Monday, December 26, 2016


          There is an old proverb 'Time is Money'. Actually, time is even more worth than money, because money spent can be earned again, but time wasted can never be restored again. Therefore, maybe there is a better common saying than the previous one and it says 'Time and tide waits for none'. Time just flies away. No one can stop it and it never waits for anyone. Time is precious and priceless for everyone. We should all learn to use our time properly and in a positive way to fulfill some purpose. We should value and respect the importance of time in every single moment of our life. Sometimes it takes just one moment of time to make a difference in your life. For good or for bad. Each and every moment of our life brings a lot of opportunities for us, we just have to use our time in the best way we can and take our chances.

          Good time management is an essential skill for the 21st century. We live in a busy and bustling world where time is very precious. The lists of things to do are becoming longer and longer each day and in order to 'survive' we have to learn to manage our time well. Otherwise, we would find ourselves stretched out between our reponsibilities and possibilities. We have all experienced the feeling that there are simply not enough hours in the day and we just need more time to finish everything we have started/planned for that particular day. But imagine what you would be able to do if you had at least one hour of extra time every day. How would your life be different?

          Actually, the idea of providing an extra hour in daytime is not something new. We do that with Daylight Saving Time. It is the practice of turning clocks forwards one hour in spring, and turning them backwards one hour again in autumn/fall. Daylight Saving Time happens in most countries around the world, but at different times during the year. The main purpose of this practice is to make better use of daylight. As we move our clocks ahead for an hour in spring, we actually move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, and therefore provide more opportunities to enjoy sunny summer evenings outdoors.

          The idea of Daylight Saving Time was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin in 1784. But this idea was not put into effect until 1916, during World War I in Europe, and America began using the system in 1918. The main rationale for this practice was that it was envisaged as a way to help farmers work in their fields earlier in the day, but that was never proposed or supported by farmers themselves as it did not make their work or life any easier.

There are reasons for and against the practice of Daylight Saving Time. Proponents believe that this practice not only adds more sunlight hours to the standard day, but it also saves money and energy as people don't use as much electricity during daylight hours. Additionally, longer afternoon sunlight hours boost many businesses and recreational activities outdoors and this practice is also thought to reduce traffic accidents as people commute more in daylight than in darkness. On the other hand, opponents  of Daylight Saving Time believe that the main idea of preventing money and energy loss does not stand any more, because we have different ways of heating and cooling nowadays than it was the case when Daylight Saving Time first began, and the lengthy morning darkness during  parts of Daylight Saving Time can actually do more harm than good to some enterprises, like farming.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Daylight Saving Time. You can read more about the rationale and original idea of DST, as well as about its basic misconceptions by following these links:

Here are some questions for our online class discussion on this blog:

How important is time in your life?
Do you think that there are enough hours in the day? Why? / Why not?
What would you do with one or even more hours of extra time each day?
What are your tips for good time management?
Do you think that Daylight Saving Time is a good or bad idea?
How does it affect you and your life?

Feel free to share your comments with other classmates here on the blog!


  1. I think that the time has become a fortune and one shouldn’t waste it on meaningless things. Time is very important for harmonized life. Every time we want to do something for ourselves or for the others we need time to accomplish our ideas. We have always the feeling like the small fragment of time is missing no matter what we do.
    It would be nice that day lasts longer so we could enrich them with our creativity what makes us feel better and yet we could make some other people happy. Due to accelerate pace of life we don’t pay enough attention at people we care about. By that I mean that we postpone often our meetings with friends or family because we don’t have time for that, or we accept to go on a “short meeting”. I think it is necessary to make a list of activities that we have to follow. Maybe that would be also a good way to reduce a daily stress. But if the lasted much longer I believe it would be an excellent idea to accommodate the obligations and that contributes to the creation of a delightful feeling. For example, to accomplish them with the others while drinking a coffee. The priority shouldn’t be something that creates a distance between us; it should be something that brings us together. In that way we would have enough time and happier life.
    Daylight Saving Time is a good idea because it assimilates with nature. In the summertime we become richer for one hour which we can use in different ways. It is on us to use it for a work and in that way to contribute to our gain or to use it in recreate way. When the way of saving time changes I find it difficult to adjust to a new rhythm. I have a feeling as if there are more hours missing and I am constantly tired. But, after few days everything is back to normal.

