation, according to World Vision, an entire generation could be lost if the needs for education are not met.
    Naida Talić,III god vanredan RN

    1. Dear Naida,

      I agree with you, how can anyone create better world if they don't have right education? Maybe we all are suffer the consequences of lack of education from past generation. We should try to leave a better world and a positive example to the generations after us, as opposed to the world we received from our ancestors.That should be our mission in this world.

      Best regards,
      Amina Hadrović

  37. Hello everyone
    At first I will give my comment about this topic, and give some suggestions to make childhood world safer. All of us were once a child, and we know all aspects of child's world – all challenges, needs, and I think that we all have to fight against child abuse in all its forms.

    Because of what has happened over the last many years across the world we know that the needs and rights of children must be seen as very important in all development efforts.

    We have learned many lessons:
    -Change is possible – and children’s rights are a good starting point.
    Policies must address two things:
    1. things that directly affect or exclude groups of children
    2. other deeper and wider causes for the gaps in the protection of children and the abuse of their rights.
    -Action should be carefully targeted to make sure that change happens quickly,
    while also involving people and making sure that the results of such action will last.
    -Actions should build on children’s strengths and their ability to recover quickly from difficulties.
    -Special help will be given to programmes that help children in early childhood and those that help families, especially families in difficult circumstances, as these will provide long-lasting benefits for child growth, development and protection.
    Now that we know what we want for children, the next question
    is how do we make it happen?
    The answer to that is found in this Plan of action.
    The first section explains how we will build a world that treats
    children well.
    The second section lists the Goals we will try to achieve and the
    Strategies and Actions we will use to achieve them.
    The main issues we will address will be:
    • Health
    • Education
    • Abuse, violence and exploitation

    We want a world fit for children, because a world fit for children is a world fit for everyone.

    Ermelinda D.T.

    1. Dear Ermelinda,
      I want to say I am glad for your comment because reading it, everyone can see that we can do something about childrens rights, creating better world for them. Those actions you mentioned are really important if we want to make some changes. Not doing anything, we support those who are abusing children and stealing their rights for having a safe, happy life.
      Education is so important. If we educate people more about childrens rights, situations around the world, we are making first steps to improve our world, our lives and most important - childrens lives.
      Each individual can help, can make a change. So lets do it.
      Best regards.
      Elmedina Lončarić

  38. Hello everyone,

    Children have the right to live, Children also have the right to know and, as far as possible, to be cared for by their parents. Children have the right to live with their parents, unless it is bad for them. Children whose parents do not live together have the right to stay in contact with both parents, unless this might hurt the child. Now days children are more often victim of violence, trafficking and non right to education. Child should grow up in a family environment, with of happiness, love and understanding. Parents affect the lives of children in a unique way, but also society in which he grows up. Society have a responsibility to make sure children’s rights are respected and protected. They must help families protect children’s rights and create an environment where they can grow and reach their potential Society should respect the rights and responsibilities of families to direct and guide their children so that, as they grow, they learn to use their rights properly.
    Best regards,
    Midheta Tihić. PO IV

  39. Hello everyone. I read your text Amela, and I was really shoked. Does in our country really exist the "child-friendly room"? That is the first time I heard about that. I can just say, that is the best news I heard a long time ago. I thougt we will never do anything for the children in our country. That thing what the Police Station in Prijedor is doing should be a model for all of us. We must think about children. What is the best for them, what can we make, and how can we make it. They are the future of this country, they are the future of us. We must protect them and we must make this country more friendly for them. We are creating the foundation, they will continue to build. If we join forces we can make this country child friendly. So, I thought, what can we do? We can made the beginning. Let us teach the children what are their rights. How they can live in a world where more people try to use them, than protect them. Let us speak more about violence against children, how can we notice that, how can we react properly. Let us make the least step at this difficult way, and we will do a good thing. Let us make a better world, a child friendly world.

    Best regards, Šanjta Irma

  40. Hello,
    Everyone wants changes, but nobodey wants to do anything.
    I think that every person can do something to improve situation of children.
    Children are treasure of this world and our future belongs to them.
    So, if we want better future,for all of us, we must take care of them.
    For the beggining, I think that changing attitudes about all differences among children would be usseful for creating a child friendly world.
    Any child doesnt wort more because it is from rich family, because of colour of skin, or because of religion.
    We must thinking on the same way, or the abbusing of children will be continued.
    Most of people doesnt know how many children are abused and exploitet for many different ways, in all parth of the world, and in our country.
    We all can help them.
    Every person can make own contribution, if it is just a support.
    The country must ensure free education forr all children, because educational institutions are place where children are safe,protected and they ensure for them better future.
    Why don`t we all do something for changes and improvements?

    Best regards,
    Erna Lulić, III - PO

    1. Hi Erna!

      I like your comment on this blog and I agree with you! I was also thinking about what we can do to ,at least, improve situation in this country, to make friendly environment for children!
      You were right when you said that our opinion can make a big difference! It's sad when you think that there are people who believe that all people are not equal, just because of different religion, color of skin etc.
      That has to be changed if we want safe and friendly environment for children!
      Also, at least we can do about child slavery and labor is to check etiquette on carpets and things we're buying, to make sure that children didn't make them!

