Monday, December 26, 2016

Picture Storytelling

What is going on in this picture?

Retrieved from via this link

What's going on in this picture? Look closely at the image above (or the full-size image) and tell us what you see by posting a comment on our class blog. Share your thoughts and ideas with other students. You are also invited to respond to someone else by posting another comment.

Think about these three questions:

• What is going on in this picture? (Note: This image is a photograph. It has not been Photoshopped.)
• What do you see that makes you say that?
• What more can you find?

Use your imagination! You may also be inspired to write a short story for this picture. Please, share it with us here on our class blog!

Note: Adapted from a post at


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  2. This photograph is excellent. On first sight I thought: the lightings are dancing their dance. But also in that moment I've had one more idea:
    Their first sights have met while they were enjoying under the blue sky. The moments, days and months were passing - Chloe and Jacob were becoming more aware that they have found the person they were thinking about when common life is mentioned. As Chloe worked as translator, she was absent most of the time. Unlike her, Jacob was an excellent chef in the restaurant near the apartment. Considering that she travelled a lot, beside his love he gave her understanding for what she likes to do. When she was away and when he had a free time he studied astronomy. Chloe was left for France for seven days. After stressful day he took a glass of wine and observed through telescope the fabulous beauty of the sky. As the date of their first encounter was approaching he suddenly got an idea for a surprise for her. Before her return he got everything he needed: groceries, equipments and permissions. After work he stayed awake long in the night trying to make a new dish, and everything that comes after that.
    Finally that night arrived: Jacob rented a boat from the port in the nearby and he made a dinner which he crowned with dessert in the form of a red star. He asked her: “Chloe, do you want to come with me in one place?” she answered smiling: “There is something else? Of course I want?” He took her out on the deck and on his sign the magic became visible. There were small dots on the sky which were creating circular forms like vortex. Chloe watched amazed and Jacob asked her:”On this day, one year ago you became my loadstar. You see all this shining? Those are rays of the happiness in my life since who lightened my life since I’ve met you. Despite of lightings, thunders and clouds that sometimes obstruct yours, mine, our glow do you accept to keep lightning my way to the end of life and never let me to get lost?” …
    On the same date next year, they received news that they will get two little stars in few months and they will make constellation of their love.

    Lejla Džaferi, PO III

    1. Heej Lejla,
      Your story are very interesting. I enjoyed reading it.

    2. Hi Lejla;
      I find your story very interesting and romantic so I can suppose that you are also very romantic person. I realy liked it.

    3. Hi Lejla, your story is very interesting, you are incorrigible romatic :)

    4. Hey girls, thank you very much because of this beautiful words.
      I am really happy you liked it.
      You discovered me when you said that I am very romatic. :) <3 for all of you.

  3. Only two things can always satisfy my soul again and that's the sky lit by the stars over me and soothing music. I am sitting and thinking... While my ideas are floating on my mind and oncoming various memories, I have noticed something unusual at the blue sky by the corner of my eye. White light rays refracted and created a whirl and it looked like they would begin their dance above the dance floor. I sat and watched. Eyerything was like in fairy tales. An unusual sight is apperaring more and more. I've heard soft music. The notes composed their waltz. Knocks feet of deck broke the silence. Long red dress dragged all over floor. Legs began to walk slowly as if they want to win a space under the blue sky. Long blue hair followed the movements of the legs. A light wind was ruffling her thick hair. Suddenly a strong punch heard. A young, glamorous man with a black hair, walked over the wooden deck. With his importance he obeyed all around him. The music became louder and louder. Canine soles echoed all over the coast. All around was silence. Moonlight was shining upon that part of the deck. The dance started. The hands were put together and went to dance. It lasted and lasted. I watched the scene very close. At once, steps are becoming quiter and quiter. It was like the leds where floating alone. The long dress flapped in the air of enthusiasm during the dance. The white light over the young man and woman was interwining more and more and was becoming lighter. And it was like the sky was dancing it own waltz. The light war creating concentric circles over them. The dancing stopped. Music became quieter and quieter. I've just heard the shot of waves on the boat. The boy and the girl dissapeared beneath that light as the light grew paler and paler. The light slowly dissapeared. It was like the light was sinking into a deep sleep. It's dark. With that last dance the light went too. It dissapeared. At the moment I've heard the engines that run the ship which was already in the distance. I wake up and realize that everything was just a dream. A dream about the last waltz for two.