  2. Selma Lemeš RN III
    1. Of course that is true that time is money and it is ture that spent money can be earnd again but wasted time can never be restored again. In my life is same but I dont know if it is just me or other people have this problem too but every time when I do something I wish I could have more time. It is like " If I only had one more hour I could finished this for sure". Time is important and keeps your life in order and I hate when I am late to something and I hate waiting someone so I am always trying to be on time whenever is that.

    2. I think that this arrangement of hours in one day is good and this opinion is more because I get used to this and it is a part of our lives from beginnings so to have some different arrangement would be very strange. Of course whenever I do something for example for university there is always a fish for one more hour because I am probably under stress so that makes obligations even harder to do.

    3. If I had one more hour I would probably spent that hour relaxing or in the other situation doing what I have not done earlier, probably things for university.

    4. My tips would probably be to sort your obligations by how important they are and then starting to solving them but always keeping in mind that there must be time for relaxing otherwise you are never be happy and satisfied.
    5. Daylight Saving Time is a good idea because it assimilates with nature. In summer we all love to spent more time outside and we can use that time in different ways.
    6. I find it difficult to adjust to that but only for a week or two. Later I adjust to that because it is something that comes with nature.

  3. Time is very precious to all of us. We should value and respect the importance of time every single moment. We should not waste time at all.Time is very strong and powerful than everything in this world.
    Our daily routine schedule such as school works, home tasks, hours of sleep, waking time, exercise, eating, etc should be well planned and organized according to the time.
    I think there aren't enough hours in the day because we always need an hour or two more to finish what we started.Or to do something we like.I would definitely make the most of it if I had an hour or even more each day.I would use that extra time carefully and clever in order to accomplish my obligations.
    Successful time management allows for more control over personal duties, more productivity at home and work, and results in more quality time to relax and enjoy life.I think good time management skills help us reduce stress. Daylight Saving Time does provide longer afternoon sunlight, and that may be good for many businesses and practical activities, since people have time to shop and play after their workday.

    Adisa Sarić, PO, III

  4. Hi everyone!

    I am always in lack of time – to sleep, study, hang out, watch tv. Simply put, I am in constant need of more time. Time is my money, therefore time has a very important role in my life. I always tend to make plans beforehand, shedules which make me able to track and complete my obligations (be that those are real obligations or „obligations“ to my friends). In trying to make for everything time, I lose a lot of sleep. If I had one or two hours more every day, I'd probably spend them sleeping. In my opinion, the best way to deal with time is to organize through making plans, shedules etc. Of course there will be time when we won't be able to fully keep our shedules. But, when we do achieve everything we wanted, we can give reward ourselfs (or punish if we did not succeed). In this way, by reward and punishment, we can motivate us better, to be more productive in less time. That way, we will have more spare time for friends, family or hobbies. I always try to respect my own decisions and plans and to keep track, although sometimes it's immpossible. Therefore, we should cherish every minute we have.
    I think that the Daylight Saving Time idea is good, because working in the early hours of the day is much healthier, and ist easier to find a good rhythm of work.It also helps us to find the missing couple of hours we need for all our obligations and it helps us to have some more hours of rest.

    Nadina Hozić, RN III

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Time is one of the most important, crucial things in our lifes. It is is only thing that flows constantly and we are not able to return it. I think there are not enough hours in one day, because we would be able to do more if there are more of them. We would spend about eight hours and more working, and we would have additionally hours to spend with family, friends, relaxing and so on. Also, knowing how we people behave, maybe more hours would not change anything. We would still behave the same, not using that additional time properly. My time is pretty fulfilled with some obligations, spending it with friends and family - which company is necessary by nature of people. I would definitely spend it in working on myself - bettering my skills or learning new one. For example, I have always wanted to learn to play piano, so why not to use that additional hour on that? For good time management, first you need to order priorities well. Once you know what is the most important thing to do, and which one is less important you will succeed to balance well between all aspects. Beside of studying, going to work ,of course that you need to hang out, save some time for yourself, have a rest from everything. But, do that when you finish homework, when you prepare exam, etc. Have your own calendar with activities you need to do. It may not be perfectly achieved, but it will definitely help you to use your time effectively. In the end, reward yourself after successfully and on-time accomplishments you have done. In my opinion, Daylight Saving Time is good idea, because it provides us more time to enjoy outside when whether is fine. For example, winter is cold, and you don't actually need that much of daylight, because you don't spend a lot of time outside. It is little bit of hard for me to adjust myself of new system of clocking the hours, but in a few days it is okay.