      Best regards,


  41. Hey everyone!

    First of all, I would like to say that everything in our world is wrong. I think that everything that happens is great injustice. Children who have will and desire for education, don't have opportunity, while those who have everything they need, don't have that will for school and learning.
    Also, couples who would be perfect parents, usually can't have children, while those who have children don't appreciate that and don't act like responsible and good parents should. In all that, I can't blame niether children or parents. In fact, both sides decides how things will go on.
    Each of us have to start from itself and be aware of what he/she can and what he/she wants to do. Also, before we have children, we have to examine our whole situation, are we mature enough for that big role and can we provide to our children everything they need and deserve. And that's, of course: A better future!

    Best regards,

    Muamera Karkelja

    1. Hi Muamera

      I agree with you, my point was that people should put caring for their parents as a first priority, and breeding as a second.
      If you can't afford to repay your parents for all they did for you, then you shouldn't even be thinking of having children. It is sad that many people would like to have children but are unable to, while some who already have, do not respected and do not provide the attention and love for his children.
      So, what's going wrong? Two words: No Love. And without love, all relationships fail, because children are not computers or robots that can be programmed according to our wishes, they have a heart and soul, not only a brain...
      Best regards

  42. Hi everyone!

    First I have to say, reading these quotes, they gave me the chills, but again the very sad thing is that in the 21st century some children are dying of hunger, while some die of overweight or diabetes. So first, we must ensure that all children have basic things for survival, such as food and water and the love of their parents, and then we can talk about education, because it is very difficult to talk about giving children a quality education while they do not have the basic things for life. While I was reading articles posted on this blog I came across on the ‘’Basic Needs of Children’’, and there was written this: ‘’Children should be able to experience the pleasures of finding bugs, picking leaves, smelling flowers, collecting things…’’. Sounds so beautiful but some children in Bosnia do not have the opportunity to experience all of this, because they have to think about food are they going have it tomorrow or where to sleep and all that is because the government does not give too much attention to children, and they spend money on expensive cars and trips, and I am so angry because that, I think we all have to unite and fight for equal rights of the children, we need to fight for higher financial compensation, and that every child can go in school, regardless of nationality or skin color, and most of all to feel safe in their environment, so if Kailash Satyarthi managed to achieve something also we can and must. And lead up with this 'If not now, then when? If not you, then who?'.

    1. I agree with this post because it is true that our county don't provide enough for children education. Even student have issues with providing books for studying.

  43. Hello everyone!
    “Rights” are things every child should have or be able to do.All children have the same rights, including kids with disabilities. All the rights are equally important. First of all i believe that if we want for children to be safe whats crucial for them to be aware of their rights and have the confidence to report abuse. Without an understanding of their rights,children do not always recognise abuse,particularly when it involves someone they know and trust.Creating a Child-Friendly World mean give them somewhere safe place to play participate in activities, learn about their rights to health and protection, and experience healing from any trauma they’ve experienced. Let us teach the children what are their rights,because all children deserves happiness, love and a smile on their face.
    Best regards,
    Mirela Kukuljac,IV,RN

  44. Hello everyone,
    For the start, I want to say I was really happy about this whole project "Creating child friendly world." We all want a better life for us, for our children - our next generation. But the fact is, we don`t do much to make it happen. It is sad that in 21st century there is still slavery, there is still hunger, and so much abusement of people in general. I was really touched and inspired watching all this videos, reading articles about situations in differnet places and projects of great people, like Kailash, who are fighting every day to make this world a better place for everyone.
    The biggest problem is that people are so strong on words, but not in action. Watching videos, like the one with slavery, people react with: "Oh, that is terrible! So sad. Poor children!" - and that`s all. Soon they forgot about that, move on. No action. Nothing.
    I thing we all need to be more included in fighting those problems, fighting for rights of each child, woman, man. Specially for kids. We create the world they are living in.
    Adults often forgot how it is to be a child. We forgot to see the world with the eyes of a child. Children are all the same. They all want love, caring and understanding. They want to play, to have fun, to learn, to seek beauties and miracles this world has to offer. Our Duty is to allow all of that, and to protect them from the evil in this world.
    Happy childhood is one of the first steps for creating a happy, healthy life, happy and healthy future. And the right for each child is to have such a life.

    Best regards,
    Elmedina Lončarić, III PO

    1. Hi Elmedina, I totally agree with you, I've heard it so many times, ''poor kids'', but there is no action, I hope that in the near future will be better and that adults will remember that they were kids, and that despite the lack of technologies they have been happier, and that the only thing that matters is love and understanding, and I hope that we will help to improve our reality and that we will make the world a more beautiful for at least one child.

      Best regards

  45. Hello everyone

    I'll start with this sentences:
    „ All kids have a right to be loved and cared for by adults. Love is more important than anything else in the world, and kids need lots of it“
    The children of today are the adults of tomorrow. It is simply not acceptable that we bungle their care and upbringing!
    I've always wondered: Why do so many parents treat their children so badly? Why does it go all wrong in the teen years? Why do parents and children drift away from each other and lose emotional "contact"?
    In short, What is going wrong?
    I look upon the world around me and I see a sick, sad, twisted society with little love, logic, or sanity in it. I see a world in which humans are born, grow up, and die, usually without ever learning how to love, because their parents were unable to love them, because they too were unloved as children..The most major problem though is all in the parents. Parents these days are less strict to their children and almost never say “no”. The parents of today are too busy “Tweeting” the latest news about their baby or “Instagraming” a picture of the baby to realize that their children will take after them. These children will grow up and want to be like their parents, always involved in their iPhones of going outside and play like a child should.I think every child has the right to an education, to be healthy, to grow up safe and to be heard, the right to be protected from abuse or exploitation, the right to express their opinions, right to play and enjoy, and the most important the right to life!

