Friday, December 18, 2015


          Tolerance can be defined as 'willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own' (a definition by Merriam-Webster) or as 'a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own' (a definition on Or to put it in a simple way, tolerance is the ability to accept diversity and to live and let other people live. Follow these links to find out more about: the etymology of the word'tolerance' and related terms, and tolerance synonyms and antonyms.

          If you are tolerant, then you are supposed to endure practices that you are not related to or that you do not approve of, and also to demonstrate an objective and fair behavior towards those whose ways of thinking or behaving differ from yours. If you are tolerant, you respect and learn from others, you are willing to value differences, reject stereotypes, bridge cultural gaps and create new bonds with other people. Many researchers have pointed out that the level of tolerance that you have can actually be attributed to the level of happiness and contentment in your life. Nevertheless, some paradoxical questions still emerge, such as – 'are tolerant people happier, or are happier people more tolerant?'

          At the same time, tolerance does not mean accepting all kinds of behavior, especially those which show disrespect for others, i.e. lying, stealing, bullying, being mean, hostile or aggressive towards others,  etc. Behaviors that disrespect or hurt others should not be tolerated. To tolerate actually means to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

          If we want to live a full and healthy life in today's world, which is considered to be a rich blend of different cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, races and religions, then we have to learn to appreciate others and be tolerant to the differences that coexist. Being open to see new things and learn about other people without having negative prejudices about them is a form of tolerance.

          The International Day for Tolerance is on November 16th, established by the UN General Assembly in 1996 and you can read more about it following this link.

"On the International Day of Tolerance, let us recognize the mounting threat posed by those who strive to divide, and let us pledge to forge a path defined by dialogue, social cohesion and mutual understanding."
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

          You can also watch a video with portraits from Cambodia, the Netherlands, Spain, France, the United States, and Australia to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance: 'On selected international days the United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe (UNRIC), in partnership with the Good Planet Foundation, share clips from the ‘7 billion Others’ project to communicate the fears, dreams, ordeals, and hopes of citizens from all over world.'
For more about promoting tolerance by UNESCO's Member States and how can intolerance be countered follow this link, and you can also read  The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance.

The part that might be of particular interest for us is Article 4 – Education, which I will quote in its full length here:
Article 4 - Education
4.1 Education is the most effective means of preventing intolerance. The first step in tolerance education is to teach people what their shared rights and freedoms are, so that they may be respected, and to promote the will to protect those of others.
4.2 Education for tolerance should be considered an urgent imperative; that is why it is necessary to promote systematic and rational tolerance teaching methods that will address the cultural, social, economic, political and religious sources of intolerance - major roots of violence and exclusion. Education policies and programmes should contribute to development of understanding, solidarity and tolerance among individuals as well as among ethnic, social, cultural, religious and linguistic groups and nations.
4.3 Education for tolerance should aim at countering influences that lead to fear and exclusion of others, and should help young people to develop capacities for independent judgement, critical thinking and ethical reasoning.
4.4 We pledge to support and implement programmes of social science research and education for tolerance, human rights and non-violence. This means devoting special attention to improving teacher training, curricula, the content of textbooks and lessons, and other educational materials including new educational technologies, with a view to educating caring and responsible citizens open to other cultures, able to appreciate the value of freedom, respectful of human dignity and differences, and able to prevent conflicts or resolve them by non-violent means.

For more about educating for tolerance, you can follow this link
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emphasized the importance of education in the fight against intolerance by saying: 
'We must instill in [children] a respect for diversity before intolerance has a chance to take root, and a sense of vigilance in case it threatens to do so'.

Educators all over the world should teach tolerance and respect for the other and different, while at the same time making attempts to identify and fight against intolerance. There is also a guide for educators – Tolerance: the threshold of peace, published by UNESCO in 1994.

          Speaking about tolerance generally, you should also remember that December 18th is marked as the International Migrants Day, which you can read more about using this link, where you can find this quotation: 'Migration draws increasing attention in the world nowadays. Mixed with elements of unforeseeability, emergency, and complexity, the challenges and difficulties of international migration require enhanced cooperation and collective action among countries and regions. The United Nations is actively playing a catalyst role in this area, with the aim of creating more dialogues and interactions within countries and regions, as well as propelling experience exchange and collaboration opportunities. To mark this year’s International Migrants Day, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is calling on the international community to come together and remember the refugees and migrants who have lost their lives or have disappeared while trying to reach safe harbour after arduous journeys across seas and deserts.'

          For our class discussion on the blog, think about tolerance and our lives, and how does tolerance weave itself throughout our society? Think about how tolerance is used in many different areas of life from a personal to a national perspective. Take a moment to think about your own lifestyle: your behaviors, actions, thoughts, and the environment you live in. Do you think you are a tolerant person? Explain. Do you have any examples of tolerance 'in practice', i.e. of tolerant or maybe intolerant behaviors in your family, among your friends, in your neighborhood or local community, at the faculty/university, in our country, or elsewhere? Share your stories and opinions with your classmates here. As a future teacher, how would you teach your students to be tolerant and respectful of others? What obstacles might you encounter? How would you help them differentiate between tolerable and intolerable behaviors?
You are welcomed to share your attitudes, ideas and thoughts with us.


  1. Hello,
    Speaking of tolerance, I could not but mention the current topic of refugees. How tolerant is Europe, and how truly tolerant are we, when it comes to accepting thousands of people, whose culture, habits and after all appearance is completely different from ours?! Tolerating is accepting, but accepting as long as it doesn´t affect our lifestyle, our community, freedom and above all,security. I consider myself very tolerant and open-minded, and for sure, I believe we should all help the people in need, feed the hungry, find a shelter for all those kids sleeping in the middle of the park, but lets not be naive about all this situation. The chance is that it won´t work as planned, and that all these young man, who are refugees now, won´t really work for the good of ,for example,Germany, "building bridges", strengthening economy, increasing the birth rate, or whatever government propagates.The government did not considered the fact that they may not be as hardworking or disciplined as German people. The chances are that in 10-15 years those young man will, most probably, work on strengthening their own "little Syria" inside Germany, working for their own interests, changing the whole picture of Europe, and maybe, just maybe, causing World War 3.In that point, it surely will affect our lifestyle,our community,freedom and security. Europe may not be the best solution for them, but let us make the best of emergent situation.
    When it comes to environment I am living in, tolerance, as well as intolerance, can be seen everywhere. Recently, I´ve met a boy, looking for any kind of job, who is an orphan, used to be resident of a home for the abandoned children. He is jobless and practically homeless, only because of that fact. For years, he is been trying to find some place to live, but he was rejected as soon as the landlord finds out that he used to live in a home for the abandoned children.Yes, the boys and girls who come from that place are often categorized as problematic, but that is not the case of this boy at all, and he does not deserve such treatment. Is it really easier to believe in stereotypes than to try to get to know person better and accept who they are.
    In my opinion, the key of being tolerant lays in teaching our children tolerance, and to differentiate tolerant and intolerant behavior. They are many ways of doing that, and many ideas on teaching equalty, caring, respect, kindness, courtesy, friendliness, patience... For example, while teaching equalty, the idea I really liked was taking different shaped, and differently coloured eggs to class, showing students how we all are different, just like those eggs. After wracking all of the eggs, students get to see how all of the eggs are the same inside, just like people(There are plenty of teaching ideas with these topics on Pinterest too). I want my students to be able to accept differences, to know that everyone deserves our respect, to be polite, and to listen to what other people have to say.

