Sunday, December 27, 2015


          Philanthropy means giving and sharing of your time, talents or treasures for the common good. It means investing your extra time, your talents – whatever they are (e.g. playing a musical instrument, singing, dancing, painting, or being a good friend, kind or patient, etc.), and your money or belongings for the good of everyone. Philanthropy is a private citizen action for the common good when you give whatever you can in order to help people in the community and, at the same time, you expect nothing in return for your action. It means being unselfish, caring and appreciative of others.

Philanthropy 'etymologically means "love of humanity" in the sense of caring, nourishing, developing and enhancing "what it is to be human" on both the benefactors' (by identifying and exercising their values in giving and volunteering) and beneficiaries' (by benefiting) parts. The most conventional modern definition is "private initiatives, for public good, focusing on quality of life"(on Wikipedia). Philanthropy 'can be broadly defined as love for humankind. It is derived from the Greek words "philos," which means loving and "anthropos," which means humankind' (C. Zimmer on 

A philanthropist is someone who practices philanthropy.

To learn more about the National Philanthropy Day follow this link.

          There are many different forms of philanthropy and a seemingly infinite amount of ways you can demonstrate it. When people think of philanthropy, the most common association they have is donating to a charity or some other non-profit organization that helps people. However, you can practice philanthropy in more ways than that. You can do anything that contributes to the common good (e.g. participating in an organization for homeless or needy people, doing  any form of community service that helps people somehow, volunteering, etc.).There is a large variety of ways you can practice philanthropy in your everyday life. Philanthropy is very important as it improves your character if you know that you can make a difference in people's lives and give them hope and happiness. Philanthropy is not just a good thing to do, it is a virtue of generous people who care about others and the common good.

For our class discussion, think about philanthropy and what it means to you. Do you consider yourself to be a philanthropist? Can you think of something you are capable of doing to help others? Can you identify a list of qualities/characteristics that define a philanthropist? Can you identify local citizens who are contributing to the common good? Can you identify and portray a local philanthropist in your family, neighbourhood, class, etc.? You can use this table (The Philanthropists in My Life) to help you organize your thoughts. Read Aesop's fable 'The Lion and the Mouse' about a character who made a difference by practicing philanthropy although he was small, meek and not so powerful. What lesson(s) does it teach you? Share your thoughts and ideas with your classmates on our class blog.


  1. Hi,
    Philanthropy is giving of time, energy, knowledge, or money to aid others. Being philanthropic means giving of oneself to improve the human condition. As Theresa noted, helping others also helps us, either through the improvement of the community, or the satisfaction of having contributed to a greater good.
    Every philanthropist is compassionate, has a desire to change the world, has a desire to help people, optimism, generous.
    I think that in our call of educator has a number of philanthropists because our vocation is humanistic, unselfish, we give more than we take. The smiles of children are priceless.
    Philantrophist can be anyone that doesnt' matter how "small" you are. Everyone has something to share even that means hugs, supports, kisses, to believe in someone. Philantrophist means sharing, giving good. That doesn't just means giving money. Some thing you can't buy.
    For better world, be philanthropist.
    Best regards,
    Hubijar Aida PO3

    1. Hi,Aida,
      We can learn a lot about philanthropy from your comment, and conclude that you are a philanthropist! I am curious to know about your ways of helping others. Maybe you can share some examples with us?
      Best regards
      Jasmina J.P.

    2. Hi Jasmina,
      At least once a year I donate my clothes to people who needs, sometimes donate my money when I can etc.
      I love to paint. Each year, the primary school, where I went, organizes selling handicrafts. Children, parents, anyone who wants to be part of that make congratulations card, decoupage, ikebana .. I like to donate my picture for it. This is something what I really like to do and make me proud.
      Best regards
      Hubijar Aida PO3

    3. Hi Aida and Jasmina,
      Thanks for your contribution to our class discussion. We should all try to be philanthropists in our everyday life, because helping other people and making them happy can really enrich your life.

    4. Hi everyone,
      I think philanthropy is very important in our lives. We should all try to be a better person and aid those who are in need.

    5. Hi Aida.
      I just want to say that what you wrote is very emotional especially when we are talking about children. It's true that we (preschool teachers) are real philanthropists because we share hugs, kisses, safety and love for those little people, and I am very proud to be one of them.

    6. Hi Aida
      You wrote the best explanation of this noble cause and showed a great way of contributing to others by giving away clothes and helping children. Everyone can and should learn from your example.

    7. Hi everyone,
      Thank you everyone. It's really nice to know that someone supports.
      Best regards,
      Hubijar Aida PO3

    8. Hi everyone,
      Thank you everyone. It's really nice to know that someone supports.
      Best regards,
      Hubijar Aida PO3

    9. Sorry for your friend, Aida, you are so right. There is so many ways to have fun and to socialise, and not to drink alcohol while doing that. We decide how to have fun, some people need alcohol for having fun, some dont. She sholud have been more understaning, more open minded, and she sholud make compromise as you make compromise for her, and dont judge her for drinking alcohol. But it's important that you stayed yourself, and choose your way to have fun.

  2. Hi,
    Philanthropy means being unselfish, caring and appreciative of others. It means a lot to me because I am happy when I help others. Helping others also helps us, either through the improvement of the community or the satisfaction of having contributed to a greater good. Characteristics that define a philanthropist are generous nature and a concern for human welfare.
    In order to help others I am capable of doing painting, being a good friend, kind and patient. . A good example of philanthropy is Aesop's fable 'The Lion and the Mouse'. This fable shows that a kind deed is never wasted and demonstrates that kindness is related to good citizenship. So, a philanthropist can be anyone, no matter if he is tall, strong and powerful or small, meek and powerless.

    Best regards,
    Harisa Brulić PO3

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello Harisa.