    Best regards,
    Čaušević Arijana PO IV

    1. Dear Arijana,
      I must admit that I agree completely with you. When I was a kid, in my childhood was all different and much better and more beautiful. There was no phone, video games, computers, but we are much more hung out with each other.
      Every day we were in the yard and play different types of games, and we have always been in the fresh air.
      But now, unfortunately, children are affected by technology, they are every day in front of your computer, and just staring at cell phones.
      Therefore, it is my opinion that parents need to work to socialize their children, and to separated them from technology, otherwise our children are become robots of technology.

      Best regards,
      Nađa Zubčević PO /v/ IV

  46. Hallo everyone,

    I think that today's schools are not friendly and facing the child. I believe that the implementation of the program schools, which is towards the children and their needs that badly.For too many children, though, school is not always a positive experience. Some endure difficult conditions, like extremely hot or cold temperatures in the classroom or primitive sanitation. Others lack competent teachers and appropriate curricula. Still others may be forced to contend with discrimination, harassment and even violence. These conditions are not conducive to learning or development, and no child should have to experience them.

    UNICEF is profoundly committed to securing safe, rights-based, quality education for each and every child, irrespective of his or her circumstances. We understand that schools are not ’one size fits all’ institutions, and that children have diverse needs. With this in mind, we have striven to create a comprehensive, multifaceted and dynamic educational model aimed at helping schools achieve safe, healthy and protective environments that meet the specific needs of their children. Indeed, there is no single way to make a school child friendly. The model may differ from country to country, but the common denominator across cultures is a focus on child-centred education in a safe, healthy and holistic environment.

    All the best.

  47. Hello everyone,

    Education is a great driver of social, economic and political progress. As people learn to read, count and reason critically, their prospects for health and prosperity expand exponentially. But our advances in education have not benefited everyone equally and primary school enrollment rates tell only part of the regrettable story. Millions of children who start primary school are unable to finish and still more miss out on secondary school.
    Education plays the central role in escaping generational poverty. It’s been estimated that for every year a child stays in school, their future earning potential increases by 10-20 percent. Unfortunately, many families in poverty consider education a luxury and even those who value it can find it difficult to afford. All children should grow up in a child-friendly environment which guarantees their normal physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Children should have the access to a quality education which will provide them opportunities to achieve real learning outcomes and reach their potential. Education should be child-centered and based on the principles of democratic participation, inclusiveness and protection

    The teacher must creates the positive atmosphere in the classroom and to cooperate to the child's parents. The school and the school system must be flexible and adapt. The curriculum and program should fulfill the needs of students according to their abilities and skills. The teacher should be their leader, a friend and someone I can always count on.

  48. Hello,
    I like this:
    "Without my children my house would be clean and my wallet would be full but my heart would be empty."
    It is very interesting and say a lot.

    All the best.

  49. Hello everyone,
    As I was reading this blog I remembered a recent situation in which I made the comparison by looking at the Roma children playing football on the street with an empty plastic bottle, barefooted, with torn clothes on, but still happy.
    While other children were returning home from school, they were on the street. There were happy, and how much happy would they be if they were with their peers, the place where they need be, to learn, to write, meet new friends and eventually achieve their goals.
    I'm sad that all children don’t have the same opportunities, because I believe that it is enough just to give them a chance, and they would achieve their goals and our expectations. In order for all children to be equal, we need to start with certain changes. The education system must be changed, because as you say it's sad that in the 21st century, children are being exploited, with certain changes in laws I believe that in a few years’ children all over the world will have equal rights and be valued as they deserve, and it will increase their self-confidence. They will be happy, successful, self-confident, and we with them.

    1. Elvida,
      I agree with you. The education system must be changes. I also strongly thing that we need to educate the parents of the children that are coming from less fortunate families. Most of them do NOT value education and dont think of it as a way of getting a better life. The whole system has to work together-family, child, school. The education is crucial part of ones success. "One child at the time!"
      Mersiha Memic-Grado

    2. Yes, I agree. But, in most cases parents because of the fight for survivor dont have time to for-fill their main responsibilities never the less to go back to school and get educated. I believe the main problem is the disorganized country.

  50. Greeting. I agree with the opinion of the majority. All of you refer to Romes who don't have rights. They are forced to beg in order to survive. They engage in car washing also. The violence has its roots in families. Their parents are more likely to spend their money on the alcohol than to spend it for the education of their children. I would like to commend few schools in Sarajevo that provide school books and snacks for them. I would also like to commend the educators who often visit their families. Although their rights are endangered, we must admit that there are people in our country who actually are doing something about it. One of those schools is " Dzemaludin Causevic". People don't descriminate only the Roma children. They also descriminate children who wears clothes with Islamic characteristics. They are often called Wahhabis. Parents force them to wear such clothes and that's the main reason why they are different to other kids.

  51. Hello everyone,

    Children are born with fundamental freedoms and rights that belong to all human beings and they are the ones who need special protection. There is no period in which the children were not abused and exploited and it is a form of particularly severe violations of human rights. Children have the right to rest, free time, play, the right to a good education and there is no person who can take that from them. I hope that in the future everything will be better and I hope that all children of the world will have equal rights and that everyone will be happy and satisfied.