    Looking forward to hear my colleagues opinions about this topic too!

    Best regards,
    Jasmina Jašarević-Pašalić

    P.S. The movie I mentioned the other day is called "Grand hotel Budapest" :))

    1. Colleague, I can say that I am thrilled by your example of refugees in this topic and I am sorry that I had not thought of that while writing my comment. I agree with you about that matter. But I do not think that school is the only source of teaching and the best in what we teach children to be tolerant. I think that family and educators have joint primary role in every child individually, and then took the wider community and the media. Example with eggs is perfect, but this is just an example and it will be difficult to understand for 7 years old children, they will be impressed with colors and occupied while you break an egg, but as you move on to what you wanted to achieve with this they will accept and adopt just a little of it . That is what I think, and I respect a contrary opinions.

    2. Hi, Jasmina,
      I want to point out that I agree with your oppinion that we should be tolerant as long as it does not affect our family and ourselves. If beeing tolerant is going to have negative impact on us, our society and people in our surrounding, then it does not deserve to be tolerated.
      Best regards,
      Mirela Durmić RN III

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  4. Hi,
    Tolerance is the virtue of a civilized age. It is the virtue when we have different ways and opinions, and outlook on life but we don't make problems. It enables us to see always the other side of things.
    We need to look upon tolerance as a mark of education and superior culture of ethics of the polite society.
    After all, the world has not been set to one pattern, nor have men been shaped in a single mould. Difference, in environment or conditions of life, causes difference in temperament and opinion.
    I don't know why people care what someone else doing if not affected on their life? If something makes someone happy why we care about that? Why people need say something bad about that?
    I don't see tolerance although BiH multicultural country. That's sad.
    I consider myself a tolerant person because in every work I'm looking for a positive, why something is done. I am the type of person who believes that every act has prompted some feeling. When we asked for the reasons why someone did something and tried to help him, it would be different. Surely it would be less strange things people do and we condemn.
    Cultured person takes these into account, makes allowance for them and is ready to make concessions and compromise. Passion never leads to any good nor solves any problem; passion has to be controlled and disciplined by reason and tolerance.
    We should never tolerate moral corruption, social wrongs, political and financial dishonesty; we should never be complaisant towards attacks on our national integrity, on our fundamental rights on the forces of progress in society. Things like that dosn't have an excuse.
    I had a friend who stopped socializing with me because I don't consume alcohol. She said that I can not have fun like that. Of course you can, you just don't want having fun on her way. I go out and hang out with people and I do not expect other people to take me back home. That's ugly. Today I'm glad he is no longer part of my life.
    If you have an intolerant person next to you, ask yourself do you need that ?
    If you are an intolerant person, why ?
    Best regards,
    Hubijar Aida

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Aida,
      There are some situations which we shouldn't tolerate because of our own good and good of others. You mentioned some of them and I totally agree with you. It is also good that you stopped to go out with a person who expected from you to consume alcohol in order to be your friend. You don't need such a friend, she wouldn't bring anything good to you.
      Best regards,
      Harisa Brulić PO3

    3. Hi Aida,
      I agree with you that we shouldn't tolerate things you mentioned but sometimes we need to, because if we don't then does that makes us the same as people who don't respect our rights? Tolerance is about that, exepting something is wrong and try to change that. We can change our country, we are the future of it. About that friend, you don't need him in your life not because he consumes alcohol, its because he's intolerant, you are lucky you found out he wasn't your true friend as soon as possible. If we have someone who is intolerant by our side, and if we can't help them to change that then they don't deserve to be part of our life, we don't need that kind of negativity in our life.
      Best regards,
      Podžić Amila, RN IV

    4. Hi Aida
      I agree with your opinion about not tolerating bad behaviour and dishonesty.We should always stand for what is right,yet some people have trouble knowing what is right and what is wrong,but I belive that is just because they didn't learn it so far,some people just need more time and life experience to truly grow up.Like that friend of yours,maybe she felt a little lost in this world,I think that is why most people decide to drink alcohol.But not accepting you and your opinion,that was just very shallow. It's good that you don't see each other now,but as time will pass by I'm sure she will recognize her mistake,I think she is not a hopeless case,because once you were good friends,and a good girl like you wouldn't ever hang out with a bad person. :)

      Sabina Čavčić PO III

  5. Hello, my dear,
    Here it is and I am trying to write something on this subject. I hope you'll be tolerant about my English.
    First of all, I want to say that I am a very tolerant person and I think this is my virtue.My best friend disagrees that it is a virtue, and believes that I often make mistakes in relation to others because I am too tolerant. I must admit that I do not know many tolerant person. My favorite people are very little tolerant, almost intolerant. I also think that the whole society, community and the media have a minimum level of tolerance and they reflect all wrong picture about us. I wish to teach my child and other children on my job to be tolerant. If I manager to achieve that, I'd consider that a lot of success. I think it's not exactly an easy task. Especially if we consider one class of students who come from different families, with different experiences and adventures.
    I consider that to be tolerant means to be a sensible and sensitive person.
    Amina Kućanović RN III -V