  7. Emira Smailbegović RN III

    Proper time management is essential for every human being equally. If you do not organize your day always will miss time for those important things and tasks. Our time passes quickly and we have to be well organized and do not waste it on worthless things. I think 24 hours in a day are sufficient for all human needs if you organize tasks and duties correctly. Students and people who have jobs often complain about lack of time which is normal regarding the amount of the obligations that they have. People who know how to set priorities and obligations to the right place do not have a problem with time. I believe that if the day lasted longer than 24 hours to be the same, although I personally would welcome the hour for sleep and rest. To organize time does make a good arrangement for all obligations, in this arrangement it is necessary to make room for rest, sleep, meals and daily tasks. I think that the move hours, one hour forward or backward does not change if we properly utilize their 24 hours in a day. We have no time to think about time.

  8. Hi everyone! Esmina Hibović, RN III
    I think that today we are living in very busy environment, where actually money is indeed time and time money. We are trying to priories everything with time, can we make this in time, and can we do that in time? When we plan our schedule for each upcoming day we do it with calculating time we need for get things done. Also one of the best facts that time has become an standard in every persons life is that we even don’t think about it on purpose it just happens. I can also mention JIT, or Just in Time, a fact that means to deliver the best quality, with best price in right time to customer, and we all follow this rule. And yes one more thing, when we say time is passing by it is not true for me because the time is there always, but the “things” are expiring.

  9. Hi everyone! Esmina Hibović, RN III
    I think that today we are living in very busy environment, where actually money is indeed time and time money. We are trying to priories everything with time, can we make this in time, and can we do that in time? When we plan our schedule for each upcoming day we do it with calculating time we need for get things done. Also one of the best facts that time has become an standard in every persons life is that we even don’t think about it on purpose it just happens. I can also mention JIT, or Just in Time, a fact that means to deliver the best quality, with best price in right time to customer, and we all follow this rule. And yes one more thing, when we say time is passing by it is not true for me because the time is there always, but the “things” are expiring.

  10. I think the time is very important because we can not go back. Things that have passed we can not return even we often wish that. I often feel sorry for the wasted time, thinking about things that I could do, but I did not.
    I am always stuck with time, and need a few more hours that would probably spent hanging out with friends, or sleeping. I think that day should have more hours if it is possible, then I might have had enough time for everything
    For me Daylight Saving Time is unnecessarily because it only changes the everyday habits and it is hard to get used to the new time. another negative thing is long winter night, when I miss daylight. I think it would be better without Daylight Saving Time.

    Lejla Kalabić, POIII

  11. Hi everyone!

    1. Time is precious and we need to use it in the best possible way.What happened in the past, can not be returned. We should not waste our time on useless things. We should try to use every second of our life in best way.I can't influence on time. To me, it always seems like i dont have enough time for anything. I admitt that the cause of this situation is my bad time-organisation. I'm not using my free time in best way, so I'm facing with my obligations in the last minute.That situation, sometimes, can be really stressful. I wish that day lasts a bit longer.
    2. I think that is enough 24 hours a day only if I organize my time well. Many organized people say they have more than enough free time. However, if we don't organize our time well, we will always need one or two more hours in a day.
    3.We will make our life a lot easier if we write a list of out obligations and priorities. Then we shouldn't resolve our problem next day if we can resolve it today.
    4. If I had one or two more hours in a day, I would spend them with my friends, I would make people happy, I would have a new hobby or I would take some time to relax and sleep.
    5.I think that the daylight is a good idea, because during the summer people can use daylight and enjoy with their friends and family.
    6. At the beginning I feel some changes, but after three to four days the body gets used to it and I do not feel at all that hour-hand moved forward or back.


  12. Time is the most important thing in our lives and maybe the only thing that can never be stopped. Time flies rapidly and no one notices it until the point when everything we have done is in thepast, and only memories are left. We all have so much and so little time simultaneouslyin our life, depending on occasions for what we need it for. Looking in the future there's nothing we couldn't do with this much time to spare but while experiencing some situations we realise that we could never have too much of it. Hard moments seem to last so long and time flies so slowly that we usually want to sleep through those moments which seem to last for months and years, while the good moments seem to last exactly like moments and sometimes we have no time to enjoy it or appreciate it. Often too late we realise that we should dedicate more time to important things in our lives such as family and friends and hoping we'll get enough time to make things right, asking ourselves why is time running so fast and why don't we have more days in a week, a month or a year. Good time managment can save us a lot of time and open more doors in the world but time managment isn't an easy thing to work with. The right arrangement of time should be crucial in our life and sticking to our schedule should make our lives much easier and enterained.

