Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mental Health

Mental health is defined as 'a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community' (WHO). Thus, being 'mentally healthy' means being able to achieve the balanced development of the individual's personality and emotional attitudes which enable him/her to attain the inner feeling of well-beong and to live harmoniously with other people.

The question is how much do we really take care of our mental health. Many of us focus more on our physical health, trying to stay fit while eating proper food and exercising more. But good mental health is very important, too. A healthy body is useless without a healthy mind. Actually, we can say that physical health and mental health are interdependable and they are both very important to us to live a fulfilled and happy life. If you manage to achieve a good balance between the two, you can enjoy your life and manage problems in a better way.

As with physical health, for a healthy mind it is also important to eat right, exercise, get the right number of hours of sleep and keep stress at bay. Nutrition is crucial to keeping both your body and mind healthy. The food we consume directly effects on energy levels and our physical and mental health. A healthy diet with the right amount of calories to ensure a healthy weight and enriched with various essential nutrients, but with very little salt, sugar and fat, can help you feel energized and make your body and mind feel good. There are also various vitamins and minerals to support good health of your mind, e.g. vitamin B12, calcium, folate, iron and omega-3. Regular exercise is also essential to stay fit, both physically and mentally. Exercising on a regular basis and over a long period provides long-term health benefits. Exercise produces hormones known as endorphins, also referred to as 'feel good' hormones, which can help you relieve stress and improve your mood. And finally, the proper number of hours of sleep is essential for good mental health. It enables your body and mind to relax and heal itself before the start of a challenging new day.

Good mental health is necessary to enjoy life as it provides a feeling of well-being and gives us strength to face any odds and live day to day. You should focus on positive things in your life, work on yourself, move your mental boundaries, surround yourself with people who love and support you, and try to find the peace and balance with your inner self.

Think about these questions and share your story with us here on the blog:
1.      What is your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind'?
2.      How do you cope with everyday stress?

3.      Do you think that talking about mental health issues is a taboo?


  1. 1.I tried to keep calm in every situation in my life,and to find a good solution,also i always try exit from that situation that caused me feeling bad.We are different,so every person has her/his own way how to be healty person..
    2.We are students so stress is always close to us.I cope with stress every day.I just love to walk around alone and think about situation that caussed that stress.Sometimes I just find some good book to read,or go outside to run.But nature keeps me calm and relaxed.
    3.Nowdays talking about menthal health is taboo,because people think that is if u have some issues with your menthal health u are crazy.So nowdays people dont want to talk about their problems,they just focused on job or family or something else and forget about their menthal healt.Some people are shy and they dont want to say someone about their problem,because they think that people will judge.But we have to talk about this subject,because that will make some changes and people will feel a little bit relaxed and confident to talk about their problem. Berina Dedovic,Predskolski odgoj 3 godina

    1. I agree with your comment, especially with the part where you talk about spending time in nature. It is good that nature is your way out of stressful situations. We students and young people in general, should use that example,because it is a healthy way of thinking and living.

  2. Hi, Nadina Hozic, Razredna nastava III. godina

    1. For me the most important thing to keep your mind healthy, is to be surrounded by people who have a lot of positive energy.Also with friends wich i love, and who are always there for me to help me in every situation.The most important thing for me is to have my family, because they always give me the strenght to overcome every problem in my life.

    2.I have not much problems in my life, and the biggest part of my stress comes from my college, especially when the exam days come.The way i cope with my stress is relaxing with music, or watching tv and often just to talk with my family and friends to find the best solution to overcome my problems and stress.and before my exams, i try to get ready as much as i can and that gives me very much confidence and relaxes me.

    3. I think that talking about menthal health issues is a taboo theme in our county, because other people have a bad opionion about them, and think that they are crazy.People that have that menthal problem are not welcomed in our community, and they just don't have the support and help that they need to find some friends and get rid of their issues.I think that every person should be better informed about that problem, and then they would understand and help those people, and then that theme would not more be taboo.

    1. Hey Nadina I deffinitly agree with your first sentence where u are talking about positive energy...beeing with people who are negative and frustrated means that we will become just like them...so try to be surounded with positive people with good energy anc u will never have problem dealinh with stress :)

  3. Hi, Lejla Pribinja, RN III

    1. My motto in life is "If you think positive, positive things will happen to you". It's very important to get your priorities straight, because that's how you get rid of unnecessary things in life, such as overwhelming stress and worrying about things that won't matter in a few days. I think we all need to know that life isn't perfect, and bad things can happen from time to time but I strongly believe that after a storm comes a calm.

    2. Stress is sadly an everyday part of our lives, and it's very important to know how to cope with it. I do not rely on other people for my happiness, so I try to do something every day that I know will make me happy and help me relax. After a long day at college, I come home and make myself a warm cup of tea, and/or read a good book. What really helps is keeping in touch and hanging out with friends, who support and understand you. One of the most important things to me is going out of town for the weekend with my family or friends, because nature makes all the stress and negative things go away.

    3. Sadly, mental health is a taboo. People don't talk enough about this subject even though it is such a big part of our lives. It's important not to keep all your emotions bottled up, because that's the worst thing for your mental health. I think people don't realize the importance of this subject, and that this isn't something to joke about. If you feel like something is wrong and you can't find a solution for how you're feeling, then don't be afraid to seek professional help. It does not make you "crazy", it makes you brave for doing so.