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  7. Hello everyone
    I'm here to share with you mine oppinion about tolerance. By this text above I got more self-confidence to writte you about tolerance, just because I find myself in more cases in text as I mentioned. First of all I have to say that I'm tolerant in way that others told me. That tolerance I show by the chance in usual life. I also think that people live so fast and they absolutelly forgot about tolerance because of forcing it's selfs to earn a lot of money. I'm allways ready to listen, help and be able everytime for people to share my attitudes and advisecs. I agree with definiton by Merriam-Webster and I look at tolerance in same way. As I mentioned me for tolerant person I like to show people how to be a human primarily. Many people around me are intolerant. The best example of intolerenc are mine neighbours. If anyone share its oppinion they dissagre at all because they think that they are immaculate and just forceing it's oppinion. I think that best example to learn someone to be tolerant showing it by yourself example. Many times I found myself in situations in which I have to say people to judge fairly. By the end I would like to tell you to be tolerant you will be happy and you will make someone happy and make someone more self-confidence to built their dreams and be part of healthy population.
    Amra Selmanovic PO III-V

    1. Hi Amra,
      I understand what you're saying. People often appreciated only their opinion, they don't care about other's opinions. I know people who says for other people are intolerant because they don't respect their opinion.
      This type of people living in the conviction that they are tolerant.
      Hubijar Aida PO3

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    3. Hi Aida,
      I am happy to know that you are with me especially because I know how much you are tolerant. I am glad to have you as my friend continue to be just like this the way you are. Also I know those kind of pepole and I am with deffiniton "Change yourslef to change others by your example"
      Lots of greatings my dear.
      Amra Selmanovic PO3

    4. Hi, Amra
      I agree with your opinion. Tolerance always has limits,that means that it can't tolerate what is intolerant.
      You can learn tolerance from intolerance people, but it doesn't mean tolerating intolerance people.
      Like Dalai Lama said tolerance is not sign of weakness, but it a sign of strength.
      Tolerance is one of the most important things in friendship.

      Best regards,
      Mehić Azra PO3

    5. I agree with your opinion and your advice about tolerance. As I wrote in my comentar the saddist part in whole story is that people often incorrectly interpret someone´s opinion, or people really doesn´t know what the tolerance is all about. Tolerance is accepting different opinion, not just the same like yours, It's all about people who learned to respect, and appreciate someone´s thoughts whether you share the same. That don't mean we must accept disrespectable behavior, or behavior that hurt someone. Willingness to accept different behavior, oppinion says a lot of about us.

      Neira Kruščica PO III

  8. Hi,
    Tolerance, a kind of relations between people, is the most important for human personality. It is a fair and objective attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from yours. We have to develop tolerance because in our country people of different nationalities, religions and beliefs live together. We must respect each other. Chances are there are some aspects of other people's lives which annoy us. Understanding tolerance can help shift our attitudes toward others, leading us toward a more productive and happy life. View on education, religion and politics are just three of the many areas of our lives that may differ from individual to individual, causing friction between the different viewpoints. For example, how would it feel if some person you knew, who had no prior education or understanding of a certain topic, tells you that you don't understand the topic, especially after you went through a course and passed an exam? Of course you would feel angry or frustrated. But, tolerance allows us to sit back and objectively understand where another person is coming from in regards to their behaviors, thoughts and other processes.
    I think that I am a tolerant person. I am tolerant of annoying people, but I wish they would not be so annoying. I tolerate the things and people around me, people with different values from my own. I accept that people may not agree with me. I would teach my students to be tolerant and respectful of others through different activities, music, art ...

    Best regards,
    Harisa Brulić PO3

    1. Hi Harisa,

      I agree with you. Being tolerant is what we all should be. Not everyone in our country is tolerant but I think that it's very good attribute and that we should all be tolerant to each other.

      Best regard,

      Aldijana Halilović RN III

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. Hi everybody,
    My opinion is that this is a very good topic that may be a lot to say, very complex because it can distinguish in many fields. Tolerance refers to the appreciation, tolerance of others' ideas, opinions, attitudes, lifestyles, it can take many spheres of life. There are many definitions of tolerance, but I would first of all give preference to this, which I think is the most appropriate, which read: "UNESCO in 1995 gave the definition of tolerance, which seeks to improve the traditional perception that it is a mere tolerance. This definition reads: "Tolerance is the respect, acceptance and appreciation of the richness of diversity in our world cultures, our forms of expression, and a way to be men. It is based on knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference . this is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to changing the culture of war to a culture of peace. " Tolerance, in my opinion, gives the possibility that we mainly stick to your beliefs and to accept the fact that others stick to their beliefs general in everything. I ended with a quote, "The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. "- Ralf Sokman
    Tolerance - "If you can not tolerate some property, at least tolerate person, because each person has more features, including the good ones. "

    Seada Osmanović, PO – III year

  11. Hi everybody,
    Tolerance, some might say that we are born with a certain level of tolerance. I guess we are. In life we learn to except new things, to learn and adapt, life would not be possible if we were not able to learn and adapt to new things and new situacions. But for me there is also another level of tolerance, where we are able to overcome our differences and not get angry when something does not go the way we planned, or when someone is doing or saying something we do not like or agree with. It takse a certain level of tolerance to be able to keep your cool, ant think straight. And not let those petty little differences get in the way of something greater. I have to say that I have learned to be a very tolerant person. If you had asked me to write about tolerance a few years ago, it would not be the same as it is today. Ma views of what tolerance is and how toletant i should be have changed a lot. A few years ago, I was not very tolerant, I would get into an argument over little things, beieve me my sister can tell you all about it. Then at the end of the day I would be angry at her, angry at myself and no one was happy. My sister was not the only one, I got angry at my friends as well, my family, for little things, that I could not even remember the next day. But I was young, I guess we all have to learn for our mistakes. I learned to chance, I learned to exept people for who they are. If I said that nothing makes me angry, I would be lying. But I have learned to control that anger, to talk about the things that bother me, my level of tolerance has gone way up in the last few years. I believe everyone can become more tolerant if they try just a little harder. When you see o hear something you do not like, dont get angry, dont yell, use your words, explain to that person or that group of people why you think that they are wrong. Maybe you will change their point of view, maybe they will listen, maybe they wont, but you kept your cool. Tolerance is important and I wish there was more of it in the world, more of it in Bosnia. I strongly believe that it would make Bosnia a better place to live. It would make everyones lives easier if we just learned to tolerate one another.
    Best regards,
    Ermina Ahmetović, PO / III