    Aldijana Halilovic, RN, IV

    1. Aldijana, your story is amazing. I like it!

      Edita Marevac, RN IV

  4. I think this photo was taken in New York or San Francisco,because of the bridge behind.I see big cargo ship,in a harbor.It is probably taken at a dock,the city behind is full of amazing lights.It looks like the photo has been scratched or there is some electricity connected to the ship,I really don't know.It could be anything.Or it is just reflection from the city lights.There is also a car, two men on the ship,as well as an American flag.In conclusion, I think the ship has something to do with electricity because of the power box on the top of it.

    Adisa Sarić, PO III

  5. I am gonna tell you story about my brother Alex and his fiance Sierra. They met in high school and fell in love, they both tell me that was the love on first sigh and everyone new that so everyone loved them. They were you know high school sweetheart. He knew that he is gonna propose to her one day and so he waited the right time. As much as he wanted to do that right away he waited but he had everything set down in his head. His plan was to propose her on prom night so that they can get married on summer holiday and then go to university together. They both were very interested in music and they even had their shows in one local club.
    I can tell you he was so nervous that night although he was sure that she is gonna say I do. I knew that because I was charge to film that whole thing so that they can have memory for the rest of their lives. Sadly no one could imagine that that would least very short. So the moment of true came. As they were dancing on the floor he make sure that everyone step back for a little bit so that they can be alone in the middle of dance floor. I remember that moment was magical, he went down on one knee and propose to her and of course she said yes.
    Very soon after that night preparations started. Picking the place, music, wedding dress, suits, cake and I was there every moment and I could see how happy they were. Until one night. They were outside with friends and on the way back home some drunk man with big truck hit them at the crossroad and the fairytale was over. They both died immediately.
    I am telling you this because I was walking shortly before and I saw something very interesting . Above one of the ships on the deck I saw very interesting lights. They were so beautiful and fascinating. I took my phone to photograph that moment and I saw the date. This night was supposed to be their wedding night and just right in that moment they were supposed to dance their first dance. I knew it that those lights are them dancing on the sky and loving each other.

  6. Hi everyone!
    For me, this picture is representing a tourist attraction. People are coming to sail on ships, and on ship they have everything - a room to sleep, they have parties, dinners etc. I think on this ship some nice thing are happening such as held of performance, watching of movies, parties. Unfortunately, as I imagine it, on this ship only wealth people who have millions can go. On these ships, there are hundreds of workers and they they care about everything: people who worry about keeping the place clean, chefs, musicians, dancers and so on. I consider ship as a place suitable for people who want to rest from everyday's life.


  7. I really like this photo, it led me to think. It might be a prayer and desire that we spoke looking at the sky, or just scratched photo.
    Personally I prefer the first version, because I often look at the sky and make a wish.I think that all our wishes written down somewhere. All those barn in the sky remind of softly spoken words that leave visible traces.
    I also see the boat that resembles a journey and building in the background representing the end of journey. Every situation in life is journey, and I hope that your trip runs well, no winds and high waves that would slow coming to the desired location.

    Lejla Kalabić, POIII

  8. Hi everyone! Esmina Hibović ( RN III)
    My first thoughts were just:”Wow, what is there going on?” And then it started to click in my mind with different stories what could that be. But here I will use my pure imagination and tell you all that this is something very strange happening and yes the aliens finally found us. Of course this is a joke, but really I could imagine something happening like this and then the space and time are frozen and their ship shows somewhere above this ship. On other hand it is a breathtaking view from the photographers focus. I don’t think that other people see this phenomenon because it has to do something with the position and the way this picture was taken. But still the alien story tickles my imaginations.