    Best regards,

    Sajma Hasanović

  52. Hi people of good will!
    Children, as many would say, are a gift. i couldn't agree more and that is why I am all for making this world a better place for future generations. The way I see the world today, it scares me to have a child of my own thinking it's better to spare it the suffering. But then again, you never know, maybe my child will be someone of great importance and I couldn't possibly deprive the world of such a person. My fears will always be with me but I am sure that my child will be worth all the pain and fear.
    Peace to all!
    Ljiljana Marinčić

    1. And yes, I will reply on my own comment.
      Children build the nation sound and strong. One may think how these tiny tots can change the nation. Yes, they can, because today’s children are responsible citizens of tomorrow. For a country to develop lies in the hands of the child. And the foundation of knowledge, skills and attitude are laid in this impressionable period. Children are the future of nation because if they learn good things and when they will grow up they will and advice other people to help and will make better world.
      Children are very clever. Because they still ask questions that we adults have given up asking.
      Best regards to myself.
      Ljiljana Marinčić

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Hello everyone !
    My mother always tells me how great childhood she had. There were no internet or TV. They were all day outside playing with other kids.They really had a great time..
    But we are now in new age ,and we need to accept it. I dont say that kids should be on a computer all day long , but they need to learn how to use it,because future is in it.
    But, the most important thing in childhood is love.
    There is no matter if they have internet or dont, if their family raise them on a good way ,they will be great people. We need to be gentle and good with them,because they are very fragile.
    If playing a football or buying them sweets are making them happy,we should all to that!
    Best regards

    Irma Basaric, PO lll

  55. Hi everyone!
    All children in the world have right for living,freedom,education.There are many aboused children(sexualy,psysicaly and emotionaly).Adults often to take advantage of children,esspecially Roma children by forsing then to work,while the children should be at school,educate and spent time with their friends.Every parent,teacher,every adult should take to care of children and If we notice someone treat then bad,we should react do something about it for example call social workers and other institutions who care about child's rights and safety.And at the end I would like mantion Fjodor's Dostojevski words:,,All ideal of the world don't worth one child's tear"
    Best regards,
    Lejla Muslic

  56. Hi everyone!
    All children in the world have right for living,freedom,education.There are many aboused children(sexualy,psysicaly and emotionaly).Adults often to take advantage of children,esspecially Roma children by forsing then to work,while the children should be at school,educate and spent time with their friends.Every parent,teacher,every adult should take to care of children and If we notice someone treat then bad,we should react do something about it for example call social workers and other institutions who care about child's rights and safety.And at the end I would like mantion Fjodor's Dostojevski words:,,All ideal of the world don't worth one child's tear"
    Best regards,
    Lejla Muslic

    1. Hi Leki :D I agree with your post. Every child in the world no matter were or how he lives should have the same rights and normal life. And we sould make our homes and schools a places of trust and support that fulfills of child's needs.

  57. Hello! :)
    Children are ours most precious treasure. As teachers we should take an active interest in our children and listen to them.Teach them that they can be assertive in order to protect themselves against abduction and exploitation. Every home and school should teach children about safety and protection measures. We can protect our children by teaching them to be smart, strong, and safe.
    Best regards,
    Dina Makul

    1. Hello ! :D
      I absolutely agree with you! We can protect them and we will protect our children!! Your comment on this blog I loved, short, clear, it's excellent.

  58. Hi ;)

    From ancient Greece to today emphasizes the importance of education for the development of the individual and the entire community. Today, of civilized society expects every child the right of access and equal participation in education and training. Education is a fundamental human right. It encourages the development and strengthening human resources at the individual and societal level. Education should transmit the values of peace, tolerance and respect for human rights and freedom of each individual. In other words, education is to build positive values and attitudes among children and young people, which will allow the creation of a safe and peaceful society that respects human rights and freedoms.
    When it comes to exercising the right to education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are still numerous cases of discrimination and segregation in education, and the education system, unfortunately, has failed to confirm the positive values of respect for human rights and freedoms as well as the educational ideals to which all should aspire.
    The protection of children has to deal with all the institutions, agencies and organizations that work with and for children. In working with children in the first place to put the health, safety and welfare of children, as well as what is for them the best interest. To appreciate them, to respect and understand the context of their own culture, religion and ethnicity, and to determine their needs and meet whenever possible. Children represent a great importance when they are heard, when their eyes carefully observe, and to encourage them. On each occasion the children we need to relate with respect and recognize them as individuals with their own rights. Work with them in a way that strengthens their capacities, skills and develop their potential. In order to ensure the protection of children is an important work in partnership teaching staff, parents / guardians or other experts. In a spirit of partnership based on mutual respect and trust.
    Educational institutions must strive to end the discrimination and segregation in education and emphasize the importance of education for all children regardless of their culture, religion or ethnicity.