    1. • Hi, Ermina,
      I would agree with your opinion. I would be followed up and I would say that we once more make mistakes and that we are less tolerant of people who we love the most and that is above all a family. I suppose that we act because we know that they absolutely love and that they always forgive us. Tolerance is very complex as a term, and could dismember the many subtypes of where and how to be tolerant. I was in an educational organization where we creatively try to be tolerant towards each other. Just beautiful experience and a very interesting approach to solving the complexity of the topic itself. I would recommend everyone to try to be tolerant in all respects, because only then can we expect others to be tolerant with us, because we are ourselves the most important and we wish ourselves the best. I'm so glad you're able to be more tolerant and learned in a situation that you mentioned.
      Seada Osmanović III-godina PO

    2. Hi Ermina,
      I like what you wrote about this topic especially the sentence that 'everyone can become more tolerant if they try just a little harder'. So, why not to try and make this country and the world a better place for living?
      Best regards,
      Harisa Brulić

  12. Hello everybody!
    A word tolerance comes from a greek word tolerare wich means endure (sustain, tolerate). I think we are all born eaqually, and because of that we need to be tolerant to each other.Throught tolerance we, also, need to sustain equality in life. Being tolerant means respect ideas, opinions and the views of others, and their lifestyle as well. It also means, doesn't produce prejudice, doubt nor hatred to certain groups of people, rase or religion.
    To be tolerant we must accept and respect different cultures, expressions and lifestyle. Tolerance is human right and freedom of all of us.
    Being tolerant doesn't mean support injustice, rejection, as well, particularly if it's about social. Family is number one when it comes to tolerance, because values and morality are originated from the parents.
    Here is a part of UNESCO's meaning of tolerance:
    ''Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of tought, concsience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace.''
    Be tolerant and you'll understand yourself and you'll make your life better. Make the world a better place!! That's the beauty of tolerance.
    Best regards
    Mia Mesanovic PO III

  13. Hello everyone.
    I think tolerance is accepting other people in the way they are, and let other people to live their life in the way they think that they should live. the question from the text is: 'are tolerant people happier, or are happier people more tolerant?'
    I think that happier people more tolerate because if we are satisfied with our life, than we less care about that what other people do, specialy if that is not about us. If we are satisfied, than we can forgive more. Tolerance have limits. We can't tolerate everything. But we have to understand that we are all difeerent. We live in differents places, with different life conditions, different attitudes, so we have different behavior. The point is 'don't do anything that you don't want to someone do to you'. if we keep of that, no one will have to tolerate us something. Except boss :D

    Best regards,

    Minela Barlov, RN IV

  14. Willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own. People that are more tolerant don˙t have to be happier then those not tolerant, but they are not afraid to accept something different and are not scared of it. Many people have certain fears,grudges, or don`t understand other cultures or customs. I think that is the problem with the person it self. We need to respect other to truly respect ourselves and the world around us.

  15. Hello :)
    Tolerance is the appreciation of diversity and the ability to live and let others live. It is the ability to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards those whose opinions, practices, religion, nationality and so on differ from one's own. No two people in the world are exactly alike.Al people even identical twins,have their own experiences and their viewpoints.Do you have to agree with people to respect their right to have an opinion?No.But people with differing views and opinions can respect each other´s right to differ.You do not have to like the same food or music as your friends, practice the same religion, or dress the same way.But you might want to be open to learn about those differences.An important part of growing is being willing to learn new things.Being open to see new things and learning about other people without negatively prejudging them is a form of tolerance.But does tolerance mean that all behaviours have to be accepted? No, of course not.Behaviours that disrespect or hurt others,should not be toleratad.Respect is about accepting people for who they are for their best selves.Tolerance also means treating others the way you would like to be treated.
    The basic right of every human being is the right for life.We should all be born to grow to study to share life and the world with people around us.If we cannot accept other´s opinions,the proble´m is not in the way they think,but it´s in our attitude towards them.
    Mizdrak Ilda, PO 3

    1. Hi Ilda.
      I agree with your thought. Each of us has his own attitude and what we should adhere to is that we do not do to others what we do not want someone makes us. Also, we have awakened to the other that it is necessary to emphasize skewed positive and socially acceptable qualities as well as people who are for example.
      Ivona Matić PO3

  16. Hi.
    Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is based on knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. Being tolerant means to be aware of differences in relation to ourselves and accept that in everyday life. This is the concept of binding and similar terms such as stereotypes and prejudices.
    We can learn to be tolerant!
    The first teacher of tolerance is family. Tolerance is taught mostly by model - that watching someone else who has developed a tolerant forms and patterns of behavior, children will be adopted. But the family is not the only teacher! All elements of society should be involved in education about tolerance, to engage in other areas of education. We as a teachers must to indicate childern about tolerance and cultivate mutually respect.
    Edita Marevac,RN 3

    1. Hi Edita,
      I like your comment about family. I agree that family is very important. Also, I agree that tolerance should be involved in education. Our lives would be better and we would be happier. Best regards,
      Emina Lević, RN III

  17. Hello,

    For me tolerance is the most important thing. Everyone should have their own oppinion, but the important thing is to learn to be fair and to respect people who has the different thinking, behavior than yours. That don't mean we must accept disrespectable behavior, or behavior that hurt someone.
    Tolerance is when you accept that each person is worth the same. A person that is worth less doesn't exist. When you can understand this and treat others with respect and dignity than you are tolerant.
    People often incorrectly interpret someone's opinions and assume that person is not tolerant.
    I think that everyone need to treat others in the way they wanted to me treated.
    Best regards,
    Neira Kuščica PO III

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hi.
    Tolerance is a virtue and for some not. With her are not born teach her through life. We often come across people who only see the negative and condemning the other, with no desire to try to understand them and understand why they do it. We all want to live in a world where there are no wars and injustice. But how to achieve that ?! I often wonder how some colleges have been completed, work with people but also with the children, which is up and condemn others, to see all the evil. In our country, multicultural, tolerance is very little. People are fairly primitive. Fewer see themselves as they took care of the lives of others. Some can not accept that someone different from them, there are other views and purpose in life. We should not judge people, they should be given the opportunity to explain their actions but themselves try to understand. Of course, we do not need to worry about primitives, we need to turn to yourself, stick to our belief and go further. Some will recognize our values ​​and follow us. We as future educators and teachers need to give the younger generation a good example. We are the ones who are trying to correct the mistakes of previous generations of hostility and build friendship, help each other, to be persistent in our goals and in our country to build peace on secure foundations.
    Ivona Matić, PO3