  9. Hi everyone!
    This picture looks fantastic, relaxing. Looking at this picture my thoughts drifted away. I feel a warmth in this picture, I guess it's the summer period. This picture reminds me of a warm summer night, walking by the sea and thinking. I like to sit by sea and watch the sky, it relaxes me.
    I see in the picture foreground boat, then sea, and in the background the city with a lot of light. The transition from darkness to light. Every situation in life come and go. After every bad situations comes the bright side and "light at the end of the tunnel".
    Josipa Jaković, PO III

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  11. Hi everyone!

    This is an amazing photography. I'm really enjoying looking at it. This sea or ocean in this obviously young night. But this sky took my breath away. It looks like airplanes were dancing and had really good time. at first sight I thought those were stars. We can see ship on this photo, it is really big like Titanic, it looks like it has a lot of reastaurant in there. I would like to be there. At the end I want to say that I don't have idea where this picture was tooken, but this place is amazing. It is tourist atraction. I would really like to visit it someday with my family and close friends.


  12. Hi everyone!
    This beautiful early evening in New York was amazingly captured through the lens of some great photographer. The picture was taken from some of the New York's shipyards or even maybe the NAVY base and it includes light moving effect which adds an unordinary dimension to this picture, giving the illusion that there are a lot of airplanes flying in circles at same time. It's visible how all the lights on the picutre are strengthened and getting into first plan to occupy the viewers attention, and tickle their imagination with the question of what else could those strange lights represent. If we take a closer look at the photo we may see something like pigeon shadows in negative on the closest ship, which is also an old warship.

    Esma Malagić POIII

  13. Friends for life
    Jason is boy from New York.He is 18 years old,and some thief attack him while he was walking after school.He hurted him with knief,so now he is in hospital.And hes life is in dangerous,and doctors said that they are 90% sure that he will lose this life struggle.His family and friends were lost,they didnt know what to do and how to help him.Jason was laying in hospital without sense for one month.Every day was struggle for his family and friends."Jason was just little boy,please God dont take Jason from us.",said his mother.It was New year evening,and everyone was out and celebrating,except Jason and his family and friends.So at that moment,his friend Alex decided to do something to ask God to help Jason to be again normal boy from neighbour.He asked his friends to help him.He said that he wants to do something for Jason.So they went out from hospital and gone to harbour.First,they went to some shop and buy a lot of sparkles,lights for tree and dragons(toy who can fly when u press button).So they took that dragon and put a lot of sparkles and lights on his head and body.It was amazing.They wrote on big paper God please give us Jason back,we all need him,a put it on one dragon.His family was in hospital and it was 00:00 when they heard someone screaming "Jasooon Jasoon ".They look out from window and saw a lightning dragons flying with the note.They started to cry,and then miracle happened.Jason opened his blue eyes,and saw dragons.He was sooo happy when he saw his name on letter.He just said "I adore u all"

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  16. At first view, on the photo I thought it was just a city. When I looked closer, I saw a beautiful yacht, and a variety of light photography give a special charm. I was intrigued by what was going on in the photo. The more I watched it seemed like it is an isolated town with no inhabitants in it. Like it happens something strange and surreal in it, lights up at night alone , a day turn off. Only you can hear the air flow and nothing more. The city looks a bit scary, but beautiful.
    Melisa Musić, IV, RN

  17. Hello everyone!!
    This photo can be tell in many ways :). At the first it seems like a scratched photo, but than it can be about the power in any view. First, photo represents us the POWER (ligts) wich is something we can't live without. Second, it shows us the POWER of the sky, universe, it's eternity, wich tells us that we are trancient. Photo is made in America, the most POWERFULL country in the world, and than there is a boat, that represent the POWER of the seas. But again, maybe it's just a scrached photo....