    Esma Malagić POIII

  13. Hi, Lejla Pribinja RN III

    Of course we all know that time is very important. It should not be taken for granted. I think that people don't realize the importance of time and how precious it actually is. We feel like we have all the time in the world but what comes after is a harsh wake up call.

    I think that there are enough hours in a day if we know how to manage our time and if we're organized. Then, we can do everything on time with no worries. If we plan our time correctly, we will even have free time in between the tasks that we need to do.

    I would spend those extra hours on relaxing and spending tme with my friends.
    Time management is very simple, being well organized and knowing the difference between important and not so important tasks in our life is crucial. Another thing that we need to learn is to stop doing everything in the last minute and start working on time.

    I think that it is a good idea because we would much rather spend time with our friends and family in the daylight than at night, and a lot more things that we need to get done are actually done in the daylight hours.

    It does not change anything in my life, but I prefer doing things in the daylight hours.

  14. Of course time is very important in my life.It is part of our lifestyle,and we need time to do anything.Without time we are lost.When i was little i have never thought about this topic,but now when i am older i understand how time is actually important and how it affects on ne..Now i understand the sentences "Time is money"Sometimes 24 hours at day is just enough,and i am satisfied,but at some occasions its not..Sometimes i need just one hour to finish all i want.Thats the reason i try to do all my obligations on time,and to save my time.Hmm actually i have never thought about having extra hour..but thats great idea,and i sometimes need that hour.I think that i would do something for myself cause i dont have time right now.Always try to do all your obligations in time,and you will have just enough time to everything.Maybe we all have to have some list of chores and that will save our time.Saving time is good when day is longer,but when night is shorter its not :( but i dont have reasons to hate saving time.Its something that is normal in our country,and its closely to nature and natures life,so i agree with that.Maybe day or two it is hard to adjust on new rhythm but after two days everything is just normal.

  15. Hello,

    At the begining I have to say that I really like this topic. It is very important and profound. One of the scariest things nowadays is that people are not aware of the time importance and the value of the the time. Time is money, exactly! But frequently, people are wasting it unadvisedly. Days are passing very fast and we all think that there are more and more days in our lives and we can manage to finish everything we need. Idleness is a sickness of the contemporary world and style of living. If we don not find a cure and if we do not force ourselves to be more diligent, time will pass and we won't get any valuable moment. For me, time is important but I have to be honest and say that I don't appreciate it as it stands.

    I think that we have enough time to do everything but the problme is time management. Most of us are very bad in it. We don't know how to organize our obligations. Priorities are sometimes neglected. Power of will is a huge weapon nowadays, but laziness is sometimes stronger, and that is our crucial problem. We as individuals have to fight with ourselves, and if we won, only then we can say that we are winners. Sometimes the hardest battle, is battle between 'me and me' . 24 hours are enough, but the only thing we have to do is to know how to use it in a proper way.

    One or even more hours of extra time each day sounds great. If I do everything that I have to do for that day, I would probably drink coffee or tea and spend time with my family. Or if I don't finish my obligations, I will do it during that extra hour. I have to add again that we do not appreciate time as it should be, but we have to think about it and try to do our best to improve our time arrangement and management.

    Obligations first. When you finish everything you need to do that day, I would be easier for you to relax and do the thing you like to do. If you go out with your friends for a cup of tea, and you are aware of fact that your assignments are still waiting for you, that tea will have a bitter taste. But If you finish all your staff and go out, it will be better any you will feel better. I promise. 🙂

    I agree with this. I think that Daylight Saving Time is a good idea. Days in summer are longer, and we sleep longer when is winter. I know that most of the countries do not support this Daylight Saving Time and they do not live like this, but I'm happy that we in our country use this Daylight Saving Time. I like it. 🙂

    As I said before, I sleep longer when is winter, I enyoj the sun longer when is summer. I do not think about it too much, but I support it. It has become something what is normal and stable. I just live like that and I do not have any kind of complain about it.