    Best regards,
    Suzana Sabljić

  59. Hi ;)

    From ancient Greece to today emphasizes the importance of education for the development of the individual and the entire community. Today, of civilized society expects every child the right of access and equal participation in education and training. Education is a fundamental human right. It encourages the development and strengthening human resources at the individual and societal level. Education should transmit the values of peace, tolerance and respect for human rights and freedom of each individual. In other words, education is to build positive values and attitudes among children and young people, which will allow the creation of a safe and peaceful society that respects human rights and freedoms.
    When it comes to exercising the right to education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are still numerous cases of discrimination and segregation in education, and the education system, unfortunately, has failed to confirm the positive values of respect for human rights and freedoms as well as the educational ideals to which all should aspire.
    The protection of children has to deal with all the institutions, agencies and organizations that work with and for children. In working with children in the first place to put the health, safety and welfare of children, as well as what is for them the best interest. To appreciate them, to respect and understand the context of their own culture, religion and ethnicity, and to determine their needs and meet whenever possible. Children represent a great importance when they are heard, when their eyes carefully observe, and to encourage them. On each occasion the children we need to relate with respect and recognize them as individuals with their own rights. Work with them in a way that strengthens their capacities, skills and develop their potential. In order to ensure the protection of children is an important work in partnership teaching staff, parents / guardians or other experts. In a spirit of partnership based on mutual respect and trust.
    Educational institutions must strive to end the discrimination and segregation in education and emphasize the importance of education for all children regardless of their culture, religion or ethnicity.

    Best regards,
    Suzana Sabljić

  60. Hello everyone,

    First I want to underline that each child is unique and deserves to be treated with an enormous amount of love and understanding.Children are our hope for the future,the better future.
    Children difficult circumstances need someone to throw them a lifeline since it is very difficult to pull oneself up by one's own boot strings.
    Without help, too many children will drop out of school, become involved in substance abuse and increase the population.
    What would you do if this was your child ?
    We seem to have forgotten that people matter more than things. We have given our children ethical values that say "Whatever you do is all right as long as you don't get caught". We have thought them that success is everything, no matter how ruthless you might be in achieving your results. Children adopt these values because they are so prevalent.
    Absolutely new truths are very rare. Truths which were once new must be constantly renewed by being pronounced again from the depths of the ardent personal convictions of a new human being.
    Research tells us, two centuries of wisdom from educational pioneers tell us, the children tell us.
    Until very recently children who were culturally different disturbed, learning handicapped or experiencing trouble at home were simply shoved out of the way because someone in authority decided they did not need or deserve a serious education. Today, we have a greater stake in achieving school success for all of our children. The costs of supporting our dropouts and dump outs illiterate unemployable,violent are staggering.

    But all children should grow up in a child-friendly environment which guarantees their normal physical, cognitive , social and emotional development.
    Education should be child -centred and based on the principles of democratic participation, inclusiveness and protection.

    Best regards,
    Belma Hadzic

  61. Hello everyone,

    I agree that adults have a key role in children's development. We need to try to understand them, to participate in various activities with them, to get closer to them. It is said that a man who does not know (or have forgotten) to play, is not a happy man, and it is certainly so. For example, when an educator or parent working with children, they put all other things aside, rest mentally, and the children feels it. Simple things can lead to great intimacy. Adults should be role models for children, support, assistants and, as such, are heavily influenced by that kind of qualities will tomorrow have a child when he grows up. I'm very sad when in my neighborhood I notice that some children are neglected and can be given to them much more attention and draw from them more good. Preschool age is a special period when some things can happen or not. There is no way to compensate if the time is not taken care of properly and the development of communication with adults and creating memories that child will carry all his life. Therefore, drawing your attention to the fact that childhood, as well as any other period of life will not return, it should be used as best as possible.

    Best regards,
    Azemina Avdicevic

  62. Hello,
    In my opinion, creating child-friendly world and protecting child rights is just as important as global warming problem or any other global problem. We put strong efforts to stop global warming because we want to save the world - we're doing it for the future, for the generations to come. Children are our future, so if we don't protect them, protecting the world doesn't make any sense.
    To create a child-friendly world, we need to raise them well and give them education. This is important for the children today and the children as a future parents.
    I am aware that not all the kids are equally talented, or let's just say - smart, but they all need to get a chance to educate and to succeed. I think you are successful if you are happy, and you are happy if you achieve your life goals and your dreams come true. But you can follow your dreams only if you are free. The fact is that many children today are being enslaved, they are used as a physical workers, and are made to to things against their will. This needs to be changed.
    To conclude, if you want to create a child-friendly world, you need to give them freedom and a chance to educate, improve and succeed. You can't do this for a week, a month or maybe a year. This is global problem and it will take time to resolve, so it's better to start sooner rather than later.

    Best regards,
    Nihada Halilović

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Nihada :)
      I agree with you, that every child has the right to education regardless of their differences. And just the fact that you mentioned for those children who are used as laborers, rather than to educate saddened me. Those in this period of life need to sit in school. Yes, we have to change.

      Best regards.

    3. Hi Nihada ;)
      I agree with you, that every child has the right to education regardless of their differences. And just the fact that you mentioned for those children who are used as laborers, rather than to educate saddened me. Those in this period of life need to sit in school. Yes, we have to change.