  4. Minela Crnovrsanin, RN III
    Hi everyone,

    We are witnessing a rapid way of life. Every new day is bringing a new stress whether in school, or work, even sometimes in a family. I am trying very hard, as a young person, to live healthier, and to be in healthy environment. Surely, on my physical appearance, and on my way of nutrition I can affect only, but when it comes to mental health I am conscious of with how many people I am talking to during one day and I am listening to their problems, and than whether I want it or not, I remmember some of those problems. Than I am thinking about it together with all my worries. When I am having a sressful day I like to be all alone in some corner of my house or somewhere where I can be alone with my thoughts and where I have peace, but no to transfere my negative energy to those who I love, or the other people around me in a certain moment. To resolve my problems sometimes I like to sleep over that and to think deeply about the same, or I am reading some good book, and when it is not helping than I have my therapy, tiding up my room. On question is the problem of a mental health taboo, my answer is affirmative. There is so many people that are suffering from depression, or they are consuming different medicines to go through some situations, or they are in hospitals for certan physical deseases, but nobody is saying anythig about it in public.

    My opinion is that this problem is the problem of all of us, and that we should consider that as a bigger social problem. There should be more workshops about mental health, and there should be formed some associations for solving this problem.

  5. Selma Lemeš RN III
    1. for me the most important thing to keep healthy mind is to be surrounded by people who care about you and brings happines in your life. as long as you have someone to talk with about anything that bothers you you should be grateful and keep them close. if that doesnt help you, you should definitely try to change your lifestyle, for example if you dont exercise or you dont eat healthy try that and you will see that if your body is healthy your mind will be too.
    2. When I am in stressful situation I am always looking for brighter side of any situation and I am laughing a lot. If I dont learn something that day or if I dont laugh I dont feel that that was the best what I could done with that day.
    3. Yes, I think that talking about mental issues is taboo and that is because nowdays people think that if you have some issues with your mental health you are crazy. And thats how people think in this century. Also some people are shy, or most of them, and thats also the problem. If you want to change the situation you should be free to talk about it.

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  8. Enisa Mumanović PO III

    1.Mental health is an essential part of our overall health. We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. So,we need to find or to do everything what eliminating our stress or what gennerally affects our lifes.When it comes to me,I ussually try to cope with negative thoughts,and make a point of thinking about the times when I’ve felt pleasure, comfort, tenderness, confidence or other positive emotions, than I always try to see the issue from all sides rather than from just one point of view etc..

    2.My way how to cope with stress:I take care of myself,eat healthy, well-balanced meals, I talk to others,share my problems and how am I feeling and coping with a parent, friend, counselor and doctor,Usually get more sleep,get some activities, take a break,do something I am good at.

    3. Nowadays,talking about mental health is taboo. But why? People do not like to share their health problems with others,and ussually think ,that someone will betray them ,or all all will know,you got creazy.I think,we need to be aware of our problems.Try to share with someone who will help us, will talk with us,and help us ,to overcome our difficulties.

    1. I agree with your comment, especially with the part where you talk about a healthy diet and enough sleep as important factors of reducing stress. Students do not pay enough attention about that, and that leads to increased stress.

  9. Hi everyone,

    One phrase says: „A helthy body is a healthy mind“, that I think is correct. But I also have to agree with a comment in text that says "psysical health and mental health are independable". You just have to take care about both those things and combine them. So, if we want to keep our brain in a good shape, we need some physical activity. It's necesarry to walk every day, to have healthy diet. There is also a phrase: „You are what you eat“, so if you eat a lot of sugar you will have energy for a little while and you'll get depressed after that. No one need that in the life. Life and time we have is to precious to eat junk food -we have to eat variety of food and keep it doing daily. Those are things I keep repeating to myself and I'm trying to live like this, 'cause every day is a gift and we have to treat it well. My family and friends are also very important. I need them to talk with them, to give me some advice and to live a healthy life with me – everything is easier when you do it with someone.

    Stress is unavoidable. It's particularly present in students life – especially when deadlines come closer. I resolve stress by walking and talking with my best friend. I think it's the best therapy, 'cause it always ends positive, with a lot of smile and laugh. It's easier to share concern with someone, because if we keep it in ourselves, it doubles and makes even more troubles. I have to say that it doesn't have to mean this way of dealing with stress is the best one, it just works with me. I have some friend that have to take walk alone listening to music, walking a dog, etc.

    According to all I said, and I've heard in my environment, mental health is a taboo subject. People who have problems with mental health, who have some mental disability, are discriminated in our society. There is no talk between people about those things, because, if someone says he has some problem, he's crazy, he's not person with who we can talk to. We need more experts and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina who will take care of this problem, and talk about it actively. If you have sessions with a psychologist you can not tell it to anyone, because it inmediately means you have to lie in a hospital, take some medical therapy, etc. It's not enough to talk about mental health just on October, 10. We have to talks about it daily, to have posibility to read something about it and to be able to express our emotions – no matter are they positive or negative. Persons who have problems with mental health are part of our community and have to be threated equally like all others. I'm going to be a teacher, I have to teach my students to have open mind and to accept everyone, no matter how different it person is. I'm going to start changing world with myself, what are you going to do?

    Edina Topuzović, RN III

    1. Hi, Edina Topuzovic!

      Good job! I really like your comment, and your point of view. Exactly because of fear of being judged people don't want to talk about it. So, I will be happy to join you in changing world and in breaking prejudices. I hope other colleagues will read your comment and start thinking about the ways we can change the world.

      Best regards!