      I support your definition of philanthrophy. I agree with you and it's very interesting that you shared a good example with us.
      Best regards,
      Mia M. PO III

    2. Hello Mia,
      Thank you very much for your support. I am really glad that you liked it. Also, I would like to say that it is good that you mentioned floods because it is an excellent example of philanthropy and I agree with everything you said about that time.
      Best regards,
      Harisa Brulić

  4. Hi everybody,
    The term that is unknown to many, to be honest, until recently, a more detailed and complete definition I did not know. I had the opportunity to attend a speech that was actually talked about what I need to give my short review. Philanthropy is expressing, through the freedom and independence of religious, political, economic and other spheres of life. In extreme philanthropy means action for a common good, addressing the causes of social problems. Very interesting to point out that the countries in the world known as a philanthropic, according to the amount of solidarity expressed through donations of their citizens, then it is primarily Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and Ireland. But the Maltese people as a nation give the most, 83% of them donated for philanthropic purposes. Anyone who chooses to act philanthropic, I believe that gets double effect of a positive self-image, and therefore emphasizes the positive features of his personality. They also receive greater respect your surroundings, family, neighbors and others with whom they are in contact, and that works just motivating them. Philanthropy allows us to make changes in your life. I am a person who believes that everyone has something good in them, the person who is willing to help others, because I am, maybe I'm that kind of person. However, it is important to conclude that regardless of whether the philanthropic activities of the individual, or be realized through an organization, if they are motivated by faith in the validity and goodness of the intentions to build a space where one's own skills and abilities may be put at the service of the common good. Do good and good will come back.

    Seada Osmanović, PO – III year

  5. Hi everybody,
    The term that is unknown to many, to be honest, until recently, a more detailed and complete definition I did not know. I had the opportunity to attend a speech that was actually talked about what I need to give my short review. Philanthropy is expressing, through the freedom and independence of religious, political, economic and other spheres of life. In extreme philanthropy means action for a common good, addressing the causes of social problems. Very interesting to point out that the countries in the world known as a philanthropic, according to the amount of solidarity expressed through donations of their citizens, then it is primarily Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and Ireland. But the Maltese people as a nation give the most, 83% of them donated for philanthropic purposes. Anyone who chooses to act philanthropic, I believe that gets double effect of a positive self-image, and therefore emphasizes the positive features of his personality. They also receive greater respect your surroundings, family, neighbors and others with whom they are in contact, and that works just motivating them. Philanthropy allows us to make changes in your life. I am a person who believes that everyone has something good in them, the person who is willing to help others, because I am, maybe I'm that kind of person. However, it is important to conclude that regardless of whether the philanthropic activities of the individual, or be realized through an organization, if they are motivated by faith in the validity and goodness of the intentions to build a space where one's own skills and abilities may be put at the service of the common good. Do good and good will come back.

    Seada Osmanović, PO – III year

    1. Hello Seada.
      I agree with your comment and I know about Norway, Sweden and Ireland, I read about it couple days ago. I also rememberd the poorest President of the world, President of Uruguay, called Mujica. While he was on the function of the President he donated 97% of his salary, and he offered his home for refugee children.
      Best regards.
      Mia M. PO III

    2. Hi, Seada
      I have to say that your comment is one of the best i read so far, and I agree with you. I also believe that there is something good in everyone. And we should try to be the best that we can be. Helping others also helps us. After helping someone you feel better about yourself. I also believe that if you do good, good things will happen to you. You know what goes around comes around. So yes lets help others, be the best we can, in the end what better way to feel human then to help others .

    3. Hello Seada,
      I agree with you that the term 'philanthropy' is unknown to many people, even us till recently, but it is really important term to know and act according to its definition. I also would like to thank you for the information about philanthropic countries.
      Best regards,
      Harisa Brulić

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. As we speak about philanthropy, I remembered floods that befall our country two years ago. At that time, when the most of the people lost their homes and was out of food and chlotes, all Bosnia (and some foreign countries) gathered in an order to help each other. That was the right time for us to show how big philanthropists we are. I mention this, because I want to say that people became philanthroists the most when they get in some kind of a trouble. Even though, I think that real philanthropist is always a philanthropist no matter what. Philanthropist is a human being who loves people, who has a good will to help other human beign, someone who is not close-fisted and someone who has a humanity no matter where he is, nor time, and always ready to help. Also, I personally know some people who are real philanthropists, and that are my classmates. We started a humanitarian action on our college, for one girl who has some health issues and we managed to collect money for her further treatment.
    In order to make this world a better, be a philanthropist, help eachother every day, no matter of religion, faith, believes, names, skin...

    1. Hello Mia,
      I'd followed up on what you wrote. You mentioned floods that hit our area, where we live and I like that, and I think that it's very important. There is a lot of people who have demonstrated a good and willing to help, but the question is why only be good when we are in trouble? I wish that people are always willing to help and that they act in everyday situations. I also mentioned the fact that I always chose during their studies of humanitarian organizations that are helping others. It is outdated experience, really I felt beautiful in any action in which I participated and made my modest contribution. And for nothing in the world I'd change that smile and warm hug people whom we helped. I'd just like to eventually have a message to everyone to do good and good will return to us.
      Seada Osmanović III godina PO

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Seada.
      I am happy that you share my opinion. As a matter of fact people should be helping each other any time and anywhere no matther what, but we have that habbit to show our philanthropism in troubles. I hope that will change eventually and that we're all gonna be a philanthropists for good.
      Best regards,
      Mia Mesanovic PO III

    4. Dear Mia
      Reading your comment reminded me of the floods and the damage caused to the parts of our country, which showed the unite all for the purpose of helping others, this social solidarity made me feel happy
      Helping the refugees who influx to neighboring countries is another example of philanthropy which shows that humanity is what brings us together regardless of race, language or religion.
      Best regards