      Best regards,
      Suzana Sabljić.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Hi everyone!! First of all , I am glad we have an opportunity to express ourselves about the most beautiful topic- children. Children are, in my opinion, the most powerfull population that can teach us so much. For example, how to laugh and be happy without any specific reason, how to forget all the problems we have etc. but on the other hand, I am not sure that we, adults , are giving them what they deserve. Especially today, in the world we live in, do parents spend enough quality time with their children? Do they give them all the love, respect, and especially their time? Do teachers at schools do their job the best they can? Because they will become what we teach them, and will do whatever we do. We are example for them. And we should make sure we are good example to them. I think it all starts in the family. The parents are most important role in their childrens lives. Then after comes school, and everything else that they are in touch with. Speaking of technology, I think it has good and bad effects. Of course, we can use it to find out important information we need, but I don't think it's good for children to use it. Even among adults there is less and less communication, and hanging out with each other. I think technology is step by step taking over our lives. I was observing a family just recently in one restaurant. When you see them it's a nice looking family of 4 but as they sat down for the table, their parents gave them phones , and the whole time they were playing on the phone. That is a sad picture for me. That should be family time, talking to each other and spending hood time together. At least, they should have limited time when using technology. I think we shouldn't let technology take over our lives, and make us forget to talk to each other, to go together somewhere, to play with our children and make some memories for them and for us.
    P.S. Use technology only for learning purposes :)
    And I apologize for long comment , and for maybe being a little old fashioned about technology.
    Have a nice day, everyone.
    Bakija Irma

  65. Hello everyone,
    Parents have the primary duty and responsibility to take care for the healthy growth of their children, and the school must take responsibility not only for education but also for the education of children on their way to adulthood.
    Every child has the right to care and respect, we are obliged to provide them.
    Teachers need to be accountable for better control and more careful monitoring. If you remove the fear students will be able to successfully carry out their business. Students also have to be responsible for respecting the rights of others in the class, as well as for their own rights. So, for the development of the child and his personality is necessary to secure an environment where there is no abuse, neglect, a physical or any other form of degradation of his personality. It is necessary for children to grow up in a non-violence is an obligation of adults to create conditions allow and provide every child a proper growth and development. To a child progress requires freedom of creative expression, understanding and support of the environment.
    Best regards,
    Alma Mehić

    1. Hello Alma,
      I agree with you, children need to grow up in secure environment. And I agree that parent must take good care of their children.

    2. Hiiii Alma ;)

      Yes, I agree with you, Alma. Super said it. And I also think that parents and teachers need to give your child a happy and carefree childhood. I think that parents and teachers together can really do a lot for the welfare of children. But somehow I have a feeling that today too there is a problem in the communication :( .
      Best regards,
      Suzana Sabljić.

    3. Hi Alma,
      I agree with the part where you say that child progress requires freedom. In my opinion, freedom is the key factor in creating child-friendly world. Of course, with the freedom come responsibilities, and the people who can make those future adults responsible are teachers. So we need a good teachers.

      Nihada Halilović

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Hello everyone,
    Heaven gave us three things: stars at night, flowers at day and children eyes. To be loved is something that every human being need. It doesn't matter if they are young or old, we all need love and it is important for child to be loved and to grow near people that loves him. When we are loved it is easier to survive in this cruel world and love bound people. Life is not playing fair so we must give love to child as much as possible. Children needs love and only with love they can have normal life. In our country children often have problems with their parents because they are to busy to pay attention on their children and mostly kids in our country have problems with law, drugs and alcohol.
    Best regards,
    Ajla Mujan

    1. Hello! : D

      I absolutely agree with you! It is very important to be loved regardless of race, religion, age, skin color ... It takes love, support and understanding for the normal growth and development of the child. I also agree with you that parents do not have enough time to spend with their children, to protect them from bad deeds and habits. But the younger the world remains!

      Best regards,
      Alma Mehić

    2. Society in general have a lack of interest in these topics. They Know what is the new album of some famous singer, new movie that will be released next year, what some celebrity ate for breakfast, but what is going on with chlidren in India, Africa or even in their own City they don`t know. And that is such a shame. For us all.

      We need to react. Need to make a better place for us all. Chlidren are us. We define them. We are creating their future. We need to make sure that future will be bright and full of love.

      Minela Mujević PO IV godina /v/

    3. Hi Ajla,
      I agree with part where you say that most imoprtant for child to be loved and to grow near poeple that loves him

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Hello everyone!

    "There is no trust more sacred than the one the world holds with children. There is no duty more important than ensuring that their rights are respected, that their welfare is protected, that their lives are free from fear and want and that they can grow up in peace."
    - Kofi Annan
    At first, I must say that childhood is something most valuable in the life of the child and that it should not be taken for granted. For me, the greatest influence on a child are his parents, they affect the lives of children, but also society in which he grows up. Children are like sponges, they model everything that parent does and incorporate what they see, into their own lives and behavior. It is very important that parents set the right examples for their children, so that children can look up to and learn from them, because the parents are for their child the greatest role model and mirror. However, negative examples can be detrimental to a child’s development and can lead to very bad behavior. That is why we should pay attention, that children should grow up in a family environment, with of happiness, love and understanding.
    Something else to which we must pay attention is that between TV, the movies, online videos and all of the other media sources out there, it's no wonder that these societal influences can shape our chidren behavior for good, and this is why we must devote as much for our children and always be there for them. 20 years ago, children used to play outside all day, riding bikes, playing sports, everything was diferent. The dining room table was a central place where families came together to eat and talk about their day, but today's families are different, unfortunately. Children spend more time in front of the computer, playing agressive games and watching contents which are not appropriate, and all that has a negative impact on children. Our task is to spend as much as possible quality time with our children, to spend time in nature with fresh air, to provide them much attention and to be persistent in that role, this is the only way how to push out the tehnology and bring back them to the real life and pure happines.
    I think that every person can do something to improve situation of children because children are treasure of the world and our future belongs to them, so, if we want better future for all, we must take care of them, because children are our brightest future.
    If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children.
    - Mohandas K. Gandhi