  10. Barbara Jurković, RN III

    1. Today much thinks harm to human health. Progress in various fields of human activities brings both positive and negative consequences. But I try to keep common sense. I think that every person is himself the most important. I try every day to learn something new about myself and I try to content my needs on the best way. First of all I am trying to develop my talent, to make at least one step forward its goal, without stress. I do not think a lot about the little things and to aesthetics because I think it is more important beauty of the soul than the beauty of the body. I carefully choose the food I consume. Especially I try every day to exercise at least half an hour or to do some physical work. With all the obligations I try to sleep a minimum of seven hours, because without enough sleep I can not function.
    2. I do not have much stress situations every day. When I have it, I keep peace and I always think that stress is not good and it has not positive consequences. I prepare for stress situations like exams, because this period is difficult for all students. But when I have sudden stress I try to be positiv because I know that there's a way from every bad situation. I'm going to deal with it, that it must be.
    3. I think that in BiH are much taboos, so and mental health is one of them. Many people have wrong idea about mental disorders and they are not talking about the subject. Even some people are afraid of it. I think that is needed to propagate more mental health and advise people how to prevent it from mental disorders. We can best help each other, we need each other more talk and then the problem will be smaller.

    1. I am very happy for you because i read that u dont have a lot of stress in your life...i think thatbu have great method to say No to stress..good job and keep beeing unstressed!!!

  11. Hi, Selma Podžić, RN III

    1. The way I keep my mind in a healthy condition is by listening music that I enjoy and sleeping enough. Also, I am trying to drink as much water as possible to keep my body hydrated and clean. It's known that toxins can build up in the body if it is dehydrated, which can clog up the mind. I'm avoiding foods such as coffe, soda, candy, processed and artificial foods. We are what we eat, so I'm trying to eat healthy in order to have healthy mind.

    2. It is not always easy. I have great friends with whom I can talk to. We often talk about common problems and best solutions. It is important to be honest to yourself and find what things in your life causes stress. There is always solution but in every case just talking to someone can bring relief from stress. I'm trying to see good in every situation and that is one way to cope with everyday stress.
    3. Sadly, on Balkan, talking about mental health issues is often taboo. But we can not let that to be and it is important to talk about this problem, and raise awareness of the importance of mental health.

  12. Emina Dragolj RN III
    1. Many people today live an accelerated lifestyle and this causes various problems such as mental, emotional and physical. I am one of those people who tries to solve these problems alone. In these situations, I dont wanna to talk with other people, because I dont want to share my problems. This is something that I leave myself. The most important thing is to take a positive attitude and opinion that there is no problem which is unsolvable. If you cant fight with it alone then you should first go for help to your family and friends, and then seek the help of experts.
    2. Stress is a part of our lifes. Living conditions arent ideal, and each of us is struggling with a problem, whatever it is: love, business or other it doesnt matter. Some of the methods that can help us to fight with stress are: hanging out and chatting with friends, with family, going on holiday in the nature, practice some sport,etc...
    3. In many European countries, this topic is so simple and talk about it is completely normal, while in Bosnia isnt so. I think that the way of life of people in Bosnia and their mentality,and even ignorance about mental illness and problems are a consequence of it.

  13. 1. Some people would saz that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind But I would say it’s the other way around. Menta health is essential for our well being and I always try to work on mine. Surounding myself with people who make me happy, taking the time to explore my opportunities, enjoying every moment the new day brings to us… That’s how I would say I keep my mind healthy.

    2. When it comes to stress of course there is lots of it…all day…every day… That’s kind of a definition of a student. But I menage to cope with it by simply not letting anything effect me that much. What others might think of as a set back, I just convert to a new opportunity…to learn and to find new ways of doing things.
    Also going out for a coffee with good friends and telling them my worries also helps 

    3. Our mentality is a special thing. People don’t like to talk about their lives but they always find the time to talk about everyone else’s in stead. So taking that into consideration I most deffinitelly think that this topic is taboo. Such things are always being swept under the rug and never spoken about .
    Pople don’t think anyone should know what’s going on in their lives nevertheless in their heads.
    So you see how that can be unhealthy. If people keep bottling thir emotions up they are going to explode…sooner or later…

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  15. Hello, my name is Esmina

    Mental health is important part of our life, if we are phisically healthy but not mentally, it causes great difficulties in our life. As this blog says, we should take care of our body, we should practice, go to the gym, eat healthy food, but also be careful with our mental health. It is kind of easy to keep our body helthy, but our brain is the most complicated part of human body, so we ask ourselves: how to keep it on a right path? No matter what, we should always think positive, to believe that good things will happen to us. That makes impression on our life too. If we believe that everything is hapening for some reason, nothing can bother us, even a bad exam results, relationship breakups, illnesses, deaths. Life is like a river, so be aware of the good and bad, but most of all enjoy the ride.

    Everyday stress really bothers me, after a long hardwork, i feel exhausted and i just want to sleep. Sleep disorders and chronic sleep loss can put you at risk for: heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, etc. Sleep makes me feel better, it is important for boosting my mood and banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, it makes me feel like im ignoring the whole world, and when i wake up i feel like a new person, full of energy and enthusiasm.