  20. Hi,

    Tolerance is defined as a concept in the field of society, culture, or religion, which refers to the collective and individual practice of acceptance and cooperation with people who are not of the same faith, do not think the same way, or are with a different political view or etc.Unfortunately, in Bosnia and Herzegovina has less tolerance because the society is more divided and the young do not understand and do not see others who are different. Although in this country there is a law which prohibit discrimination, still law is violated on a daily basis. I mean that is how I see the whole situation and I hope we won't lose it permanently because it is not in the nature of man to live alone.Although this is in general, still I can not say that I wasn't surpriced by some acts which our citizens showed in some difficult times like situation with floods. I guess only difficult situations are conecting us and making ostensibly tolerant. I don't think I am tolerant as I could or should be. I can give a plenty of examples of intolerance but there is one enough bad - "only in the Federation of BiH, according to the UNHCR, there are about 50 segregated schools, known as two schools under one roof, which reflect the cultural schisms and that have become a means of separating". Tolerance should be taught from kindergarten - a period in which the child's personality is just starting to build and it is important that it already then involves respect for others, regardless of matching or mismatch with their own attitudes. Such children grow up to the outstanding young people who will not be prone to violence, hatred or other degenerative behaviors. A child is not born tolerant but learns to be such, it teaches that the world does not revolve around it, but that is actually what is only one part of the world in which it is necessary to cooperate in order to progress.cooperate in order to progress. Here are some tips I would use in my teaching:
    -Answer children's questions about differences honestly and respectfully. Certainly it is necessary to talk with children about the differences between people, but in a respectful manner, to show respect for anything that is different from what the child sees at home.
    -.Think about the way you communicate you're talking about other people. Is it a reflection of the tolerance? Show respect for others and the kids will soon adopt this model.
    -Include your children in situations in which the present diversity. This can be in sports, school, playgroup, picnicking ...
    -Learn together with children of other cultures and traditions. Explore the traditions of different cultures and different lifestyles. Talk about it in an affirmative way.
    -Think about the behavior you want to see in their child. Then, you yourself accept such a model, because the children will almost always follow your path.
    -Teach children about the traditions in your family and encourage them to feel proud about it. Appreciate and talk about their own values and heritage, and show a willingness to share with others your beliefs.
    -Select programs, films, stories and games that reflect the value of the difference. The media is a powerful tool that has the ability to shape attitudes. If a child looks at a program or read about something that reflects certain social prejudices, talk to your child about and explain how these prejudices can hurt other people.
    Here are just several of them and there is so many more, but anyway I do think that we, like future teachers tomorrow, should first teach us to be completely tolerant so we can be a model tomorrow for our students.

    Best regards,
    Mehić Azra. PO3

  21. Hi,

    As we already know tolerance appreciation ideas , attitudes , ways of life . each in a different way to view the world and all are entitled to their way of life .
    Tolerance in the family, at work , in society , in different places and in different circumstances increases our quality of life and enriches our daily life and relationships with other people .
    In our society and in every other need to have a high level of tolerance , but also should try to develop in others a sense of tolerance .
    We can not deny that we are surrounded by people who are different in many ways : nationality , religion , culture , gender, customs , or they differ in physical appearance , education level , and there are people with different levels of disability and other differences . This is the reason why we have to be tolerant .
    Elvedina Jusić, RN III

  22. Hi Elvedina.
    I share your opinion about tolerance. Tolerance is guarantee for a better life and if we are tolerant, we will be happier. Tolerance in our country is at low level, so we should try to improve our lives and to improve mutual respect.
    Edita Marevac, RN 3


    I think the BEST definition of "tolerate" for the religious debate is the second one provided by the American Heritage Dictionary -- "To recognize and respect (the rights, beliefs, or practices of others)."

    Although others may choose a path that I personally would not, I would still support their right to pursue it. What most people don't realize is that by restricting the rights of certain groups, we aren't ensuring our own rights. If we restrict the rights of homosexuals and we set that precedent, what's to stop a different leader from restricting the rights of heterosexuals in the future? If we make a law preventing any Wiccans from practicing their beliefs, what's to stop another leader from making that same law in reference to Christians? To protect the rights of others is to protect your own, also.

    Personally, I hope that God is happy in the way I follow his commandment to "love my neighbors". I'm never rude or condemning of anyone because of their race, religion, sexual orientation ... any group that they might fit in.

    We are all humans, and we all deserve the same basic rights and respect. Regardless of the view that the majority has on the status of our eternal souls.

  24. Hi,
    It is difficult to separate one nation from other, because all the nations are almost mixed up. For example the European have prejudice against the Muslims. They can not tolerate the existence of any Muslim state in Europe. War in Bosnia is a vivid example of their fanaticism. Experts emphasis the need of tolerance for peaceful coexistence. If we have to save the world civilization from collapse, we will have to the discard racial, Psychological and political prejudices. Tolerance, sympathy, art and culture can achieve universal brotherhood. In these circumstances, we need tolerance and goodwill. Political, social and religious harmony can be achieved only through tolerance. We should tolerate each other and learn to live to harmony. After all, we are all humans, and we all deserve the same basic rights and respect.


    I think the BEST definition of "tolerate" for the religious debate is the second one provided by the American Heritage Dictionary -- "To recognize and respect (the rights, beliefs, or practices of others)."

    Although others may choose a path that I personally would not, I would still support their right to pursue it. What most people don't realize is that by restricting the rights of certain groups, we aren't ensuring our own rights. If we restrict the rights of homosexuals and we set that precedent, what's to stop a different leader from restricting the rights of heterosexuals in the future? If we make a law preventing any Wiccans from practicing their beliefs, what's to stop another leader from making that same law in reference to Christians? To protect the rights of others is to protect your own, also.

    Personally, I hope that God is happy in the way I follow his commandment to "love my neighbors". I'm never rude or condemning of anyone because of their race, religion, sexual orientation ... any group that they might fit in.

    We are all humans, and we all deserve the same basic rights and respect. Regardless of the view that the majority has on the status of our eternal souls.

    1. Dear Alma,
      First of all, I must say that I really admire your English skills. Very well said, too. We often naively expect to automatically be accepted if we accept, or to be tolerated if we tolerate. Living in a self-centered society makes us forget that there are people considering us different too. And they may not be as tolerant as we are.
      Best regards,
      Jasmina J.P. RN III

  26. Hi all,

    We all agree that being tolerant means not to endanger, not prosecute and not to harass those who we don’t like. We should not behave violently. We should always need to accept different opinions, we must not violate the freedom of the individual, as well as its needs. To be a good person means to be tolerant. This is not only a moral duty, but also the demand of the environment in which we live.