    Best regards,
    Nađa Zučević - PO /v/ IV

  70. Hello everyone,
    Children are the precious gifts in this world and as so we need to treat them like that. There is so many kids that doesn`t have love, care and are in need for basic human rights.
    We all watch TV, we are all active on social media, watching different sites on the Internet and when was the last time any one of us have seen something about chlidrends rights, some action to prevent abusement of any kind.
    It is so disappointing that today, every action can be powered through media but there is so little real action about protecting chlidrens rights in general.
    We watched Kailash video here, but without this English class and project we would never hear about this great man and these actions.

    Minela Mujević PO IV godina /v/

  71. Hi everyone,
    Few days ago I read something that make me ask myself “How can anyone hurt a child?“
    „I've never heard that even the most bloodthirsty beast killed their own calf...“
    This sentence is part of text that wrote a Bosnian writer Nura Bazdulj Hubijar, and text is about a child who was tortured by his mother and stepfather. They tortured him to death. He was only 4 years old.
    I'm thinking about that child,and about all children that endure some pain,and it breaks my heart. I feel pain, sorrow, anger and ultimately helplessness. All the people in the world should feel guilt for not stop torture of children. They are so unprotected from the evil in the world. They are dying in the wars, starving, suffer pain. They are sick, harassed and unhappy, and the world does nothing to stop that. In the Israel- Palestine war there is huge number of child victims. Both the Israeli Defense Forces and militant Palestinian groups have been accused of violating the rights of children and causing injury and death. The media has been used manipulatively to create support for different sides. Children have been the victims of indoctrination, school closures, medical problems and post-traumatic stress as a result of the conflict. And still world do nothing.
    If I look a little closer, in my country, children are also not protected enough. There is numerous examples where children living in bad condition. They don’t have anything they need. Their parents are unemployed, and they can’t ensure everything their children need. And in the school that children are usually not accepted. They are rejected because they do not have what other children have. Nobody cares about their ability, about their goodness, or their wishes. Nobody cares their opinions and needs. School for that children is not Friendly Learning Environment.
    We all should try to improve our surroundings, to create place where children will be healthy, safe, protected, and happy. We should start form ourselves, and we all should think about children like they are ours, all of them.
    As a future teacher I have an obligation to give my best to the children at school and in my community so they can feel safe and loved .

    Best regards,
    Amina Hadrović

    1. Hi Amina,

      I agree with you, how could anyone hurt a child, it's something I can not understand. Children suffer most in war, they are not guilty of anything and that it's a shame for the whole world. We need to ensure a better future for our children, and not to kill them, it's very sad sad situation.
      Children are victims of the war, but also of the violence in the family and in school too. It is sad that the children judged by whether they friends have a cell phone, expensive clothes, or something else, but all that children brings from parents, so parents need to teach children the right values, but also the teachers, because they affect a lot of children and their education.

      Best regards,
      Emina Baždar Predškolski odgoj, vanredan studij, IV godina

  72. Hi everyone,

    Children are our treasure and we all should do anything to provided them a safe and bright future.
    Nowadays, we always hear about child abuse and there are many children being abuse every year. There are many different forms of abuse and many people do not realize them. They included physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
    I think one of the child abuse is also a Internet. A large number of parents very early provide access to the Internet to their children, all with the aim of a child to be in step with the time in which to grow up, and that's just fine. However, parents need to be aware of dangers of those who wrongly use the Internet.
    I think that in today's modern age is one of the biggest threats which our children are exposed to, and I think that parents the greatest attention should be paid to it and control the children and also take into account how much and how often they spend their time on the computer.
    It is my opinion that parents bear a heavy responsibility for the safety of children on the Internet. Very few parents are aware of the potential risks.
    This is why it is very important to properly educate parents and children, in order to avoid any negative consequences.

    Best regards,
    Emina Baždar Predškolski odgoj, vanredan studij, IV godina

    1. Emina,
      I agree with you in everything, especially in part where you've said that parents bear a heavy responsibility for safety of children.. It their job to focus attention on playing in fresh air instead of internet. It's their responsibility to learn children true values, but also to recognize good and evil.

      Best regards,
      Maja Agatić

  73. Hi everyone,

    While I was reading this good comments and articles I realized that I don't have much to say because everything is already told.

    It is necessary to talk with children often so we could understand there needs, problems and wishes. Every child is special and should be respected and loved. It is very sad that there is so much negativity in the world as far as the attitude towards children. As it is indicated in the previous texts of mistreating children, violence against children and every form of destruction of their right to life and happiness.

    Fortunately there are great people who fight for children and who are very successful in it.
    If everyone make effort for respecting for the rights of every child, make direction for better, giving a lot of love and attention from childhood we will make better children's life apropos creating child- friendly world, or better and happier place to live!