      Ermelinda Dervišević Tulić RN IV

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi everybody,
    Philanthropy, it is derived from the Greek words "philos," which means loving and "anthropos," which means humankind' . And is there any better way to feel human then to love and be loved. For me love is the most important thing in life, because without love there is no life. Also being human for me means helping people, and not in a way where you help someone and you expect them to do something for you, I mean helping someone without looking for anything in return. Helping someone and seeing a genuan smile on their face is the most rewording thing for me. When you see an old women or an old man, stop, say how are you today, you will only lose a minute and it will mean a world to them. Also help them cross the street, help them with their bags, you wont loose anything, but it will mean a lot to them, because they cant do it by themselves. It breaks my heart to see an old women alone and struggling, and I think that is one of the characteristics of a philanthropist, sympathy. Not being able to watch someone suffer and not help them. I know we all have a lot of obligations, and not a lot of free time, but when you do have some free time, share it with the people you love. Sometimes time spend with someone is the best gift you could give them. Make a cake just because you felt like it and call your friends ove for coffee, it will make their day, just because you remembered them. The little things you do in life make the biggest difference. Be good, be kind any help others. Believe me at the end of the day you will also be happy.
    Best regards,
    Ermina Ahmetović, PO / III

  10. Hi Ermina,
    I agree with your opinion. Love is the most important tning in our lives, and it is very good thing to be good and to help to other people, especially to old and weak people.
    Amra Selmanovic PO3

  11. Hello everyone.
    Unfortunately, we live in time of "notphilatropists". Today, everyone is just looking himself and his interests. Honestly, I love animals. I love also people, but i'm disappointed in people. I'm trying to be a friend, but most of people are not friends, exceptions. Today is very difficult to find a friend. I hope that people will find out that real happines is in giving, not in taking. Philantropy promote love, sharing, and giving. Even if I'm disappointed, I'm still Philantropist, I like make someone happy, and be a reason of someone smile.

    Best regards,

    Minela Barlov, RN IV

  12. Hello everyone,
    I again would like to emphasise a saying 'What goes around, comes around' and thus conclude this topic. We all have to have that in mind and be good, not just in hard times but always, in every single situation. Helping others keeps us smiling because, in my opinion, true happiness is in making others happy.
    Best regards,
    Harisa Brulić

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello my dear,
    I must admit I met this concept for the first time. I often meet people who help others, but still did not know that it's called philanthropy. Each of us is a philanthropist. Philantropists love people, they don't kill and abuse people. They're kind and ready to share goods with others. I am most fascinated by people who accept and adopt children and raised them as their own. It's a great and responsible task. They are my idols. Around us there are a lot of people who needs our help. They are hungry, thirsty, sick. They don't have a home. Let's help them. Do good and good will comes to you.
    Amina Kućanović RN III

  15. Hello my dear,
    I must admit I met this concept for the first time. I often meet people who help others, but still did not know that it's called philanthropy. Each of us is a philanthropist. Philantropists love people, they don't kill and abuse people. They're kind and ready to share goods with others. I am most fascinated by people who accept and adopt children and raised them as their own. It's a great and responsible task. They are my idols. Around us there are a lot of people who needs our help. They are hungry, thirsty, sick. They don't have a home. Let's help them. Do good and good will comes to you.
    Amina Kućanović RN III

  16. Hello my dear,
    I must admit I met this concept for the first time. I often meet people who help others, but still did not know that it's called philanthropy. Each of us is a philanthropist. Philantropists love people, they don't kill and abuse people. They're kind and ready to share goods with others. I am most fascinated by people who accept and adopt children and raised them as their own. It's a great and responsible task. They are my idols. Around us there are a lot of people who needs our help. They are hungry, thirsty, sick. They don't have a home. Let's help them. Do good and good will comes to you.
    Amina Kućanović RN III

  17. Hi Everyone :D
    In time we live, love and support for our friends and the other people is most important thing. Doing things for others - whether small, unplanned acts or regular volunteering - is a powerful way to boost our own happiness as well of those around us. The people we help may be strangers, family, friends, colleagues or neighbours. They can be old or young, nearby or far away. Giving isn't just about money, so you don't need to be rich. Giving to others can be as simple as a single kind word, smile or a thoughtful gesture. It can include giving time, care, skills, thought or attention. Sometimes these mean as much, if not more, than financial gifts. Helping others is not only good for them and a good thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier too. Giving also connects us to others, creating stronger communities and helping to build a happier society for everyone. And it's not all about money - we can also give our time, ideas and energy. So if you want to feel good, do good!
    Mizdrak Ilda, PO 3

  18. Hi Everyone :D
    In time we live, love and support for our friends and the other people is most important thing. Doing things for others - whether small, unplanned acts or regular volunteering - is a powerful way to boost our own happiness as well of those around us. The people we help may be strangers, family, friends, colleagues or neighbours. They can be old or young, nearby or far away. Giving isn't just about money, so you don't need to be rich. Giving to others can be as simple as a single kind word, smile or a thoughtful gesture. It can include giving time, care, skills, thought or attention. Sometimes these mean as much, if not more, than financial gifts. Helping others is not only good for them and a good thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier too. Giving also connects us to others, creating stronger communities and helping to build a happier society for everyone. And it's not all about money - we can also give our time, ideas and energy. So if you want to feel good, do good!
    Mizdrak Ilda, PO 3

  19. Hello everyone!
    I often wonder how many people have a true philanthropist ideas. What we can do to improve our lives, our living and our communication? Caring for society can be expressed in different ways from participating in actions in the community, through volunteering employees and employee of the company, to donations of money, goods or services.
    Individual philanthropy as selfless giving to other people can give back a sense of satisfaction and relief, because we've done something good. Philanthropy gives an opportunity to an individual or individuals to make changes, since the smallest altruistically motivated action you do can make a big difference in a person's life. Philanthropy is a life attitude or commitment that is expressed as a selfless desire to personal action or separation affects the general welfare, so every human being should strive to be as good as possible, to contribute to their environment, ande people with whom we associate, because this is the best way to improve our life and to became better people.
    Best regards,
    Edita Marevac, RN3

    1. Hi,

      I have to agree with you because I often ask myself how many philanthropists are in my country.