    Tolerance can contribute to changing the culture, the acceptance and cooperation with people who are not of the same religion, the people which doesn’t think the same way we are, and that are different from us. Our diversity is our fortune.
    It is important to be a human and to accept differences. We should be tolerant! We need to understand the people around us, to accept who they are and what they are, to have empathy for them and also to be tolerant.

    We need to respect the differences and to provide them respect, forgiveness, friendship, help.

    Tolerance should be accepted by all, by the people, the state in which they live, a group of people. So, by all!

    We all have to learn how to be tolerant and how to apply that tolerance to our environment (people). We need to forgive each other mistakes, that we love each other, help each other and to accept others. But tolerance doesn’t mean accepting all kinds of comments, as well as changing our opinions because of other people. No one should attack us or insult us!

    Aldijana Halilović RN III

    1. Hello Aldijana.
      I agree in some things with you. For example that we respect the differences, that we need to understand others.. But I think that we can't be too tolerant, because some people want to use that and they will continue to offend you. We must make border where anyone other can't get in. People don't treat us how we deserve, but how allow them. And inside of border, we can be happy.
      Best regards, Minela Barlov

  27. Hello everyone,
    By my opinion tolerance means treating others the way you would like to be treated. I think that children from their early age should develop the habit of tolerance. We should all be born to grow ,study ,share life and the world with people around us. Each of us has a different perspective on the world. The truth is that we live in the world full of prejudices and we cannot stop communicate to people just because there is a difference in opinion. When people fail in their arguments they become intolerant. Tolerance, in many ways, is the opposite of prejudice.

    Teaching tolerance is important not just because it is part of our heritage, but because the person who learns to be open to differences will have more opportunities in education, frindships, and many other aspects of life. Kids develop their own values, in great part, by mirroring the values and attitudes of those they care about. Parents, teachers, who demonstrate tolerance in their everyday lives send a powerful message. As a result, their kids learn to appreciate differences and be tolerant to others.

    We should teach tolerance and respect and help kids to learn more about the values we want them to have.Also teach them that tolerance does not mean tolerating unacceptable behavior. It means that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and should treat others with respect as well.

    At the end of the day , we all need to understand that everyone has right to live and that all people must have the same opportunities because tolerance is the most necessary quality of our every day life.

    Best regards

    Nikšić Alma, PO3

    1. Hi Alma! I agree with you, I also think that kids should be learned to respect and appreciate each other, to know that name or surname, place they are coming from, skin or hair color isn't what makes a man less or more important!
      Azra Ćatić, PO III

    2. Hi Alma! I agree with you, I also think that kids should be learned to respect and appreciate each other, to know that name or surname, place they are coming from, skin or hair color isn't what makes a man less or more important!
      Azra Ćatić, PO III

    3. Hi Azra,
      I'm glad you agree with me.
      I'm glad that you mentioned all these facts because they very important for us.

      Niksic Alma, PO III

  28. Dear colleagues,
    Tolerance can be simply stated as the ability to accept diversity and to live and let others live. A person having a high tolerance quotient would be able to practice a fair and objective behaviour towards those whose opinions differ from his opinions. By being tolerant, you are respecting and learning from others, valuing differences, bridging cultural gaps, rejecting unfair stereotypes, discovering common ground, and creating new bonds. Tolerance, in many ways, is the opposite of prejudice.

    Accept all kinds of behaviors, is this what tolerance means? Of course not. Behaviors that disrespect others, like being mean or bullying, or behaviors like lying or stealing, should not be tolerated. Tolerance means to treating others the way you would like to be treated.

    According to me, tolerance is essential to live a healthy life. We live in a world which is a potpourri of a rich blend of cultural traditions and this leads to the major differences among the people. Being an entity of this world, we are supposed to interact with people of differing cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, races and religions. Our circle of friends, schoolmates, college-mates, office colleagues and all people around us reflects the diversity around us. In short, success in today's world depends on being able to appreciate others work and being tolerant to the differences that co-exist.

    Best regards.

    Ermelinda Dervišević Tulić RN IV

  29. Hello everybody,
    I think this is such an important subject to talk about. We all need to tolerate each other, and I'm not saying we have to tolerate everything but every person in the world is going through something every day like we do, we have to sustain ourselves because that is what humanity its about. Tolerance is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs, and practices that differ from one's own; which means that our opinion doesn't have to be notedly all the time and that is alright- at the same time, tolerance does not mean accepting all kinds of behavior, especially those which show disrespect for others. As a future teacher, i will teach my kids to be free to say their own opinion but also to accept the other one's. I will teach them to be respectful of others.. if someone treats you well, you should treat him well to, and if someone doesn't you shouldnt be like him, because you need to respect yourself first and be positive. Tolerance is not about being vengeful person, its about helping someone understand that they are wrong but patiently. Also, childrens need to know that every person worths the same as them, that is what tolerance means. Together, with tolerance we can make a better place!
    Best regards,
    Podžić Amila

    1. Hi Amila! I must say I agree with you. We need to be tolerant with everyone. Tolerance is not tolerance if you respect one person which also respect you. Tolerance is to let other to disagree with you and to respect that without judging. As you sad, we all have a bad days and we should try to understand eachother.
      I also share your opinion that as a teacher I should give my students oportunity to speak loud for themselfs and I should learn them to be empatic for others.

  30. Hello everyone!
    Here is what I have to say about tolerance. I think "tolerance" lost strenght and firmness these days. Lately (specialy last decade),everybody is talking about tolerance.Kids in schools learn about tolerance,parents and adults talking about tolerance in their famylies, tolerance in media, tolerance in politics, tolerance in sport..-tolerance everywhere. From the other side,real situation is faraway from tolerance. Everyday there is more and more discard, disagreement, hatred and even wars in world.Why? We have no tolerance! People can't accept anything or anyone different. They have no love, no patience or time to understand each other.But "tolerance" is not "ignorance"! Be tolerant means understand weaker and help him to became strong. Not just "I respect you.", but "I want to help you."
    We don't need to talk about tolerance, necesary is to (re)act tolerant!
    Greetings, Marina Radoš, RN IV

    1. Hi Marina!
      I agree with you in every sentence. I also think that people first need to work on how they will help someone and then we can talk about tolerance. I really like this sentence "We don't need to talk about tolerance, necesary is to (re)act tolerant!"

      Elma Velić, RN IV

    2. Hi Marina!
      I agree with you in every sentence. I also think that people first need to work on how they will help someone and then we can talk about tolerance. I really like this sentence "We don't need to talk about tolerance, necesary is to (re)act tolerant!"