    Senada Hasanović (PO, III ,V)

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  17. Hello everyone!!
    Saving time was my the best topic in our classes, because it's one of the biggest problems of nowdays. Maybe it sounds funny, but I see in people that they are more and more running out of time. This phenomenon is feature of the big citys such as Sarajevo. When I was in New York it was fascinating how the people are always running somewhere and I was wondering ''Why such a hurry?''. I used to live in small city, where people had all the time in the world, there was no need to hurry, you'll get there on time. And than I moved to Sarajevo. It's really stresfull to be among so many people who are nervously walking down the streets. And than the worst thing happend. On my college I had a proffesor who had the biggest problem with time, I have ever seen!! We had a 90 min lecture and it wasn't enough. BTW it's only him talking all 90 min, there is no time for us to talk. He told us that he had a 6 hours lecture and that was NOT enough. ''There is no much time to say everything you must know for your exam, and do not ask me to repeat!!'', ''I wish I have more time to talk but we only have 90 min!'', ''I need some more time, this is not enough!!'' I was wondering what this man is doing when he gets home from work???? Does he have a familly?? Does he spend any time with his friends?? So, seeing this man and his time problem, I decide not to be like this, because it's terrifying beeing out of time for anyting I do!! I have my husband and my friends and the most precious time, is time I spend with them. I love to relax and enjoy in my coffee and book, a movie... Some people call me lazy, but I know how to please myself, and to to be burned up and swallowed by the time. Maybe for some people it's wasting time, but I don't want to be a person without the time!! I allready mention a book about the time!!! It's called MOMO (Michael Ende)!! I recomend everyone to read this book and I hope that will help you to save some time for yourself and enjoy, because there is nothing wrong with that!!!

    Mia Mesanovic PO IV

  18. Hello everyone :)

    Time is very important, not only in my life but in the lives of all of us. Time can't be restored when the pass, not a single moment can't happen again. It is very important to respect the time we have, and to use it in the best possible way. Every moment of life is important to me and I try to use it the best we can. I think, that I don't like to sleep, because I think that sleep is a waste of time, says a lot about how much time is important for me.
    I think that isn't enough for 24 hours a day to achieve what is needed for one day, at least to me personally.It takes me at least 3 hours that I was pleased with the weather, but that's how it is. It can't be changed and I have to adapt to it.

    In particular I don't know what I'd do, but I would certainly have used the extra time for something I needed at that moment. Basically, this additional time wouldn't be wasted. Maybe I of this extra time slept, hahaha.
    I can't give any advice because I don't know how to manage time. I am a person who wants everything immediately and now, and get lost in time, so my advice will not profit, can only harm.
    I think it doesn't matter whether it is summer or winter time, for the day and continues for 24 hours, only a day longer and the night shorter summer and winter long night and a short day.
    I've already said that I didn't care whether winter or summer time, so it doesn't affect me in any sense.

    Bevrnja Mubera; Razredna nastava, III godina

  19. Time is very important in my life because like the lesson says money we can earn again but lost time we can't restored.
    No, there is not enought hours in a day, but that is something that we can't change. Because we don't have enuoht time for our oblligations.
    With extra hours every day I would have more time for reading books and maybe evan writing one.
    My tips for good time management is to have planner with ideas for the next day and to stick that plan.
    Yes, I think that is a good idea because we have more time in a summer for staying up and doing our oblligations. In winter time, in those days when you don't feel good, you can stay longer in bad.
    Time affact me stressly because we don't have enought time. I'm allways in hurry and I want to do everithing soon as possible.

    Darija Lukić, RN, III godina

  20. Time is very important in my life because like the lesson says money we can earn again but lost time we can't restored.
    No, there is not enought hours in a day, but that is something that we can't change. Because we don't have enuoht time for our oblligations.
    With extra hours every day I would have more time for reading books and maybe evan writing one.
    My tips for good time management is to have planner with ideas for the next day and to stick that plan.
    Yes, I think that is a good idea because we have more time in a summer for staying up and doing our oblligations. In winter time, in those days when you don't feel good, you can stay longer in bad.
    Time affact me stressly because we don't have enought time. I'm allways in hurry and I want to do everithing soon as possible.