      Is there more individual philanthropists or organizations who help others? Regardless of all this , be philanthropist is something that everyone should be , in one way or another.

  20. Hi,

    As i growe up with my grandmother all of my memories are related to her. Because of her i love and respect older people and feel the need to help them. Also i have a younger brother, he is eleven years younger then me, so i spent a lot of time with him. Pretty much he growe up with me, I take care of him while my mother is at work.
    Because of everything that happend in my life, I learned that life is to short and the least I can do is make other people love and happy.
    I am very friendly person and I love to make a bond with diferent tipe of people. I like to hear different life stories and learn from others.
    My life goal is being a better person with each day, considering all of that I think I am a philanthropist.
    Best regards,
    Neira Kruščica PO III

  21. Hi,

    The word philanthropy can be defined as "sympathy for the happiness of others." It's actually a human tendency to support each others, to help others in their success and progress and looking forward to the happiness of others. I do consider myself a philanthropist and I think that no one can build their own happiness, if we don't support achievement of the happiness of others around us. I think there is no excuse which can defend individual for not being philanthropist because,as it's mentioned,material support is not the only way of helping someone. So if I am not able to support others with donating money or other stuffs to a charity,I will find another way to help someone like I usually do.Sometimes a little things like my time,talents, knowledge or simple conversations are more helpful. I did volunteer back in my hometown when I was in high school in organization with kids with special needs,donate groceries to others on big holidays like gifts or my clothes to a charity and I am always there for others if they need advice or conversation. I believe that every philanthropist has many good characteristics such as kindness, goodness, mercy, compassion, respect, optimism,etc. As for the local citizens and humanitarian organizations, although I'm new here, I'm familiar with several such as: The Association of Altruist called "Light" , Association "Be My Friend", The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in BiH (I actually attended their seminars in 2009 and it was such a great experience), Youth House, the Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc. Also one great thing is that many of them are supported by other countries and it's always good to know that there are people abroad who are interested in helping our citizens because it's something we need.

    Best regards,
    Mehić Azra PO3

  22. Dear colleagues
    As first, I need to recognize that the term is unknown to many, Meanings of philanthropy has a very great virtue. Raising yourself not be selfish and to be good proactive without waiting in return, this is the ultimate meaning of the Sustainable goodness between people everywhere
    Each of us has the time and talent to be philanthropist if he wanted to
    I am thinking to ask my friends with the idea to prepare awareness campaign for citizens that explain "how to be philantrophic" as an act to enhance the positive citizenship
    In the end, I want to say that the creation of a smile on the face of someone is a real sense of happiness that makes us feel more productive

    Best Regards

    Ermelinda Dervišević - Tulić IV godina

  23. Hi,
    Philanthropy is much more than a response to a question from the reason a person or a particular community show social responsibility and solidarity , it is an approach based on the true values that primarily reflected the goodness, love and ethical behavior toward other human beings .
    It is often a part of everyday life in the form of unplanned solidarity ; to help a neighbor , an unidentified person or in the form of spontaneous donations , involvement in social movements , and so on .
    Philanthropist is a person who enjoys a good side , a misanthrope is one who enjoys it when others ill.
    Elvedina Jusić, RN III

    1. Hi,

      We all need to show social responsibility and solidarity. It is necessary to take care of others and still, to help them and to share with them what we have. After giving help, I feel happy because we did a good deed and thereby leave a positive impression on other people. With that help we can make a change in the life of at least one person.


    Strategic philanthropy works well for simple and complicated problems, toward which the vast majority of philanthropic funding is directed. Many funders support programs like after-school tutoring and institutions like hospitals, which help alleviate the consequences of complex societal problems in education and health without directly addressing the problems themselves. But strategic philanthropy also emphasizes the need to eradicate the root causes of society’s complex problems without recognizing that a different and more emergent approach is required.
    One philanthropic organization that successfully used an emergent approach to tackle a complex social problem is the Rockefeller Foundation. Beginning in 2008, the foundation launched a five-year, $42 million initiative to stimulate greater investment capital that could “improve the lives of poor and vulnerable citizens around the world” through impact investing. At the time, the field of impact investing was small and disorganized. Over the next four years, despite the 2008-2009 worldwide financial meltdown, $6 billion of new investment capital went into impact investments. Three-quarters of this growth could be tied directly to Rockefeller’s efforts, effectively leveraging the foundation’s dollars one hundred to one. The foundation also had significant policy influence on the governments of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. For the first time, international development agencies began to use impact investment as a promising new tool. All told, the Rockefeller Foundation played what one evaluation report called a “decisive role” in activating a global movement that continues to grow even as the foundation shifts its support to newer forms of innovative finance.


    Strategic philanthropy works well for simple and complicated problems, toward which the vast majority of philanthropic funding is directed. Many funders support programs like after-school tutoring and institutions like hospitals, which help alleviate the consequences of complex societal problems in education and health without directly addressing the problems themselves. But strategic philanthropy also emphasizes the need to eradicate the root causes of society’s complex problems without recognizing that a different and more emergent approach is required.
    One philanthropic organization that successfully used an emergent approach to tackle a complex social problem is the Rockefeller Foundation. Beginning in 2008, the foundation launched a five-year, $42 million initiative to stimulate greater investment capital that could “improve the lives of poor and vulnerable citizens around the world” through impact investing. At the time, the field of impact investing was small and disorganized. Over the next four years, despite the 2008-2009 worldwide financial meltdown, $6 billion of new investment capital went into impact investments. Three-quarters of this growth could be tied directly to Rockefeller’s efforts, effectively leveraging the foundation’s dollars one hundred to one. The foundation also had significant policy influence on the governments of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. For the first time, international development agencies began to use impact investment as a promising new tool. All told, the Rockefeller Foundation played what one evaluation report called a “decisive role” in activating a global movement that continues to grow even as the foundation shifts its support to newer forms of innovative finance.