      Elma Velić, RN IV

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hello, everybody!
    I found UNESCO'S definition of tolerance:
    "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is based on knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. This is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to changing the culture of war to a culture of peace."
    I really like this definition because it is comprehensive. One of the best examples for tolerance in my neighborhood is when boys shaved their heads for their friend who is suffering from cancer. That is real tolerance. All of us can be tolerant just if we want. :)
    Best regards,
    Emina Lević, RN III

  33. Hello!
    Tolerance can be defined as willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own. it means appreciating and respecting differences in people. Just because someone has different opinion it doesn't mean they are less worth. Various opinions means various approach to a problem or a situation. Tolerance doesn't mean that we agree or ignore each other, it means that we make space for other people's different, interesting, odd or wrong opinions. We can agree or disagree with people, and that is OK. Also, tolerance is not just about accepting other people's opinions, it is also accepting their gender, race, choices, ideas, experiences etc. As a student, i live with a roommate. It is difficult sometimes, because we have different views on things, but we manage to keep good relationship because we can tolerate each others opinions about something, even if we don't agree. That brings us closer and makes it easier to live together. Also, to tolerate someone doesn't mean we should accept any negative behaviors or violence. So you should remember that we are not all the same but we are all equals.
    Best regards, Azra Ćatić PO III

  34. Hello,
    You gave so many different definitions of tolerance, and I agree with most of them. For me, tolerance is the responsibility of all of us. It is not something, by which we should stand or something that characterizes us better than others. This is simply our duty. In a multicultural country such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, tolerance should be at a higher level. We should acknowledge differences which we are surrounded. All human beings, naturally diverse, have the right to live in peace and to be as they are. We should stick to their beliefs, but also accept that others stick to theirs. This does not mean that we need to change our beliefs. This is consistently respecting human rights. We make oppinions of others from an early age and tolerance needs to start from day one. Tolerant or intolerant behavior in children is easily and quickly adopted. The family is the one that affects it the most. Therefore, we need to teach our children tolerance, respect and respect for different than yourself. The fact that someone has a different attitude about something, behavior, does not mean he is less valuable than us.

    Best regards,
    Mirela Durmić RN III

  35. Hello everyone!!

    Tolerance can be defined as a fair and objective attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from yours. The level of tolerance in your life can be attributed to levels of happiness and contentment, as many researchers have pointed out; however, the same researchers appear to struggle when examining paradoxical questions such as, 'are tolerant people more happy, or are happy people more tolerant?
    For example, say you are studying college classes and gaining an understanding on different topics from different perspectives and professionals. How would it feel if someone you knew, who had no prior education or understanding of a topic, tells you that you don't understand the topic, especially after you went through a course and passed an exam? Clearly you could feel angry or frustrated. When facing adversity, tolerance allows us to sit back and objectively understand where another person is coming from in regards to their behaviors, thoughts, and other processes.

    Best regards.
    Elma Velić RN IV

  36. Hi everybody!

    Since we live in country with a lot of diversity, there should be a lot more tolerance. We learn about social values, norms and attitudes to others in childhood from our family, so education for tolerance should be teached from our birth. At the primary school, children identified themselves with group that is most similar to them. At the same time, they devolp prejudices for different ones. They will also adopt more prejudices for people with other nationality, religion or sexual orientation. They will hear them from their parents, friends or they will see it on TV, etc. They will have fear, so they will avoid members of other groups. Prejudices are bad for children because they create fake feeling of superiority which lead to failure and disappointment in yourself. At the same time, discriminated children have feeling of inferiority and social rejection. Tolerant people have freedom. Tolerant person is free from hate, contempt and intolerance. Acceptance and understanding of diversity is base of quality life for everyone in community. Richness of our life is in that diversity.

    Best regards.
    Martina Laco RN III

  37. Hello everyone!

    I think that being tolerant means to be aware of the fact that , first of all : there are so many different people living in this world,with different beliefs,traditions,habits,principles they live by,and so much more diversity, and second of all : nobody is worth more than another person, nobody's opinion or beliefs. Just as long we don't try to convince someone to think the way we do, because we are convinced that our truth is the trues truth,everything is going to be fine.
    This is a big problem that our country and the whole world has,politics and religion – extremist are trying to divide us in so many ways but we can't let that happen,and that is why we should respect and accept each other and learn to live together because we all want the same things,love,education,food,health and happiness.That's it.
    To be aware of this , means to live by these rules . People often say that they don't judge but I was, personally, in so many situations where I have to admit mostly girls have a badmouth , and what I learned was, people are bored , and that's why the gossip , people are frustrated and that is why they attack someone who is an individual with a opinion they are not afraid to show . But the main reason is no education,and by that I mean real,comprehensive education that teaches us about the diversity of all the people living on our planet.

    Tolerance means respecting a human being as it is,following the basic values in this world , values that are the same in every religion.These values are our obligation to the world and ourselfs because only when we live by these values,we can call ourself a human being.

    Btw.I want to share this funny picture with you guys :)

    Best regards.
    Sabina Čavčić PO III

  38. Hi,
    Tolerance in my opinion is an attitude that is going on at the moment which should endure "damage" the individual or group brought other individuals / groups by their actions or expressing opinions.Tolerant can be only one who has the power and freedom to act and decide the application of force for the realization of their own will. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to changing the culture of war to a culture of peace.Tolerance involves a conscious decision to act in a non-violent or restrained. It is based on the religious teachings of the dominant religion, and the state laws that establish the right to a different opinion and endangering individual.The first teacher of tolerance family. Tolerance is taught mostly by model - that watching someone else who has developed a tolerant forms and patterns of behavior, children will be adopted. But the family is not the only teacher. All elements of society should be involved in education about tolerance, to engage in other areas of education. What is the first prerequisite for learning tolerance is empathy - cognitive, rational ability to understand other people's feelings, situations or problems.
    Intolerance is expressed by insults, ridicule, violence, cold tone of voice, and even silence. Tolerance, on the other hand, implies a kind tone of voice, smiles, compliments and expressions of interest.
    Most often we are tolerant of those who are like us, and for people who are different than us coming to a reduced tolerance. People who think and behave differently than they afraid of us because we are not able to predict their reactions and not know how to treated them. Fear gives birth to aversion, hatred and enmity.
    By getting to know other people, understanding the different valuation of reality we become richer. We will in this way better understand the behavior then our side but also we will better understand ourselves. Acceptance and understanding of diversity is the foundation of good communication and life for the whole community. The richness of life is in that diversity.
    Ćerima Ahmić RN/III

  39. Hello everyone,
    for me, tolerance is recpect and acceptance the rich divery of our worlds cultures. Tolerance implies a way to express ourselves and ways of being human.
    It is important to first of all be a good person. In our country tolerance is very little, and it is sad. When we enter in the bus od something like this we can see thaht people dont know what mean tolerance.
    I think thaht young people need to recpect the eldery. Tolerance is open for comunication, and freedom of thought. If you are tolerant iz doesnt mean that you must tolerate injustice.
    Nejra Tufo RN III

  40. Hello,
    Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to changing the culture of war to a culture of peace.Tolerance, in my opinion, gives the possibility that we mainly stick to your beliefs and to accept the fact that others stick to their beliefs general in everything.