    Darija Lukić, RN, III godina

  21. 1. We are all slayes of the clock. We need time to work,to sleep,to eat and understand people around us. Each of us have 24 hours a day and no one else can live our lives for us.
    2. We all have enough hours, but it is important to organise day. You must plan your schedule around your tips to make the most out of your day and achive maximum productivity from start to finish.
    3. I would use an extra time to work on myself and trying to be happy peson becouse I think that all start with compliance happines and motivation.
    4.When you arise in the morning, think how precious privilege id to be alve and how we are born again every morning. Than we need to plan and pepare everything night before. Start day slow and keep doing things slowly then it becomes easler to keep the stress away. And last thing is to put positive information into your mind.
    5. Daylight saving time messes our schedule for few days but it is good becouse of better use of natural dayliht, conserve energy and it's healtheir.
    6.Daylight saving time affect on our lifes but body regulate fairly quickly that difference and adopt all changes in few days. Most people doesn't feel any difference.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. When I think about time, I think about past, present and future. Time is category that is not coming back, it just flies. Time is everything in 21s, not only for me, but for everyone and everything. There is birth, growth and death. The entire creation moves on according to a time pattern. If you have time spending skills, you’ll know that there is time for everything. Time heals us, and it allows us to start over, it gives us space before consequences comes, we can stop smoking today to upgrade our health before is ruined, we can study for exam to prevent failure etc. So time means our existence. And we must use our time wisely. Most important for time managing is set up priorities. If you know what is most important to you, doing it first will leave you space for less important stuff like playing video games or going out. Making day planner will always help. We should make not only day planner but planner for months and even year. Daylight Saving Time is a good idea because it is more productive by my opinion. It is important for me to have more daylight hours in circulation especially because my obligations are linked to my faculty so it is always good to back home during sunlight hours and then rest a little bit to be able to study at evening.
    Selma Podžić, RN III godina

  24. Hello everyone!
    I agree with all comments about the importance of time. Time is important because it is scarce. When things are scarce, they become valuable because people can't get enough to satisfy their needs. Since no one can reclaim lost time, it's important to make the most of the time one has on Earth. That means that there is not enough hours a day for all our needs and duties. Maybe if I had one more hour of extra time each day I would make the best use of it, I would read a book, learn something new, maybe do something relaxing for myself...But, I am really bad at time managment. I always do everything last minute and I don't know why, that is just how my brain works, so of course I don't have any tips for time managment. Everyone has their own way which works the best for them. As regards to Daylight Saving time, I personally think that it is a bad idea. I don't see any good sides of it, it is just another neccessary thing on my mind and it really doesn't affect my life in any way.
    But, I really think we should never waste time. We are successful in life only when we make the best use of time. Use it wisely. :)

    Amina Mehinagic, PO, III

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hello everyone!

    We live in a world where everything passes pretty fast, where things happens from second to second. In that world, I think that I'm missing more time. Sometimes, I would like that day has 30 hours so I can do what ever I want.
    But, then I ask myself: is it time or me? When we get some exercise, we always have time menagement problem. Why? Because we have that much time or that little time. There is a lot of things we can say in one minute, that means that minute lasts long. In the minute I can answer one question on exam, I can say five sentences. Actually, I can do a lot of things.
    When we convert time to money, we will see the importance of it. We all agree that 1000 KM is a lot of money. Some families have that amount for a whole month and they live. Well, in one day, there are 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds and the way we spend all those thousands is something that defines us. Those seconds are our days, our years, our lives.
    I have to say that I disagree with term 'time menagement. That might is universal term, but I think that the better one is Menaging ourselves and time. All the people in the world have the same amount of time. Those people can be successful business men, scientists, inovators and they are humans, as we are. Only thing that difference them from us is their Menaging with time. Because of that, phrase 'I do not have time' becomes ridiculously.
    The wise Lao Tzu once said: "Time is a created thing. To say 'I do not have time,' is like saying, 'I do not want it. "
    We are those who have to find the best way to menage the time and to give sense for all 1,440 minutes and hours. Am I different from all those successful people to say that I need more hours in the day? No, I'm not. It does not mean that I would not like to have more time, but it all depends on me.
    Getting more time is something I get every year (by this commercial) when the standard time begins. scientists declare that Daylight saving time has positive and negative terms. I like waking up with the sun, but must say that this change affects on me: I become lazier and more tired on first few days. The main positive effect of this is saving energy, but it's not really something completely proven. It's different from place to place. Also, traffic fatalities, depression, those are all varialble thing. That's the reason I think this is idea we should all consider. It might be not as good as we first thought.

    Edina Topuzović, RN III

  27. It is really important to know how to organize your time. Although a day lasts only 24 hours that is more than enough for me to take care of everything. I use working days to do all my college and home related tasks so I could have a whole weekend just to relax. I usually visit my parents and spend time outside in the nature. I use that time to recharge my batteries and prepare myself for the week ahead of me. During those two days I try not to have any tasks or obligations. I go to bed early and I wake up early as well. That way I can make the most out of my day. Sometimes my day's so full that it seems too long and I can't wait to go back home and to my bed.
    Neira Balić, PO III

  28. Ahmetbašić Merisa PO III

    I don't always realize this, but time is very precious. People tend to not appreciate time until they run out of it, I am one of these people too. When life gets busy, there certainly aren't enough hours in the day. Yet, sometimes the day seems to last forever. If I had more hours in the day , I would probably sleep through them. Sometimes we work too hard and forget that sleep is important, but there are too many things to do. I manage my time by planning every task I need to do. I write a to-do list the night before, and that makes me ready for the day. I think that Daylight Saving Time is a good idea because it normalizes the time and light to what we are used to.