    I dont think that talking about mental health issues is a taboo. We are aware of that problem, we care about ourselves, knowing that maybe one day we will fall into depression, insomnia etc. Thats why we talk with our parents, friends, mates about our feelings, states of ouf mind. There are lot of young people visiting psychologist. Today, psychologists still treat serious mental disorders, but they also can provide services for other reasons as well. Many of us today feel lost or empty in a world. In fact, a healthy, meaningful, and spiritual life should be the core of human existence. Anyone can benefit from psychological services that enhance and maintain physical and mental health, and that promote honesty and intimacy in daily life.

  16. Hello, everyone!

    First of all, I think we all need to be aware of our mental health and we need to maintain it. I keep my mind healthy by talking to my friends, they keep me grounded, they talk some sense into me, give me advice, make things reasonable but they mostly listen to me talk. Maybe I should also talk to my parents but I am not that type of a person, I love my parents, of course, I just am not as free with them as I am with my friends, I hope I am not the only one feeling like this....Moving on, I really think communication is the key. Communicating is my personal way to keep me mentaly heathy and it really works for me. Second, I think stress is the reason for any kind of menatal issues, so that means that we need to learn how to cope with it. Again, I have my own way and it's listening to music, dancing to it and singing. It doesn't mean I am a singer or a dancer, I just do it for myself, my body and my mind. And I feel a lot better after that.
    Finally, the most important thing about this topic is awareness. We all know already that mental health is a taboo which shouldn't be and doesn't need to be. In my opinion, it is a taboo because people with some kind of a mental health problem experience STIGMA. Stigma bring experiences and feelings of shame, blame, distress and, of course nobody wants to talk about those feeling. Not talking about it makes mental health problems a taboo. I think the solution for this problem is educating ourselves and then spreading our knowledge with others. One way for spreading knowledge is the internet. Internet is a big part of our lives and we all use it. Blogs like this can help, so thank you teacher for making this blog. Mental health is an issue, not an identity so let's talk about our issues, there is nothing wrong with that.

    Amina Mehinagic
    PO III

  17. Hi everyone,

    1. I like to balance everything I do. If I’m stuck in my room, studying for hours I have to make sure that I spend at least half of the amount of time on doing something that makes me happy and relaxed. I also have to take walks to keep my body awake or else it will make me angry for no particular reason. Everything we do needs to happen in a healty amount of time and in a healty way or else we’re just making it worse for ourselves.

    2. I make sure that I log off of every social media outlet and disconnect myself from the rest of the world. Because I think most of our stress comes from wanting to prove to everybody that we are happy and healthy and have done or seen something that no one else has. We are constantly in a battle with each other, trying to be better, faster cooler. So I like to make sure I take time everyday to remove myself frome the crowd and remember what my true goals in life are.

    3. Mental health issues are the disease of the new age. I think that talking about mental health issues is extremly important just so people can't judge you based on it being so new and unknown.

    Esma Malagić
    PO III

  18. Adisa Sarić, PO III

    1. Keeping a healthy mind takes work. Just as many people are not willing to exercise and eat properly to maintain a healthy body, many are not willing to do what it takes to maintain a strong mind and healthy brain. There are several things that are very important to keep a healthy mind.I try to avoid negative energy and to be with people who are positive.By that,I mean to be surrounded by friends and family and talk about problems and everything.I 'm also careful about what I eat,choosing healthy food improves your mind.Taking long walks,listening to music, or doing exercises are things that I like to do.Then I feel filled with positive energy, there is no place for stress.

    2. Well,everyone has stress. It is a normal part of life.I can feel stress in my body when I have too much to do or when I haven’t slept well. I can also feel stress when I worry about things like exams, relationships, or everyday problems.I always try to find a bright side of each problem or situation.I also try to sleep enough, laugh enough,be with friends, eat regulary,sometimes I like to be outside in a quite place and just rest.These things are the ways how I cope with stress.

    3. Talking about mental health issues is a taboo in our country.Not everyone likes to talk about their problems or why are they stressed.Of course, we should talk about our health issues.There are people who can help or understand.Many people are ignoring their problems and mental illness,they don't like to be open and talk about different topics, especially their health.Keeping it for themselves can cause dangerous consequences.
    I think we should be tolerant to everyone and their problems, try to help eachother, to be free to talk about it, not to ignore help or seek for it.Not everything should be taboo, especially our mental health.

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  20. Hi, everyone !
    My recipe of keeping a healthy mind is to surround yourself with the people you love and with the things you like. Put yourself on the first place, don't do what does not make you happy and gives you no satisfaction.
    Feed your body with healthy food, do whatever kind of exercise, just move and don't be static. Be positive, after fall get up stronger and find positive perspectives from every situation. The change begin in yourself, so is the health of your mind!

    When it comes to myself, I have this one activity that helps me the best to cope with stress. It is playing a piano. I do not play it excellent, but that moments when I move my fingers over keys and when I hear sound that moving is making is special. Also, I love to listen some of the famous pianists, because it calms down my nerves. Long walk also helps, especially when the weather is fine, and the gym during winter. Those things help me to forget everyday's frustrations.

    Well, I would not say that it is taboo, but definitely there is so low percent of talking about mental health. In today's world, almost every person has some physical ailments, which come from mind. And just if they improve their mental health, ailments would disappear or at least they would be decreased. Without healthy mind you will not have healthy body, that's why talking more about this subject is needed.

    Hajdarević Seada
    RN III

  21. Darija Lukić, RN III
    1. Surround yourself with positive people is the best reception to keep healthy mind. Negativity of other people can destroy your perfect day. So it is important to be positive and find something good that makes you happy every day.