    Merisa Musić RN III

  41. Hi everyone.

    I think that tolerance is connected with multiculturalism. If we don't have tolerance, we can't accept others, we can't respect each other. We have to have tolerance for each other and we have to respect people just the way they are. Also, If we don't like someone, or someone's opinion, we have to respect them, because every person has equal rights. I think that tolerance, acceptance, love is something that keep us alive.

    Adela Jugović

  42. Hi,
    While reading this one sentence in particular coughed my interest, tolerance actually means to treat people the way you would like to be treated. This is particularly important when talking about tolerance. Everyone deserves to be treated like everyone else, starting from myself. I can't say that I am a saint even though I try to be, I try to help people and do not judge them or make an opinion about them until I make a clear picture of them. Today, in my opinion, no body can say that they are 100% tolerant, everybody has had their moment of intolerance, but what makes the difference between tolerant and intolerant people is the will to change its own opinion and not to judge people based from what you heated from others. This last reference is one of the major characteristics of intolerance, prejudice or stereotype's. That should be eradicated from the beginning, to teach children not to judge other because of where they come or what they where. The best way would be to spend some time with other make sleepovers and see how others are living. Maybe that way could understand each other better.
    For the end, in order to clear humanity of intolerance one must start with himself, you con not teach other of tolerance if you are intolerant.
    Emina Mesetovic RN III

  43. Hello everyone,

    Tolerance is the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with. Very important factors that contribute to the development of tolerance are empathy, moral values, the ability of distinguishing the good from the bad, the knowledge of basic human rights and the similarities that exist among all people. All these aforementioned factors hinder prejudices and stereotypes. Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is based on knowledge, open-mindedness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. I consider myself to be a very tolerant person, and it is my moral duty to accept the fact that human beings, naturally diverse in their appearance, situation, speech, behavior and values, have the right to live in peace and to be as they are.

    Best regards,
    Aida Drina, RN III

  44. Hello everyone
    Tolerance is respect , acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity that surrounds us . It is a harmony in diversity. Be tolerant means to be free to hold fast to their positions and accept that others adhere to theirs . Acceptance and understanding of diversity is the foundation of good communication and life for the whole community . Richness of life is the diversity
    Best regards,
    Ajla Mujan, RN IV

  45. Hello everyone
    Tolerance is respect , acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity that surrounds us . It is a harmony in diversity. Be tolerant means to be free to hold fast to their positions and accept that others adhere to theirs . Acceptance and understanding of diversity is the foundation of good communication and life for the whole community . Richness of life is the diversity
    Best regards,
    Ajla Mujan, RN IV

    1. Explained! :) Tottaly agree..The world is better with love, tolerance and humanity.

  46. Hi everyone,
    for me tolerance means respect diversity: other color of skin, nations, religions, attitude, opinions, way of living and others. In this cruel time that is difficult, and in different countries there are different stereotypes which in most examples have a great influence in people's opinion. I live in a country which represents three different nation, and I am tolerant. I don't care about what others do, what is their name, how they speak, how they wear, which holiday they celebrate, until they are HUMAN. And I have to say, do not threat others the way you don't want to be threated and you'll never get wrong.

    Best regards
    Samra Sejdović RN IV - Vanredan

  47. Hi ! :)
    I think tolerance is a sign of strength.The thing that is important in tolerance is that we have to remaind ourselfs nobody is perfect and sometimes we should excuse the mistakes that other make or not notice them :D.. A lot of people have opinions about religion, gay rights, abortion and which side of issue you are on is not important. All that important is to recpect and tolerate. I think tolerance is something everybody needs to be reminded of. For example my mom has large tolerance for my messy room and morning coffee which takes an hour, thank u mom :D
    Best regards
    Dina Makul PO IV

    1. Hello :)
      I agree with you. Tolerance means to accept people for who they are. To not bully them if they are different.
      It's simply...
      Tolerance is understanding others and others understanding you :)

  48. Tolerance means how much someone can handle something. For example, people could judge someone by their differences, such as race, looks and personality.
    Tolerance is when you accept that each person is worth the same. A person that is worth less doesn't exist.
    No matter if we're men or women, black or white, Arabs or Jews , Muslims or Christians, no matter where we come from and who we are, we are all equal. When you can understand this and also treat others with respect and dignity, then you are tolerant... :)

  49. HELLO !
    Tolerance means respecting others' ideas, attitudes and ways of life. Being tolerant means being aware of the differences in relation to ourselves and accept that in everyday life. By getting to know other people, understanding the different valuation of reality become richer .. Acceptance and understanding of diversity is the basic for better communication and life for the whole community. The richness of life is in that diversity.
    "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is based on knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. it is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to changing the culture of war to a culture of peace (UNESCO 1995)
    Bes regards :)
    Lejla Muslic PO IV

  50. In my opinion tolerance means treating people the way you would like others treat you, with respect. Being tolerant makes the world a better place to live, it means celebrating diffrences that surroud us and taking the best of them. It is important to teach children tolerance, teach them to accept others for who they are and not to be affraid of someone or something just because it is differet from what they are used to.

  51. Hello everyone.
    I think that happier people are more tolerate. I think that if we are satisfied with our lives, we won't let some unimportant things to hurt us, and then we can tolerate more but when we are dissatisfied. We have to be objective and strong person, and then we can tolerate a lot of things, but never everything. I'm saying that, but I tolerate everything, because I want good relationships with everyone, and I think that is my big mistake, and because of that other people are repeat the same things. So, we need some border and first of all love ourselves and then everybody else, and then we
    Best regards,
    Minela Barlov, IV RN