  29. Hi everyone!

    People usually say that time is money. I think that time makes memories, and it is more precious than money.
    We sholud not waste even a single moment. Every breathe, every second should be used properly. Sometimes if we don't concentrate more on important things we can't be happy.
    We should always start day thinking about life goals, about things that we really want to achive in life. We should start every day with the big question. What do I really want to do with my life now. We need to think about that.
    I have my year goals, and than I have my month goals.
    Every moment I ask myself what are the major goals that I need to work on my career, and every day is a new chance for making changes.
    My daily time schedule starts in the morning with my journal. This is the right way to do thing on time. Time allocate is the most important skill that we need to learn.
    I realize that as soon as I was able to manage my time correctly.
    The most obvious way to manadge time is to use paper planer or journal.
    The system worked the best for me, because I can write my homework during the day.
    I can also plan for the future and the monthly goals, and I can be creative in that proces. Without time management there is no freedom. We need to be focused and be effective in managing the time.
    Amina Grebo; PO III;

  30. Hi!
    Time is very important for me. We have enough time, but sometimes we are not good organized. People have more free time, long weekends, more rest. Then again everybody are rushing. We ask ourselves: Why we have so little time? And why do not we stop it in our programmed life? We must create jobs, organize time, stay on the track and try to get control of ours times so that we can better use it.
    If I had an extra hour each day, I would have used the time to rest body and soul. In the peace of the continual rush is the joy and happiness of life. Peace is in the small signs of attention that require less time than we think: hot word, smiling face, grateful kiss, listening carefully, unexpected phone call forgotten person, a gift made with your own hands, sincerely friendly letter ...
    Daylight Saving Time is a good idea for me because people are more productive in summer. Then we have much time to do more jobs during longer and sunny summer's days. It does not affect my life because at any time I have the same obligations but every time has something positive.
    In the end I can say that we should stop with the fast pace and find time to be and remain - nice people.
    Barbara Jurković, RN III

  31. Hello everyone,

    Time is money. Time is more worth than money, because we can't restored time again. We should respect the importance of time in our life. There are enough hours in the day. We must learn to use time in the best way we can. When you learn to use your time in the best way you can, you'll find freedom from deadline pressure and from stress in general.
    Time menagment skills are different for each person and you have to find what works best for you.
    The idea of Daylight Saving Time is good. It's adds more sunlight hours and saves money and energy. It's assimilates with nature. The Daylight Saving Time helps people to find more time for the family and friends. I'm using a grid, like the priority matrix to organise my tasks into their appropriate categories. You must remember, that you and your health are important. You should not ignore your physical or mental health in favour of more „urgent“ activities.


  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Time is just as important in my life as in anyone elses, everything in the modern world closely depends on it. If we prioritize our daily tasks correctly there are enough hours for all tasks, good planning is key to a successful and productive day. As with everything in life, having extra of something is usually a good thing, time is no exception if we add a couple of hours to our already well planned daily routines it can only be a positive and a relieving thing. Now for time management as I already mentioned assigning our daily tasks according to their importance and urgence can get us a long way, even more important than that is being realistic in how much time we need for each of them, so always be true to yourself about your tasks. I thing that Daylight Saving Time is a decent concept, but that's all it is a concept, largely only a pseudo for the modern world. Given to my response to the matter in question it doesn't affect me in any particular way, except the fact that I must adjust myself to the others who conform to it explicitly.

    Neira Lokvančić, PO III., V


  34. I am just recalling the smartest theory ever proposed by Albert Einstein. He explained:
    „When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it is only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it is two hours. That is relativity.
    So in my opinion we are the one who create time.. it is just a concept. But still: Care for time and it will take care of you...Have fun and care for ime simultaneously, dont be musch serious for it.


  35. I am just recalling the smartest theory ever proposed by Albert Einstein. He explained:
    „When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it is only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it is two hours. That is relativity.
    So in my opinion we are the one who create time.. it is just a concept. But still: Care for time and it will take care of you...Have fun and care for ime simultaneously, dont be musch serious for it.