    2. Physical activity is the best way to threw anger accumulated during the day. Exercise help us to think clearly about some situations. I think that the best way to threw negative energy is exercise because the moments we spend alone with our mind can be bad and make us depressed. Reading books is also one of the ways how not to think about problems and that is one of the modus I'm doing.

    3. Mental health is tabu theme because in our country it is still the question what will people say. We are not on the west where is normal to have your own psychologist. When people know you are going to psychologist they like to talk about that and it is so sad. It is also true that people like to know what other people are doing even if they have their own problems.

  22. Hi, Josipa Jaković, PO III

    1. My reciepe of keeping a "healthy mind" is a good and quality food, daily exercise and positive thought. I hold famous saying "a healthy body, healthy mind". I recommend everyone to do some exercises and sufficient intake of water in your body, because I was convinced that it help to maintain healthy debt.
    2. I do what makes me happy. I read books, exercises 30 minuter daily, sometimes sleeping, I talk with my parents and friends and also get rid od daily stress. It is necessary to take time for yourself and enjoy it. I believe that everyone can find a way how to get rid of stress.
    3. Talking about mental health is not a taboo, but I think that people are ashamed of their problems. Something that is good for me, I think that sholudn't be a taboo. Everything neeeds to talk, their problems share with parents and friends.

  23. Lejla Kalabic PO III
    Hi everyone,

    1. The pace at which we live creates us additional stress, so we should slow down. That's my recipe for healthy mind, as well as as a healthy diet. We all know how important is to feed a healthy diet, and exercise. It's helps us to stay healthy and to feel good.
    2. I'm under stress offten, and as I have already written, I just slow down. Talking with friends is a good way to deal with stress. They can help us to see things different, but when they are not there, what helps me is listening to music, reading books, watching movies, or sleeping. We all have our own ways to cope with stress, and this is my way.
    3. I dont't think that talking about mental health is taboo, al least not in my environment. That's problem like any other, and if talking about it helps, why not talk?

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  25. Hi everyone. My name is Mubera. RN III

    1.Recipe for common sense can only be positive thoughts and laughter. Life is filled with laughter erases all those bad thoughts out of our head and makes us more relaxed without any hectic stress that brings with it a host of problems.

    2.I think every man has experienced days full of stress when there is headache, bad mood .. I think that laughter is the cure for all, as well as for stress. We need to be aware of why we experience some stress and transform it into a positive side to resolve it. Also, what is extremely important is a healthy diet and set aside time for yourself whereby relax or do some physical activity. In this way, knocking himself and "negative particles" us smile again comes to the face.

    3.I think that mental disorders or mental health should not be a taboo subject, because there are not many such people but these people need help. I think there are experts in the business who can help people and the environment if they feel threatened or too stressed to solve it.

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    2. Hi Mubera,
      I agree with your thinking attitude that laughter is the cure for all. And that mental health should not be a taboo subject. If we do not talk about it how can help people in trouble.

  26. Ahmetbašić Merisa PO III

    1. Whats your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind" ?

    I would like to agree with previous coments and add that the mental health is much more important than physical.
    Kepping healthy mind can be achieved in diferent ways for diferent personalities (people)
    You can do that by communicating with family and friend and being socialy active.
    For others 'switching off' by listening to music, watching tv, reading ect can be the way
    Everyone has different ways

    2. How do you cope with everyday stress?

    Well I am not very stressed person but in times of submitting my asigmebts it can be quite heavy and i find myself relaxing just by interacting woth colegues as we can share the same expirience.
    Sometimes just by chatting with people you can get ideas and knowlege without realising, I personaly find it helpful.

    3. Do you think that talking about mental health issues is tabbo?

    Well I totaly disagree with this statement as mental health is a part of us as humans.
    On daily basis we expirience many of mental helath issues as depression, anxiety, stress ect
    The fact is ... in our country 'mental health' is tabbo as people never felt comfortable enough talking about it.
    I have realised that people are very much ashamed of stating that they had any sort of mental health and denying any symptoms wich is completely wrong.
    In Bosnia people find ' mental health' as being crazy as stated in previous coments!
    If only people could be honest with themselves, the life would be so much better as they could in fact be assisted by profesionals wich would be able to provide them with support to overcome the issues.

  27. Ilma Smajić, PO III.

    Hello, everyone!

    1.What is your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind'
    A healthy mind will help you find your way through life. I try to be with people I enjoy being with and who make me happy.I learn a new language, read books and listen to music. Having a positive attitude can be helpful especially when we are going through tough times.I think we need to spend more time with family and friends. Wellbeing can mean different things to different people. Very important si having control in your life and the options to change things if necessary.

    2. How do you cope with everyday stress?
    I'm trying to relax after a stressful day. I read a book, or go for a walk. I'm looking for a brighter side of any situation. I talk to my friends about the problem and the best solution for theproblem. Exercising makes me feel good and help me cop with everday stress.

    3. Do you think that talking about mental health issues is a taboo?
    I think that talking about mental health issues is a taboo in our country. People are ashamed to say that they have a mental health problem. People don't look for profesional help. People with mental health issues don't have the support of our community. We should talk about this issue and educated people about mental health issues.

  28. Nudžejma Kadrić PO III
    1. For me mental health is important as physical health.My recipe for mental health is to be surrounded with people with possitive energy,who cares about me,love me, support me in my acts and give me strength.Very important thing about keeping mental health is exercising,walking wich helpes me relieve my negative energy.Also chanching enviroment helps me to preserve mental health.
    2. I dont have a lot of problems in my life with stress.The biggest stress I have is before and during the exam days.I cope this stress with listening to music,hanging out with friends,watching tv, and walking.
    3.I think that the issues of mental health in our region are not taboo, as it was before. Although there is still a certain discrimination and prejudice against people with mental health problems.