  26. Hello everyone,
    you all summed up but the three most important characteristics of a Philanthropist to me are caring, appreciation and acceptance. You must have acceptance for everyone you are helping, even if they don't have a great personality you still need to accept them. Appreciation for everything you have received and your family and for everyone around you. You have to be a true giver and always put them before you. Caring for everyone's stories and about everyone you've ran into or who has helped you throughout your life. You can't throw anybody, or their problems underneath the bus, you have to treat everyone you encounter fairly with respect. If I could choose 1 more trait, it would be empathy because you need to put yourself into their shoes and see what they are going through in their life and try to see the situation in their perspective. Anyone can obtain these three traits, but you need to use them accordingly to be a true philanthropist.
    Best regards,
    Mersiha Boloban

  27. Hi,

    In my oppinion philanthropy is on of the basic characteristics every teacher should have. Nature of our calling demands so, because working with children is a very responsible work since we have an opportunity to directly influence and model children's minds and behaviour. It is our responsibility to teach those young minds to differ right from wrong, to always help and love others. Good example of philanthropy is inclusion which helps children to develop sensitivity for those who are in need of help.

    Best regards,
    Merima Mehremić RN4

    1. Dear Merima ,
      I agree with you completely . All teachers should be philanthropists . Teachers are the ones who influence the way in which direction to these kids could go and what they could become . Let's be good parents , good teachers and a good example , especially to our children , but also to those around us .
      Greetings to you!
      Mirela Durmić RN III

    2. Dear Merima ,
      I agree with you completely . All teachers should be philanthropists . Teachers are the ones who influence the way in which direction to these kids could go and what they could become . Let's be good parents , good teachers and a good example , especially to our children , but also to those around us .
      Greetings to you!
      Mirela Durmić RN III

  28. Hello everyone!

    I must admit that the term of philanthropy was unknown until recently . After the lecture of English in the classroom, I have found some information about that. Now, when I know what philantropy is, I would like to say that it is an attitude that expresses a desire to help the others, that it is something that provides a change into something better.
    I keep asking myself how much people care about each others. A society in which we live, is very selfish.
    However, there are so many ways to fix the situation in which we live. Therefore, there are so many organizations to fix the situation, like volunteering, like different donations of money or something like that.
    Philanthropy is an opportunity to make some changes I think, an opportunity to fix the actual way of life, and to fix other people so they could see the beauty of a life.
    Best regards,
    Emina Kolak

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hi everyone,

    This topic is very interesting and could be discussed a lot. I'm glad you opened this topic and thereby encourage others to discuss it. In our country there are people ( organization ) of which can be said to be philanthropists . I have a strong respect for philanthropist and I also consider myself one of them . I'm always ready to help the people as much as I can. There aren't many philanthropists in our country. If there were, people would respect each other more. We're better people if we are providing assistance where it is needed. Then we feel better because we know that someone is happy because of us.

    Best regards,
    Aldijana Halilović RN III

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hi everyone,

    Philantropist for me is someone who gives time, money or something else good to another man, where help is needed. Philantropist can be anyone who has big heart. Philantropist has a lot of positive characteristics.
    I our country we have a lot of volunteer, organization, and many humanitarian emissions on which we can see who is philantropist.
    Im really enjoy to help other people in food, clothes and money. I remembered flood that occured our conutry, I was in Maglaj and helped people to clean their house. In the eyes of that people I saw the great appreciation, and I felt like philantropist because I done a really good work.
    I have message to the people: If you have more, you can help people who are homless, penniless, and most important without foods.

    Nejra Tufo RN III

    1. Hi Nejra. I like your comment, but the message is the best. I think all of us can help people. All we need is willingness. Also I need to tell you that you are a philantropist when you have done beautiful thing for those people. Good job! :)
      Best regards,
      Emina Lević, RN III

  33. Hello everyone,
    I think that philantropist is someone who is careful, helpful, giveful, someone who has love for all. If you are philantrophist you have to be ready to share your own treasures, experiences and talents and help people who need your help. It's not necessary for help to be materialistic. Sometimes you just have to be a good friend and be there for people who need you, to smile with them or to cry with them. :)
    Spread love. :)
    Best regards,
    Emina Lević, RN III

  34. Hello,
    Philanthropy is relating to human kindness or human love. I think that every human is philantropist. Maybe they can't give money every time, but they can give a litlle piece of free time. I think that I'm philantopist because I love to help other people, because when I help them I feel peaceful. When someone is sad and lonely I can't just stand and looking at them uninterested.
    For example: in the middle of the week, my friend had a test and she asked me to help her with the homewoork because she had a lot of work to do. I accept to help her without thinking twice.
    I feel very useful when I help someone without expecting something in return.
    Best wishes for all.
    Ćerima Ahmić, RN/III

    1. Hi Ćerima,
      Im agree with you thaht philantropist is someone who spreads love and piece. Im just like you because I like help people too. When you help your friend about her homework is very kind of you. Help people and someone will help you.
      Nejra Tufo RN III

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Being a teacher means being a philanthropist. Teachers daily give their knowledge, skills, love, care and time, with only one desire , and that is that their students become educated, good people , honest and valuable members of our society. I consider myself a philanthropist. I really like helping people. It makes me feel good about myself, and gives good example to my children.I truly believe that yours is only what you give. Sometimes it is material goods,sometimes knowledge, time, a hug or a simple smile. A philanthropist is unselfish and generous. He helps and does not ask anything in return. I am happy to be surrounded with so many generous people like my husband who takes any opportunity to help people in need, or my father who often gives a lot of money to sick people for their medical treatments, without anyone knowing that he did, or my friend who gives 10% of her paycheck every month for hungry children of Africa, my other friend who plays a guitar and offers free lessons for children... They are many examples, and they are all my personal heroes. I really admire anyone who unselfishly helps others, and tend to be just like them.
    I have been thinking about the message that Aesopś fable brings since the first time I read it. For me, the message is that you should never underestimate the power of a "small man". Each of us can do good, and each of us can contribute to make the sun of tomorrow shine brighter.
    Best regards,
    Jasmina J.P. RN III

    1. Jasmina, I would like to agree with you. We as teachers are unselfishly giving our time, talent, care, skills and love so that the young children can grow to be valuable members of our society. We need more philanthropist in our lives, teachers who are leading by example.