    Best regards,

  74. Hi everyone
    For children to create a healthy concept of self, they need positive feedback and rewards for effective behaviors. They thrive hearing positive things about their activities and character. Knowing they are valued helps them develop a sense of worth and confidence in themselves, and to realize their strengths.
    Children run into challenges while growing up. Even early on they are navigating the ins and outs of social, intellectual, and emotional dos and don’ts. It gives children courage to know their caregivers will go above and beyond to help them succeed in life, and lets them grow up with a sense of connectedness.
    To flourish, children need to feel safe, and to know they are being held. This includes having age-appropriate expectations for them, and setting limits that are consistently kept. Having routines provide secure feelings, as does observing the adults in their life respecting and communicating with each other.

    Children manage change best if they know about it ahead of time and what to expect. If a change will end, such as parents returning from a trip, they need to be told when. Caregivers should validate their children’s anxieties by acknowledging their feelings and explaining how normal it is to feel discomfort when things change.
    It is important to listen to and acknowledge a child’s feelings, whatever they are. They need to know they can find comfort when they are sad, fearful, or otherwise upset. Sometimes attentive listening is all a child needs to feel safe. In some situations the parent and child might talk about ways to minimize the distress.

    Emotions and feelings are not logical, nor are they supposed to be. They reflect how a child (or adult) views a situation, or the world. Their feelings always make sense when you understand their perceptions, or how they view a person or event. By validating a child’s emotions, we teach them what emotions are, and give them permission to feel and share them.

    Best regards,
    Midheta Smailbegovic

  75. Hello everyone,
    I agree with all of you and i will say that we in our country have organisation "Save the Children" and they work very good. Save the Children worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1996, in the aftermath of violent conflict in the former Yugoslavia. Their work has evolved from humanitarian relief to development throughout the past 16 years. Currently, we are implementing programs in child protection, education and emergency response.
    Challenges for Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    The country is still undergoing a painful transition in the aftermath of the devastating conflict in the 1990s. The past two decades have seen dramatic socio-economic changes.
    The global financial and economic crisis has hit the region hard. Increases in the prices of food and fuel have put even greater pressure on families living in poverty, with serious consequences for children.

    Its not hard be human and help other people, the only thing we need is be together and believe in our power.
    "Be realistic, always wish the impossible". Paulo Coelho

  76. Hello :)

    In my opinion, no child ever would have to work anything except to play.
    People don't understand the danger that surrounds them, and especially the children. Every day, that danger increases, and it seems no one cares for it.
    Millions of people using internet every day, and unfortunately many of them are abused by it, or are one of abusers.
    Few days ago I've read about a girl who has been in clinical depression for 4 years, and she was only 16 when she committed suicide. It made me very sad, and I've asked my self how come no one noticed? Where were her parents? Friends?
    On the other hand, very good friend of mine is putting her daughter's pictures on Facebook, and she has no fear who is watching them... And there is countless number of parents like that.
    People are unaware of evil that surrounds us, and it is important to educate parents, future parents, teachers, and children especially!!

    Best regards, Maja Agatić

  77. Hello everyone!!"
    Every child has the right to care and respect, we are obliged to provide them.
    Teachers need to be accountable for better control and more careful monitoring. If you remove the fear students will be able to successfully carry out their business. Students also have to be responsible for respecting the rights of others in the class, as well as for their own rights. So, for the development of the child and his personality is necessary to secure an environment where there is no abuse, neglect, a physical or any other form of degradation of his personality. It is necessary for children to grow up in a non-violence is an obligation of adults to create conditions allow and provide every child a proper growth and development. To a child progress requires freedom of creative expression, understanding and support of the environment.Parents have the primary duty and responsibility to take care for the healthy growth of their children, and the school must take responsibility not only for education but also for the education of children on their way to adulthood.
    Children are the precious gifts in this world and as so we need to treat them like that. There is so many kids that doesn`t have love, care and are in need for basic human rights.

    Best regards,
    Edina Džinović

  78. Well everyone already summed it up in the comments, so I will just say that today`s children are growing up in a dangerous environment. More immoral things are becoming "cool" so we need to teach them the difference between good and bad things, and not only in home but also in schools. To teach them what equality means and so on.

    1. Hello Binasa,
      I agree with you, everyone already summed it up, but in my opinion we all need to remember that they are our future, they need us to DREAM with them, because this how they find where they want to be in life. They also need us to RESPECT them, because this is how they learn to care about others. They need us to ENCOURAGE them. Because this is how they become the best that they can.

      Best Regards,
      Mersiha Boloban

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Hello future teachers,

    Since we are living in the 21.century, where children are being exposed to many amiss things, unsecured and dangerous environment, where their safety is always being questionable, we as their teachers and their guardians have an enormous task to teach them real values and to direct them on the right path. It is equally important that children continue their activities even after time spent in school and to continue their healthy habits like for an example: artistic work, sport activities, reading, writing, drawing, communicating with other people, games based on logic etc. But, the most important thing for their healthy grow is actually time spent with their parents which means that parents should and have to spend more quality time with their offspring. I say this because we all know how important that is, and how that will leave an important impact on the children's feeling of acceptance and love. Also, one of the most important characteristics of healthy parenting is a constant encouragement and praising of the child. Time spent with the child is precious and well invested time, which will bring fruitful future. We as teachers must urge parents to be more involved in the process of parenthood and education.

    Best Regards,
    Zehra Starhonic (III year)

  81. I believe you and I assume that each one youngsters have a proper to be cherished and cared for via way of means of adults. Love is extra crucial than something else with inside the world, and youngsters want plenty of it. thank you for sharing this treasured post. please checkout my post friendly environment for children.