  36. Minela Crnovršanin, RN III
    Hello everyone

    I have started to belive that time is money. The time is as well important as money and there id no so much of it with everyday obligations. I often say that if I have only few hours more in a day I could finish all my obligations for that day. But everything that we need is just good time organisation. We sholud set our prioritets from most important to those less important, how much time do we have for another activities. That will make our situation more easier. I have to be honest, those well organized are very rare. For example I'm one of those working everything in a last moment. I'm aware that it is not good for my succees and that my work could be more quality, but I cannot solve this problem, even I am still trying to learn that. It time for changes!!

  37. 1. How important is time in your life?
    Time is very important in my life, and menaging it is as important as well. Getting a chanse to spend quality time with my loved ones is something I cherish, and menaging my time to finish all of my plans for the day is something I have to think through every morning.

    2. Do you think that there are enough hours in the day? Why? / Why not?
    I think we all think, at least once in our lives, that we could really use an extra hour or two. There are just too many things in life and too little time.

    3. What would you do with one or even more hours of extra time each day?
    I would spend those hours doing something important to me, finishing a project I'm working on or relaxing doing things I enjoy doing with the people I love being with.

    4. What are your tips for good time management?
    First thing we should do when we get up in the morning is think about everything we need to do that day. Figure out what's more important or takes more time. It's easier to finish the quick things first and then have more time to finish the more complicated things.

    5. Do you think that Daylight Saving Time is a good or bad idea?
    I think it's definitelly a good idea. It gives us a chanse to use the day in the best and the most effective way we can, and also it gives us a chanse to save up some other resources.

    6. How does it affect you and your life?
    I am just used to that kind of time menagement so it's not that big of a deal for me. I try to make as much use of it as I can.

    Irma Kečević Po III

  38. Enisa Mumanovic PO III

    Time is extremely important in our life, it helps us to organize and structure our daily activities. No one can  escape the passing of time. We all are subjected to aging and mortality. Time plays an important role in our lives. One can gain experience and develop skills over time, time also helps to heal things whether external wounds or feelings. Time is the ultimate measure. Activities when performed on time will be fruitful and results will be great.Though time has no beginning and no end either. But we are able to measure it as years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. We also have words like past, present and future, all associated to time. Time flows, it keeps on moving. What was yesterday, is not today. What is today will not be tomorrow. One has to strike the iron when it is hot. If you waste time, it wastes you.

  39. Kadrić Nudžejma PO III
    Time gives value to all things in life. We are born with an allocated amount of time to live. Everything we do costs some of that time. We spend time to earn money, make friends, learn a skill, everything costs time. If our time was not limited we could do everything eventually so there would be no need to choose one thing over another. You could be a doctor and a lawyer and a musician and a painter and everything else eventually. Because of limited time, every choice is valuable.
    I think that there are enough hours in day. I think that i dont need any more hours in my day but if i had more hours in my day i would spend it resting, watching tv or hanging with friends. Doing the usual things i do with the standard number of hours
    My tip for good time managment is a good rest. By resting i mean the night sleep. Minimum 7 hours off sleep. Becouse when we are rested we will be focused at what are we doing and we will finish it faster. A nap during the day is also a good idea for focusing on things.
    It has it good and bad. Sometimes it makes you feel that you have one extra hour in your day so you can sleep longer for example and sometimes the oppisite.

  40. Mahir Musić RN III
    That old saying "time is money" is very true. Time is not just money and it goes without saying. Besides money, time and will are health, knowledge, looks, skills, opportunity for fun and many other things. I value my own time so much that I'm planning every day before it starts. I'm not saying that I'm so busy person who doesn have time for other, but in my head I really am because of my daily rituals and needs, but those doesn't matter right now. There is too much time just for person who drinks coffee and gossip all day long and keeps doing it on and on every day. I'm alergic to those who are wasting their time for something like that, but its not the worst thing. The worst thing is that for them, its not waste of time. I think that every person should be trying to get the most of their time, I'm bagging you USE EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF YOUR TIME BECAUSE I ASSURE YOU THAT YOU WILL REGRET WASTING IT when you become busy mid age person with couple of kids and without any time for yourself. I'm awake till 01:00 or 02:00AM almost every day and I still need that one extra hour a day, but it is what it is. If I had that one hour maybe I would take some guitar or piano classes, or I would be educating myself of others cultures (its my new hobby), or I would post my comments earlier. Just kidding. Frankly, i'm so forgetfull because I have a lot on my mind. That one extra hour a day could be good or bad thing. If you use it just for facebook and minding others business, I would, only if I could take that hour from you, but if you use it productively that hour could be the best thing that happened to your lifes.