    1.My reciepe for healthy mind is combination of physical exersises and feeling relaxed in my free time. Working out is always a good solution dealing with stress when I am in soue stress situation I try to keep calm and think with "spend eyes" and try solution. I walk around, listen music sometimes I ask my friends to help me and give me some advice.
    2. I just don't stress about stupid situations, cause is contraproductive. There are two kind of situations. First one is situation that you can control and you have influence, and the other one is oppossite. So you can control it . If you can do something about it do it, but if you can't just keep calm and the solution will come to you, or just think about something else you can do.
    3. In my opinion mental stress is not a taboo theme any more. Stress is nowdays part of ours life. Stress is all around us, so we have to accept that and deal with stress we have to be an enemy to stress situation, and in stress situation we have to win and stay healthy and calm.


  30. 1The most important thing is that we need to be surrounded by positive mislima.Da always think positive and positive will happen to us To help you relieve the stress a lot of practice, you keep healthy and lead a healthy life.
    2.When I'm in a stressful situation always try to think positive .Tražim advice of friends, and if we do not help advice .Best solve stress by practicing, practicing.
    3.. Yes, I think that talking about mental issues is taboo and that is because nowdays people think that if you have some issues with your mental health you are crazy.Some people are shy, or most of them, and thats also the problem. If you want to change the situation you should be free to talk about it.
    Azra Jahjefendić RN III

  31. Hi everyone,

    1. Felling down is natural part of life. Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes we lose people we love, or we lose our dreams. We experience loss, and unfortunately many of us transform that sadness into depression. Destructive beliefes make us less effective. We often tend to feel sorry for ourselves. When we think things like why do these things happen to me? That kind of thinking keep us stuck. Depression is that thing that keeps us stuck. We can always take steps and make our life or somebody eles life better. There will always be beautiful things in life and we need to find them in every situation. We can improve our mental health if we treat ourselves with kindnes and respect. We will always have bad days but if we souround ourselves with amazing people who support us we will get through bad times. I think that secret od keeping healthy mind is gratitude. Everything in life happenes for reason, and we need to be greatful because the struggle ends when gratitude begins.

    2. Sometimes life can be stressful but with right people by your sides, organization, and pozitive thought is easier to deal with it. When I feel stress I like to listen calm music, distance from negative people, relax my body and mind.

    3. I think that talking about mental health is taboo. I think that we need more education in schools, we need to prepare ourselves for those times when our mental health declines. We have to know what to do if we feel unweel.
    „Be stronge and patient, difficult roads often lead to the beautiful destinations.”

    Amina Grebo; PO III;

  32. Hi everyone!
    While it is normal to occasionally feel dejected that we are sad or depressed, it is important to know that we recognize our emotions and assess when we need to find help. People tend to themselves upset negative thoughts, so that the change in thinking we can influence on this emotion. Most people are not aware of these thoughts, but just feel the emotion that came and link it to a particular event is not recognizing that emotion preceded by a thought or thoughts. If the man says to himself : "I have to pass the exam with the highest grade" and believes that something terrible would happen, if you do not fulfill this requirement then is likely to feel anxiety during the preparation of the exam and will be further enhanced anxiety situation leaving the exams themselves.
    The requirement that we have to do something (even if we add that it has to be a certain way) and if we do not it will happen something terrible way of thinking allows to disturb himself .
    The preservation of mental health is very important because it is directly related to the quality of life we lead. To preserve mental health it is important that the more we avoid stressful situations, to build good relationships that we meet to find those things in life that make us happy and to take care of physical health. Ideal mental health is a mature person who is tolerant, patient, who has the ability to adapt and to create harmonious relations with people in their environment. I think that we need to talk about this, and we have to educate ourselfs more and more about mental health.
    When I want to deal with the stress, I want to be alone, turn on the music loud that made me relax or draw.

    Melisa Musić, RN IV

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  34. Hi everyone !

    What is your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind'?

    My recipe for good mental health is that we always have to believe in ourself and every day to perform with confidence wich has to be build with new experiences and challenges that we carry every day.
    You should not suppress the fear so that you feel brave. Instead, find a way to deal with that fear because courage is not the absence of fear, but is the victory over him. When we have confidence that we use as our weapons with wich we perform every day, then there is no possibility that nobody stumbles our mental health or shake our confidence.
    In life it is necessary to have a drain valve ,each individual for himself. But also some people have a drain valve in the exercise, some socialize with their friends and family, some listen to music, play games, cook, while others find a shelter in the simplest things such as relaxation in their own world for itself. We should not let problems e.g. at work or home bother us so they become burden to the point that we lose the meaning of existence, and because of that we do not have time for ourself and our loved ones because of defeats and disappointments in business or emotional level. Man is a social being from its beginning and so is not natural for man to be alone, he always have a need for society. We should take advantage of it. That will help us in daily basis.

    How do you cope with everyday stress?