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  19. Hello everyone :)

    This is a beautiful early evening in New York. This image evokes a feeling of enjoying the beauty of the earthly world. Water in the picture is reminiscent of the summer beauty and feeling that is experienced during the holiday on the shores of the sea, in the evening. In addition to this feeling, and awakens a sense of tenderness and love, because the picture, in addition to being beautiful, she has a lot of romantic. It can be seen from different angles, definitely. I'd like to spend your vacation, at this point, with friends and be relaxed, but also with the boy because it would certainly be romantic. The picture looks Photoshopped because it is really perfect, but I'm sure it is in reality this place so beautiful.
    Bevrnja Mubera; Razredna nastava; III godina

  20. When we look at this picture we see the port and the ship,then streaked sky in the evening but every picture tells thousand words and it remandes me of the sad story of four friends.They were not having enough bucks for the big party.So,four of them bought the cheapest whiskey bottle that night.It all started from the port and continued in next years.On the last day of college,they promised each other that they won't become just phone contacts.Later,they started the journey of job and life in four different country.They kept their promise and met again 3 years later.One night,four glasses were egually filled with the same whiskey,again.Eyen big job packages failed to their liguor brand.That year two of them got married but four of them met next year,one of them died in a car accident.Next year,three of them,met again and whiskey was same,but glasses were four.Once again,whiskey was filled equaly in four glasses.Three "cheers"came from the eart and fourth from the sky.Fourth friend died,but their friendship kept him alive.They were devided bay jobs,religion,countryes,life and death,but stayed united by FRIENDSHIP.

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  22. Watching this picture I got many ideas from romance to horror. A guy, who's working on a boat, wanted to propose his girlfriend. So he prepared airplane whit transparent. On transparent wrote her name and question „will you marry me?“. Those white lines on this picture are marks from airplane circulation above them. While she was responding to him whit a kiss, airplane crash in a coast. Part of coast was on fire and airplane was destroyed just like their romance.
    I see sky with white lines, boat and coast with a lot of lights in a background.
    I can find things like; bridge, crane, car, trash can, sea and lights.
    Darija Lukić, RN, III godina

  23. I'm kind of a nostalgic person, especially over photos like this one. I can see beautiful evening in overpopulated city. There are so many lights. When I look at every single one on this photo I can see some story behind, some people is having dinner time with their family right in this building near bridge, I can feel some pain behind, some happiness, there is so many stories that will never be told. These white streaks across the sky tell us about passengers who is traveling somewhere to someone, some of them are sad, some of them are going to take their chances and do their best in life. So the sky is full of stories, untold stories. Under the sky is the city, full of lights, full of people. Everybody is some kind of passenger, we all go somewhere bringing our cargos.

    Selma Podžić, RN III godina

  24. I love this photo! I did a little research and I know that these are pigeons flying with lights attached to them. This picture makes me think about our busy lives, we are always staring at our phones, not giving attention to what is happening above us, we are discconected from nature. Here is shown a connection between water and birds with their beautiful harmonization. Nature is a miracle that we don't appreciate enough.

    Amina Mehinagic, PO, III

  25. When I was little girl, I loved drawing moustaches to people on photos. Mom always new who was the one looking at the photo album. By looking at this picture it's clear to me the person who made it was creative. To be honest, either that or the camera lens is scratched. Looking at it from a closer angle, I notice the lines aren't straight, they're interrupted at many areas/places just as they are on the images I scratched with my keys.

    Neira Balić, PO III

  26. Hi everyone!

    Someday we will all day, but people will always remember one picture. They can talk about moments in history or only one moment, about true love maybe. This picture is a piece of wonderfull work.
    If you look at the sky... the night sky is one of the most peaceful things, the stars are speaking and gorgeous.
    The lights on this picture just decorated the sky, it almost looks as if someone took a handful of glitter and threw it up to the sky.
    This picture has her own magic traveling through time towns and space and still staying in the soul for long long time.
    Actually this could be a story about precious love.
    Amina Grebo; PO III;

  27. Hi everyone!
    This picture can be described in various ways. Everyone sees this picture in their own way. When I look this picture, I feel admiration. It speaks about powerful human achievements. It reminiscents me of the movie Titanic, the strong effort which the man invested in the construction of the ship. Unusual lines in the sky remind me of possible danger that is beyond us. Man is so small compared to all that surrounds it in this picture. In the picture all looks magical, impossible, but everything is possible. The magic of nature is all around us. I think that we don't notice it enough.
    Barbara Jurković, RN III