      A Chinese proverb states:

      Tell me, I’ll forget
      Show me, I’ll remember
      Involve me, I’ll understand

      I find this to be true in my experiences teaching!

  37. Hello everyone!
    Philanthropy until its liberation comes through the freedom and independent of religious, political, economic or any other framework. Philanthropy is not creating dependency weaker, but rather respect for the personality of each person and community and strengthening its potential. It provides an opportunity for individuals to make changes, because the smallest of gestures that we do can make a big difference in the life of a persons. Persons that their commitment and solidarity to others observed in their environment and encourage others, to motivate them.

  38. Hi everyone
    Philanthropy is contrubiting to society wellfare, using skills, knowledge and goods to help others and leveling up life standards without anything in return. Philanthropist must be a person blind for any differences between people, warm hearted, ready to unconditionally help, unselfish. Rich people and ones who hold high public and government positions are categories which can contribute most to philathropy. First ones can afford money and other goods and other can use their positions to promote this noble cause.They can make difference because low life standard doesen't allow other people to do much about this (Mostly philanthropy is manifested as giving a few cents to people asking for it). But there are other ways to help - free lessons of any kind, charity work etc. And in my opinion SMILE and WARM WORD is the best charity that anyone can gove.

    Esmira Catovic

    1. Hi Esmira!

      I agree with you. I think philanthropy is very important in our lives. We should all try to be a better person. I really like your last sentence-SMILE and WARM WORD is the best charity that anyone can give.

      Elma Velić, RN IV

  39. Hello everyone,
    Philanthropy is a life style! It is a commitment that is expressed as a selfless desire for personal action that affects general well-being . Concern for the society and others can be expressed in different ways . Through various donations , but simply through an ordinary smile . Let's be philanthropists . Let's help the society and trough that ourselves . Becouse by helping others , we help ourselves . By doing a good deed , we make our soul satisfied . Indeed, the most important thing is complacency . From then everything else begins . Therefore , we should all do good . We as future teachers , we should aim to good and we need to do and to teach others to do good . Let us be an example to our children , but also to all the children and the people around us . Let's help as much as we are able to . Let us help ourselves to be good and happy people .
    Greetings to all of you !
    Mirela Durmić RN III

    1. Hello Mirela, I agree with you that smile is one simply way to be a philantropist. But, we need to keep helpping other people in every way we can. Let's be philanthropists!! :)

      Ćerima Ahmić RN/III

  40. Hello everyone!

    For me philanthropy means "love of humanity" in the sense of caring, nourishing, developing and enhancing "what it is to be human" on both the benefactors' (by identifying and exercising their values in giving and volunteering) and beneficiaries' parts. The most conventional modern definition is "private initiatives, for public good, focusing on quality of life". Instances of philanthropy commonly overlap with instances of charity, though not all charity is philanthropy, or vice versa. The difference commonly cited is that charity relieves the pains of social problems, whereas philanthropy attempts to solve those problems at their root causes (the difference between giving a hungry person a fish, and teaching them how to fish). Being a teacher means being a philanthropist. A person who practices philanthropy is called a philanthropist.

    Best regards,

  41. Hello everyone,

    We all know what means philantropy and to be actual philantrop but no one is ready or scared to say it’s meaning today in modern world.We almost lost it by word and by true meaning.You can not became philantop if you’re not born as good person even if you are raised properly. In modern world philanthropy is replaced by humanitarian organisations or I rather say - philanthropy is lifestyle unlike humanitarianism that became regular job for many people. True meaning is hidden in mutual love between humans. From earlier time every human depended on others to survive so philanthropy is in human roots. We all like to give, to share but also to receive. Philanthropy is ideal state of mind that all of us needs to follow. The way we do it isn't relevant. Will it be money, food or whatever, our time is most precious thing we can give to someone. Philanthropy often is misunderstood and mistaken for personal use because of many scams but hope isn't lost. Many examples are all around us. True philanthropist won't tell it for self that. In world of philanthropy sharing is unconditional love and true meaning of life. With whatever you contribute to your local environment, to your neighborhood, to your friends, to anyone who needs help that is real meaning of philanthropy. Giving is more satisfying for soul than anything so please - be philanthrop. At the end we all need philanthrops, world needs them. Philanthropy is good.

    Amra Selmanović PO3

  42. Hi,

    Philanthropy can be broadly defined as love for humankind. It is derived from the Greek words "philos," which means loving and "anthropos," which means humankind.Philanthropy is important because it provides opportunities. Philanthropy supports projects and endeavors that may be too unpopular or controversial to gain the widespread support of the general public or the government. For this reason, philanthropy is a very important part of a democratic society. Philanthropists do not answer to the government or to the public, so are able to freely choose the people and projects to receive their support.Philanthropy is good.