    Stress is part of life for all of us so no one is immune to its effects. Is up to us to find a way how to deal with it, someone pushes the problem, ignores it, someone likes to face the source of stress while some escape from stress. The cure for stress does not exist, but they say small doses of stress can stimulate us to be more productive. Some people because of the stress and all that it brings with it are more productive and fruitful. I personally believe that it is best to face the stress and problems that cause stress "face to face", because as soon as we do that before we get rid of him (stress) and it wont leave any hard scars on us. Sometimes I share the sourse of my problem with someone I trust and who at the moment can provide me support and help so I can overcome the current blockade.

    Do you think that talking about mental health issues is a taboo?

    Talking about mental health is a major taboo in our area because people immediately identified that topic with a diagnosis of a mental illness. Also people suffering from some mental illness should not be excluded from the normal course of life because in the end they are suffering just because they have changed in some way their current life. The reason can be a trauma or losing someone close. One should always keep in mind that "a healthy body does not mean healthy mind" because these two are dependent on each other. We must cherish the body and the mind thogether if we wont to be recognized as quality and useful creatures. I think that the promotion of mental health should be launched from the medical side so it will raise peoples awaresness so they understand that mental health care does not mean mental disorders. Also fostering a healthy spirit has long-term benefits because it will affect our descendants and set a solid foundation on wich their health will be upgrade in every sense.
    Neira Lokvančić, PO III, V

  35. Hi everyone,

    there are many recepies of keeping my mind heathy. Firstly, I think it is very important to find a inner calm. The only possible way to find it is by deciding the priorities in my life and after that to find time for myself so metter what. A cup of tea in the afternoon in a quite room is excellent way to think about myself, stay away from the chaotic world outside, far away from the stories of different crises. Thinking about yourself is evolving you get to know more about your own needs. That makes you satisfied and that keeps you mentaly healthy.
    As I have already said, every day I take some time for myself. Relaxing music, just a good book or watching snow falling brings me back peace. It relaxes me.
    Talking about mental health issues is not a taboo nowdays, but it is interpreated in wrong ways. I think that most people don't know the difference between mentaly unhealthy people and people with mental disorders. I had the opportunity to meet completely mentaly unhealthy person. Under the stress at the university, she became different pshysicly and mentaly. She was messy all the time and she has lost a weight. People started talking that she is ''mad'', or has some kind of mental disorder. That is why I think it is essential to educate people about mental health. That's how we can help to those who don't know how to deal with stress and to those with prejudices.
    Lejla Džaferi, PO III

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  37. Hi everyone, my name is Aida Oruč (RN, III, V)

    1. To preserve our mental health, there are several decisions that we should take on.
    For example:
    - Do not forget about our basic needs, food and sleep
    - We have to listen to our body and keep on breathing
    - Happiness is not in money, because this is our inner state that it can be satisfied with the simple things
    - Do not forget to smile
    - We have to be physically activated within us in the way that our body is able to cope with the exertion
    - We should cooperate and communicate with the other people
    - And the most important thing is that we shouldn't forget that we have to train our mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice.The happiness of our life depends on the quality of our thoughts.

    2. Everyone has stress. It is a normal part of life. You can feel stress in your body when you have too much to do or when you haven’t slept well. You can also feel stress when you worry about things like your job, money, relationships, or a friend or family member who is ill or in crisis.

    - Hobbies. The very good way to forget about what bother us. Take a break from your worries by doing something you enjoy. Whether it’s gardening or painting, schedule time to indulge your interest. For it's writing the poems, also it might be a reading some good book, but i prefer to write my own thought and feelings.
    - Also, for me, the most important way to get a healthy mind is some Prayer for Peace of Mind.
    I use to pray, if I feel that my stress overcomes, because faith tells me that no matter of what lies ahead of me God is already there.

    3. Unfortunately, talking about mental health issues is strongest taboo due to a misunderstanding of what it really means a mental health.
    People usually associate it with something that marks us as inferior, or at the very least as lunatics. They usually keep it to themselves because of the fear of being put in the position of gossip or something like that.
    I think that all this is due to poor quality of education, and forgetting the real moral values.

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  39. Hi everyone!
    1. My recipe of keeping a healthy mind is eating healthy food, because a healthy body makes a healthy mind! Then, we can do excercise. They are really good for a stress and for a nice body figure too. Also I think we shoud get a hobby. We have too much responsabilities and we forget what we enjoy the most.
    2. I am surrounded with many many friends and that is huge relief. When I am stressed I'm always talking to my friends because even a little chat can be helpful. Also I'm trying to stay positive because every situation has an exit.
    3. I think that mental health is taboo theme in our country. In Bosnia and Herzegovina people still believe that someone, who talks to professional person for help is crazy. It just means that you have some difficulties in life, that you are unable to overcome. People have not recognized the importance of mental health and we should do more to promote it.
    Mediha Fišić RN III

  40. We all have our ups and downs. We must be able to handle all situations in life. It is important to find inner peace. We have to decide on the priorities of life and respect yourself, find time for ourselves. Everyone has stress, and this is normal, some for money, work, love, or study. Hobby is a very good way to get rid of what create us stress. To deal with the things that we love and we enjoy helping us to get rid of stress. It can be reading books, playing sports, listening to music, writing, socializing. In Bosnia and in the whole Balkans mental health is still a taboo theme. People do not want to talk about this subject publicly and often get misinterpreted. The bigger problem is not to talk about a problem that can be solved. People are afraid of the reaction, comments and ridicule of the environment and thus withdraw into themselves and do not want to talk about this topic.