  28. Hello,

    This picture is very cool and vivid at the same time. As you said, it's not photoshopped which gives better feeling and impression about it. I can say that I like it because the sky is wonderful. All these lights give some special sight. Sea is always relaxing whether in the picture or live. There is one huge ship. It gives that antique 'smell', and I like that 'smell' a lot. Picture seems so calm and fresh. I can feel peace and freshness. I can even imagine myself here. Like I'm standing over here, observing the open sea and thinking about the meaning of life. Serious topic huh? 🙂 These mystical lines on the sky are making this picture magical in some way. This blue color of the sky is divine. If I involve my imagination, I have impression that Cinderella is about to come. Instead of pumpkin there is a ship. This huge ship is waiting for her, and a prince ... Well, he is somewhere where the lights are on. He is also waiting for her. These lines on the sky are the traces of the magic stick and magic powder. This is what the small girl inside me can see in the picture. I still love fairytales.

    Senada Hasanović PO, III, V

  29. Hello everyone :),

    I really like this photo. It is very interesting. I'm really enyoing looking at it. I think it is early evening in some big and beautiful city.
    I think this photo was taken in Los Angeles or San Francisco.It is located in the port, so it's remeinde me to the summer evening or summer love. This is a tourist attraction and i really want to wisit this beautiful place. Includes photo light moving effect. Light on the picture getting into first plan and occupy my attention.
    This is relaxing photo.


  30. Minela Crnovršanin, RN III

    Hello everyone,

    Sea, people, bridges, night. I would teleport myself right now from this cold and dark Sarajevo winter into that beautiful night. Everythin on presented photography is looking attractive. It makes me thinking about summer, time period when many of us are enjoying and resting. Sinonym for summer are long excisment trips, new adventures and new friendship. But then when I am on vacation I have a homesick for my sweet home, town and people.That is how it is going with our sweet home, and there is no place on Earth like home.

  31. 1. What is going on in this picture?
    There are some interesting string like lights in the sky that are forming a circle. It's as if somebody is trying to draw something on the sky.

    2.What do you see that makes you say that?
    I see the colours in the sky and the lines they're making. It is a relly interesting photograph.
    3.What more can you find?
    I also see some very similar lights on the ship, as if everything is starting there. And I see a man standing on the roof of the ship observing this pretty sight (maybe he's somehow responsible for it )
    Irma Kečević PO III

  32. What I think is going on in this picture is that it's some sort of a celebration to commemorate the age of the ship in the picture.

    What makes me say that is the fact that it looks like some sort of festive fireworks are being launched from the deck of the ship.

    As far as I can see the picture was taken in New York on the Hudson River and I think that this is some sort of a historic ship

    Neira Lokvančić PO, III, V

  33. Enisa Mumanovic PO III
    For Me,It is descriptions of New York City. The City which lives 24 hours every day, with that imagional lights, lifestyle, trends, design, fashion, art and business that In the same time inspire me. It could be the image of the total freedom. And that is said that atmosphere is something unique you cannot find from anywhere else. Everyone I know who has visited New York loves the city, even people who usually don't take city breaks. All the movies and stories have built this dream image in my head - there must be something exceptional in this city. My dream is to experience if it's all true…
    You know,it is not just picture,it is reality,but for people who did not still visit that City,it is mine..

  34. Mahir Musić RN III
    Hello to everyone. For starters I want to say that I'm simply in love with America, especially US, beacause it's full of all kinds of people from all around the world. It is almost like they don't have their own nation anymore and US is now place for literally everyone who likes chasing dreams. I could talk about US for days, but I should comment this stunning picture of New York City. At first, I thought this image is photoshoped until I read Your instructions. These unreal lights reminds of some gigantic confetti. New York is a center of America, it may be even a center of the world and a lots people are struggling to live in overcrowded Manhattan. This pic inspires me even more to visit US, but not just NY, Florida, California, Miami and every other US State including suburban and rural cities. I love exploring others streets, buildins and cultures and I'm extremly astonished by those in America.

  35. it seems like something magical.. As a person delighted by heavenly beauties, I'm amazed.It looks like something real that seems unreal.If you're romantic, I'm sure you've remembered someone you love. Osmanović Ajla, ER2