    Merisa Musić RN III

  43. Hello everyone,
    There is a several ways to define philanthropy. For example we can say that philanthropy is the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations, and we can add to that, that this is actually love of humankind in general. When we say philanthropy we can also mean something, such as an activity or institution, intended to promote human welfare.
    So this is the practice of performing charitable or benevolent actions and love of mankind in general.
    I believe that philanthropy is essential for a mankind and its existence. The more we love and help each other the more we evolve and prosper as human beings. We are not all the same, and we do not have the same abilities and that is the reason that some of us need help from others, so if we can provide some sort of help, comfort or assistance to someone who is in need we should.
    Best regards,
    Ena Okić, RN IV

  44. Hello everyone,
    There is a several ways to define philanthropy. For example we can say that philanthropy is the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations, and we can add to that, that this is actually love of humankind in general. When we say philanthropy we can also mean something, such as an activity or institution, intended to promote human welfare.
    So this is the practice of performing charitable or benevolent actions and love of mankind in general.
    I believe that philanthropy is essential for a mankind and its existence. The more we love and help each other the more we evolve and prosper as human beings. We are not all the same, and we do not have the same abilities and that is the reason that some of us need help from others, so if we can provide some sort of help, comfort or assistance to someone who is in need we should.
    Best regards,
    Ena Okić, RN IV

  45. Hello,
    A simple definition of philanthropy -- "giving time, talent, or treasure and taking action for the common good" -- allows even the youngest people to call themselves philanthropists when they help a neighbor, collect coats for a homeless shelter, or tutor at a local elementary school. These actions require no money to benefit society, we feel really good while we're doing it. That is because philanthropy is good for the giver and receiver of the service.
    "Philanthropy is something you do for free without paying because that means you have a heart."
    We as educators have a very important job, teach young children to be philanthropists, by giving them opportunity to be involved in community, designing volunteer projects, or simply helping a classmate. Learning to give is the great start to teaching philanthropy. I would like to add few examples we do in our school. Every year we organize a Valentines party for families that are in needs. We gather gently used clothing, donate essential food and organize a day when they come visit the school, have lunch, and kids play games. At the end of the day each family takes a box with cloths and food. All students participate in collecting food and clothes and older ones run the games. This also brings community together. We are also part of the organization called Roots and Shoots, organization that inspires young people to take action and make positive changes in their community.
    Mersiha Memić-Grado

    1. Mersiha,
      I agree that we as educators have a very important job, teaching young children daily how to be philanthropists, inspire them to make changes, and lead by example. It is great to hear that they are schools in Sarajevo that are actively involved in community and teaching young children how to give their time to serve others.

  46. Hello everyone!
    I'll try to be positive and not to try to blame anyone for the time we live in, fast life paste, but I must admit that I'm sad that most people no longer know the meaning of this word, very few you can count on for any help when you need it, it's no wonder the circle of real friends has been reduced to one or two, all of them are occupied with their own problems, rarely they are there for each other. I am not talking about financial assistance, but it hurts to see in times when you only need a nice word people are not there for each other. All of us, future and current teachers are philanthropists, and choosing this profession makes me very happy. Every time I go to practical work at the day care, I bring a smile on a child's face, by helping them tie shoelaces, talking about the events, telling stories, organizing the distribution of packages, brightens up there day . I realize that I'm feeling happy by making others happy. Love each other, help each other, let's just all be philanthropists and we will be happy and satisfied.

  47. Hi everyone!
    For me philanthropy is one of the types of features and every person is born with it. If that characteristic is going to be manifested depends about our lifestyle, society we live in, etc. Human is sensitive being who have intellect which allow us to spread our horizons. Happiness is huge if we share it. Therefore, we should with our possibilities contribute other people happiness. Philanthropy is defined as unselfish, personal action for common good. Philanthropist primarly love life and people around in his life. After some good things that have been done, philanthropist expects nothing in return. Pleasure and relief for doing something good is the best award you can get.

    Best regards.
    Martina Laco RN III

    1. Hi Martina !
      I agree with you, philantropist primarty love life ! And philantrpist must love all people no metter if they are black or white, tall or short, if it is a man or a woman. I also agree that it doesn't take much to help other. It is enough to give someone a few minutes of your time, if you give advice or help to cross the street, and it retourn, we feel satisfied and we know that we have done a good deed. That is the best reward for philantropist.
      Best regards,
      Ena Okić RN IV

  48. In the days where everybody think on themselves it' s hard to find a philanthropist among people who surround us. Everybody think about their own interests, how to solve their problems but they do not look on a wider picture, and anyone who crosses their way. I think there are a lot of people who are caring, who want to help even when there is no interest and benefits for them in that favor There are a lot of people who are members of various non profitable organisations, who's main goal is to help people in need, and for helping them and giving waken the most beautiful feeling and fulfill them. For me helping someone in need is the natural act of being human . I think it's in our nature to give help when someone need it, and to ask for it when we need it. If we remember this, we will probably be more caring, more philanthropist every day, because there is always possibility that one day we will be that person who need help, and who will expect help from people who surround us, no matter if we know them or not. We should be there for one another, we maybe do not know it but sometimes a small act of kindness or a helping hand or just a kind word can make the big change or impact on someone's life. So every day we should go following our basic instinct : to love, to care and help to another people because it can be that we are the only one that will help.

  49. Hello everyone,

    Philanthropy is an approach based on the core values that are primarily reflected through goodness, love and ethical behavior toward other human beings. What I especially appreciate about philanthropy is sincere altruistic motive for giving in order to achieve, promote and maintain common sense without expecting something in return. Given the fact that we live in a world that runs on greed, we definitely need more philanthropist and „sharing is caring“ attitude to be spread.

    Best regards,
    Aida Drina RN III

  50. Hi everyone.

    I think that is really important to care about each other. It is really important to make other people happy. We should always give our best for family, friends and society. Charity should begin at home, but should not stay there.