  41. Hello everyone,

    We all know that there is not one universal recipe of keeping a healthy mind. We as individuals, are responsible for ourselves and we have to develop our own recipe how to stay healthy in our mind. Mind is one complex thing I can say. Observing people around me each day, I can conclude that people are dealing with huge and complex problems, and for the most of them there is not a way our. Each of these issues are leaving deep marks and scars in people's lives. These scars are forming us. If we are not able to developed a system for solving these issues, it can damageWe all know that there is not one universal recipe of keeping a healthy mind. We as individuals, are responsible for ourselves and we have to develop our own recipe how to stay healthy in our mind. Mind is one complex thing I can say. Observing people around me each day, I can conclude that people are dealing with huge and complex problems, and for the most of them there is not a way our for them. Each of these issues are leaving deep marks and scars in people's lives. These scars are forming us. If we are not able to develop a system for solving these issues, it can damage our personality. My own weapon for this 'mind battle' is to be surrounded by positive people. Reading good books with strong morals, can also help you to develop your style of thinking. Good book always leaves strong impact on me, which helps me to think more. However, excessively thinking can also burden our mind. I'm always trying to avoid negative people, because they are the biggest and the most influental factor that has impact on our mind. Good friends, good book, avoiding negative people, each of these factors are my own recipe of keeping a healthy mind.

    Stress in an inevitable factor in our lives we can say. Even if doctors say that fat, sugar and fast food can damage your health, they also say that stress is even worse than that. I have to be honest and say that I can't be immune to the stress. I'm always trying to reduce stressful situations. Problem is that, I don't know when and how these sorts of situations are about to happen. For me, conversation is a good method for solving stressful situation. If I have a problem, and I don't know what to do, 15 minutes conversations with someone who understands me, will help me to calm down and reduce the stress. As I said before, positive people and positive intentions are the most useful remedy in life.

    I can say that it is still taboo for most of us. But the question is why? We all know that Even if we all want to seem strong, smart and invincible, under the skin, we are all sensitive and helpless and we all need someone who will be there and listen to us when we have a problem. People are avoiding to talk about their problems or stress, just because they do not want people to think they are weak, or saying in one word 'crazy' in some way. As I mentioned before, coversation is the best remedy. Two heads are smarter than one head. If you have a problem which is eating you from inside, and you do not know what to do, maybe your sister, mum or friend can give you a good advice which can help you to solve it. Sometimes, the biggest reason for suffering from mental illness is a lack of conversation, people's understanding and love. We have to work on these things, and our mental health will be better.

    Senada Hasanović (PO, III, V)

  42. Hi,

    1. For me, as an individual, maintaining a healthy mind in this stresfull environment includes eating healthy, regular excercise and time well spent with friends and family. Regarding healthy diet I avoid sugars, fast food,and try eating vegetables as much as I can. On the other hand that healthy diet helps me with my excercise-the results are more visible and come faster.
    And last but not least, I avoid negative people and spend time with family and friends, surrounding my self with positive energy. All those combined make me a healthy-minded individual.

    2. I'm a student and stress is the part of my everyday life. I try to cope with it by simply doing effective things for my body. Walking for even 20-30min each day makes me relaxed.
    Get enough sleep and eat properly are my ways to avoid stressful life.
    I'm always laughing and I like to listen music or I just take a bath and all the stress and negative things go away.

    3. Talking about mental health nowadays is taboo and that is because society has made it impossibly difficult for those suffering from mental health problems to be open about it.
    Some people with mental problems are shy, some of them scared of being called crazy. Because of that, they shut down and often makes the problem worse.
    I think we all need to be better informed about mental health so then we can discuss about it.

    Kadrić Aldina, III, RN

  43. A break from receiving a lot of information at once is necessary. Being constantly bombarded by new information is unhealthy. We are obsessed about all the useless information we get through social media that we don't have enough time for our mental health. Everything is based on virtual reputation and attention while things that have real value are forgotten. Many people today don't know that watching television causes them a mild hipnotic state in which they are prone to suggestions. Social marketing is aware of this fact and abuses it for it's own gain hence why TV can be a strong influence. People should listen to themselves and spiritually communicate with their bodies. This way all the negative energy caused by the virtual world can be released and positive energy of reality can be received.
    Personaly, for staying in good mental condition, I'm reading, walking, spending time in nature, running away from everyday stress, visiting dear friends...
    I'm doing what I like to do and what makes me happy.

    Neira Balić, PO III

  44. Mahir Musić RN III
    Keeping our mind healthy is as hard as keeping our body healthy, perhaps even harder. I think that the ones who are not familiar with psychology basis are not competent to discuss this matter, but thankfully I and my colleagues are obligated to know something about mental health. This kind of health is a slippery slope, it is very hard to stay mentally healthy because most people are not interested in factors that affect our mental health and we take it for granted. My recipe of keeping healthy mind is that for starters we need to educate ourselfs. I'm not saying that mental health must be our area of expertise, but everyone should know something about that, because only when we actually know what could happen to our mind and how could it happen, like we know something about physical health, only then we will try to keep our mind in order. Talking about mental health is a taboo only in less prosperous coutries like our Bosnia. We need to get rid of our superstisions and prejudices, we need to educate more and look up to people that are full of understanding and people who are not persistently judgmental of everyone and everything. When I relieved myself of all of that, I developed many other useful skills and whole lot of paths opened up in my life. My life is now much easier now and there are no taboos anymore for me. I think that we should talk about anything we do and do not know, shouldn't we ?

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  46. Great tips regrading mental Health . You provided the best information which helps us a lot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful information.

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