  51. Hi,
    Philanthropy can be classified as one of the oldest traits of humans,considering that it is not only a form of giving money to other's. Philanthropy is also helping people with their needs, for example helping an old women/man to cross the streat or an icy path. People nowadays do not understand the small deeds someone does to you are equally important as an huge charity by someone rich. The look on people you help is priceless, and for me at least it gives me fulfillment and joy in my life. I am, not to brag about it, a member of red-cross and we as an organisation help others on a regular basis, like collecting food for those in need, playing with children, helping the disabled and so on. To be honest I joined the be red-cross for a different and not so noble reason, but with time it became an essential part of me and no, when I look back, I regret not a single moment I spend there. Like I mentioned before it gives me some kind of fulfillment in my life which can not be explained, those who helped others will understand. As for the characteristics of philanthropist l, I can only say what I noticed with my friends. Those who give to someone are those who were helped once and they know that even the small deeds, let alone a huge help, will make a difference. Considering today's society most people help for the wrong reasons, to be seen. For me that is not philanthropy but selfishness, for me the best charity is the one no one knows of.
    Best regards,
    Emina Mesetovic RN III

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Hi everyone !

    I think that being a philantropist is something you live. It's a feeling you have, and a natural urge to help others,share knowledge, give good advice or just help an old lady pass the street. It's something you can be and do all the time . If you don't have money to give away, or time to be a part of a charity organization you can just practice being a good person and a good citizen. It's just a question of general culture and emphaty. Simple as that .
    But of course there are some people that always expect something in return , expectation as itself is really a bad thing,its seems we always end up disappointed for no good reason. When a person gives away something and expects you to give it back in a way, it means the person didn't really do it from the heart, it makes you feel like you owe someone and that makes you think less of yourself,and that's a really bad feeling. We should know that the things we give are still ours , no one can take away your knowledge or kindness or whatever you choose to give, it is supposed to make you feel good,not greedy for a reward,and most important it helps you grow in a special way. So we should always remember to be unselfish and openminded. When you give,just give it away for real, let it go.
    Best regards , Sabina Čavčić III PO

  54. Hello to everyone,
    I used to be real philanthropist. Every day of my life was filled with sharing anything I could give. I must confess that were times! Everyone used to help the others, even when the help was not necessery. Now, when I was dissapointed several times I don't feel I have to do anything for the common good. There are people I love and it's enoguht that thay know who I am. In fact, I like to help others, it makes me happy but everyone acts like they don't need help. A real philantropist needs to share time, talent and treasure, to be included in charity organisation and help others and not expecting anything for return. And I will strive to be much happier again, like my sister does.

    Best wishes,
    Samra Sejdović RN IV - Vanredan

  55. Hi,
    Philanthropy is about giving, pure and simple. It’s the desire to give to help someone else without expecting anything in return. It comes from a heart full of joy and compassion, and a desire to make the world a better place. It’s a big word, with a simple origin. To love people.
    Everyone has a little Philanthropist in them, and we all express it differently :)
    Belma Hadzic, PO IV

    1. Nice words :D I also think that we need to show love and help to each others because that is all that matters to be good people.

  56. Hi everyone!

    Philanthropist is altruistic and selfless person who gives money and gifts to charities or helps needy people in other ways. He cares about other people's good. Philanthropy is about helping, caring and loving, not necessarily helping in materialistic ways. Helping someone when the help is needed is great way to do good and feel good. I've recently read an article about Edin Džeko who donated about 50.000 € to Palestinian children. It is good example of how donations can help people and bring smiles to their faces. Not everyone has 50.000€ to donate, but we can start by giving a few Marks to people who need it. By doing so, we help not just to needy people, but ourselves too.
    Best regards, Azra Ćatić PO III

  57. Hello everyone,

    Every day I read in the newspapers about large donations of millions dollars from the world's elite for the education of the poor, medical research and orphanages.

    Lots of help, but not enough. Unfortunately, money and resources are concentrated in the hands of a very small percentage of people on the planet. The rest of the world does not have enough money for normal life, sometimes for food and some children in poor families from underdeveloped countries begin to work hard very early ... just to feed their families.

    I saw pictures anguished people who rush from war-torn Syria to secure life in Europe. I think that every person in transit countries who helped them with food, water and warm clothing for children is a philanthropist. You do not have to be a very wealthy .... or give millions in order to be philanthropists. Sometimes is enough just a little bit from large number of people because a few small streams together give great and powerful river.
    I know a lot of people around me who are philanthropists. They live by helping others in many ways and not knowing the world lexicons have a name for such people, for them philanthropists. They are happy when they can help, leading to the thought that it is really our only what we give to others like a smile, advice, a hug, clothing, food, time, or a shoulder to cry.

    Best regards,
    Nikšić Alma, PO III

  58. Hello :)
    Philantrophy means the love of humanity in sense of caring and developing what is means to be human.Individual philanthropy as selfless giving person to another can turn back a sense of satisfaction and relief, because we've done something good.
    "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.
    As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others."-Sam Levenson
    Best regards,
    Dina Makul PO IV

  59. Hi :)
    Philanthropy gives the opportunity to an individual or individuals to make changes, because the slightest altruistically motivated action that we do, can make a big difference in a person's life.
    Usually people who, with their commitment and solidarity towards others are being noticed by their environment, friends, neighbours, family, and so on. create a double positive effect on society; unless concrete action they and motivate others to do something similar.
    Lejla MUslic PO IV

  60. Hello everyone. Meaning of philanthropy is loving and caring about people. But in real life, I think that that isn't all. It's being human, giving your best to other and helping everyone. Phlanthropist is a good human who loves himself and then all other people. If someone hate someone other without any reason, he isn't just notphilantropist, he isn't human. Philantropy menas accept other people defects as well as their strengths. I can say that I am philanthropist, but unfortunately, a lot of people aren't. There is a lot of people who just look themselves. Maybe sharing some love can change them?
    Best regards,
    Minela Barlov IV RN

    1. Sharing and spreading a love is philantropy and it is the only way to change the world. Violence and imperious style raised generations. Becouse of that we have bad global condition. Always we can do more and more. Changing ourselves we change a world. Let's be a change!
